Compositions of refractory mould or core materials Grain structures thereof Chemical or physical features in the formation or manufacture of moulds


  • CPC
  • B22C1/00
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B22C1/02characterised by additives for special purposes B22C1/04for protection of the casting B22C1/06for casting extremely oxidisable metals B22C1/08for decreasing shrinkage of the mould B22C1/10for influencing the hardening tendency of the mould material B22C1/12for manufacturing permanent moulds or cores B22C1/14for separating the pattern from the mould B22C1/16characterised by the use of binding agents Mixtures of binding agents B22C1/162use of a gaseous treating agent for hardening the binder B22C1/165in the manufacture of multilayered shell moulds B22C1/167Mixtures of inorganic and organic binding agents B22C1/18of inorganic agents B22C1/181Cements, oxides or clays B22C1/183Sols, colloids or hydroxide gels B22C1/185containing phosphates, phosphoric acids or its derivatives B22C1/186contaming ammonium or metal silicates, silica sols B22C1/188Alkali metal silicates B22C1/20of organic agents B22C1/205of organic silicon or metal compounds, other organometallic compounds B22C1/22of resins or rosins B22C1/2206obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds B22C1/2213Polyalkenes B22C1/222Polyacrylates B22C1/2226Polymers containing halogens B22C1/2233obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds B22C1/224Furan polymers B22C1/2246Condensation polymers of aldehydes and ketones B22C1/2253with phenols B22C1/226Polyepoxides B22C1/2266Polyesters; Polycarbonates B22C1/2273Polyurethanes; Polyisocyanates B22C1/228Polyamides B22C1/2286Polyethers B22C1/2293Natural polymers B22C1/24of oily or fatty substances of distillation residues therefrom B22C1/26of carbohydrates of distillation residues therefrom

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