79125134 - VDM
Serial number 79125134
Registration number 4427197
Filing date Aug 10, 2012
ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH
6 - Common metals and their alloys
79081244 - FM 52I
Serial number 79081244
Registration number 3939991
Filing date Feb 11, 2010
ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH
6 - Common metals and their alloys
79081292 - EN 52I
Serial number 79081292
Registration number 3939992
Filing date Feb 11, 2010
ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH
6 - Common metals and their alloys
79054349 - NICROFER 5520 CO B
Serial number 79054349
Registration number 3587423
Filing date Apr 9, 2008
ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH
6 - Common metals and their alloys
79054373 - P R P
Serial number 79054373
Registration number 3602791
Filing date Mar 10, 2008
ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH
6 - Common metals and their alloys
79037011 - CROFER 22 APU
Serial number 79037011
Registration number 3472441
Filing date Feb 9, 2007
ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH
6 - Common metals and their alloys
78307099 - MAGNIFER
Serial number 78307099
Registration number 2910827
Filing date Sep 30, 2003
ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH
6 - Common metals and their alloys
78299614 - NICORROS AL
Serial number 78299614
Registration number 3104667
Filing date Sep 12, 2003
ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH
6 - Common metals and their alloys
78298967 - NICRO
Serial number 78298967
Registration number 3109995
Filing date Sep 11, 2003
ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH
6 - Common metals and their alloys
78289642 - NICROFER
Serial number 78289642
Registration number 2886565
Filing date Aug 20, 2003
ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH
6 - Common metals and their alloys