Looms in which bulk supply of weft does not pass through shed


  • CPC
  • D03D47/00
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D03D47/02wherein loops of continuous weft thread are inserted D03D47/04by a reciprocating needle having a permanently-threaded eye D03D47/06by a pivoted needle having a permanently-threaded eye D03D47/08the path of the needle being modified by cams, linkages, or other means D03D47/10by a forked needle pushing loop of weft through shed D03D47/12wherein single picks of weft thread are inserted D03D47/125Weft holding devices D03D47/14by a gripper needle taking the end of the weft through the shed D03D47/16by a gripper needle entering the shed empty and drawing the weft as it retracts D03D47/18two weft inserters meeting at or near the middle of the shed and transferring the weft from one to the other D03D47/20Constructional features of the thread-engaging device on the inserters D03D47/22adapted for working a loop of weft part-way inserted in the shed and then straightened-out D03D47/23Thread grippers D03D47/233Carrying grippers D03D47/236Drawing grippers D03D47/24by gripper or dummy shuttle D03D47/25inserted from only one side of loom D03D47/26Travelling-wave-shed looms D03D47/261Preparation of weft D03D47/262Shedding, weft insertion or beat-up mechanisms D03D47/263Weft insertion and beat-up mechanisms D03D47/265Beat-up mechanisms D03D47/266Weft insertion mechanisms D03D47/267Shedding mechanisms D03D47/268Mechanisms for compensating warp tension D03D47/27Drive or guide mechanisms for weft inserting D03D47/271Rapiers D03D47/272Rapier bands D03D47/273Rapier rods D03D47/275Drive mechanisms D03D47/276Details or arrangement of sprocket wheels D03D47/277Guide mechanisms D03D47/278for pneumatic looms D03D47/28wherein the weft itself is projected into the shed D03D47/30by gas jet D03D47/3006Construction of the nozzles D03D47/3013Main nozzles D03D47/302Auxiliary nozzles D03D47/3026Air supply systems D03D47/3033Controlling the air supply D03D47/304Controlling of the air supply to the auxiliary nozzles D03D47/3046Weft yarn selection D03D47/3053Arrangements or lay out of air supply systems D03D47/306Construction or details of parts D03D47/3066Control or handling of the weft at or after arrival D03D47/3073Detection means therefor D03D47/308Stretching or holding the weft D03D47/3086Weft removal D03D47/3093Displaying data D03D47/32by liquid jet D03D47/34Handling the weft between bulk storage and weft-inserting means D03D47/342knot detection D03D47/345Rotating bobbins D03D47/347Yarn brakes D03D47/36Measuring and cutting the weft ; Devices for measuring and temporary storing the weft D03D47/361Drum-type weft feeding devices D03D47/362with yarn retaining devices D03D47/363Construction or control of the yarn retaining devices D03D47/364Yarn braking means acting on the drum D03D47/365Brushes D03D47/366Conical D03D47/367Monitoring yarn quantity on the drum D03D47/368Air chamber storage devices D03D47/369Communication systems D03D47/38Weft pattern mechanisms D03D47/39wherein cane, straw, slats, material for hair-cloth or similar material is handled D03D47/40Forming selvedges D03D47/42by knitting or interlacing loops of weft D03D47/44with additional selvedge thread D03D47/46by selvedge shuttle or other device passing selvedge thread through loop of weft D03D47/48by inserting cut end of weft in next shed D03D47/50by adhesion

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