Extruding metal Impact extrusion


  • CPC
  • B21C23/00
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B21C23/001to improve the material properties B21C23/002Extruding materials of special alloys so far as the composition of the alloy requires or permits special extruding methods of sequences B21C23/004using vibratory energy B21C23/005Continuous extrusion starting from solid state material B21C23/007Hydrostatic extrusion B21C23/008Continuous extrusion B21C23/01starting from material of particular form or shape B21C23/02Making uncoated products B21C23/03by both direct and backward extrusion B21C23/035Making products of generally elongated shape B21C23/04by direct extrusion B21C23/06Making sheets B21C23/08Making wire, bars, tubes B21C23/085Making tubes B21C23/10Making finned tubes B21C23/12Extruding bent tubes or rods B21C23/14Making other products B21C23/142Making profiles B21C23/145Interlocking profiles B21C23/147Making drill blanks B21C23/16Making turbo blades or propellers B21C23/18by impact extrusion B21C23/183by forward extrusion B21C23/186by backward extrusion B21C23/20by backward extrusion B21C23/205Making products of generally elongated shape B21C23/21Presses specially adapted for extruding metal B21C23/211Press driving devices B21C23/212Details B21C23/214Devices for changing die or container B21C23/215Devices for positioning or centering press components B21C23/217Tube extrusion presses B21C23/218Indirect extrusion presses B21C23/22Making metal-coated products Making products from two or more metals B21C23/24Covering indefinite lengths of metal or non-metal material with a metal coating B21C23/26Applying metal coats to cables B21C23/28on intermittently-operating extrusion presses B21C23/30on continuously-operating extrusion presses B21C23/32Lubrication of metal being extruded or of dies, or the like

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents