This workshop aims to bring together a range of investigators to advance and coordinate cross-disciplinary approaches for determining genetic adaptations in polar organisms using datasets derived from Next Generation Sequencing of organisms DNA (genomes) and RNA (trasncriptomes). In particular, this workshop will focus on marine invertebrates as a broad taxonomic grouping and focus on the following efforts. 1) Establishing collaborative research activities that can test for genes under positive selection from diverse polar organisms using genomic and transcriptomic datasets. 2) evaluating current analytical methods for determining positively selected genes among diverse marine organisms 3) exploring current and novel methodologies for detecting genetic modifications acquired through convergent evolution in response to similar environmental conditions and 4) reviewing lab-based protocols for demonstrating the potential functions of candidate genes identified as being positively selected for by Antarctic environments. The workshops will also focus discussions and recommendations to the broader scientific community regarding techniques amenable to freezing or otherwise preserving samples for future sequencing inquires. The workshop coordinators will be advertised broadly and recruit underrepresented groups to participate. Following workshop activities a final report will be published on the outcomes of the efforts.