Mechanical deformation of paper or cardboard without removing material


  • CPC
  • B31F2201/00
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B31F2201/07Embossing B31F2201/0702by tools working discontinuously B31F2201/0705Hand operated B31F2201/0707by tools working continuously B31F2201/071Type and charactristics of the embossing toools B31F2201/0712Other than rollers B31F2201/0715Rollers B31F2201/0717Methods and means for forming the embossments B31F2201/072Laser engraving B31F2201/0723Characteristics of the rollers B31F2201/0725Hardness B31F2201/0728Material B31F2201/073Rollers having a multilayered structure B31F2201/0733Pattern B31F2201/0735Pattern inclined with respect to the axis of the roller B31F2201/0738Cross sectional profile of the embossments B31F2201/0741Roller cooperating with a non-even counter roller B31F2201/0743having a matching profile B31F2201/0746and having a self-centering profile B31F2201/0748having a dissimilar profile B31F2201/0751and having a self-centering profile B31F2201/0753Roller supporting, positioning, driving means B31F2201/0756Characteristics of the incoming material B31F2201/0758Characteristics of the embossed product B31F2201/0761Multi-layered B31F2201/0764the layers being nested B31F2201/0766the layers being superposed tip to tip B31F2201/0769the layers being shifted B31F2201/0771Other aspects of the embossing operations B31F2201/0774Multiple successive embossing operations B31F2201/0776Exchanging embossing tools B31F2201/0779Control B31F2201/0782Layout of the complete embossing machine, of the embossing line B31F2201/0784Auxiliary operations B31F2201/0787Applying adhesive B31F2201/0789Joining plies without adhesive B31F2201/0792Printing B31F2201/0794Cutting B31F2201/0797Perforating

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