Investigating or analyzing materials by the use of thermal means


  • CPC
  • G01N25/00
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G01N25/005by investigating specific heat G01N25/02by investigating changes of state or changes of phase by investigating sintering G01N25/04of melting point of freezing point of softening point G01N25/06Analysis by measuring change of freezing point G01N25/08of boiling point G01N25/085Investigating nucleation G01N25/10Analysis by measuring change of boiling point G01N25/12of critical point of other phase change G01N25/14by using distillation, extraction, sublimation, condensation, freezing, or crystallisation G01N25/142by condensation G01N25/145Accessories G01N25/147by cristallisation G01N25/16by investigating thermal coefficient of expansion G01N25/18by investigating thermal conductivity G01N25/20by investigating the development of heat, i.e. calorimetry G01N25/22on combustion or catalytic oxidation G01N25/24using combustion tubes G01N25/26using combustion with oxygen under pressure G01N25/28the rise in temperature of the gases resulting from combustion being measured directly G01N25/30using electric temperature-responsive elements G01N25/32using thermoelectric elements G01N25/34using mechanical temperature-responsive elements G01N25/36for investigating the composition of gas mixtures G01N25/38using the melting or combustion of a solid G01N25/385for investigating the composition of gas mixtures G01N25/40the heat developed being transferred to a flowing fluid G01N25/42continuously G01N25/44the heat developed being transferred to a fixed quantity of fluid G01N25/46for investigating the composition of gas mixtures G01N25/48on solution, sorption, or a chemical reaction not involving combustion or catalytic oxidation G01N25/4806Details not adapted to a particular type of sample G01N25/4813concerning the measuring means G01N25/482concerning the temperature responsive elements G01N25/4826concerning the heating or cooling arrangements G01N25/4833specially adapted for temperature scanning G01N25/484Heat insulation G01N25/4846for a motionless G01N25/4853Details G01N25/486Sample holders G01N25/4866by using a differential method G01N25/4873for a flowing G01N25/488Details G01N25/4886concerning the circulation of the sample G01N25/4893by using a differential method G01N25/50by investigating flash-point by investigating explosibility G01N25/52by determining flash-point of liquids G01N25/54by determining explosibility G01N25/56by investigating moisture content G01N25/58by measuring changes of properties of the material due to heat, cold or expansion G01N25/60for determining the wetness of steam G01N25/62by psychrometric means G01N25/64using electric temperature-responsive elements G01N25/66by investigating dew-point G01N25/68by varying the temperature of a condensing surface G01N25/70by varying the temperature of the material G01N25/72Investigating presence of flaws

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents