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Matthew R. Newell et al, “Performance of WIP Certifiable Mobile Waste Characterization NDA□□Measurements of TRU Waste Drums at LLNL.”, Nuclear Material Management, 1998, Vo. 27, No. 3, pp. 1801-1807.* |
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IPAN/GEA Crate System, Imaging Passive-Active Neutron/Gamma Energy Assay Crate□□System, Brochure for BNFL Instruments, Ltd., England, 1997.* |
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Matthew R. Newell et al, Performance of WIPP Certifiable Mobile Waste Characterization NDA Measurements of TRU Waste Drums at LLNL., Nuclear Material Management, 1998, Vo. 27, No. 3, pp. 1801-1807. |
IPAN/GEA Drum System, Imaging Passive-Active Neutron/Gamma Energy Assay Drum System, Brochure for BNFL Instruments, Ltd., England, 1997. |
IPAN/GEA Crate System, Imaging Passive-Active Neutron/Gamma Energy Assay Crate System, Brochure for BNFL Instruments, Ltd., England, 1997. |