Ploughs with fixed plough-shares


  • CPC
  • A01B3/00
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A01B3/02Man-driven ploughs A01B3/04Animal-drawn ploughs A01B3/06without alternating possibility A01B3/08Swing ploughs A01B3/10Trussed-beam ploughs Single-wheel ploughs A01B3/12Two-wheel beam ploughs A01B3/14Frame ploughs A01B3/16Alternating ploughs A01B3/18Turn-wrest ploughs A01B3/20Balance ploughs A01B3/22with parallel plough units used alternately A01B3/24Tractor-drawn ploughs A01B3/26without alternating possibility A01B3/28Alternating ploughs A01B3/30Turn-wrest ploughs A01B3/32Balance ploughs A01B3/34with parallel plough units used alternately A01B3/36Ploughs mounted on tractors A01B3/38without alternating possibility A01B3/40Alternating ploughs A01B3/42Turn-wrest ploughs A01B3/421with a headstock frame made in one piece A01B3/4215the headstock being provided with two or more hydraulic cylinders A01B3/426with a headstock frame made of two or more parts A01B3/44with parallel plough units used alternately A01B3/46Ploughs supported partly by tractor and partly by their own wheels A01B3/462Alternating ploughs with frame rotating about a vertical axis A01B3/464Alternating ploughs with frame rotating about a horizontal axis A01B3/466the frame comprising an articulated beam A01B3/468the plough wheels being actively driven A01B3/50Self-propelled ploughs A01B3/52with three or more wheels, or endless tracks A01B3/54without alternating possibility A01B3/56Alternating ploughs; Balance ploughs A01B3/58with two wheels A01B3/60Alternating ploughs A01B3/62Balance ploughs A01B3/64Cable ploughs Indicating or signalling devices for cable plough systems A01B3/66with motor-driven winding apparatus mounted on the plough A01B3/68Cable systems with one or two engines A01B3/70Systems with one engine for working uphill A01B3/72Means for anchoring the cables A01B3/74Use of electric power for propelling ploughs for rotary cultivators or the like

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents