This invention relates generally to railyard management, and more particularly to a yard performance model for expediting and simplifying the process of moving railcars through a railyard from arrival to departure.
A terminal area is primarily used to reorganize incoming freight into new trains, which then move the freight to further destinations. A terminal area comprises one or more switchyards and interconnecting rails, and the performance of the entire terminal area depends primarily on the activities within the terminal switchyard(s) and the efficient dispatch of traffic within the terminal area. Thus, a terminal area in effect can be visualized as a small railroad network in and of itself, with the primary activities of managing the dispatch of traffic within the terminal area, and building trains within the switchyard(s).
Railroad resources and activities are often analyzed hierarchically, from a network, regional, and local perspective. The regional perspective primarily emphasizes the intra-regional flow of traffic between terminal areas within a region, with the primary purpose of assuring that trains meet their schedules. As such, the regional perspective of the terminal area is not concerned with the details of train building in the terminal area, but with the overall ability of the terminals to meet the schedule for the flow of trains into and out of the terminal area.
Rail corridors and terminals present an alternating sequence of services to railcars. The services alternate between transportation and routing. These services and the resources required are in limited supply. The objective of the regional level of network planning is to allocate the available resources and services within a given time period to optimize the flow of a collection of trains. This requires optimizing over time the allocation of a very large collection of factors, such as, rail segments, switches, crews, locomotives, yard personnel, and yard facilities. Such an optimization is computationally infeasible. However, the regional view of yards and corridors is feasible using modeling techniques, which provide accurate, but not necessarily perfect, views of the capacities of yards and corridors and the relevant services involved in moving trains through the system.
The train building process in a switchyard requires the use of tightly coupled and limited resources, with difficult constraints to be met as to train arrival and departure schedules. To model the process in detail, including the order of all operations, requires extensive mathematical development, and is dependent on yard topology. Therefore, it would be desirable to provide a method of allocating the available resources and services within a railyard in a given time period to optimize the flow of a collection of trains.
The regional concept of the switchyard provides a simplified switchyard model posed as a sequence of car flows between reservoirs, representing the sequence of tasks performed on each car during the (TBP), with each reservoir having a limited capacity, and the flows between reservoirs being dynamically modulated over time by various factors present in every yard.
In an exemplary embodiment, a regional terminal model focuses on the train building process (TBP) within a switchyard, and treats the TBP as a linear flow of cars from task to task within the yard. The model ignores inferences related to the specific ordering of activities in a rail yard, and assumes a first-in, first-out order of processing. Therefore, the primary performance metric derivable is a function of time that indicates how many cars can move through the yard in a specific time interval. Thus, a flow rate of trains in and out of the yard can be verified as possible or not possible, based on whether or not the yard can accommodate all of the incoming cars and process the cars at a specific time to build an outbound train scheduled to leave at that time. In this way, a regional overview corridor and yard use is utilized to assess whether or not a given yard can support a desired train schedule. More specifically, a regional overview is used to determine whether a given yard can support a flow of enough cars to build and depart the scheduled trains in a desired interval.
The regional terminal model, in effect provides an envelope for yard capability, such that, by reordering activities within the yard, a Yard Master can permute an assumed first-in, first-out order of train building, provided the total number of cars to be departed in the affected interval is not increased. More specifically, the model determines the capability of a switchyard to build trains, based on the schedules for arriving and departing trains and by identifying the tasks through which each car must pass in order to move from yard input to yard output, and modulating the flow of the cars based on yard topology and yard labor availability.
Receiving yard 30 has a single lead-in track, which limits the rate at which cars can enter the TBP, and likewise for cars being moved to the receiving yard from overflow area 42. The number of leads between receiving yard 30 and classification yard 34 is likewise usually limited to one or two, as are the number of leads between classification yard 34 and departure yard 38, and the number of leads from departure yard 38 to a main line (not shown). Due to bottlenecks 54, there would normally be at most one or two switch engine crews devoted to moving cars/trains between the subyards. Therefore, the levels of flow for each task of the TBP are limited to a few options. Furthermore, use of two, rather than one, switch engines occasionally results in periods of inefficiency, due to one engine being blocked by the activities of the other. Therefore, the effect of multiple engines supporting one task will not be linear.
However, not all tasks of the TBP directly involve engines, also referred to as locomotives. For example, cars arriving in receiving yard 30 must be inspected for defects, or “bad orders”, which must be repaired before the car leaves yard 30. Trains being built in departure yard 38 must have all brake hoses between cars joined, and the brake line must be pressurized and tested before the train can depart. These tasks benefit linearly from additional personnel.
Each car that arrives in the railyard to pass through the TBP requires four or five distinct tasks to be performed in serial order before it is ready as part of an outbound train. Each car (1) must be pulled into receiving yard 30 from the main line or overflow area 42, (2) must be inspected in receiving yard 30, (3) must be moved from receiving yard 30 to classification yard 34, (4) must be pulled, as part of a block, from classification yard 34 to departure yard 38, (5) must have brake hoses attached to adjoining cars and have the brakes pressure-tested as part of an outbound train.
Each of valves 84, 88, 92, 96, 100, 104 and 108 denote a task flow modulation associated with a modulating agent. Inbound flow valve 84 is effectively opened for inflow by the T-Plan, and surge yard reservoir 60 must be prepared to accept the increase in level. Surge-to-receiving flow valve 88 is modulated by the need to move railcars from surge yard reservoir 60, and the availability of an engine crew to effect that action. Receiving inspection (RI) flow valve 92 is modulated by the availability of a carman to perform inspections and a hostler for removing power from incoming trains. Classification or bowl flow valve 96 is modulated by engine crews and a pin puller, who are actively moving railcars from receiving yard reservoir 68 to bowl reservoir 72. Departure flow valve 100 is modulated by longfielder(s) and engine crew(s). Departure inspection (DI) flow valve 104 is modulated by brakemen and hostler(s) who couple and inspect brakes and attach power to the trains. Finally, outbound flow valve 108 is modulated by the T-Plan departure schedule for the yard.
In addition to the direct modulation of the flows by labor and the T-Plan, the regional yard model includes flow rate modulations related to (1) internal yard congestion that affects engine movements when a subyard is nearly full, (2) dynamic reassignment of labor by a yard master, in order to alleviate the more severe backlogs, and (3) shift-dependent modulation of labor rate during a shift, which is commonly seen in yards. Each of these modulating influences will be discussed below in detail.
Other primary factors, which affect the output of a railyard over a specific time window are (1) initial conditions in the yard, such as the backlogs of cars in each yard, the proportion of receiving and departure cars already inspected, (2) the total amount and distribution of labor available for a shift, (3) maximum possible flow rates for all of the tasks, for example, a receiving yard with two lead-in tracks may be able to accept more cars per hour than one with one lead-in track, and (4) the nominal rate at which each task will be carried out, given nominal crewing. Parameters for all these inputs is gathered or inferred from yard archival data.
Although activities in a switching yard are continuous, the yard performance model advances the state of the yard in discrete time increments, for example, an interval Δt will pass during which flow rates will remain constant and subyard car levels will vary accordingly. A yardmaster may then examine the subyard levels and modulate the flow rates according to a labor policy. The interval Δt will be kept short, for example, 15 minutes, so that yardmaster decisions occur before any large imbalances build in the railyard.
Although the mechanics of the yard performance model are simple, very substantial oscillatory behavior can develop related to the level of cars in each subyard, the flow rates between subyards, the processes by which the flow is modulated, and the amount of delay involved in recognizing an imbalance and taking corrective action. Short-term behavior of a railyard will have an unpredictable and high variance, while long term overall flow through the yard is relatively predictable with a much lower variance.
Utilizing the yard performance model, an analyst enters relevant parameters, simulates yard task flow through a specified time interval, and determines if the train schedules for the yard during the associated time window can be met.
Yard Parameters
Table 1, below, shows a list of the data parameters, and exemplary data, associated with the yard performance model.
A yard parameter file, an input schedule file, and an output schedule file are file names associated with the railyard and train schedules under analysis, and are prestored in system 10, or defined on-screen during a session. Once defined, the yard parameter, input schedule and output schedule can be saved within system 10 for later reuse. The simulated length and initial clock time entries are based on the local yard clock time and the intended length of time for which yard task flow is to be simulated. The analysis window parameter specifies a period of time, referenced to clock time, during the simulation when incoming cars will be counted. A time interval during which those cars exit the yard is shown in output graphs of the program. The random seed parameter is used to initialize a random number generator and uses various modes of operation. The labor algorithm parameter reflects a yard master policy for dealing with congestion in the TBP tasks. The algorithm selected may be “static”, indicating no labor movements during the simulation, “dynamic, headend-first”, indicating that backlogs at the front of the task flow are given priority over backlogs toward the end, or “dynamic, backlog first”, indicating that higher backlogs will take priority over lower backlogs. The scheduling parameter is either fixed, denoting that a specific, defined schedule is in use, or random, indicating that the analysis program can generate random schedules for arriving and/or departing trains. The congestive effect parameter relates to when a subyard is nearly full so the engines involved in the tasks for that yard may be slowed by the need to choose a less preferred route between points. The congestive effect parameter is either active or inactive during the analysis. The TDM parameter refers to a time-dependent modulation of task rates, which occurs in many yards. The TDM is the effect of a general slowdown in labor rate toward the end of a shift. This is specifiable in the program in terms of an offset from the beginning of the shift when the effect is noted, and a percentage by which the task rates slow.
The yard topology parameters are based on the capacities of the subyards, in terms of railcars. The initial levels of cars in each yard are determined before any simulation begins based on those cars in the receive and departure yard. A percent of railcars will already have been inspected (receive yard) or ready for departure (departure yard) at the time that simulation begins.
The train arrival parameters provide a maximum pull-in speed parameter, which reflects the upper speed limit at which an arriving train may enter the receiving yard. The maximum pull-in parameter affects the maximum number of cars that can enter the receiving yard in any specified interval. The mean car length parameter, is entered in feet. Along with the maximum pull-in speed, the mean car length determines how many cars can enter the yard in a specific interval. The mean interarrival time paramter and interarrival standard deviation parameter are used if random scheduling has been chosen. If random scheduling is chosen, the train arrivals and departures will be normally distributed according to the chosen values for mean and standard deviation. The mean train length parameter and train length standard deviations parameters are used to assign normally distributed train lengths, given in cars, to trains which are generated by the random scheduling process.
The labor parameters reflect the rates at which tasks can be done in the yard, and the mix of crew members nominally assigned to each of the five flow tasks. As shown in Table 1, there are maximum possible rates and actual rates. The maximum rates are functions of the physical topology of the yard, and reflect limitations not of labor, but of available tracks. The actual rates are the task flow rates for each task as a function of crews actually assigned to the task at the initiation of the simulation. Typically, the actual flow rates for the tasks will never approach the maximum limits.
The labor mix provides a matrix denoting how labor is initially assigned to the tasks. The labor mix may vary during simulation if a dynamic labor assignment algorithms has been chosen. The abbreviations of labor categories used in the matrix are as follows.
The labor parameters are user-specified during program execution. However, there are a number of restrictions on labor assignments. For example, labor is not completely fungible, such that, the hostlers, engine crews, and the pin pullers cannot change job categories. However, the carmen, brakemen, and longfielders can be freely reassigned within those three categories.
Finally, there are three other parameters that describe the TDM process. Time-dependent modulation of task rates is represented as a decrease in labor rate at a certain time after the beginning of the shift. Thus, the time of shift initiation, relative to the clock time for initiation of the simulation, the time at which task flow rates decrease, as an offset from the beginning of the shift, and the percent by which the task flow decreases from the offset to the end of the shift, are necessary parameters.
In addition to the parameters described above, schedule parameters defining a train schedule need to be defined. Schedule parameter are typically saved to and retrieved from a disk for use in the yard performance mode. In one embodiment, the pertinent schedule parameters are the number of trains the schedule will contain, the total time interval for the schedule, whether or not inbound train arrival times will be perturbed normally about their nominal values, a number assigned as a train ID, the number of cars in the train, the expected arrival time of the train, offset from the beginning of the simulation interval, and a standard deviation about inbound train arrival time, which will be used with a normal distribution to vary train arrival times about their specified arrival times when the variable input schedule mode is chosen.
