90271144 - FLEXSIX
Serial number 90271144
Filing date Oct 22, 2020
Aztech Engineering, Inc.
6 - Common metals and their alloys
86642189 - "A" AND "L"
Serial number 86642189
Registration number 4894886
Filing date May 27, 2015
Aztech Engineering, Inc.
6 - Common metals and their alloys
85218481 - TECHPLUS
Serial number 85218481
Registration number 4093197
Filing date Jan 14, 2011
Aztech Engineering, Inc.
6 - Common metals and their alloys
85218464 - SPRINGTECH
Serial number 85218464
Filing date Jan 14, 2011
Aztech Engineering, Inc.
6 - Common metals and their alloys
85217844 - COLLARPLUS
Serial number 85217844
Registration number 4089942
Filing date Jan 14, 2011
Aztech Engineering, Inc.
6 - Common metals and their alloys
85198131 - POWERLOCK
Serial number 85198131
Filing date Dec 15, 2010
Aztech Engineering, Inc.
6 - Common metals and their alloys
76474769 - TECH LOCK
Serial number 76474769
Registration number 2812471
Filing date Dec 13, 2002
Aztech Engineering, Inc.
6 - Common metals and their alloys
Serial number 75790788
Registration number 2613705
Filing date Sep 3, 1999
Aztech Engineering, Inc.
6 - Common metals and their alloys
75717041 - A
Serial number 75717041
Registration number 2362006
Filing date May 27, 1999
Aztech Engineering, Inc.
6 - Common metals and their alloys
74503984 - TECH-LOCK
Serial number 74503984
Filing date Mar 11, 1994
6 - Common metals and their alloys
74241616 - A
Serial number 74241616
Registration number 1756423
Filing date Jan 30, 1992
6 - Common metals and their alloys
73519449 - TECH LOCK
Serial number 73519449
Registration number 1388017
Filing date Jan 28, 1985
6 - Common metals and their alloys