Measuring, counting, calibrating, testing or regulating apparatus


  • CPC
  • G04D7/00
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Sub Industries

G04D7/001Purely mechanical measuring and testing apparatus G04D7/002Electrical measuring and testing apparatus G04D7/003for electric or electronic clocks G04D7/004Optical measuring and testing apparatus G04D7/005Counters for small components G04D7/006Testing apparatus for complete clockworks with regard to external influences or general good working G04D7/007with regard to the sealing of the case G04D7/008with regard to the reaction to shocks G04D7/009with regard to the functioning of the automatic winding-up device G04D7/02for mainsprings G04D7/04for gearwork G04D7/06for escapements G04D7/08for balance wheels G04D7/081for adjusting the felloe or the shafts G04D7/082for balancing G04D7/084by setting adjustable elements G04D7/085by removing material from the balance wheel itself G04D7/087Automatic devices therefor (balancing and loading or removing carried out automatically) G04D7/088by loading the balance wheel itself with material G04D7/10for hairsprings of balances G04D7/12Timing devices for clocks or watches for comparing the rate of the oscillating member with a standard G04D7/1207only for measuring G04D7/1214for complete clockworks G04D7/1221with recording G04D7/1228Devices for facilitating the reading or the interpretation of the recording G04D7/1235for the control mechanism only (found from outside the clockwork) G04D7/1242for measuring amplitude G04D7/125for measuring frequency G04D7/1257wherein further adjustment devices are present G04D7/1264for complete clockworks G04D7/1271for the control mechanism only (from outside the clockwork) G04D7/1278whereby the adjustment device works on the compass G04D7/1285whereby the adjustment device works on the mainspring G04D7/1292whereby the adjustment device works on the balance wheel

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents