Modern Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) and digital Logic circuits are both constructed from semiconductor devices but use different and largely incompatible processes. Logic processes continue a path of relentless yearly improvement in either speed or reduced power, while DRAM process has a much slower rate of improvement. This means that not only are the processes incompatible, but also the price and performance are drifting out of balance and there is a serious need for new memory devices that can close the gap.
The currently prevalent process for DRAM uses capacitor cells constructed as slim, tall cylinders above the logic for selection and data input/output (I/O) functions. This DRAM process is running into limits due to the need for cylinders large enough for charges to be detected by sense amplifiers after dilution of the charge over the relatively long data-line conductors which connect charge stored in the capacitors to the sense amplifiers which decide if the charge matches a zero or a one. Scaling to smaller device dimensions does not improve the resistance-capacitance load represented by the data-line, and the cylinder capacitors are nearly at the end of size reduction if they are to retain the charge needed for a 1-transistor, 1-capacitor (1T1C) Dennard memory cell composed in an array with long data-lines which diminish the signal before it reaches sense-amplifiers. The fabrication of these cylindrical capacitors is demanding and slow, accounting for much of the cost and production capacity limitation of current DRAM chips.
Various techniques will be described with reference to the drawings, in which:
Systems and methods are descried herein relating to Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) devices, and more specifically to DRAM devices that utilize access transistors made of a unified crystal structure. The new approach introduced herein abandons vertical cylinders, using horizontal cells while accepting the inevitable smaller capacitance, and frees up some new ways to optimize memory in a 3-dimensional stack of cells. The capacitors become broader structures which can be created with thin, flat layers which may be stacked multiple cells high. The data-lines (also known as bit-lines) which move values in and out of the cells become vertical to intersect those multiple thin layers while remaining approximately 20 times shorter than their conventional horizontal form. The thin planar capacitors store less charge than the cylindrical capacitors, but the shorter data-lines function properly with that smaller charge. These flat capacitors are inexpensive to manufacture due to simple processes and many cell layers can be stacked. This layering of many layers allows superior bits per unit area than known approaches, and the simple process to form each layer results in a low cost per bit. The short data-line enables fast operations. The formation uses uniform planes of insulator, which are ideal for advanced dielectrics such as ferroelectrics. The described structure also screens cells from their neighbors, which reduces disturbance effects. The smaller cell capacitance and short data-lines enable read and write power to be minimized.
Novel insights in this device derive from identifying the opportunity to build a single crystal semiconductor data-line which is used to seed the growth of each of the semiconductor layers, allowing a region of single crystal growth extending far enough from the data-line seed to provide space for the access channel of the access transistor to be formed with single-crystal quality. The process of seeded growth of epitaxial growth has been first reported with silicon in the 1980s, but it is little used due to the difficulties of extending it over a large area. The insight in the described techniques is that only a very short distance, around 50 nanometers or less, is required to allow a single-crystal space for the access transistor, and that distance is easily exceeded. Since no other part of the memory cell requires this high-quality crystal, the 3D DRAM described herein is a uniquely suitable match to the process of repetitively extending the single crystal data-lines and then using them to seed the growth of a new layer of devices. This innovation both ensures that it is possible to choose well understood and high-quality single crystals such as silicon for the access transistors, and provides a simple process with low mask count for extending the data-line with intrinsic connection to multiple vertically stacked devices. A single layer of such devices would not be competitive in density with the current state of the art for DRAM cells, but growth is unlocked vertical to the surface of the device with low cost per cell due to the simple process utilized to form each layer, so that with enough layers both cost and density will be superior.
The heart of each individual memory cell is a planar semiconductor active core, which is formed of material from a uniformly grown layer which is then patterned to isolate cores for each device. In some cases, the layers may be annealed to optimize the crystal quality and reach of the single crystals from the data-lines where they protrude from the deck below, acting as seeds for the new layer. Beyond the access transistor, the layer may be polycrystalline or even amorphous in the region where these cores act as the center electrodes of capacitors. The cores may be doped or alloyed to be good conductors in this region, so single crystal quality is not required.
The device stacks may have large layer counts leading to high combined capacities, potentially thousands of bits per square micron. This high capacity can amortize the cost of a top or bottom layer of CMOS supporting circuits fabricated in high quality single crystal silicon. The CMOS layer being formed on top after the memory layers are formed allows the memory layers to use annealing processes which may be too hot to be compatible with logic elements. Thus, when the logic layer is added after the annealing is performed, there is extra freedom to choose the materials used in the memory cells.
There can also be cost and complexity advantages in having the CMOS support circuits built first and then building the DRAM layers above that logic and analog circuitry. In this approach, the bottom of the data-lines would be rooted in crystal contacts exposed from those underlying support circuits. The materials chosen for the memory layers may be more limited by the need to identify suitable good quality crystals and materials which can be processed at low enough temperatures to be tolerated by the underlying support circuits, but this may be outweighed by the advantage of working with a cheaper circuit-under-memory fabrication. This may be a lower cost approach avoiding the need to grow a broad single crystal layer on top, or to bond one on top with sequential stacking.
The memory devices described herein are different from other 3D memory proposals in adhering to the proven 1T-1C “Dennard cell” principles with speeds and operation which are compatible with existing industry practice. The innovation of the described techniques lies in seeing how that functionality may be maintained while finding a structure that is compatible with extension to multiple layers in the vertical direction, with simple and inexpensive fabrication. The methods described herein for 3D DRAM accepts a modest cost and complexity per layer for masking steps to obtain shapes for device elements through etching or selective deposition or implantation, while delivering functionality compatible with prior DRAM devices.
The described methods construct multiple decks substantially parallel to the surface of the substrate wafer, where each deck is a set of layers forming DRAM cells with a central core of semiconductor sandwiched below and above by dielectrics and conductors. The different parts of the semiconductor interact with these other layers to create capacitance, an access channel, and a contact to the data-line. This set of layers for a cell, which is referred to throughout this disclosure as a deck, will then be joined by more layers fabricated one over another to form a stack of multiple decks. In this realization, the active circuitry for sense amplifiers and other system functions may be placed above the multiple decks.
The processes used to realize the various elements of the memory cells may have alternatives. For example, a newly added layer may be created using negative mask followed by a deposition step to fill where the mask is absent, or by a broad deposition of material followed by a positive mask after which etching removes the unwanted deposition which is not under the mask. A preferred approach to delivering the device feature is a matter of optimization matched to the materials to be used for fillers, conductors, and semiconductors, such as using techniques that are known to those skilled in the art of semiconductor device manufacture.
The systems and techniques described herein may enable the production of memory chips which have the functions and capabilities of current DRAM but may be manufactured with higher capacity per unit area, at low cost and with good performance. Each cell is a 1-transistor 1-capacitor (1T1C) single bit memory based on the principles of the original 1T1C cell, designed by Robert Dennard in 1968, and now pervasive in the DRAM industry. The memory cells may use either an ordinary dielectric, a ferroelectric, or an anti-ferroelectric dielectric in the capacitor. Systems and methods are described herein for constructing semiconductor substrates where multiple layers of DRAM cells are simply and inexpensively fabricated such that with many layers an exceptionally high cell density is obtained which may be coupled with access circuits either below or above the DRAM cells.
Cells with ordinary dielectric will have unlimited endurance and high speed but require refresh as the capacitor charge will leak through the access transistor. The method of construction introduced here enables the growth of single crystal semiconductor, such as single crystal silicon grown by selective epitaxial overgrowth, in the access transistors at multiple layers of the device. Single crystal material enables the highest on/off ratios for minimal channel leakage and longest refresh intervals with high signal to noise ratio. Multi-layer devices may be limited to growing polycrystalline or amorphous materials with inferior performance. The method described here removes that limitation. Cells with ordinary dielectric operate with the same sequence of activation, access, sensing, reading and writing as is currently used with DRAM cells arranged in planar devices. The vertical organization of the DRAM may change speeds and power levels but is not changing the overall operation of the DRAM cells.
Cells with ferroelectric dielectric will retain charge indefinitely when operated with sufficient positive and negative voltages to reach the necessary hysteresis in the dielectric material. These devices are more tolerant of imperfect access transistors, but they still benefit from lower disturbance effects when using single crystal access devices with ideal on/off ratios. There may be some limits to the cycles of operation, requiring wear leveling methods to be added to the access path, and this complexity can be avoided if disturbance effects are low enough.
Cells with antiferroelectric dielectric have reported charge retentions of many seconds even at elevated temperature and tolerate moderate access channel performance. They do, however, require different sense amplifiers methods which could, in some cases, add size to the memory layout.
The described methods also allow the growth of single crystal layers through multiple layers of memory up to a top layer in which the single crystal growth is modified to maximize its coverage, enabling sense amplifiers and other analog or logic devices to be constructed above the memory cells. This implementation may be compared with sequential stacking to obtain a top epitaxial layer of crystal from a donor wafer. Sequential stacking may be cost justified for a single final step on a multilayer memory, if it produces a superior result.
The high capacity of the multiple DRAM levels supports the cost of the additional steps needed to integrate CMOS over the memory array, since only one final CMOS layer may have its cost shared by a large number of memory layers, such as for example, dozens of memory layers. The resulting devices enable high capacity, high-performance, general-purpose memory to be built at low cost per gigabyte and low power of operation compared to current DRAM.
The use of CMOS above the memory cells has the utility of integrating the densest general-purpose memory, DRAM, combined beneath the best of logic devices, which provides an improvement in performance and reduction in the energy needed for data access. The CMOS layers enable high quality analog and digital circuits to be incorporated with direct access to adjacent memory cells.
Other circuits built at the CMOS level may include the overall interface for the memory chip, error correction, refresh, integrity checking, sparing, and other supervisory overhead for the chip. Various forms of interface and control such as Open Memory Interface (OMI), Low Power Double Data Rate (LPDDR), Double Data Rate (DDR), Graphics Double Data Rate (GDDR), or High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) may be provided in the CMOS, and other interfaces may be implemented, which make better use of the good quality CMOS process for the control and interface logic which offers performance not matched with current processes optimized for DRAM chips.
It is also possible to add Processing In Memory (PIM) functionality to the CMOS layer, or to sequentially stack one or more additional layers on top to implement CMOS functionality which does not compete with the sense amplifiers in the first CMOS layer. This would be facilitated by substrate materials with greater heat conductivity, and in environments which can provide cooler package temperatures.
Elements in the memory layers may benefit from annealing and other high temperature processes that improve their semiconductor or dielectric quality. This is enabled by a CMOS-last order of construction where the memory stacks may be thermally processed prior to the formation of the CMOS above it, and all the materials in the memory stacks may be selected to be tolerant of the deposition, crystallization, and annealing temperature profiles encountered during the construction of the stacks, where the CMOS is not present until later.
The memory deck and CMOS top layer may use different processes but are integrated in design for a precise match in the position of connecting features. Precise alignment is possible using the optical transparency of the very thin top semiconductor and insulator combined with alignment marks in the base, so that the next levels of lithography are aligned within nanometers of the underlying memory stack. This allows true 3D integration at the limits of device geometry. A very high density and accurate placement of vias is important, which will be made possible by keeping the top layers very thin.
The memory stack does not require power and ground distribution as its devices are passively powered by sense amplifiers and other signal drivers such as the word-line drivers. Areas of the memory substrate which are not used for memory stacks, for example because the CMOS area above must be used for non-memory functions, may be patterned with structures, including capacitors or conductors or inductors, which support power and ground distribution for the CMOS functions. While off, the power loss is mostly due to the leakage of the capacitors through the access transistors. Thus, the good quality of the access transistors is essential both to the low background power drain, and to the rate of refresh.
The multiple, wide ground planes should greatly reduce disturbance effects and the short data-lines should deliver low latency with small charge transfers. This will support reliable and high-performance operation.
It may be observed that in some cases, the access gates backed by insulator may benefit from control of the back bias voltage under each gate. In this design, the gate conductor in the layer below (which, for the lowest memory layer, will be the dummy gate conductor built into the base level) act to provide the back bias. This back bias voltage may be modulated together with the voltage of the gate conductor to improve the on/off ratio of the access transistor.
Both volatile and persistent forms of memory are possible, depending on the kind of dielectric in use. The planar construction allows dielectrics of ideal uniformity in thickness and composition to be deposited by a variety of technologies including wet chemical reaction, plasma, sputtering, molecular beam, and vapor deposition schemes, including formulations modified by dopant traces or implantation. The quality of the dielectric may further be improved by annealing. The materials used will each have their ideal deposition methods and processing profile. The planar construction of the capacitors including fill materials to minimize level changes at the semiconductor edges will minimize material stress from changes in field intensity that occur around folds, generally allowing best results even with complex dielectrics.
Capacitance per cell will depend upon choice of dielectric and thickness, but values around 1 femtofarad per cell are estimated for conventional capacitor dielectrics with areal density of 100 cells per square micron per deck. This is approximately 10-fold smaller than was found in the cylindrical capacitors for 16 gigabit DRAM chips in the DDR4 generation. It should be an effective match to data-lines which may be 20 times shorter than for the horizontal data-lines of those same DDR4 devices.
The described memory devices may differ from classic 2D DRAM in having a higher ratio of sense amplifiers per memory cell. Modern DRAMs have roughly 1 sense amplifier per thousand memory cells, generally organized as 1 sense amp with 4 inputs each of which connects to roughly 256 cells. The devices described here may reach optimal performance and cost with around 64 layers, and sense amplifiers will most likely be connected to just 2 data-lines, left and right, so there may be around 8 times the density of sense amplifiers. This should not be a power problem since these amplifiers draw no power when not in use. It does however mean that these memory arrays may deliver more data bits per activation than an equivalent count of memory cells in a 2D DRAM. Conversely, that means that a smaller number of cells need to be activated to obtain the same data transfer size, which should further reduce power consumption. It also has implications for error correction strategy for sparing, and for data bit serialization organization.
In one aspect, a memory device may be constructed to include a plurality of one-transistor, one-capacitor memory cells forming a stacked structure of multiple decks which are parallel to a substrate of the memory device. Individual decks of the multiple decks may each include a capacitive element formed of a conductive center electrode separated by a dielectric insulator from a second electrode, with the second electrode formed of a pair of ground planes positioned above and below the core electrode, the capacitive element being substantially planar; and an access transistor controlling current flow to the capacitive element, with the access transistor including an access channel that is in communication with the center electrode. The memory device may additionally include at least one data-line oriented substantially orthogonal to at least one of the multiple decks, where the at least one data-line is in communication with capacitive elements of the plurality of memory cells through access channels of individual memory cells of the plurality of memory cells and operable to store and access charge, representing data, in the capacitive elements of the plurality of memory cells. The at least one data-line may be formed of a singular conductive crystal grown to extend through the multiple decks making contacts to the access channels of individual memory cells of the plurality of memory cells.
In another aspect, a memory device may include a plurality of one-transistor, one-capacitor memory cells forming a stacked structure having multiple layers. Individual memory cells of the plurality of memory cells may each include a capacitive element formed of a conductive center electrode separated by a dielectric insulator from a second electrode, the capacitive element being substantially planar; and a column of conductive single crystal forming a data line positioned orthogonal to the planar capacitive element. The column of conductive single crystal may extend outward into a planar channel of an access transistor that is coupled to the conductive center electrode of the capacitive element, with the access transistor and the data line controlling access to and storage of charge, representing data, in the capacitive element, the column of conductive single crystal and the planar channel formed of the single crystal. In some cases, multiple columns of conductive single crystal forming the data lines of the individual memory cells may be aligned to form a memory device data line that is substantially orthogonal to the individual memory cells.
In yet another aspect, a method of forming a memory device may include a number of steps, such that are implemented to form a single deck of one-transistor, one capacitor memory cells that form a stacked structure of multiple decks. The steps may include etching at least one opening through an insulator layer to a planar crystal base layer positioned below the insulator layer; forming a single-crystal structure up through the at least one opening and extending a distance outward from the opening on the insulating layer to form at least one access channel of an access transistor coupled to a capacitive element; and forming and treating a crystal structure over substantially the remainder of the insulator layer to form a substantially planar new crystal base layer. The single-crystal structures through the at least one opening of the multiple decks may form data lines to access and store charge in the capacitive elements of the multiple decks.
The figures, as described below, illustrate the desired elements which may be obtained using a choice of process known to those skilled in the art of semiconductor fabrication. Throughout these illustrations, it should be understood that the layers may be deposited by successive methods of vapor, molecular beam, sputtering, liquid chemistry, electroplating, oxidation, plasma, ion implantation, or other deposition methods, or combinations of these techniques, used in the semiconductor industry, as may be suitable for fabrication of these materials. Etching and removal may be done by evaporation, solvents, acids, reactive plasma, chemically enhanced plasma, and other removal methods used in the semiconductor industry. The methods used for depositing or removing materials at each step may be optimized by persons skilled in these standard processes for semiconductor manufacture. It should be appreciated that relative size and shapes of the different components of the illustrated memory cell are only given by way of illustrative example, and that various other relative sizes and shapes of the various components are contemplated herein.
The figures illustrate steps in forming one small patch or area of devices, sufficient to convey the important device features. In practice, thousands of these patches will typically be arrayed over the surface of a chip, with many chips arrayed across a semiconductor wafer to create a useable device. These patches may be fabricated in unison and the operations shown here would typically occur in parallel over the entire wafer, as is standard practice in semiconductor chip fabrication. At some stages there may be etching steps which cut between the patches and fill with insulator, resulting in properly isolated devices.
An alternative approach ends the construction at the step illustrated in
The sense amplifiers will fill the area above the cell stack and provide connection to every data-line via. The sense amplifier design should be narrow so that it will fit in the same space as a pair of adjacent planar cells from the stack, so the sense amps take up the same area as the underlying cells. Other arrangements may have fewer sense amps and some form of multiplexing to select from more than 2 data-lines per sense amp.
Process 400 may begin, optionally, at operation 402, where a base crystal layer of the memory device may be formed, such as on a substrate or chip that is selected based on the desired size of the memory device. Next, at operation 404, openings for the bit/data lines may be etched through the insulator down to the base crystal layer below (e.g., the initial layer formed on the substrate). Next, at operation 406, crystal may be grown or formed up through the openings, using a method which preferentially grows upon the exposed crystal but does not deposit on the insulator surface. The crystal growth may include doping so that the bit/data lines in the openings are conductive. In some cases, the crystal growth may include forming a single-crystal structure that extends a distance outward from the opening on the insulating layer to form at least one access channel of an access transistor coupled to a capacitive element, which will store charge representing a value in individual memory cells.
When the growth is sufficient that the crystal is grown through the openings and above the insulator level, optionally, the deposition method may be changed to favor horizontal growth across the surface, at operation 408. Operations 406 and 408 may be performed using epitaxial crystal overgrowth techniques. In some cases, forming the single-crystal structure up through the at least one opening, of operation 406, is performed using a first deposition method, and forming the single-crystal structure extending the distance outward from the opening on the insulating layer to form the at least one access channel is performed using a second deposition method. In some cases, the first deposition method may include doping.
When it is determined that the single crystal growth has extended sideways or horizontally far enough to include the placement of the access channels, the remaining semiconductor overgrowth may be completed to form a cover of the underlying layer, at operation 410. In some cases, optionally, the crystal overgrowth layer may now be finished by steps such as planarization, annealing, and doping, at operation 412.
Process 400 may proceed to operation 414, where it may be determined if more layers are to be added to the memory device. If yes, process 400 may proceed to operation 416, in which the memory devices or cells may be formed using a semiconductor layer and additional elements. In some cases, operation 416 may include connecting data lines, formed by the vertical portions of the single-crystal structure, to the rest of the memory deck, to enable accessing the capacitive elements coupled to the access channels of access transistors formed by the single-crystal structures. In some cases, operation 416 may include forming a new base crystal layer upon which another memory device deck may be built. In some cases, forming and/or treating the crystal structure over substantially the remainder of the insulator layer to form the substantially planar new crystal base layer, at operations 410, 412, and/or 416 may include forming a second crystal structure over substantially the remainder of the insulator layer that is different from the single-crystal structure that formed the access channels and filled the openings (e.g., is not single-crystal or is multi-crystal in structure).
Upon completion of operation 416, process 400 may then proceed to loop back through operation 404-414, until no more layers are to be formed on the device. At this point, when no more layers are to be formed, process 400 may proceed to operation 418, in which sense amplifiers and/or other control or interface circuitry or components may be added to the top layer of the device, such as via processes described in greater detail above. In some aspects, upon determining that no more memory layers will be added to the device, then operation 408 may be replaced with an exit which finishes the top of the stack of decks with structures such as sense amplifiers which connect to the crystal bit lines that have grown through the final level of openings.
As described herein, the technique of extending the data/bit lines using repeated epitaxial crystal overgrowth (ECO) provides simple and quality device construction using silicon or similar crystalline semiconductors. While ECO processes have bene around since the 1980's, they have generally not been particularly useful because the area of horizontal single crystal growth was much smaller than needed for devices of that era, when channels were still micron length and they were looking to build complex circuits. Given the geometry of the described memory cells, channels can be reduced to around 20 nm long—and a memory cell needs just one—ECO can be beneficially employed to aid in forming a cost effective and competitively dense memory cell device.
It should be appreciated the process 400 is only given by way of example, and that various features and/or steps described above in reference to
In some aspects, the described system and techniques may include one or more of the following features. It should be appreciated that various combinations of these features are completed herein, and that language indicating inclusion of a combination of features is not a requirement that those features operation in combination to provide one or more advantages as described herein.
1. In one aspect, a deck of one-transistor, one-capacitor (1T1C) memory cells are constructed with elements formed from alternating layers of conductor, dielectric insulation, and semiconductor, so that the devices shall be substantially planar and thin, where some of the layers are uniformly deposited and some other layers contain shaped elements, where data storage capacitance for the cells shall be formed with one conductive element which is shaped to be the center electrode separated by a dielectric insulator from the other electrode formed of a pair of ground planes above and below the core electrode, where the access transistors controlling current flow in and out of the capacitor are formed where gate electrodes and gate insulator shaped to cross multiple adjacent memory cells in the same deck form access transistors, where multiple decks are constructed above each other providing multiple layers of memory cell, where the data-lines which move the charges to and from the cells run vertically between decks and are etched and filled with conductive crystal grown to run vertically through the decks making contacts to the access channels in each deck.
2. The elements of (1) where the crystal growth of the data-line vertically provides seeds to form a single crystal horizontal plane in the next deck which extends far enough from the data-line seeds to provide single crystal semiconductor for the channels of the access transistors.
3. The elements of (1) where the data-lines terminate with the memory cells in connections with sense amplifiers formed in an additional layer of single crystal silicon.
4. The elements of (3) where the additional layer of single crystal is grown from the seeds provided by vertical extension of the data-lines.
5. The elements of (3) where the additional layer of single crystal is provided by sequential stacking of an epitaxial layer cleaved from a donor wafer.
6. The elements of (1) where the ground planes and word line conductor of a lower layer provide the back bias voltage for correct operation of the semiconductor devices in an adjacent upper layer.
7. The elements of (1) where the capacitor dielectrics support ferroelectric operation where charge is stored with the assistance of ferroelectric properties of the dielectric.
8. The elements of (1) where the capacitor dielectrics support anti-ferroelectric operation where charge is stored with the assistance of anti-ferroelectric properties of the dielectric.
9. The elements of (1) where all materials in the multiple stacks of memory are chosen for their mutual compatibility in surfaces and their ability to sustain annealing or other thermal processes used to optimize the crystal, electrical, and storage properties of the memory decks.
10. In one aspect, a deck of one-transistor, one-capacitor (1T1C) memory cells are constructed with elements formed from alternating layers of conductor, dielectric insulation, and semiconductor, where a central element for each memory cell is a pillar of conductive single crystal, where the crystal pillars are extended by the height of one deck at a time, pausing to grow a horizontal region of single crystal suitable for the formation of high quality access transistors, where the capacitors for the memory cells are formed on the same horizontal deck connecting to the other side of the access transistors, while in between these elements horizontal layers of conductive ground plane and capacitor dielectric are grown, resulting in a cycle of layers which creates multiple layers of memory cells connected to the vertically grown columns of crystal data lines.
11. The elements of (10) where a set of adjacent access transistors on each deck and on the same side of the data-line pillar shall have a continuously connected gate electrode so as to form a word line which switches that line of access transistors on or off in concerted action.
12. The elements of (10) where the ground planes for adjacent capacitors are joined together to form a shared ground plane.
13. The elements of (11) where each word line is activated separately from other word lines in the stack of decks, as well as separately from the word line on the opposite side of a shared data line column.
14. The elements of (12) where all the ground planes in the multiple decks may be connected together to form a larger stable reference voltage and capacitor reserve to reduce noise levels when individual cells are charged or discharged.
19. The elements of (18), where additional analog or switching functions for computation or processing may be included within the CMOS layer beside the sense amplifiers and control circuits or bonded or deposited in one or more additional CMOS layers above.
Embodiments of this disclosure are described herein, including the best mode known to the inventors for carrying out the described techniques. Variations of those embodiments may become apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art upon reading the foregoing description. The inventors expect skilled artisans to employ such variations as appropriate, and the inventors intend for embodiments of the present disclosure to be practiced otherwise than as specifically described herein. Accordingly, the scope of the present disclosure includes all modifications and equivalents of the subject matter recited in the claims appended hereto as permitted by applicable law. Moreover, any combination of the above-described elements in all possible variations thereof is encompassed by the scope of the present disclosure unless otherwise indicated herein or otherwise clearly contradicted by context.
All references including publications, patent applications, and patents cited herein are hereby incorporated by reference to the same extent as if each reference were individually and specifically indicated to be incorporated by reference and were set forth in its entirety herein.