Chemical or physical processes in general, conducted in the presence of fluids and solid particles Apparatus for such processes


  • CPC
  • B01J8/00
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B01J8/0005Catalytic processes under superatmospheric pressure B01J8/001Controlling catalytic processes B01J8/0015Feeding of the particles in the reactor; Evacuation of the particles out of the reactor B01J8/002with a moving instrument B01J8/0025by an ascending fluid B01J8/003in a downward flow B01J8/0035Periodical feeding or evacuation B01J8/004by means of a nozzle B01J8/0045by means of a rotary device in the flow channel B01J8/005Separating solid material from the gas/liquid stream B01J8/0055using cyclones B01J8/006by filtration B01J8/0065by impingement against stationary members B01J8/007by sedimentation B01J8/0075by electrostatic precipitation B01J8/008Details of the reactor or of the particulate material; Processes to increase or to retard the rate of reaction B01J8/0085promoting uninterrupted fluid flow B01J8/009Membranes B01J8/0095in which two different types of particles react with each other B01J8/02with stationary particles B01J8/0207the fluid flow within the bed being predominantly horizontal B01J8/0214in a cylindrical annular shaped bed B01J8/0221in a cylindrical shaped bed B01J8/0228in a conically shaped bed B01J8/0235in a spiral shaped bed B01J8/0242the fluid flow within the bed being predominantly vertical B01J8/025in a cylindrical shaped bed B01J8/0257in a cylindrical annular shaped bed B01J8/0264in a conically shaped bed B01J8/0271in a spiral shaped bed B01J8/0278Feeding reactive fluids B01J8/0285Heating or cooling the reactor B01J8/0292with stationary packing material in the bed B01J8/04the fluid passing successively through two or more beds B01J8/0403the fluid flow within the beds being predominantly horizontal B01J8/0407through two or more cylindrical annular shaped beds B01J8/0411the beds being concentric B01J8/0415the beds being superimposed one above the other B01J8/0419the beds being placed in separate reactors B01J8/0423through two or more otherwise shaped beds B01J8/0426the beds being superimposed one above the other B01J8/043in combination with one cylindrical annular shaped bed B01J8/0434in combination with two or more cylindrical annular shaped beds B01J8/0438the beds being placed next to each other B01J8/0442the beds being placed in separate reactors B01J8/0446the flow within the beds being predominantly vertical B01J8/0449in two or more cylindrical beds B01J8/0453the beds being superimposed one above the other B01J8/0457the beds being placed in separate reactors B01J8/0461in two or more cylindrical annular shaped beds B01J8/0465the beds being concentric B01J8/0469the beds being superimposed one above the other B01J8/0473the beds being placed in separate reactors B01J8/0476in two or more otherwise shaped beds B01J8/048the beds being superimposed one above the other B01J8/0484the beds being placed next to each other B01J8/0488the beds being placed in separate reactors B01J8/0492Feeding reactive fluids B01J8/0496Heating or cooling the reactor B01J8/06in tube reactors the solid particles being arranged in tubes B01J8/062being installed in a furnace B01J8/065Feeding reactive fluids B01J8/067Heating or cooling the reactor B01J8/08with moving particles B01J8/082Controlling processes B01J8/085Feeding reactive fluids B01J8/087Heating or cooling the reactor B01J8/10moved by stirrers or by rotary drums or rotary receptacles or endless belts B01J8/12moved by gravity in a downward flow B01J8/125with multiple sections one above the other separated by distribution aids B01J8/14moving in free vortex flow apparatus B01J8/16with particles being subjected to vibrations or pulsations B01J8/18with fluidised particles B01J8/1809Controlling processes B01J8/1818Feeding of the fluidising gas B01J8/1827the fluidising gas being a reactant B01J8/1836Heating and cooling the reactor B01J8/1845with particles moving upwards while fluidised B01J8/1854followed by a downward movement inside the reactor to form a loop B01J8/1863followed by a downward movement outside the reactor and subsequently re-entering it B01J8/1872Details of the fluidised bed reactor B01J8/1881with particles moving downwards while fluidised B01J8/189moving downwards in a zig-zag manner B01J8/20with liquid as a fluidising medium B01J8/22gas being introduced into the liquid B01J8/222in the presence of a rotating device only B01J8/224the particles being subject to a circulatory movement B01J8/226internally B01J8/228externally B01J8/24according to "fluidised-bed" technique B01J8/245Spouted-bed technique B01J8/26with two or more fluidised beds B01J8/28the one above the other B01J8/30the edge of a lower bed projecting beyond the edge of the superjacent bed B01J8/32with introduction into the fluidised bed of more than one kind of moving particles B01J8/34with stationary packing material in the fluidised bed B01J8/36with fluidised bed through which there is an essentially horizontal flow of particles B01J8/38with fluidised bed containing a rotatable device or being subject to rotation or to a circulatory movement B01J8/382with a rotatable device only B01J8/384being subject to a circulatory movement only B01J8/386internally B01J8/388externally B01J8/40with fluidised bed subjected to vibrations or pulsations B01J8/42with fluidised bed subjected to electric current or to radiations this sub-group includes the fluidised bed subjected to electric or magnetic fields B01J8/44Fluidisation grids B01J8/46for treatment of endless filamentary, band or sheet material

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