Loading or unloading


  • CPC
  • B65G65/00
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B65G65/005Control arrangements B65G65/02Loading or unloading machines comprising essentially a conveyor for moving the loads associated with a device for picking-up the loads B65G65/04with pick-up shovels B65G65/06with endless scraping or elevating pick-up conveyors B65G65/08with reciprocating pick-up conveyors B65G65/10Raking or scraping devices B65G65/12operations at positions off-set from the conveyor centreline B65G65/14with jigging pick-up conveyors B65G65/16with rotary pick-up conveyors B65G65/18Discs B65G65/20Paddle wheels B65G65/22Screws B65G65/23Devices for tilting and emptying of containers B65G65/24for manual tilting of barrels or casks B65G65/28Piling or unpiling loose materials in bulk B65G65/30Methods or devices for filling or emptying bunkers, hoppers, tanks, or like containers, of interest apart from their use in particular chemical or physical processes or their application in particular machines B65G65/32Filling devices B65G65/34Emptying devices B65G65/36Devices for emptying from the top B65G65/365comprising a vertical passage located inside the container B65G65/38Mechanical devices B65G65/40Devices for emptying otherwise than from the top B65G65/42using belt or chain conveyors B65G65/425arranged to be movable B65G65/44using reciprocating conveyors B65G65/46using screw conveyors B65G65/463arranged vertically or substantially vertically within the container B65G65/466arranged to be movable B65G65/48using other rotating means B65G65/4809rotating about a substantially vertical axis B65G65/4818and having the form of rotating tables or pans B65G65/4827with particular surface features B65G65/4836and moving material over a stationary surface B65G65/4845flexible B65G65/4854mounted on a carriage B65G65/4863by means of eccentric motion B65G65/4872through which material passes B65G65/4881rotating about a substantially horizontal axis B65G65/489in the form of rotating tubular chutes

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