The standard deviation about inbound train arrival is not the same as the standard deviation of interarrival times or the standard deviation of train length. In the case of standard deviation of interarrival times and train length, entirely random schedules are generated corresponding to the means and standard deviations of train interarrival times and train lengths. In one embodiment, a defined schedule is used, but the arrival times of the trains may vary somewhat around the specified arrival times. Thus, a train arrival time could be perturbed to be greater than the arrival time of the next train in a sequence. When trains stay in sequence, the yard performance model slides later trains out when a given train arrival time will impact later trains. However, it only delays later trains as required, not all later trains.
Also, if a schedule time is shorter than the specified simulation interval, the program appends randomly generated arrivals and/or departures to the schedule in order to continue a flow into and out of the yard.
Furthermore, other parameters, all of which are not specified by the user, are utilized in the yard performance model. The backlog level at which congestive effects begin for any subyard and the maximum decay of task rate as congestion moves to 100% are parameters specified by the user. Since yard congestion typically does not affect the task rate of a carman, pin puller, longfielder, or brakeman, backlog level and maximum decay only apply to the proportion of each task rate which is contributed by engine crews. If an engine crew operates between two congested yards, for example, pulling blocks from classification to departure, then the congestion factor from both yards affect the associated task rate. The minimum backlog at which a yardmaster will consider moving labor, the borrowing limit below which a task backlog must be before the yard master can move labor from the task, and the task flow rates, are not user defined parameters. The borrowing limit parameter is typically set to 75% and only applies to the dynamic, headend-first labor assignment algorithm. For dynamic, backlog-first, labor can be borrowed from any task with a lower backlog than the borrowing task. Task flow rates are functions of the labor assigned to each task. Equations internal to the program provide this functional relationship and the forms and coefficients of the equations are not accessible to the user.
Parametric Description of the Flow Model
If the simulation time has not reached the endpoint, the model determines 398 if the time is an even hour, and if either of the dynamic labor modes have been chosen. If so, the yard master labor decision process is executed 402, whereby labor may be moved between tasks according to the labor assignment restrictions discussed above. However, the decision to move labor incurs 406 a fifteen minute penalty, during which time the reassigned personnel are in transit to the new assignment. If the time-dependent modulation mode has been selected 410, then the simulation time is compared to shift time to determine if the task flow rates should be modified, for example, decreased or increased. If any of the subyards have become congested 414 since the last update the appropriate adjustments are made to engine crew task rates affecting the engine crews working in the affected subyards. After the flow rate adjustments have been made, the simulation clock time is updated 420 by advancing the time by 15 minutes, and the main loop beginning with updating 374 task backlogs is repeated.
Referring to
The yard performance model handles the task flow for these five tasks in reverse order, for example, the first task is to depart a train if the schedule so warrants, updating the backlog in the departure yard, and then the program works backward through tasks and backlogs to the first task.
Referring to
In reference to
The basic receive-to-classification yard flow is similar to the classification-to-departure yard task flow shown in FIG. 9. Receive-to-classification flow attempts to move the N cars corresponding to the flow rate and simulation update time interval Δt, from RI reservoir 68 (shown in
The logic for the surge-to-receive yard car movement task is identical to that for the classification-to-departure yard tasks discussed in reference to FIG. 10. The surge-to-receive model logic is demonstrated by uniformly decrementing all subscripts in
Task flow rates as a function of labor assignment involve the yard tasks of surge-to-receive movement, receive yard car inspection, receive-to-classification car movement, classification-to-departure car movement, departure yard train building. The arrivals and departures of trains from the yard are not considered a yard task. Each task has a default nominal flow rate based on a nominal crewing assignment, and these nominal flow rates can be altered by the user to reflect conditions at any yard of interest. Associated with each nominal flow rate is a nominal crew assignment, which is fixed by the model. These nominal crew assignments are as follows,
The yard performance model expresses each task in terms of task flow rate equations. Each flow rate equation is expressed in terms of the nominal flow rates, congestive factors, and the actual labor assignment to the task at any moment; the TDM modulation also affects task rates, but is handled extrinsically to the task flow equations.
The surge-to-receive flow rate involves the labor category of engine crews (EC). The equation providing the flow rate for cars from the surge yard to the receive yard is given by
where NEC(t)=the number of engine crews assigned to surge-to-receive car flow at time t.
The summation of powers of two in this equation provides a diminishing return for additional engine crews. The first crew assigned counts as 1 crew, the next as ½ of a crew, and so forth, because multiple engine crews will be somewhat self-congestive. This self-congestive effect will be used in some of the following equations.
When considering the receiving yard car inspection flow rate, the carman operating in the receiving yard are not regarded as affected by a yard congestion factor, or by the presence of more carmen operating in the receiving yard. Therefore, the equation for the inspection task flow rate is linear, and given by
F3(NCM(t))=N3NCM(t), (2)
where NCM(t)=the number of carmen assigned to receive yard car inspection at time t.
The receiving-to-classification yard car flow depends on the presence of a pinpuller, an engine crew, and the hostler who is removing the power from incoming trains. Without an engine crew or pinpuller, there can be no flow at all into the classification yard. However, the absence of the hostler decreases the flow, but does not force it to zero, because the road crews arriving with the inbound train may be induced to move power from the incoming trains to the service area. Reflecting these facts, the equation for car flow is given by
if NEC(t)=0 or NPP(t)=0, then flow rate is zero, otherwise
where NEC(t)=number of engine crews assigned to classification at time t, NPP(t)=number of pinpullers active at time t, and NHS(t)=number of hostlers operating at the receive end of the yard at time t.
The classification-to-departure yard flow requires an engine crew and, optionally, a longfielder. The absence of the engine crew results in a zero flow rate even if a longfielder is present. The equation for this flow is given by
if NEC(t)=0 then flow rate is zero, otherwise
where NEC(t)=number of engine crews assigned to the trim process at time t, and NLF(t)=number of longfielders assigned to the trim process at time t. In this case the nominal labor rate is realized with just an engine crew assigned, and the longfielder increases the nominal car flow rate by 20%.
The departure yard train building flow depends on brakemen, to couple brake hoses and pressure test the brakes, and a hostler to mate power to the departing trains. In the departure yard train building flow, the brakeman is indispensable. Therefore, the flow rate is zero if there is no brakeman assigned. However, the hostler is not absolutely necessary, since the road crews assigned to the departing trains may also bring power to the train. The equation for departure yard train building flow is given by
where NBM(t)=number of brakemen assigned at time t, and NHS(t)=number of hostlers assigned at time t.
The yard master labor allocation algorithms of the yard performance model define the manner by which labor is reassigned during a simulation. The model permits three choices of labor allocation, static, headend first, and backlog first. In the static model labor is not reassigned at all during the simulation.
If labor is reassigned, it is reassigned to alleviate backlogs in the tasks, because such backlogs can lead to congestive effects in the yards, or to a task being unable to move cars forward through the process due to the next task having no storage room remaining for incoming cars. Therefore, headend first or backlog first labor allocation is used. Headend first method gives priority to backlogs near the front of the yard before backlogs toward the end of the yard. The reasoning behind this method is that if the front of the yard is saturated, then inbound trains remain out on the mainlines or sidings, which is the most undesirable situation.
The backlog first method addresses the maximum backlog first, where backlog is defined as the percent by which a task is backlogged relative to the total capacity of cars that the corresponding task can accommodate.
Since inspection tasks differ from the actual car flow tasks in terms of what backlog means, the following equations express the backlogs at time t for each task. The backlog for the surge-to-receive task is given by
B2(t)=L1(t)/C1. (6)
The backlog for the receive yard car inspection task is given by
The backlog for the receive-to-classification car flow-backlog is given by
B4(t)=L2(t)/C2. (8)
The backlog for the classification to departure yard car flow is given by
B5(t)=L3(t)/C3. (9)
The backlog for the departure yard train building task is given by
The above definitions of backlogs are used for either of the dynamic labor assignment algorithms, for example, the headend first method or the backlog first method. The dynamic labor assignments uses the following definitions,
Labor categories within the yard are not completely fungible. The matrix in Table 2, below, indicates what labor categories are interchangeable, and from which tasks labor of a given category may be drawn when a reassignment occurs. The headings across the top of the matrix represent the five tasks of moving cars the surge yard to the receiving yard, moving cars from the receiving yard to the RI yard, moving cars from the RI yart to the classification yard, moving cars from the classification yard to the departure yard, and moving cars from the departure yard to the DI yard. The labor available in any cell may be reassigned to the other tasks with an ‘X’ in the same row.
As shown in Table 2, when labor is to be reassigned, it is, in all cases except one (hostlers), obtainable from exactly two other tasks. Therefore, the model algorithm that reassigns labor uses a subalgorithm, which sorts out which of two choices is best for the reassignment.
L=(T1, T2, L1, L2, B) (11)
where T1 and T2 are the tasks from which labor might be borrowed, L1 and L2 are the labor types to be borrowed, respectively from T1 and T2, and B is a backlog level below which a donor task can permit borrowing.
Also, the indexing of tasks and labor categories in the following discussion will correspond to the entries in the matrix of
The headend first algorithm (HFA) checks the backlogs of the tasks, in order from the front of the yard, for example, surge-to receive car movement, to the end of the yard, for example, brake coupling and inspection in the departure yard. The HFA then attempts to move labor from other tasks to aid any task with a backlog greater than BL=80%. However, the attempted borrowing process differs somewhat from one task to the other. Borrowing of labor will only be permitted from tasks with backlogs below BB=75%.
As shown in Table 2, enhancing the flow rate from surge-to-receiving yard requires additional engine crews. Thus, labor in the form of engine crews (labor type 1) is borrowed either from the reccive-to-classification task or the classification to departure task. The subalgorithm function is called to determine which (if either) of the tasks might supply the engine crew, returning that choice as the value of the variable “min”. If min <0, no labor can be obtained. Otherwise, the affected labor matrix entries LM(i,j) are modified to reflect movement of an engine crew from the donor task to the surge-to-receive yard task.
The receive inspection task can borrow either a longfielder or a brakeman, converting those labor categories to the carman category. The subalgorithm determines which, if either, of the longfielder or brakeman will be borrowed, and, if either is available, the labor matrix is updated accordingly.
The receive-to-classification yard flow differs from the previous cases in that it normally relies on two labor categories, engine crews and hostlers. The engine crews can be obtained from either of two other tasks. Thus, the subalgorithm looks for an engine crew in surge-to-receivc task or the classify-to-departure task, and, if a crew is available, updates the labor matrix accordingly.
The search for additional support from the hostler is different, since the hostler(s) are only involved in one other task, and the subalgorithm function does not apply. However, typically a yard has one hostler acting to support both tasks involving hostlers. Thus hostlers can be moved in fractions of ½, for example, the single hostler serving two tasks may be placed exclusively on one task, changing his effect in increments of 0.5.
The classification-to-departure yard car flow depends on longfielders and engine crews. This task flow has the property that it will be zero (no car flow) if there is no engine crew, even if a longfielder is available. Therefore, the logic for this process is to first obtain, if possible, an engine crew, and then only look for longfielder support if the task has at least one engine crew assigned. A longfielder is sought only if at least one engine crew will be assigned to this task, and that longfielder can be obtained by converting a carman or brakeman to longfielder duty. Thus, the subalgorithm function is applied to determine which, if either, category of labor will be converted.
Additionally, in the classification-to-departure task, a longfielder without an engine crew has no value and the task flow is zero. Therefore a yard master should not remove the last engine crew from the classification-to-departure task without reassigning the longfielder as well.
The departure inspection task depends on both hostlers and brakemen. A brakeman can be obtained by converting either a longfielder or carman to brakeman service. Therefore, the subalgorithm function is used to choose from where the additional brakeman is acquired.
As a final action of the HFA, the subalgorithm checks to see if the longfielder is without an engine crew, and if so, the longfielder is converted to a carman or brakeman. The specific alternative chosen is to favor the recipient task with the highest current backlog.
The only distinction between the HFA and the Backlog First Algorithm (BFA) is that the HFA proceeds through the tasks in car flow order to determine whether to move labor, while the BFA first reorders the tasks so that labor is reassigned to tasks with the order of reassignment decision corresponding to the task backlogs in descending order. Thus the subalgoritym for the BFA first creates an ordered list of the tasks, corresponding to descending backlogs, and then applies the same logic as applied in the HFA, except that the order of labor reassignments follows the ordered task list.
However, there is one other distinction. The HFA uses fixed backlog thresholds to determine which tasks may be donors, and which recipients, corresponding to the backlog levels BB=75% and BL=80%, respectively. The BFA uses the same threshold for recipient tasks, but allows a donor task to be any task with a backlog lower than the current backlog of the recipient task.
The labor reassignment in either HFA or BFA cannot be cyclic, such that, one task may not borrow and then later be made to return a crew member within the same reassignment cycle. The ordering of donor versus recipient backlog thresholds prevents this from occurring.
There is a delayed effect of labor reassignment in that a labor reassignment decision pays a penalty of transport time for those crew members moving to new tasks. Thus, the new values of the labor mix do not take effect immediately, but are delayed by one simulation cycle, of Δt=15 minutes. Therefore, in the next iteration of task flow after the labor reassignments, the labor contingent will be lower than the entire crew available in the yard, which will be reflected in the flow rates for that time interval. Thereafter, until the next labor reassignment, the flow rates will reflect all yard labor, as reassigned.
The congestive effect only applies to engine crews and hostlers, and only affects task rates in proportion to the contribution of the engine crew or hostler to the overall task rate. The congestion factors applicable to the five yard tasks involving engine crews and hostlers, are included in the task flow rate equations (1) through (5).
The congestive effect is determined by two parameters, given as
Each engine crew operates between two subyards, and if both of those subyards are congested, the congestive effects of both subyards are applied as multiples to the nominal engine crew contribution to the task. Thus, the values U1(t), . . . U5(t) are themselves products of two subyard congestion factors. Although the entire yard is divided into six subyards in the flow model, the RI and DI subyards do not create congestion effects, since the backlogs in these yards are not directly related to the physical capacity for car storage in any physical subyard. For each of the physical subyards, let
These factors are parameterized in terms of the their current backlogs, and each factor is defined by the equation
where (for i=1,2,4,5).
Therefore, the congestive effect has no effect until the threshold level CB is reached, and then descends as a cosine curve from 1 to the maximum effect of 1—CT over the remaining part of the backlog range. Additionally, the factors Fi(Li(t)/Ci) must be related to the values Ui(t). Specifically,
U4(t)=F4(L4(t)/C4)F5(L5(t)/C5), and
U5(t)=F5(L5(t)/C5). (13)
The TDM Effect
The time dependent modulation (TDM) effect, represents a variation in apparent labor rates during the course of a shift. It is an optional effect in the yard performance model. The TDM effect represents the fact that normally, the labor rates are higher in the early part of a shift, and decrease toward the end of the shift. It is parameterized in the program in terms of three parameters,
Using a nominal task flow rate of r for any task, for example, an average over a full shift, the task flow rate for any task must be elevated above the nominal rate assigned by a certain amount for the period of time before the rate decreases, so that the overall mean task rate does conform to the nominal rate listed on the parameters page. Specifically, if Rhi represents the higher than nominal rate observed in the early part of a shift, and Rlo represents the lower than nominal rate observed in a latter part of the shift, then for a shift of length TL,
which can be expressed as
from which
are obtained.
In an exemplary embodiment, using the TDM parameters specified in Table 1, a nominal task rate r will be elevated to 1.0526r for 6 hours, and then will decrease to 0.8421r for 2 hours. The mean task rate is then [6(1.05r)+2(0.84r)]/8=r, and 0.84r/1.05r=0.8. During each task flow update in the simulation, the yard performance model determines whether the current simulation time is in the high task rate, or the low task rate part of a shift. If the simulation time is in the early part of the shift, all task rates are elevated from the nominal rates corresponding to r, as defined for equations 14-15, to Rhi, as given by equation 15 and for the latter part of the shift, all task rates are decreased from their nominal rates r to Rlo, as given by equation 15.
While the invention has been described in terms of various specific embodiments, those skilled in the art will recognize that the invention can be practiced with modification within the spirit and scope of the claims.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/173,436, filed Dec. 29, 1999, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.
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5864315 | Welles, II et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5883337 | Dolan et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5896304 | Tiemann et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5983144 | Bonissone et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5995737 | Bonissone et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
6125311 | Lo | Sep 2000 | A |
6154735 | Crone | Nov 2000 | A |
6240439 | Hasegawa et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6243694 | Bonissone et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6304801 | Doner | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6519595 | Rose | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6587738 | Belcea | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6832204 | Doner | Dec 2004 | B1 |
Number | Date | Country | |
20020082814 A1 | Jun 2002 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
60173436 | Dec 1999 | US |