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"System Technodrant", H. Krantz GmbH & Co., date unknown. |
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"TAB Humanetics Group Clustered Workcenter", TAB Prod. Co., CA, date unknown. |
"Klimadrant", H. Krantz GmbH & Co., date unknown. |
"To Improve Office Design-Blow It Up", Hams F. Levy, Argon Corp., & Eric van Merkensteijn, Assoc. Dean, Univ. of PA, Oct. 30, 1987. |
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"Klimadrant", Klima+Kalte GmbH, date unknown. |
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"Personal Environments Design Guide", Johnson Controls of Milwaukee, Wisc., Apr. 1989. |
"Personal Environments", Johnson Controls, Milwaukee, Wisc., 1989. |
"Climadesk", Mikroklimat Sweden AB, date unknown. |
"Personalized Air System (PAS)", Structural Concepts Corp., Spring Lake, Mich., date unknown. |