This award provides funding to help defray the expenses of participants in the consecutive meetings "Young Women in C*-algebras" and "Young Mathematicians in C*-algebras", conferences that will take place during August 11-12, 2018 and August 13-17, 2018, respectively, on the campus of the Katholieke Universiteit-Leuven in Leuven, Belgium. Additional information about the meetings can be found on the website<br/><br/>The Young Women in C*-algebras meeting will have a lecture series given by an established female researcher and contributed talks. The Young Mathematicians in C*-algebras meeting will have two mini-courses and contributed talks. Both meetings are distinguished from other operator algebra conferences in that the participants and the organizers are all graduate students or early career researchers. The meetings are not limited to a the area of C*-algebras but includes presentations of results on von Neumann algebras and related areas. Major themes of this year's meeting include the following: Operator systems, C*-simple Groups, and Prime factorization of von Neumann algebras. The award allows for the participation of 15 early career US based researchers in these meetings. It affords these individuals a great opportunity to interact with their European counterparts, establish new collaborations, present their work and, in a reciprocal manner, learn of latest operator algebra research taking place in Europe.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.