Antifungal fermentation product


  • Patent Grant
  • 4931352
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Wednesday, June 7, 1989
    35 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, June 5, 1990
    34 years ago
An antifungal agent produced by cultivation of a yet unidentified microorganism is a cyclic lipopeptide with very high activity against human pathogens and of very low mammalian toxicity. Its production and isolation are also described.

The present invention is concerned with a compound produced by fermentation on cultivation of a microorganism of as yet unclassified species of us and with the use of the compound for the control of fungi, particularly in the treatment of human mycotic infections. The method for producing and isolating the compound is claimed in copending application Ser. No. 105,797 filed Oct. 7, 1987.
According to the present invention it has been discovered that a new substance produced by a yet unidentified microorganism which was initially isolated from water, has very useful antifungal activities. The compound has broad spectrum antifungal activity, particularly against fungal pathogens infecting human beings such as Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis and other Candida species. The substance is a lipopeptide of very low toxicity, rendering it especially adaptable for therapeutic applications as hereinafter detailed.
The novel active agent is a white solid which may be characterized by the following physical properties:
a decomposition temperature of C.;
an empirical formula of C.sub.51 H.sub.82 N.sub.8 O.sub.17 determined by high resolution FAB (Fast Atom Bombardment mass spectrometric measurement, calculated for C.sub.51 H.sub.82 N.sub.8 O.sub.17 +Li=1085.5958, found=1085.6146);
an amino acid composition as determined by gas chromatogram/mass spectra of the trimethylsilyl derivative of the total acid hydrolysates of one equivalent each of threonine, hydroxyproline, methylhydroxyproline, and hydroxyglutamic acid.
.sup.1 H NMR Spectra in CD.sub.3 OD at 400 MHz as seen in FIG. 1; and
.sup.13 C NMR chemical shifts obtained in CD.sub.3 OD at 100 MHz as follows: 11.20, 11.64, 19.75, 20.25, 20.78, 27.00, 28.07, 30.33, 30.37, 30.61, 30.76, 31.19, 31.29, 32.94, 34.83, 36.69, 38.10, 38.54, 39.07, 39.53, 45.93, 51.39, 53.01, 55.59, 56.31, 57.11, 58.35, 62.43, 68.18, 70.08, 70.55, 70.61, 71.26, 73.94, 75.72, 75.84, 76.86, 116.06(x2), 129.43(x2), 132.86, 158.22, 168.80, 172.16, 172.35, 172.40, 173.12, 174.24, 175.47, 176.88 ppm.
The substance having such property is a compound which based on spectral data and other physical properties is believed may be represented by Formula I. ##STR1## The compound may be identified, using the Chemical Abstracts system of nomenclature, as 1-[(4R, 5R)-4,5-dihydroxy-N.sup.2 -(10,12 -dimethyl-1-oxotetradecyl)-L-ornithine]-5-(threo-3-hydroxy-L-glutamine)echinocandin B. For convenience, the compound hereinafter shall be referred to as Compound I.
The compound is soluble in a variety of organic solvents such as methanol, ethanol, dimethylformamide, dimethyl sulfoxide, ethyl acetate and the like.
The compound of this invention has useful antifungal activities adapted to be employed for the control of various fungi, both filamentous fungi and yeasts. It is particularly useful against those causing pathogenic mycotic infections, such as Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis and the like, where not only high activity has been noted but consistently high activity over an expanded panel of strains of the organisms.
Although a number of antibiotics and other antifungal agents are known to be active against Candida albicans and certain other fungal pathogens, their utility as a therapeutic agent is oftentimes limited. For example, amphotericin B, an effective antifungal antibiotic, is generally limited to those situations in which the patient has a progressive potentially fatal fungal infection in which the possible life-saving benefit of the drug must be balanced against the untoward and dangerous side effects. The antifungal agent of the present invention is not only a very effective antifungal agent but is substantially non-toxic and substantially free of undesirable side reactions.
One of the shortcomings of a number of drugs is the rather narrow differential between the effective dose and the concentration of drug which causes a detrimental side reaction in the patient. One harmful and potentially fatal side reaction is red blood cell lysis. Compounds which show this property at concentrations approaching the effective dose have limited applicability. Compound I has been found unexpectedly not only to be very effective as an antifungal agent, but further has been found to require a concentration of drug far above that anticipated for any therapeutic use before red blood cell lysis occurs.
Additionally, Compound I has been found to significantly prolong the survival of mice infected with Candida albicans and also to eradicate Candida albicans from kidneys of experimentally infected mice. These properties point to a new antifungal drug with great potential in the therapy of human mycotic infections.
In addition to the unexpected properties which render Compound I useful as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of mycotic infections, the broad antifungal spectrum exhibited by this antibiotic renders it useful as an active component wherever control of fungi is desired. Thus, the compound may be employed to control the growth of fungal species which may be found on or in cosmetics, leather, electrical insulation, textiles, paints and other materials such as Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria, Monilia, Aureobasidium; to control the growth of fungi which infect plants, plant parts and plant products such as Erysiphe polygoni, Alternaria solani, and Cochliobolus miyabeanus; to control fungi which infect soil such as Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium solani and Pythium ultimum; fungi which infect wood, pulp and paper such as Lenzites trabea and Ceratocystis pilifera.
Some other of the specific filamentous fungi and yeasts which may be controlled include Aspergillus species: A. niger, A. flavus, A. fumigatus, A. oryzae, A. awalmari, A. versicolor, A. sydowi, A. nidulans, and A. terreus; or Penicillium species: P. notatum, P. roqueforti, P. chrysogenum, P. oxalicum, P. spinulosum, P. martensii, P. citrinum. P. digitatum, P. expansion, P. italcium, P. cyclopium, and P. funiculosum; Neurospora sitophila; Phoma terrestris; Rhizomucor miehei; Alternaria solani, Chaetomium globosum; Trichoderma harzianum; Fusarium oxysporum; Ustilago maydis, Ceratocystis ulmi; Verticillium serrae; Botrytis allii; Candida species such as C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. rugosa, C. guilliermondii, C. pseudotropicalis, and Torulopsis glabrata.
The antifungal agent of the present invention, Compound I, is conveniently produced by cultivating a yet unidentified strain of microorganism designated MF 5171 in the culture collection of Merck & Co., Rahway, N.J. and recovering said agent from the culture medium. A sample of the culture capable of producing the compounds has been deposited under the Budapest Treaty in the Culture Collection of the American Type Culture Collection at 12301 Parklawn Drive, Rockville, Md. 20852. The sample has been assigned the accession number ATCC 20868. The organism has been subsequently identified as Zalerion arboricola Buczaki.
The colonial and morphological description of ATCC 20868 are set forth below:
A. Morphological Description
Globose, approximately 6.0 microns in diameter, thick-walled, dark colored structures similar to chlamydospores develop along mycelium and often appear to be intercalary. These structures appear to divide, forming multi-celled groups of 4-8 cells which do not break up readily. On some media, strands of mycelia cluster together, forming rope-like structures and the multi-celled groups form large clusters as if held together by mucilaginous material.
B Colonial Description
1. Czapek-Dox agar
Colonies are slow growing, growth not extensive, flat with irregular edges. Mycelium is black, shiny; surface becomes dull, granular-appearing, black to greenish-brown as colony ages.
2. Corn agar
Colonies are slow-growing. Growth is not extensive. Mycelium is black, shiny surface becoming powdery, dull black as colony ages.
3. Potato-dextrose agar, Sabouraud maltose agar and yeast extract-malt extract-dextrose agar.
Colonies are slow growing. Growth is not extensive, is slightly raised in the center, radiately furrowed irregular edges except on Sabouraud-maltose agar where the edges are hyaline and regular. Mycelium is black, shiny; becomes dull powder, black as colony ages.
Although the invention is discussed hereinbelow principally with respect to the specific strain, it is well-known in the art that the properties of microorganisms may be varied naturally and artificially. Thus, all strains of the genus ATCC 20868 including varieties and mutants, whether obtained by natural selection, produced by the action of mutating agents such as ionizing radiation or ultraviolet irradiation, or by the action of chemical mutagens such as nitrosoguanidine, are contemplated to be within the scope of this invention.
Compound I may be produced in a form adaptable for drug use by cultivating the strain ATCC 20868 of an as yet unidentified species of fungus in a nutrient medium until a substantial amount of antibiotic activity is detected in the culture medium and thereafter recovering the active component from the fermentation medium in a suitable solvent, concentrating the solution of active component then and subjecting the concentrated material to chromatographic separation.
The fermentation is carried out in a media containing sources of carbon and nitrogen assimilable by the microorganisms and generally low levels of inorganic salts. In addition, the media may be supplemented with trace metals, although if complex sources of carbon and nitrogen are employed, they are usually present in the complex sources.
The sources of carbon include glycerol, sugars, starches and other carbohydrates or carbohydrate derivatives such as dextran, cerelose, as well as complex nutrients such as oat flour, corn meal, millet, corn and the like. The exact quantity of the carbon source which is utilized in the medium will depend, in part, upon the other ingredients in the medium, but it is usually found that an amount of carbohydrate between 0.5 and 5 percent by weight of the medium is satisfactory. These carbon sources can be used individually or several such carbon sources may be combined in the same medium.
The sources of nitrogen include amino acids such as glycine, arginine, threonine, methionine and the like as well as complex sources such as yeast hydrolysates, yeast autolysates, yeast cells, tomato paste, soybean meal, casein hydrolysates, yeast extracts, corn steep liquors, distillers solubles, cottonseed meal, meat extract, and the like. The various sources of nitrogen can be used alone or in combination in amounts ranging from 0.2 to 90 percent by weight of the medium.
Among the nutrient inorganic salts, which can be incorporated in the culture media are the customary salts capable of yielding sodium, potassium, magnesium, ammonium, calcium, phosphate, sulfate, chloride, carbonate, and like ions. Also included are trace metals such as cobalt, manganese, iron, molybdenum, zinc, cadmium, and the like.
The media suitable for carrying out the fermentation may be solid or liquid.
Solid media may have a millet, corn, oats, soy bean or wheat base. One medium having a millet base is Medium 2 in Example I. Other representative solid media include the following:
______________________________________ Weight or Volume PerMedia 250 ml Flask______________________________________Medium ACorn (cracked) 10.0 gYeast extract 0.5 gSodium tartrate 0.1 gMonosodium glutamate 0.1 gCorn oil 0.1 mlFerrous sulfate 0.01 gWater 15-20 mlMedium BMillet 15 gYeast extract 0.5 gSodium tartrate 0.1 gFerric sulfate.7H.sub.2 O 0.01 gSucrose 0.5 gAlfalfa 0.5 gCorn oil 0.1 mlWater 15 mlMedium CMillet 15 gYeast extract 0.5 gSodium tartrate 0.1 gFerric sulfate.7H.sub. 2 O 0.01 gSilica gel 0.5 gAlfalfa 0.5 gMonosodium glutamate 0.1 gCorn oil 0.1 mlWater 15 mlMedium DMillet 15 gYeast extract 0.5 gSodium tartrate 0.1 gFerric sulfate.7H.sub. 2 O 0.01 g______________________________________
In addition, media may be prepared by substituting wheat, barley, oats or soy bean for the millet or corn above.
Liquid media also may be employed Fermentation on a larger scale is generally more conveniently carried out employing a liquid medium. It has been found that although conventional liquid media may be employed to obtain Compound I, such media have not been found to be suitable for obtaining good yields of the desired antibiotic. However, by incorporatinq from about 6 to 9 percent by weight of glycerol, it has been found that good yields of the desired antibiotic compound may be obtained. Thus, methods and compositions for producing Compound I in liquid medium constitute an aspect of the process of the present invention. A preferred liquid medium is one described in Example III. Other more conventional liquid media such as the following, or a modification thereof also may be employed:
______________________________________Medium E______________________________________Dextrose 10 gGlycerol 10 mlsSoy Flour 4 gPeptonized milk 4 gTomato paste 4 gLard water 4 gPotassium dihydrogen phosphate 2 gCobalt chloride hexahydrate 0.01 gDistilled Water 1000 mlpH 7______________________________________
For producing the compounds of the present invention, a fermentation medium containing ATCC 20868 is prepared by inoculating spores or mycelia of the antibiotic-producing organism into a suitable medium and then cultivating under aerobic conditions.
The procedure generally is first to inoculate a preserved source of culture from an agar slant containing nutrient medium into a nutrient seed-producing medium and to obtain, preferably through a two step procedure, growth of the organisms which serve as seeds in the production of the antifungal agent.
In this process, a slant section of a preserved culture of ATCC 20868 is inoculated into an appropriate liquid nutrient seed medium of pH in the range 5 to 8.1, optimally 6 to 7.5, and the flasks incubated with or without agitation at temperatures in the range of from about C. to about C., preferably to C. Agitation when employed, may be up to 400 rpm, preferably, about 200 to 220 rpm. The incubation is carried out over a period of from 2 to 30 days, preferably 2 to 14 days. When growth is abundant, usually between 2 and 5 days, the culture growth maybe used to inoculate the production medium for the production of the antifungal agent. Preferably however, a second stage fermentation is carried out, inoculating with a portion of the culture growth and then employing similar conditions but generally with a shortened incubation period of about 1 to 3 days. The growth then is employed to inoculate the production medium.
The fermentation production medium inoculated with the culture growth is incubated for 3 to 30 days, usually 7 to 14 days with or without agitation. The fermentation may be conducted aerobically at temperatures ranging from about C. to about C. For optimum results, it is most convenient to conduct these fermentations at a temperature in the range of from about C. to about C. Temperatures of about C. are most preferred. The pH of the nutrient medium suitable for producing the instant compounds can vary from about 5.0 to 8.5 with a preferred range of from about 6.0 to 7.5. After the appropriate period for the production of the desired compound or compounds, the latter is recovered from the fermentation medium as hereinafter more fully described.
The active material may be recovered from the fermentation medium by the steps comprising
(1) adding alcohol to said medium, stirring and filtering to recover the active component in the resulting aqueous alcoholic solution;
(2) concentrating the aqueous alcoholic solution to a small volume of primarily aqueous solution;
(3) intimately contacting the resulting concentrated alcoholic aqueous solution with a water-immiscible organic solvent or an aromatic or halogenated hydro carbon solvent to extract or partition the active component thereinto and concentrating;
(4) subjecting the material recovered in Step (3) to at least one chromatographic separation, wherein in each chromatographic separation, the active component from the eluates exhibiting activity against Candida albicans are combined and concentrated to recover Compound I.
The exact steps may vary somewhat depending on whether the fermentation had been carried out in liquid or solid medium, what solvent is employed and what adsorbent or combination of adsorbents is employed.
When the fermentation is carried out in solid medium, the first step may be carried out by adding an alcoholic solvent to the fermentation medium, thoroughly mixing, then filtering, recovering and concentrating the aqueous alcohol filtrate. Preferably, the concentrated filtrate is first back extracted or washed with a lower aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent such as hexane or other alkane to remove alkane soluble impurities. The alkane washed filtrate may be extracted or partitioned with a water-immiscible oxygenated organic solvent or an aromatic or halogenated hydrocarbon solvent and the resulting solution concentrated, then loaded onto a column for at least one, generally several chromatographic separation steps. Alternatively, the water-immiscible solvent partition or extract may be concentrated and coated or coated while concentrating onto silica gel and the coated gel loaded onto a silica gel column for chromatographic separation.
When the fermentation is carried out in a liquid medium, the mycelial solids are filtered and recovered from the fermentation medium. Alcohol is added to the mycelial cake, and the mycelial solid thoroughly mixed with the alcohol, filtered, and the filtrate collected and concentrated. Then in a manner similar to that described for isolation from solid media, the alcoholic aqueous solution is intimately admixed with a water immiscible oxygenated organic solvent or an aromatic or halogenated hydrocarbon solvent to extract or partition the product thereinto, and the resulting solution then employed in chromatographic separation.
The alcoholic solvent to be employed in the initial extraction of the active agent from the solid nutrient medium or from the mycelial pad may be any of the lower alcohols such as methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, and the like. Methanol is preferred.
The water-immiscible non-polar organic solvent useful for extracting or partitioning the active agent from the methanol solution are esters, such as ethyl acetate, isopropyl acetate, butyl acetate and the like and ketones, such as methyl ethyl ketone. However, halohydrocarbons such as methylene chloride and aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene or toluene may be employed. Lower aliphatic esters are preferred.
The chromatographic separation may be carried out by employing conventional column chromatography with non ionic resin or by high performance liquid chromatography employing reverse phase resin. The fractions containing the antibiotic Compound I may be detected by bioautography using Candida albicans. Generally, more than one chromatographic separation steps are employed. In a most preferred procedure, one or more separations are carried out employing column chromatography and a final separation is carried out employing high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with C.sub.18 reverse phase resin.
When conventional column chromatography is employed for chromatographic separations, silica gel is the preferred adsorbent. Usually more than one chromatographic separation is required. Silica gel may be used in all the separations while employing different eluting agents. However, it may be combined advantageously with the use of a different adsorbent such as a dextran adsorbent sold under the trade name of Sephadex LH-20 (Pharmacia). Other adsorbents such as alumina, styrene-divinylbenzene copolymers available commercially as Diaion HP-20, HP-30, HP-40 (Mitsubishi Chemical Industries, Ltd.) and Amberlite XAD-2, XAD-4, XAD-16 (Rohm and Haas Co.) also may be employed.
In the fractionation and recovery of the active component by chromatography on silica gel, ester/alcohol mixtures with increasing concentration of alcohol provide good separations. A mixture of ethyl acetate and methanol has been found to be especially useful. These may be employed in isocratic, step gradient or continuous gradient systems. When a dextran adsorbent such as Sephadex LH-20, is employed, a chlorohydrocarbon/hydrocarbon/alcohol solvent system may be employed. A mixture of methylene chloride/hexane/methanol has been found to be especially useful.
In carrying out the HPLC separation, the alcohol solution containing material recovered from the conventional chromatography is concentrated and the residue dissolved in methanol and loaded on a column packed with commercial reverse phase resin or on a column filled with silica gel/C.sub.18 reverse phase resin prepared as amply reported in the literature. The column then is operated using acetonitrile/water (1:1 or optionally other ratios) at 800-2000 psi which produces a flow rate of about 20 ml/min. Separation is monitored at 210 nm.
The product is recovered from any of the chromatographic procedures by combining the Candida albicans active fractions and concentrating under reduced pressure.
The superior potential of antibiotic Compound I of the present invention as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of mycotic infections rests not only with the antifungal activity but with freedom from red blood cell lysis at therapeutic concentrations and substantial absence of any form of toxicity. The efficacy against fungi, particularly human pathogens, may be illustrated with the results of tests against Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis and certain other Candida species.
The activity may be seen in an agar dilution assay employing a yeast nitrogen base dextrose agar medium. In carrying out the assay, Compound I was solubilized in 10 percent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) supplemented with one drop of Tween 20. Twofold dilutions were made with sterile distilled water/10 percent DMSO to obtain final drug concentrations in the agar dilution assay plates ranging from 128 to 0.06 .mu.g/ml.
The yeast cultures, maintained in yeast maltose (YM) broth, were transferred to fresh YM medium and incubated overnight at C. with shaking (250 rpm). After incubation, each culture was diluted in sterile saline to yield a final concentration of 3.times.10.sup.5 to 3.times.10.sup.6 colony forming units (CFU)/ml.
Each prepared plate was inoculated using a Denley Multipoint Inoculator (Denley, Sussex, England) which delivers approximately 0.001 milliliter to the ar surface resulting in inoculation of from 3.times.10.sup.2 to 3.times.10.sup.3 CFUs. The plates were incubated at C. for 48 hours. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were recorded as the lowest concentrations of drug showing no growth or less than three CFU/spot.
Useful antimycotic properties may be illustrated with the results demonstrating the superior effectiveness of Compound I against various Candida species as seen in the following table:
______________________________________ Strain Minimum Inhibitory ConcentrationFungus No (mg/ml) Compound I______________________________________Candida albicans MY1058 0.25C. albicans MY1055 0.50C. albicans MY0992 0.50C. albicans MY1013 <0.06C. albicans MY1029 *>128.0C. parapsilosis MY1009 8.0C. parapsilosis MY1010 8.0C. tropicalis MY1011 0.25C. tropicalis MY1012 128.0C. pseudotropicalis MY1040 1.0C. krusei MY1020 2.0C. stellatoidea MY1017 0.25C. rugosa MY1022 32.0______________________________________ *Substantially reduced growth was observed; possible media interference with drug activity.
In a similar assay, Compound I was tested against an expanded panel of 34 different strains of Candida albicans and 13 different strains of Candida parapsilosis. In the case of Candida albicans, it was found that against 28 of the strains, the MIC was in the range 0.063 to 0.25 ug/ml and only against 5 strains was it greater than 1 .mu.g/ml. In the case of Candida parapsilosis, it was found that against 12 of the 13 strains the MIC was in the range of 2.0 to 8.
The foregoing results are merely exemplary of the superior and consistent antimycotic properties shown by Compound I. As seen subsequently, the compound is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against many fungal species including other human pathogens.
The property of Compound I of requiring concentration of drug far above the therapeutic dose levels to effect red blood cell lysis was discovered in a standard titration/hemolysis assay using fresh blood drawn from CD-1 female mice. Concentration of drug in the range of from 0.39 to 400 .mu.g/ml in 5 percent dextrose and a drug free control were employed.
In carrying out the determination, the assay tubes prepared by mixing together 2 milliliters of appropriate drug dilution and 0.5 milliliter of red blood cell suspension were gently shaken to mix the contents and then the tubes were incubated at C. for two hours. At the end of this time, the tubes were examined visually for complete or partial red blood cell hemolysis and compared to a drug free control. The minimum lytic concentration (MLC) was taken as the highest drug concentration that did not lyse the red blood cells. The MLC for Compound I was 400 .mu.g/ml. The same experiment carried out with amphotericin B showed the MLC for amphotericin B to be 12.5 .mu.g/ml.
From the various test results, it is determined that for therapeutic use generally from about 1.4 to about 2.8 mg/kg of body weight of the antibiotic may be employed while considering the patient's health, weight, age and other factors which influence response to a drug. These amounts, when expressed as doses suitable for human beings, are in the range of from about 100 mg to about 200 mg daily by oral or parenteral administration.
The outstanding properties are most effectively utilized when the compound is formulated into novel pharmaceutical compositions with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier according to conventional pharmaceutical compounding techniques.
The novel compositions contain at least 1% by weight of the active compound. In preparing the compositions, Compound I is intimately admixed with any of the usual pharmaceutical media.
The compositions are preferably prepared in oral dosage form. For liquid preparations, the antifungal agent is formulated with liquid carriers such as water, glycols, oils, alcohols, and the like, and for solid preparations such as capsules and tablets, solid carriers such as starches, sugars, kaolin, ethyl cellulose, calcium and sodium carbonate, calcium phosphate, kaolin, talc, lactose, generally with lubricant such as calcium stearate, together with binders, disintegrating agents and the like. Because of their ease in administration, tablets and capsules represent the most advantageous oral dosage form. It is especially advantageous to formulate the compositions in unit dosage form for ease of administration and uniformity of dosage. Composition in unit dosage form constitutes an aspect of the present invention.
The antifungal agent is formulated in antifungal compositions for injection and may be presented in unit dosage form in ampoules or in multidose containers, if necessary with an added preservative. The compositions may also take such forms as suspensions, solutions or emulsions in oily or aqueous vehicles such as 0.85 percent sodium chloride or 5 percent dextrose in water, and may contain formulating agents such as suspending, stabilizing and/or dispersing agents. Buffering agents as well as additives such as saline or glucose may be added to make the solutions isotonic. Alternatively, the active ingredients may be in powder form for reconstituting with a suitable vehicle prior to administration.
The term "unit dosage form" as used in the specification and claims refer to physically discrete units, each unit containing a predetermined quantity of active ingredient calculated to produce the desired therapeutic effect in association with the pharmaceutical carrier. Examples of such unit dosage forms are tablets, capsules, pills, powder packets, wafers, measured units in ampoules or in multidose containers and the like. A unit dosage of the present invention will generally contain from 100 to 200 milligrams of each of the component drugs.
If the application is to be topical, the drug may be formulated in conventional creams and ointments such as white petrolatum, anhydrous lanolin, cetyl alcohol, cold cream, glyceryl monostearate, rose water and the like. Usually a 1 to 2 percent cream or solution is prepared and applied to the area to be treated.
Compound I also exhibits broad spectrum antifungal activity. This may be seen in an antifungal assay employing a disc diffusion method against yeasts and filamentous fungi (molds).
In the disc diffusion method, seeded assay plates are first prepared in one of the following manners according to the type of organism.
Inocula for filamentous fungi are prepared by scraping the surface of stock plates maintained on potato dextrose agar with a moistened sterile dacron swab. The spores and mycelia are then suspended in 10 milliliters of sterile potato dextrose broth and adjusted to 70 percent transmission at 660 nm.
Inocula for yeasts are prepared from overnight broth cultures then diluted into potato dextrose agar to a final concentration of either 40 percent or 70 percent transmission at 660 nm.
For three strains of Candida albicans and one strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, sterile saline is employed in place of potato dextrose broth. Assay plates are prepared by diluting the inoculum into appropriate molten agar medium, cooled to C. to obtain a final concentration of 4 percent (volume/volume).
The seeded agar media thus prepared are dispensed into petri dishes for assays (11 milliliters per dish).
The samples to be tested for production of antifungal agent are applied to 6.2 mm. filter paper discs (25 microliter/disc) and air dried at C. When the sample to be tested is a crude broth, it may be centrifuged prior to application. The discs bearing the material to be tested are then applied employing sterile conditions to the seeded assay plates and the samples rewet with 25 percent sterile aqueous dimethylsulfoxide (25 .mu.l/disc). The assay plates are then incubated at either C. or C. for 24 hours. Following incubation, the inhibition zones are measured and recorded.
It was found that good antifungal properties were seen against filamentous fungi Cochliobolus miyabeanus, Penicillium sp. (three strains), Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma sp., Trichoderma liqnorum, Alternaria solani, Verticillium serrae, Botrytis allii, Scopulariopsis communis, Cephalosporium sp., Cercospora beticola, Rhizomucor miehei, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus fumigatus; and against the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans, Candida rugosa, Brettanomyces bruxellensis, Torulospora hansenii, Candida guilliermondii, Candida pseudotropicalis, Torulopsis glabrata, and Kluyveromyces fragilis.
In view of the broad spectrum of activity, the antibiotic of the present invention is adaptable to being utilized in various applications of anti-fungal compositions. In such use, compounds may be admixed with a biologically inert carrier, generally with the aid of a surface active dispersing agent, the nature of which would vary depending on whether the use is for the control of pathogens infecting man or animals, or for control of fungi in agriculture such as in soil or plant parts, or for the control of fungi in inanimate objects.
Compositions for therapeutic applications may be prepared as previously described.
For non-medical application, the product of the present invention, either singly or as a mixture may be employed in compositions in an inert carrier which includes finely divided dry or liquid diluents, extenders, fillers, conditioners and excipients, including various clays, diatomaceous earth, talc, and the like, or water and various organic liquids such a lower alkanols, for example ethanol and isopropanol, or kerosene, benzene, toluene and other petroleum distillate fractions or mixtures thereof.
In practicing the invention, an antifungal amount of the compositions may be applied directly to areas where fungal control is desired.

The following examples illustrate the invention but are not to be construed as limiting:
A frozen culture in glycerol of Isolate 2 of Culture 8525-307P originally isolated from water, identifiable as ATCC 20868, and maintained in the Merck culture collection was employed in the fermentation.
A 2 milliliter portion of the frozen culture was defrosted and aseptically transferred to a 250 milliliter unbaffled Erlenmeyer flask containing 54 milliliters of Medium 1. Medium 1, after inoculation, was incubated at C. with rotary agitation (220 rpm, 2" throw shaker) for three days. At the end of this period, 2.0 milliliters of the growth medium were aseptically transferred to each of several unbaffled 250 milliliter Erlenmeyer flasks containing Medium 1. The inoculated flasks were incubated at C. for 2 days.
12.5 milliliters of the mature seed broth were inoculated into five production flasks containing Medium 2, and incubated at C. for seven days under static conditions to obtain an antibiotic compound in the fermentation medium.
The media employed in the foregoing fermentation were:
______________________________________MEDIUM 1 (KF Seed Medium)______________________________________Corn Steep Liquor 5 gTomato Paste 40 gOat Flour 10 gGlucose 10 gTrace Elements Mix 10 mlDistilled Water 1000 mlpH 6.8Trace Elements Mix:FeSO.sub.4.7H.sub.2 O 1 gMnSO.sub.4.4H.sub.2 O 1 gCuCl.sub.2.2H.sub.2 O 25 mgCaCl.sub.2 100 mgH.sub.3 BO.sub.3 56 mg(NH.sub.4).sub.6 MoO.sub.2.4H.sub.2 O 19 mgZnSO.sub.4.7H.sub.2 O 200 mgDistilled Water 1000 ml______________________________________
______________________________________MEDIUM 2 (F204 Solid Medium) Amount/flask______________________________________Millet Base 15 gYeast Extract .5 gSodium tartrate .1 gFerrous Sulfate Crystals .01 gMonosodium Glutamic Acid .1 gCorn Oil .1 ml______________________________________
Five hundred milliliters of methanol were added to each of the five 2-liter flasks of solid phase fermentation. The contents of the flask were then combined and stirred to extract methanol soluble material and the mixture then filtered. The spent cake was stirred with an additional 2500 milliliters of methanol to further extract methanol soluble material and the mixture then filtered.
The filtrate and wash were combined and concentrated to 500 milliliters.
The aqueous methanolic concentrate thus obtained then was extracted with two 500 milliliter portions of ethyl acetate. The spent aqueous solution was loaded onto Diaion HP-20 column to adsorb the active material thereon and the latter then eluted therefrom with methanol. The eluates were combined with the previously obtained ethyl acetate extracts and the combined ethyl acetate solutions were concentrated to dryness. The residue was chromatographed on 200 milliliters of Sephadex LH-20 using 5:5:2 methylene chloride/hexane/methanol as eluant.
The fractions active as determined by Candida albicans were combined and chromatographed on 200 milliliters of silica gel (EM Science, Kieselgel 60, 230-400 mesh) using a step gradient elution with ethyl acetate/methanol. The active fractions from this chromatography were combined, concentrated and chromatographed on silica gel using a 75:25 ethyl acetate/methanol isocratic system.
The active portions from this chromatography were then combined and placed on 100 milliliters of Sephadex LH-20 using methanol as eluting solvent. The eluate, after vaporization of the solvent, yielded 95 milligrams of a purified compound. The compound was a white solid having a .sup.1 NMR spectrum as seen in FIG. 1.
In a manner similar to that described in Example I, the contents of one frozen vial of ATCC 20868 from the Merck culture collection were defrosted and aseptically transferred to a 250 milliliter unbaffled flask containing 54 milliliters of KF medium (Medium 1) containing 0.4 percent agar. The modified Medium 1, after inoculation, was incubated at C. with 220 rpm agitation for 48 hours. At the end of this period, 10 milliliters of the growth medium was transferred to a 2-liter unbaffled flask containing 500 milliliters of KF medium containing 0.4 percent agar. After inoculation, the resulting medium was incubated for 24 hours at C. with 220 rpm agitation.
Twenty 2-liter flasks each containing 120 grams of Medium 2 and 120 milliliters of a stock solution consisting of
______________________________________Yeast extract 5 parts by weightSodium tartrate 1 part by weightFerrous sulfate crystals 0.1 part by weightMonosodium glutamic acid 1 part by weightCorn oil 1 part by weight______________________________________
were autoclaved for 20 minutes at C. and then reautoclaved with 80 milliliters of water for another 20 minutes at C. The flasks were allowed to cool, then inoculated with 20 milliliters of seed medium prepared as above described, and the inoculated flasks incubated at C. under static conditions for 14 days.
To each of nineteen 2-liter solid fermentation flasks was added 1 liter of methanol and the contents combined, stirred and filtered. The spent cake was extracted twice with 6 liters of methanol. The aqueous methanol filtrates were then concentrated and the concentrate extracted twice with 3 liters of ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate extracts were combined, dried and concentrated to about 100 milliliters.
The concentrate was then coated on silica gel by adding 100 milliliters of methanol and 100 milliliters of silica gel thereto, intimately contacting the components and then removing the solvent on a rotary evaporator. The dried silica gel was then applied to a column of 500 milliliters of silica gel, the column washed with ethyl acetate to remove impurities and eluted with 9:1 ethyl acetate/methanol. The eluates containing antibiotic material testing positive against Candida albicans were recovered and combined.
The antibiotic rich cut from the silica gel chromatography was dissolved in 200 milliliters of 10:10:1 methylene chloride/hexane/methanol and the resulting solution combined with 40 milliliters of Sephadex LH-20 (which previously had been prepared by soaking overnight in methanol followed by washing twice with 200 milliliters of methylene chloride/hexane/methanol). After a few minutes, the supernatant was removed by filtration and the Sephadex LH-20 was washed with 200 milliliters of methylene chloride/hexane/methanol and then filtered. The filtrates were found not to contain the active constituent, and were discarded. The active constituent which had partitioned into the dextran Sephadex LH-20 beads was extracted therefrom by washing twice with 200 milliliters of methanol, and these methanol washes were combined and concentrated.
The methanol concentrate was next applied to 200 milliliters of silica gel and eluted with 75:25 ethyl acetate/methanol and the eluates combined and the solvent vaporized to obtain Compound I. Compound I is a white powder having a decomposition point of C.
Seed broth were prepared from ATCC 20868 in a manner similar to that described in Example I. Two milliliters of the mature seed broth were inoculated into production flasks containing 45 milliliters of Medium 3 per flask and agitated on a rotary shaker at 220 rpm for 13 days at C. and 50 percent relative humidity to obtain antibiotic Compound I in the fermentation medium.
Medium 3 is of the following composition:
______________________________________MEDIUM 3 (Grams/Liter H.sub.2 O)______________________________________Glycerol 85 gPectin 10 gPeanut Meal 4 gPeptonized Milk 4 gTomato Paste 4 gCorn Steep 4 gLard Water 4 gGlycine 2 gKH.sub.2 PO.sub.4 2 g______________________________________ pH = 7.0?
On completion of fermentation in a liquid medium, the medium is filtered to remove the mycelial solids. Excess methanol is added to the mycelial cake, the mycelial solids thoroughly mixed with the methanol, the mixture filtered and the filtrate then concentrated Ethyl acetate is added to the concentrate and the material partitioned or extracted thereinto. The ethyl acetate extract is then concentrated and the concentrated solution chromatographed on a silica gel column using ethyl acetate/methanol mixtures to obtain the desired product.
1000 compressed tablets each containing milligrams of Compound I are prepared from the following formulation:
______________________________________ Grams______________________________________Compound I 500Starch 750Dibasic calcium phosphate hydrous 5000Calcium stearate 2.5______________________________________
The finely powdered ingredients are mixed well and granulated with 10 percent starch paste. The granulation is dried and compressed into tablets.
1000 hard gelatin capsules, each containing 210 milligrams of Compound I are prepared from the following formulation.
______________________________________Compound Grams______________________________________Compound I 500Starch 250Lactose 750Talc 250Calcium stearate 10______________________________________
A uniform mixture of the ingredients is prepared by blending and used to fill two-piece hard gelatin capsules.
250 milliliters of an injectable solution are prepared by conventional procedures having the following formulation:
______________________________________Dextrose 12.5 gramsWater 250 millilitersCompound I 400 milligrams______________________________________
The ingredients are blended and thereafter sterilized for use.
An ointment suitable for topical application may be prepared by intimately dispersing 13 milligrams of Compound I in 1 gram of commercially available polyethylene/hydrocarbon gel.
  • 1. An antifungal antibiotic compound which is a white, amorphous solid having
  • a. a decomposition temperature of C.;
  • b. an empirical formula of C.sub.51 H.sub.82 N.sub.8 O.sub.17 obtained by high resolution Fast Atom Bombardment mass spectral analysis;
  • c. a .sup.1 H NMR spectra in CD.sub.3 OD at 400 MHz recorded in FIG. 1 and
  • d. .sup.13 C NMR chemical shifts in CD.sub.3 OD at 100 MHz of: 11.20, 11.64, 19.75, 20.25, 20.78, 27.00, 28.07, 30.33, 30.37, 30.61, 30.76, 31.19, 31.29, 32.94, 34.83, 36.69, 38.10, 38.54, 39.07, 39.53, 45.93, 51.39, 53.01, 55.59, 56.31, 57.11, 58.35, 62.43, 68.18, 70.08, 70.55, 70.61, 71.26, 73.94, 75.72, 75.84, 76.86, 116.06 (x2), 129.43(x2), 132.86, 158.22, 168.80, 172.16, 172.35, 172.40, 173.12, 174.24, 175.47, 176.88 ppm.
  • 2. A compound according to claim 1 which is representated by the formula: ##STR2## and is named 1-[(4R, 5R)-4,5-dihydroxy-N.sup.2 -(10, 12-dimethyl-1-oxotetradecyl)-L-ornithine]-5-(threo-3-hydroxy-1-glutamine)-echinocandin B.
  • 3. An antifungal composition which comprises a compound of claim 2 in admixture with a biologically inert carrier.
  • 4. A composition according to claim 3 in which the carrier is a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
  • 5. A method for inhibiting fungal growth comprising applying to the area where growth is to be controlled an antifungally effective amount of the compound of claim 2.
  • 6. A method for controlling mycotic infections without causing red blood cell lysis comprising administering to an animal in need of such treatment, an antifungally effective amount of the compound of claim 2.
  • 7. A method according to claim 6 in which the fungas causing the infection is a human pathogen and the amount administered is a therapeutically effective amount.
  • 8. A method according to claim 7 wherein the pathogen is Candida albicans.
  • 9. A method according to claim 7 wherein the pathogen is Candida parapsilosis.
Parent Case Info

This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 105,795, filed Oct. 7, 1987 now abandoned.

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4287120 Abbott et al. Sep 1981
4288549 Boeck et al. Sep 1981
4293487 Debono Oct 1981
4320053 Abbott et al. Mar 1982
4320054 Abbott et al. Mar 1982
4322338 Abbott et al. Mar 1987
Foreign Referenced Citations (2)
Number Date Country
851310 Aug 1977 BEX
2050385A Jan 1981 GBX
Non-Patent Literature Citations (5)
Benz et al, Chim Acta 57, 8, 2459-77, (1974).
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Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 105795 Oct 1987