

  • CPC
  • F02F3/00
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F02F3/0015Multi-part pistons F02F3/0023the parts being bolted or screwed together F02F3/003the parts being connected by casting, brazing, welding or clamping F02F3/0069the crown and skirt being interconnected by the gudgeon pin F02F3/0076the inside of the pistons being provided with ribs or fins F02F3/0084the pistons being constructed from specific materials F02F3/0092the material being steel-plate F02F3/02having means for accomodating or controlling heat expansion F02F3/022the pistons having an oval circumference or non-cylindrical shaped skirts F02F3/025having circumferentially slotted piston skirts F02F3/027the skirt wall having cavities F02F3/04having expansion-controlling inserts F02F3/042the inserts consisting of reinforcements in the skirt interconnecting separate wall parts F02F3/045the inserts being located in the crown F02F3/047the inserts being located around the gudgeon pin bearings F02F3/06the inserts having bimetallic effect F02F3/08the inserts being ring-shaped F02F3/10having surface coverings F02F3/105the coverings forming a double skirt F02F3/12on piston heads F02F3/14within combustion chambers F02F3/16having cooling means F02F3/18the means being a liquid or solid coolant F02F3/20the means being a fluid flowing through or along piston F02F3/22the fluid being liquid F02F3/225the liquid being directed into blind holes F02F3/24having means for guiding gases in cylinders F02F3/26having combustion chamber in piston head F02F3/28Other pistons with specially-shaped head F02F3/285the head being provided with an insert located in or on the combustion-gas-swept surface

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents