The 17th Workshop on Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory (CANT 2019) will take place at the CUNY Graduate Center on May 21-24, 2019. This year's edition will be a "Jean Bourgain memorial meeting" celebrating the seminal work of Jean Bourgain in the field of combinatorial and additive number theory. The conference features fourteen plenary talks by renown leaders in the field and is expected to attract a diverse group of participants, including junior researchers, women and members of underrepresented groups.<br/><br/>The plenary talks will address both the combinatorial, number theoretic and analytic aspects of Bourgain's work. A particular topic that will be addressed in several of the talks are consequences and applications of the Bourgain-Demeter decoupling theory. More details can be found on<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.