Lid for a storage container
Patent number D502319
Issue date Mar 1, 2005
GSL Solutions, Inc.
Philip M. Krebs
D03 - Travel goods and personal belongings
Storage container
Patent number D501318
Issue date Feb 1, 2005
GSL Solutions, Inc.
Shelton Louie
D03 - Travel goods and personal belongings
Storage container
Patent number D496162
Issue date Sep 21, 2004
GSL Solutions, Inc.
Stephen A. Garrett
D03 - Travel goods and personal belongings
Storage container
Patent number D495490
Issue date Sep 7, 2004
GSL Solutions, Inc.
Stephen A. Garrett
D03 - Travel goods and personal belongings
Storage container with lid
Patent number D495248
Issue date Aug 31, 2004
GSL Solutions, Inc.
Philip M. Krebs
D09 - Packages and containers for goods
Storage container
Patent number D494759
Issue date Aug 24, 2004
GSL Solutions, Inc.
Shelton Louie
D03 - Travel goods and personal belongings