Cordless remote for a headset
Patent number D464037
Issue date Oct 8, 2002
Plantronics, Inc.
Jeffrey B. Waffensmith
D14 - Recording, communication, or information retrieval equipment
Base for cordless remote
Patent number D462950
Issue date Sep 17, 2002
Plantronics Inc.
Jeffrey B. Waffensmith
D14 - Recording, communication, or information retrieval equipment
Enclosure handle
Patent number D411433
Issue date Jun 22, 1999
Hoffman Enclosures, Inc.
David A. Swan
D08 - Tools and hardware
Vending machine panel
Patent number D400928
Issue date Nov 10, 1998
Gross-Given Manufacturing Company
Jeffrey B. Waffensmith
D20 - Sales and advertising equipment
Vending machine door
Patent number D400927
Issue date Nov 10, 1998
Gross-Given Manufacturing Company
Jeffrey B. Waffensmith
D20 - Sales and advertising equipment
Vending machine front door
Patent number D400592
Issue date Nov 3, 1998
Gross-Given Manufacturing Company
Jeffrey B. Waffensmith
D20 - Sales and advertising equipment