78887701 - NANOPHIL
Serial number 78887701
Filing date May 19, 2006
AQUANOVA German Solubilisate Technologies (AGT) GmbH
1 - Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry
78887891 - NANOLIQUID
Serial number 78887891
Filing date May 19, 2006
AQUANOVA German Solubilisate Technologies (AGT) GmbH
1 - Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry
78887930 - NANOSOM
Serial number 78887930
Filing date May 19, 2006
AQUANOVA German Solubilisate Technologies (AGT) GmbH
1 - Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry
78758627 - NOVASOL
Serial number 78758627
Registration number 3249081
Filing date Nov 21, 2005
AQUANOVA German Solubilisate Technologies (AGT) GmbH
1 - Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry
76631783 - AQUANOVA
Serial number 76631783
Registration number 3147236
Filing date Feb 24, 2005
AQUANOVA German Solubilisate Technologies (AGT) GmbH
1 - Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry