This is funding to partially support participation by approximately 10 graduate students from United States institutions along with four distinguished faculty mentors, in a Doctoral Consortium (workshop) that will take place in conjunction with the 23rd Annual Interaction Design and Children conference (IDC 2024), which will be held June 17-20 in Delft, the Netherlands, and which is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). IDC is the premier international conference for researchers, educators, and practitioners to share the latest research findings, innovative methodologies, and new technologies in the areas of inclusive child-centered design, learning, and interaction. The theme of this year's conference is "Inclusive Happiness." More information is available online at The IDC doctoral consortium is a forum where students and mentors create a safe space for constructive refinement of the research endeavors of the doctoral students within this important research area. Underrepresented groups and those from smaller schools or with smaller research programs will be given preference. Participants in the workshop create a network that strengthens the overall research community while at the same time advancing their own research through valuable interactions with peers and mentors with diverse perspectives. Additional broad impacts will derive from planting the seeds to a better understanding of how children interact with technology, the impact that technology has on children, and how to design, develop, evaluate, and improve technology for children. <br/><br/>The IDC doctoral consortium is a full-day event that will take place on Monday, June 17, the day before the main conference. Workshop participants will present their research questions, approach and agenda, and receive constructive yet critical feedback from faculty mentors and peers, which will enrich their research by enabling them to better articulate their focus and to refine their research methods and approach. Participants will also present a poster about their research during the main conference, in order to give them further opportunities to connect to a larger scholarly network. Abstracts of the students' doctoral work and progress will be included in the IDC conference proceedings, which are published in the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.