Krohn, Howard E.; An Over-Cell Gate Array Channel Router; p.41.1; 20th Design Automation Conf.; IEEE 1983. |
Hudson, J. A., et al.; Rectilinear Area Routing: A Channel Router Approach; IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conf., Portland, Oreg.; May 20-23, 1985. |
Fukui, Masahiro, et al., Block Interconnection Algorithm For Hierarchial Layout System; IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, vol. CAD-6, No. 3, May 1987. |
Shinichiro Haruyama and Don Fussell, A New Area-Efficient Power Routing Algorithm for VLSI Layout, IEEE, 1987. |
D. F. Wong and C. L. Liu, A New Algorithm for Flooplan Design, 23rd Design Automation Conference, 1986, pp. 101-107. |
Charles Ng, Sunil Ashtaputre, Elizabeth Chambers, Kieu-huong Do, Siu-tong Hui, Rajiv Mody, and Dale Wong, A Hierarchical Floor-Planning, Placement, and Routing Tool for Sea-of-Gates Designs, Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, IEEE 1989, pp. 3.3.1-3.3.4. |
Andrew Strout Moulton, Routing the Power and Ground Wires on a VLSI Chip, a Masters Thesis for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT/LCS/TR-322, May, 1984. |
Xiao-Ming Xiong and Ernest S. Kuh, The Scan Line Approach to Power and Ground Routing, IEEE, 1986. |
S. Chowdhury, An Automated Design of Minimum-Area IC Power/Ground Nets, 24th/ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, 1987. |