79003920 - JACOBS
Serial number 79003920
Registration number 3046324
Filing date Apr 20, 2004
The Jacob's Bakery Ltd
30 - Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee
78296483 - SAVORY GRAINS
Serial number 78296483
Filing date Sep 5, 2003
The Jacob's Bakery Limited
30 - Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee
76253758 - JACOB'S
Serial number 76253758
Registration number 2834924
Filing date May 8, 2001
Jacob's Bakery Limited, The
30 - Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee
74037328 - CHOICE GRAIN
Serial number 74037328
Registration number 1699907
Filing date Mar 12, 1990
Jacob's Bakery Limited, The
30 - Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee