Apparatus and method for single precision multiplication


  • Patent Grant
  • 6226737
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Wednesday, July 15, 1998
    26 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, May 1, 2001
    23 years ago
An apparatus and method for performing single precision multiplication in a microprocessor are provided. The apparatus includes translation logic and extended precision floating point execution logic. The translation logic decodes a single precision multiply instruction into an associated micro instruction sequence directing the microprocessor to fetch a single precision operand from memory and convert it to extended precision format. In addition, the associated micro instruction sequence directs floating point execution logic employing a dual pass multiplication unit to skip a pass associated with computing an insignificant partial product. This insignificant partial product would otherwise result from multiplication of a multiplicand by zeros which are appended to the significand of the fetched operand when it is converted to extended precision format.


1. Field of the Invention

This invention relates in general to the field of data processing in computers, and more particularly to an apparatus and method for multiplying single precision binary operands.

2. Description of the Related Art

Software programs that execute on a microprocessor consist of macro instructions that together direct the microprocessor to perform a function. Each macro instruction directs the microprocessor to perform a specific operation that is part of the function such as loading data from memory, storing data in a register, or adding the contents of two registers.

A macro instruction may prescribe a simple operation, such as moving the contents of one register location to another register location. In contrast, a different macro instruction may prescribe a complex operation, such as deriving the cosine of a floating point number. Compared to the manipulation of integer data, the manipulation of floating point data by the microprocessor is complex and time consuming. Movement of integer data requires only a few cycles of a microprocessor clock; derivation of a cosine requires hundreds of machine cycles. Because floating point operations are basically more complex than integer operations, typical microprocessors employ a dedicated floating point unit to improve the speed and efficiency of floating point calculations. The dedicated floating point unit may be part of the same mechanical package as the remainder of the microprocessor or it may reside in a separate mechanical package.

Within an ×86-compatible microprocessor, a floating point macro instruction is decoded into a sequence of floating point micro instructions that direct the microprocessor to execute a floating point operation. The sequence of floating point micro instructions is passed to the floating point unit. The floating point unit executes the sequence of floating point micro instructions and provides a result of the floating point operation in a result register. Likewise, an integer macro instruction is decoded into a sequence of integer micro instructions that direct the microprocessor to execute an integer operation. The sequence of integer micro instructions is passed to the integer unit. The integer unit executes the sequence of integer micro instructions and provides a result of the integer operation in a result register.

In recent years, desktop computational demands have placed a greater burden upon microprocessor designers to add increasingly more functionality to a microprocessor's instruction set. In fact, floating point operations are so common now that a vast majority of present day floating point units perform their computations on operands which adhere to industry standard extended precision format. A number in extended precision format has a 64-bit significand. To implement extended precision capability in a floating point unit essentially requires adding more logic circuits to a device. But the additional logic results in a greater power requirement, which is inversely proportional to device reliability. Consequently, microprocessor designers are now searching for alternative ways to add functions to a device. Designers now use existing logic to perform new functions, or they eliminate redundant logic and redistribute existing functions to remaining logic. One example of an alternative is seen in the implementation of logic to perform floating point multiplication.

A basic floating point multiplication unit multiplies a 64-bit multiplicand by a 64-bit multiplier. Recognizing the benefits inherent in reducing the size of the multiplication unit, microprocessor designers today provide multiplication units on the order of 64-bits by 32-bits. These are commonly called dual pass multiplication units. A lower half of the multiplier in a first pass is multiplied with the multiplicand to form a first partial product. Following this, an upper half of the multiplier in a second pass is multiplied with the multiplicand to form a second partial product. The second partial product is left-shifted accordingly and summed with the first partial product to yield a final product. By such an implementation, the logic requirements for extended precision multiplication are roughly halved with only a slight increase in the number of machine cycles required to compute a product.

Yet, there are a significant number of extant software applications for which single precision multiplication is sufficient. A single precision number comprises a 24-bit significand. When a single precision number is provided to an extended precision floating point unit, it is translated into extended precision format. But this translation results in the lower 40 bits of its significand being equal to zero. Hence, multiplication of a single precision number in a dual pass multiplication unit will take two passes, but, the first pass is essentially wasted because it is consumed multiplying a 64-bit multiplicand by zero.

Therefore, what is needed is an apparatus for performing single precision multiplication in a microprocessor faster than has heretofore been provided.

In addition, what is needed is a microprocessor that executes a single precision multiplication that requires only one pass through a dual pass multiplication unit.

Furthermore, what is needed is a method for performing single precision multiplication in a microprocessor that eliminates unnecessary clock cycles associated with the performance of extended precision multiplication.


To address the above-detailed deficiencies, it is an object of the present invention to provide an apparatus in a microprocessor that performs single precision multiplication faster than conventional dual pass multiplication units.

Accordingly, in the attainment of the aforementioned object, it is a feature of the present invention to provide a microprocessor for performing single precision floating point multiplication of a multiplicand by a multiplier, where the multiplicand and the multiplier are provided in extended precision format. The microprocessor includes a translator and extended precision floating point execution logic. The translator receives a single precision multiplication instruction, and decodes the single precision multiplication instruction into an associated single precision micro instruction sequence. The extended precision floating point execution logic is coupled to the translator. The extended precision floating point execution logic receives the associated single precision micro instruction sequence, and multiplies the multiplicand by the multiplier to generate a single precision product. The extended precision floating point execution logic normally performs a floating point multiplication by generating a low-order partial product followed by generation of a high-order partial product, where the low-order partial product represents multiplication of a low-order part of an extended precision multiplier with an extended precision multiplicand, and where the high-order partial product represents multiplication of a high-order part of the extended precision multiplier with the extended precision multiplicand The low-order partial product is generated during a first traversal through the extended precision floating point execution logic, and the high-order partial product is generated during a second traversal through the extended precision floating point execution logic. When the associated single precision micro instruction sequence is received, the extended precision floating point execution logic generates the single precision product by executing only the second traversal to generate the high-order partial product, the high-order partial product being the single precision product.

An advantage of the present invention is that single precision multiplication requires roughly half of the execution time of extended precision multiplication.

Another object of the present invention is to provide a microprocessor that executes a single precision multiplication without requiring two passes through a dual pass multiplication unit.

In another aspect, it is a feature of the present invention to provide an apparatus in a microprocessor for performing single precision multiplication of a multiplicand by a multiplier. The apparatus has a translator and extended precision floating point execution logic. The translator receives a single precision multiplication instruction, and decodes the single precision multiplication instruction into an associated single precision micro instruction sequence. The extended precision floating point execution logic is coupled to the translation logic. The extended precision floating point execution logic receives and executes the associated single precision micro instruction sequence. The extended precision floating point execution logic includes a multiplication unit. The multiplication unit performs two-pass extended precision multiplication and one-pass single precision multiplication, and multiplies the multiplicand by the multiplier to generate a single precision product, where the multiplicand and the multiplier are provided to the multiplication unit in extended precision format.

In yet another aspect, it is a feature of the present invention to provide a microprocessor for performing single precision multiplication. The microprocessor includes a translator and floating point execution logic. The translator receives a single precision multiplication instruction, and decodes the single precision multiplication instruction into an associated single precision micro instruction sequence. The associated single precision micro instruction sequence has a single precision load micro instruction sequence, directing the microprocessor to retrieve an operand from a memory address and to convert the operand into an extended precision multiplier. The associated single precision micro instruction sequence also has a single precision multiply micro instruction sequence, directing single precision multiplication of an extended precision multiplicand by the extended precision multiplier. The floating point execution logic is coupled to the translation logic. The floating point execution logic receives and executes the single precision multiply micro instruction sequence. The floating point execution logic includes a multiplication unit. The multiplication unit performs two-pass extended precision multiplication and one-pass single precision multiplication, and multiplies the multiplicand by the multiplier to generate a single precision product, where the multiplicand and the multiplier. are provided to the multiplication unit in extended precision format.

Another advantage of the present invention is that applications programs with significant numbers of single precision multiplications will not exhibit program delays associated with wasted computations.

Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a method for performing single precision multiplication in a microprocessor that eliminates unnecessary clock cycles associated with the performance of extended precision multiplication.

In a further aspect, it is a feature of the present invention to provide a method in a microprocessor for performing single precision multiplication of a multiplicand by a multiplier. The method includes translating a floating point single precision multiply instruction into an associated single precision multiply micro instruction sequence which prescribes single precision multiplication of a multiplicand by a multiplier, the multiplicand and the multiplier being registered in the microprocessor as extended precision operands; and performing the single precision multiplication to produce a single precision product in a single pass through an extended precision multiplication unit, the extended precision multiplication unit being configured to perform multiplication of two extended precision operands in two passes through the multiplication unit.

Yet another advantage of the present invention is that execution of single precision multiply instruction requires roughly half machine cycles of that which has heretofore been demonstrated in the art.


These and other objects, features, and advantages of the present invention will become better understood with regard to the following description, and accompanying drawings where:

FIG. 1

is a block diagram of pipeline microprocessor featuring parallel execution units.

FIG. 2

is a diagram illustrating multiplication of a 4-bit mutiplicand by a 4-bit multiplier.

FIG. 3

is a diagram depicting standard formats for floating point numbers.

FIG. 4

is a block diagram of a floating point pipeline path in a related art microprocessor for performing single precision multiplication.

FIG. 5

is a table illustrating execution of a single precision multiplication instruction by the microprocessor of FIG.



FIG. 6

is a block diagram of a microprocessor for performing single precision multiplication according to the present invention.

FIG. 7

is a table illustrating execution of a single precision multiplication instruction by the microprocessor of FIG.



FIG. 8

is a flow chart illustrating a method for performing single precision multiplication in a microprocessor according to the present invention.


In light of the above background on techniques for performing floating point multiplication in a microprocessor, several related art examples will now be described with reference to

FIGS. 1 through 5

. These examples illustrate the problematic nature of present day floating point multiplication techniques when employed in an ×86-compatible microprocessor. Following this discussion, a detailed description of the present invention will be provided with reference to

FIGS. 6 through 8

. Use of the present invention allows single precision floating point multiplication to be performed using dual pass floating point multiplication hardware in a microprocessor much faster than has heretofore been attained.

Referring to

FIG. 1

, a block diagram of a related art pipeline microprocessor


is presented. The microprocessor


includes a fetch stage


, a translate stage


, an integer unit


, and a floating point unit


. The floating point unit


is in parallel with the integer unit


. The integer unit


has three stages: register


, execute


, and write back


. The floating point unit


has three like stages: register


, execute,


, and write back



Operationally, the fetch stage


fetches macro instructions from memory (not shown) for execution by the microprocessor


. The translate stage


translates, or decodes, a fetched macro instruction into associated micro instructions, each directing the microprocessor to perform a specific subtask related to accomplishment of a higher level operation, which is specified by the fetched macro instruction. Because of fundamental differences between operations involving integers and operations involving floating point numbers, microprocessor designers have historically segregated hardware and associated macro instructions for the performance of floating point subtasks from that required to perform integer subtasks.

Thus, the translate stage


decodes a floating point macro instruction into a sequence of floating point micro instructions to accomplish a specified floating point operation. Likewise, the translate stage


decodes an integer macro instruction into a sequence of integer micro instructions to accomplish a specified integer operation. The integer micro instructions are passed from the translate stage


to the integer unit register stage


. The integer unit register stage


retrieves operands specified by the integer micro instructions from a register file (not shown) for use by later stages in the integer pipeline. The integer unit execute stage


executes subtasks specified by the integer micro instructions. Examples of subtasks performed by the execute stage


include address calculation, integer arithmetic, and retrieval/storage of data from/to memory. The integer unit write back stage


writes results of the executed subtasks back into the register file.

Likewise, the floating point micro instructions are passed from the translate stage


to the floating point unit register stage


. The floating point unit register stage


retrieves operands prescribed by the floating point micro instructions from a floating point register file (not shown), for use by later stages in the floating point pipeline. The floating point unit execute stage


executes floating point subtasks specified by the floating point micro instructions. Examples of subtasks performed by the floating point execute stage


include floating point arithmetic, square root, and transcendental functions (i.e., sine, cosine, etc.). The floating point unit write back stage


writes results of the executed subtasks back into the floating point register file.

Micro instructions move through successive stages of the microprocessor pipeline in synchronization with a microprocessor clock. Optimally, while any given stage in the pipeline is executing a micro instruction, the previous stage should be executing the next, or following, micro instruction. If a preceding micro instruction within one stage requires more than one cycle to completely execute, then following micro instructions are stalled until execution of the preceding micro instruction is completed. When a stall occurs, pipeline slips are inserted into the pipeline to insure that the following micro instructions do not prematurely advance in the pipeline.

In contrast to the integer unit


, the floating point unit


has complex computational logic that is dedicated to performing intensive floating point data manipulations. For example, addition of two integers takes roughly one cycle of a microprocessor clock in the integer unit


while execution of a cosine operation takes hundreds of clock cycles in the floating point unit



As desktop computing systems have become increasingly more ubiquitous in the workplace, requirements for microprocessor instructions that execute complex computational operations have placed more of a burden on floating point hardware to execute these instructions without undue delay. In fact, floating point arithmetic instructions are so common now that most microprocessors process floating point data in accordance with accepted industry standards. These standards denote various formats for binary representation of floating point numbers along with rules for interpreting results of a computation. And while these standards have served to promote increased precision and consistency with regard to floating point computations, the disadvantages of standardization are manifest in terms of program execution delays.

For example, multiplication of two floating point numbers in an ×86-compatible microprocessor is performed in a standard floating point multiplication unit (not shown), which is located within the floating point execute stage


. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that this standard multiplication unit multiplies two 64-bit operands, a multiplicand and a multiplier, and yields a 64-bit product. To more completely describe the computational aspects of floating point multiplication,

FIG. 2

is presented.

FIG. 2

is a diagram


illustrating longhand binary multiplication of an 4-bit binary multiplicand


by a 4-bit binary multiplier


. The result of the multiplication is a product


. Longhand binary multiplication is accomplished by a series of shifts and additions. Each cycle within the series represents one instance of a shift and addition. Each bit of the multiplier


determines whether the multiplicand


, shifted left according to the position of the multiplier bit, will be added into the product



During cycle


, because the least significant bit of the multiplier


is 1, the multiplicand


is brought down as a partial product


so that it may be added into the product



During cycle


, because the bit to the left of the least significant bit of the multiplier


is 1, the multiplicand


, shifted left by one more bit, is again brought down as a partial product


for incorporation into the product



During cycle


, because the next ascending bit of the multiplier


is 0, the multiplicand


is not brought down as a partial product


for addition into the product


. Rather, zeros are brought down.

During cycle


, because the bit to the most significant bit of the multiplier


is 1, the multiplicand


, shifted left to align with the position of the most significant bit of the multiplier


, is again brought down as a partial product


so that it may be added into the product



The four partial products


are summed to form the product


. Although the diagram


depicts a sum to form the product


following cycle


, those skilled in the art will appreciate that the product can be iteratively generated during each successive cycle as well.

Conventional binary multiplication in a microprocessor is accomplished in very much the same manner as longhand multiplication. The multiplicand


and multiplier


are placed in registers within a multiplication unit, i.e., a logic device dedicated to performing binary multiplication. Following this, a series of shift-and-add operations are executed as described above, where each cycle of the multiplication operation requires approximately one cycle of the pipeline clock to execute. Diverse implementations of conventional binary multiplication units exist today, however, they all employ variations of the shift-and-add methodology described above. For this reason, it is customary for those skilled in the art to compare binary multiplication units in terms of the number of cycles that are required for execution. For the standard floating point multiplication unit noted above, 64 cycles of the microprocessor clock are required to generate a product, one cycle for each bit in the multiplier.

To reduce the number of cycles required to perform a multiplication, most present day microprocessors employ hardware to implement the well-known Booth Algorithm. A complete discussion of the algorithm is beyond the scope of this paper, however, it is sufficient to note that such hardware recodes a multiplier to identify only the boundaries of successive strings of zeros and ones, these boundaries being the only points in the multiplication process where operations other than shifting are essential. By doing so, the number of cycles required to execute a multiplication are reduced by 50 percent, at least.

In addition to reducing execution time for instructions, microprocessor designers are also faced with the demand to minimize design complexity, power consumption, and cost of a microprocessor. Although the Booth Algorithm can be implemented with rather minor penalties in terms of complexity, power, and cost, many present day microprocessors have achieved more notable savings by reducing the size of their multiplication unit. For example, the standard multiplication unit handles a 64-bit multiplicand and a 64-bit multiplier. A dual-pass multiplication unit simply eliminates all multiplication hardware associated with processing an upper part of the multiplier, say, the upper 32-bits. The low-order 32 bits of the 64-bit multiplier are provided in a first pass to the multiplication unit. Following this, the high-order 32 bits of the 64-bit multiplier are provided in a second pass to the multiplication unit. The result of the second pass is then left shifted by 32 bits and added to the result of the first pass to form a final product. Employing a dual pass multiplication unit provides the savings noted above with very minimal additions to the number of cycles required to perform multiplication of standard format operands. Hence, use of the Booth Alcorithm in a dual pass multiplication unit provides an attractive return in terms of execution time, power, cost, and design complexity for a given microprocessor, especially when the rather minor implementation costs are noted.

Present day dual pass multiplication units do not necessarily halve the size of the multiplier bits; they sometimes employ more bits of the multiplier. A common dual pass multiplication unit processes a 64-bit multiplicand and a 40-bit multiplier. It is thus called a 64-bit×40-bit dual pass multiplication unit.

In spite of the achievements cited above, there remain execution speed problems inherent in an ×86-compatible microprocessor that performs floating point multiplication via a dual pass multiplication unit. This is because dual pass multiplication units are designed to multiply 64-bit operands in accordance with a particular industry standard format. But, industry standards allow other formats as well which, when exercised in a dual pass multiplication unit, result in a significant number of wasted pipeline cycles. These formats are presented with reference to

FIG. 3

in order to convey a more complete understanding of the problem.

Referring to

FIG. 3

, a diagram


is presented illustrating the industry standard formats for floating point numbers. The standard most widely adhered to in ×86-compatible applications is 754-1985

, IEEE Standard for Binary Floating


Point Arithmetic

. The diagram


presents three commonly used formats from the standard: double precision format


, extended precision format


, and single precision format


. Standard ×86-compatible multiplication units operate on operands in the extended precision format


, but floating point numbers can be stored in memory in any of the three formats






. Thus, the diagram


also depicts an extended precision significand


resulting from translation of a number in the single precision format


and an extended precision significand


resulting from translation of a number in the double precision format



A floating point number stored in the single precision format


includes a sign bit


, an 8-bit exponent


, and a 24-bit significand


. The sign bit


indicates whether the number is positive or negative. The exponent


is a biased indication of the power of base two to which the significand


is raised. The significand


includes an integer part and a fraction part. With the exception of the number zero, the integer part for all encoded floating point numbers is equal to one. And since zero has a unique encoding, i.e., both the exponent


and the fraction part are set to zero, then it is not necessary to explicitly store the integer part. Consequently, the diagram


shows that the integer part is implied in the single precision format


rather than explicitly depicted.

A floating point number stored in the double precision format


includes a sign bit


, an 11-bit exponent


, and a 53-bit significand


. The sign bit


indicates whether the number is positive or negative. The exponent


is a biased indication of the power of base two to which the significand


is raised. The significand


includes an integer part and a fraction part. Like the single precision format


, the integer part of the double precision format


is implied rather than explicitly depicted.

A floating point number in the extended precision format


includes a sign bit


, a 15-bit exponent


, and a 64-bit significand


. The sign bit


indicates whether the number is positive or negative. The exponent


is a biased indication of the power of base two to which the significand


is raised. The significand


includes an integer part and a fraction part. Unlike the single or double precision format




, the extended precision format explicitly depicts the integer part of an encoded floating point number.

In an ×86-compatible microprocessor, numbers may be stored in the single precision format


and the double precision format


only in memory. As a number is read into a floating point register file, it is translated into the extended precision format


. All floating point operations are performed on numbers in extended precision format


to produce results in extended precision format


. An extended precision result may be written to memory in any of the three standard formats






. When it is written to memory in single or double precision format




, the extended precision result is appropriately rounded.

When a number in double precision format


is translated to extended precision format


, its significand


includes the 53-bit significand


with 11 zeros appended. When a number in single precision format


is translated to extended precision format


, its significand


includes the 24-bit significand


with 40 zeros appended. A dual pass multiplication unit is designed to multiply extended precision significands


. And if a multiplier and multiplicand are provided in memory in extended precision format


or in double precision format


, then both passes of the multiplier through the dual pass multiplication unit produce significant partial products. However, if the multiplier and multiplicand are provided in memory in single precision format


, then the first pass of the multiplier through the dual pass multiplication unit produces an insignificant partial product. This is because the lower 40 bits of the significand


are zeros. Consequently, for a 64-bit x 40-bit dual pass multiplication unit, the first pass essentially consumes 40 useless pipeline cycles. A lesser number of cycles are wasted when Booth recoding is employed, but they are, nevertheless, consumed by an unnecessary pass through the multiplication unit. A less abstract example of how an ×86-compatible microprocessor executes single precision floating point multiplication is presented in FIG.



FIG. 4

a block diagram of a floating point pipeline path in a related art microprocessor


for executing a single precision multiply instruction. For clarity, integer stages of the microprocessor


are not shown because they are not relevant to this discussion. The block diagram shows four pipeline stages associated with execution of the single precision multiply instruction: fetch, translate, floating point register, and floating point execute. A floating point write back stage is not shown because it also is not relevant to this discussion. Although a specific microprocessor may segregate its floating point unit differently into slightly more or less stages, one skilled in the art, nonetheless, will appreciate that the stages shown in

FIG. 4

are representative of a typical microprocessor


. The microprocessor


also includes interlock logic



The fetch stage has an instruction fetch queue


connected to an instruction buffer


. The translate stage has a translator


that provides an output to a floating point micro instruction buffer


. The register stage has a floating point register file


. Outputs of the floating point register file


are provided to first and second floating point operand registers




. The floating point execute stage includes floating point execution logic


, which receives inputs from the first and second operand registers




. The floating point execution logic


includes a dual pass multiplication unit


and provides its output to a floating point result register


. The contents of the result register


are provided to the write back stage so that they may be written back into the floating point register file


or into memory (not shown) when a micro instruction completes execution.

In operation, the instruction fetch queue


fetches macro instructions from memory (not shown) for execution by the microprocessor


. The macro instructions are sequentially provided to the instruction buffer


. The instruction buffer


has three fields: a macro opcode field


, a first macro operand field


, and a second macro operand field


. In the case of a single precision multiply macro instruction, the macro opcode field


directs the microprocessor


to multiply a multiplicand, which has been previously stored in an architecturally defined register, by a multiplier. A memory address of the multiplier is prescribed by the first macro operand field


. The second micro operand field


does not contain an operand in the case of a single precision multiply instruction.

The translator


retrieves a macro instruction from the macro instruction buffer


and decodes it into an associated sequence of micro instructions. Micro instructions directed to the integer unit (not shown) are provided on bus


. Micro instructions directed to the floating point unit are provided to the floating point micro instruction buffer


. The floating point micro instruction buffer


has three fields. Contents of a micro opcode field


direct the floating point unit to perform a specific subtask. Operands are provided in first and second micro operand fields




. In the event of a single precision multiply micro instruction, the micro operand fields




would contain references to specific registers in the floating point register file


for execution of the multiplication. Thus, micro instructions are provided to the floating point unit of the microprocessor



If the micro opcode so directs, contents of the floating point register file


are retrieved and placed into the first and second operand registers




. For a single precision multiply micro instruction, the multiplicand and multiplier, placed into the floating point register file


by preceding micro instructions, are retrieved and placed into the first and second operand registers





The floating point execution logic


retrieves the contents of registers




and executes the subtask specified by the micro opcode. For execution of a single precision multiply micro instruction, the multiplicand and multiplier are retrieved from the registers




and are provided to the dual pass multiplication unit


in extended precision format. Thereafter, an extended precision multiplication operation is executed. As described above, a first part of the multiplier is passed through the dual pass multiplication unit


to compute a first partial product. The first partial product is provided on bus


and registered for generation of a final product. Following this, a remaining part of the multiplier is passed through the dual pass multiplication unit


to compute a second partial product. The second partial product is left shifted accordingly and summed with the first partial product to generate the final product. The final product is placed in the result register



Because the single precision multiplication operation requires numerous pipeline cycles while in the dual pass multiplication unit


, the interlock logic


inserts slips into the pipeline to preclude following instructions from prematurely advancing in the pipeline. Execution of a single precision multiply instruction is more completely illustrated with reference to FIG.



FIG. 5

is a table


illustrating execution of a single precision multiply instruction by the microprocessor


of FIG.


. The single precision multiply instruction is designated by FMUL [EBX]. It directs the microprocessor


to perform integer division of a multiplicand contained in floating point register ST(


) by a single precision multiplier contained at a memory address prescribed by the contents of register EBX in the integer register file. In accordance with the technique for single precision multiplication described with reference to

FIG. 4

, the translator


decodes the single precision multiply instruction into a single precision load micro instruction, designated by LD F


, [EBX], and a single precision multiply micro instruction, designated by FMUL ST(




. The single precision load micro instruction directs the microprocessor


to fetch the contents of the memory address prescribed by register EBX in the integer register file and place the contents in register F


in the floating point register file


. Although not shown in

FIG. 4

, conventional microprocessors have an inter-unit bus that permits the transfer of operands from the integer unit to the floating point unit. The single precision multiply micro instruction directs the floating point unit to multiply the multiplicand, previously loaded into register ST(


) in the floating point register file


, by the multiplier that is stored in register F



Progression of the micro instructions through the microprocessor


is shown with respect to cycles of a pipeline clock. Instructions before and after instructions of interest are designated by “***.” Voids, or slips in the pipeline are designated by “--.” For clarity,

FIG. 5

only depicts those stages of the microprocessor pipeline that are relevant to this discussion. Hence, the fetch stage and write back stage are not shown. The integer register stage is shown, however, because the single precision load micro instruction is provided via bus


to the integer unit so the multiplier can be fetched from memory.

During cycle


, the single precision multiply instruction, FMUL [EBX], proceeds through the translate stage of the pipeline. Therein, the translator


retrieves it from the macro instruction buffer


and decodes it into the two micro instructions described above.

During cycle


, the single precision load micro instruction, LD F


, [EBX], proceeds through the integer register stage. The table


does not depict the operations in the integer unit related to retrieving the multiplier because they are not relevant to the discussion. The table


does show, though, that three cycles of the pipeline clock are required the integer unit to load the multiplier into register F


. One skilled in the art will acknowledge that three cycles is typical for such an operation. Consequently, contents of the memory address prescribed by the contents of register EBX, which are the single precision multiplier, are placed into register F


of the floating point register file


. As discussed above, although the multiplier is in single precision format in memory, it is translated into extended precision format when provided to register F


: the 40 least significant bits of the significand of register F


contain zeros. Also during cycle


, a following macro instruction proceeds through the translate stage.

Because the multiplication operation cannot begin until the multiplier is placed into register F


, the interlock logic


inserts slips into the pipeline during cycles




. At this point execution of the single precision load micro instruction is complete insofar as concerns this discussion.

During cycle


, the single precision multiply micro instruction proceeds through the floating point register stage. Therein, the previously stored multiplicand is retrieved from register ST(


) in the register file


and is placed into register


. Also, the multiplier is retrieved from register F


and is placed in register



During cycle


, the single precision multiply micro instruction proceeds through the floating point execute stage. Therein, the multiplicand and multiplier are retrieved from registers




. The lower part of the multiplier is provided to the dual pass multiplication unit


along with the multiplicand.

Roughly half of the multiply cycles shown in the table


is required to form the first partial product, which is fed back via bus


and registered. The remaining half of the indicated cycles is required to form the second partial product and to generate the final product. The table


shows 64 pipeline cycles dedicated to generation of the final product, which represents two passes through a 64-bit×32-bit dual pass multiplication unit


. One skilled in the art will concur that 64 cycles is typical for a dual pass multiplication unit


that does not employ Booth recoding logic. While the single pass multiplication micro instruction remains in the floating point execute stage, the interlock logic


inserts slips into the pipeline to prevent following micro instructions from prematurely advancing.

It is important to note that, because the 40 least significant bits of the significand of the multiplier are zeros, the first pass through the dual pass multiplication unit


produced an insignificant first partial product equal to zero. In fact, because dual pass multiplication units vary slightly in size, it can be stated that the first pass is unnecessary for any dual pass multiplication unit


having a multiplier capacity of 40 bits or less.

During cycle


, the final product is generated and is placed into the result register


. At this point, execution of the single precision multiply macro instruction is complete through the floating point execute stage.

As noted above, half of the 64 multiply cycles are essentially wasted in this example because the lower part of the multiplier contains zeros. And because the dual pass multiplier


treats all operands as extended precision operands, the first pass through the dual pass multiplier


consumes valuable execution time and produces a nonessential partial product. Incorporation of Booth recoding logic into the dual pass multiplier would reduce the overall number of cycles required to perform the single precision multiplication, however, one skilled in the art will agree that the first pass is, nonetheless, an unnecessary delay to the execution time for a single precision multiply macro instruction.

The example of

FIGS. 4 and 5

shows that at approximately half of the pipeline cycles in a dual pass multiplication unit


are consumed performing useless data manipulations. Moreover, many floating point applications, particularly graphics applications, provide their operands for multiplication in single precision format. Consequently, for these applications, an extreme number of pipeline cycles are consumed by needless computations. This is a problem that seriously affects the overall execution time for a given application program. One skilled in the art will appreciate that elimination of unnecessary pipeline cycles in the execution of any micro instruction, without requiring additional hardware, is very desirable.

The present invention allows a microprocessor to execute a single precision multiply macro instruction without incurring the unnecessary expense of a first pass through a dual pass multiplication unit, thus essentially doubling the execution speed for the instruction; the unessential pipeline cycles are eliminated from its execution path.

Now referring to

FIG. 6

, a block diagram of a microprocessor


for performing single precision multiplication according to the present invention is presented. For clarity, only those stages of the microprocessor


are shown that are relevant to this discussion. The block diagram shows four pipeline stages associated with execution of a single precision multiply macro instruction: fetch, translate, register, and execute. The microprocessor


also includes interlock logic



The fetch stage has an instruction fetch queue


connected to an instruction buffer


. The translate stage has translation logic


that provides outputs to a floating point micro instruction buffer


. Outputs to an integer unit (not shown) are provided via bus


. The floating point register stage has a floating point register file


. Outputs of the floating point register file


are provided to first and second floating point operand registers




and to a micro opcode register


. The floating point execute stage includes floating point execution logic


, which receives inputs from the first and second floating point operand registers




, and from the micro opcode register


. The floating point execution logic


includes a multiplication unit


and provides an output to a floating point result register


. Contents of the result register


are provided to the floating point write back stage so that they may be written back into the floating point register file



The multiplication unit


is configured to perform multiplication of two extended precision operands in two passes, similar to that of FIG.


. However, the multiplication unit


is distinguished in that, for single precision multiplication, the first pass of the multiplier through the unit


is not performed; only the bits of the multiplier significand that yield a significant second partial product are presented for multiplication. More specific operational details of the microprocessor


according to the present invention follow.

The instruction fetch queue


fetches macro instructions from memory (not shown) for execution by the microprocessor


. The macro instructions are sequentially provided to the instruction buffer


. The instruction buffer


has three fields: a macro opcode field


, a first macro operand field


, and a second macro operand field


. In the case of a single precision multiply macro instruction, the macro opcode field


directs the microprocessor


to multiply a multiplicand, which has been previously stored in an architecturally defined register, by a multiplier. A memory address of the multiplier is prescribed by the first macro operand field


. As before, the second macro operand field


does not contain an operand in the case of a single precision multiply instruction.

The translator


retrieves a macro instruction from the macro instruction buffer


and decodes it into an associated sequence of micro instructions. Micro instructions directed to the integer unit (not shown) are provided on bus


. Micro instructions directed to the floating point unit are provided to the floating point micro instruction buffer


. The floating point micro instruction buffer


has three fields. Contents of a micro opcode field


direct the floating point unit to perform a specific subtask. For a single precision multiplication, the micro opcode field


additionally instructs the floating point execution logic


to skip the first pass of the multiplier through the multiplication unit


. Thus, contents of the micro opcode field


are provided to the micro opcode register


. In addition, operands are provided in first and second micro operand fields




. In the event of a single precision multiply micro instruction, the micro operand fields




would contain references to specific registers in the floating point register file


for execution of the multiplication. Thus, micro instructions are provided to the floating point unit of the microprocessor



If the micro opcode so directs, contents of the floating point register file


are retrieved and placed into the first and second operand registers




. For a single precision multiply micro instruction, the multiplicand and multiplier, placed into the floating point register file


by preceding micro instructions, are retrieved and placed into the first and second operand registers





The floating point execution logic


retrieves the contents of registers




, and


and executes the subtask specified by the micro opcode. For execution of a single precision multiply micro instruction, the multiplicand and multiplier are retrieved from the registers




and are provided to the multiplication unit


in extended precision format. In contrast to a conventional multiplication unit, rather than performing an extended precision multiplication operation in two passes, the multiplication unit


skips a first pass and only executes a second pass of the multiplier through the multiplication unit


, thus eliminating unnecessary pipeline cycles. Only a part of the multiplier, having 24-significant bits present in the single precision significand, is passed through the multiplication unit


to compute a partial product. The partial product is left shifted accordingly to generate the final product. The final product is placed in the result register



Because the single precision multiplication operation requires several pipeline cycles while in the multiplication unit


, the interlock logic


inserts slips into the pipeline to preclude following instructions from prematurely advancing in the pipeline. Execution of a single precision multiply instruction according to the present invention is more completely illustrated with reference to FIG.



FIG. 7

is a table


illustrating execution of a single precision multiply instruction according to the present invention by the microprocessor


of FIG.


. The single precision multiply instruction is designated by FMUL [EBX]. It directs the microprocessor


to perform integer division of a multiplicand contained in floating point register ST(


) by a single precision multiplier contained at a memory address prescribed by the contents of register EBX in the integer register file. In accordance with the technique for single precision multiplication described with reference to

FIG. 6

, the translator


decodes the single precision multiply instruction into a single precision load micro instruction, designated by LD F


,[EBX], and a single precision multiply micro instruction, designated by FMULS ST(




. The single precision load micro instruction directs the microprocessor


to fetch the contents of the memory address prescribed by register EBX in the integer register file and place the contents in register F


in the floating point register file


. The single precision multiply micro instruction directs the floating point unit to multiply the multiplicand, previously loaded into register ST(


) in the floating point register file


, by the multiplier that is stored in register F


. It additionally directs the multiplication unit


to skip the unnecessary multiplication pass involving bits of the multiplier significand that are equal to zero.

Progression of the micro instructions through the microprocessor


is shown with respect to cycles of a pipeline clock. Instructions before and after instructions of interest are designated by “***.” Voids, or slips in the pipeline are designated by “--.” As before,

FIG. 6

only depicts those stages of the microprocessor pipeline that are relevant to this discussion. Hence, the fetch stage and write back stage are not shown. The integer register stage is shown, however, because the single precision load micro instruction is provided via bus


to the integer unit so the multiplier can be fetched from memory.

During cycle


, the single precision multiply instruction, FMUL [EBX], proceeds through the translate stage of the pipeline. Therein, the translator


retrieves it from the macro instruction buffer


and decodes it into the two micro instructions described above.

During cycle


, the single precision load micro instruction, LD F


, [EBX], proceeds through the integer register stage. As discussed with respect to

FIG. 5

, the table


does not depict the operations in the integer unit related to retrieving the multiplier because they are not relevant to the discussion. The table


does show, though, that three cycles of the pipeline clock are required the integer unit to load the multiplier into register F


. Consequently, contents of the memory address prescribed by the contents of register EBX, which are the single precision multiplier, are placed into register F


of the floating point register file


. Although the multiplier is in single precision format in memory, it is translated into extended precision format when provided to register F


: the 40 least significant bits of the significand of register F


contain zeros. Also during cycle


, a following macro instruction proceeds through the translate stage.

Because the multiplication operation cannot begin until the multiplier is placed into register F


, the interlock logic


inserts slips into the pipeline during cycles




. At this point execution of the single precision load micro instruction is complete insofar as concerns this discussion.

During cycle


, the single precision multiply micro instruction proceeds through the floating point register stage. Therein, the previously stored multiplicand is retrieved from register ST(


) in the register file


and is placed into register


. Also, the multiplier is retrieved from register F


and is placed in register


. The micro opcode directing single precision multiplication is placed in register



During cycle


, the single precision multiply micro instruction proceeds through the floating point execute stage. Therein, the multiplicand and multiplier are retrieved from registers




, and the micro opcode is retrieved from register


. Rather than providing the lower part of the multiplier to the multiplication unit


along with the multiplicand, the present invention provides only the upper part including the 24 bits in accordance with a single precision significand.

The table


shows 32 pipeline cycles dedicated to generation of the final product, which represents only a single pass through a 64-bit×32-bit multiplication unit


-half of the number of cycles compared to that shown in FIG.


. While the single pass multiplication micro instruction remains in the floating point execute stage, the interlock logic


inserts slips into the pipeline to prevent following micro instructions from prematurely advancing.

Because the 40 least significant bits of the significand of the multiplier are zeros, eliminating the first pass through the multiplication unit


simply eliminates computation of an insignificant partial product.

During cycle


, the final product is generated by left shifting the partial product. The final product is then placed into the result register


. At this point, execution of the single precision multiply macro instruction is complete through the floating point execute stage.

The example of

FIGS. 6 and 7

shows that approximately half of the pipeline cycles consumed performing single precision multiplication in a dual pass multiplication unit are eliminated through use of the present invention. Those software applications that provide their operands for multiplication in single precision format, particularly graphics applications, reap the benefits of reduced overall execution time.

Moreover, the table



FIG. 7

depicts a number of multiplication cycles for a multiplication unit that does not employ the Booth recoding algorithm. By employing Booth recoding logic, the overall number of cycles in an extended precision multiplication are reduced, however, single precision multiplication in the absence of the present invention still requires two passes through a multiplication unit. Thus, an alternative embodiment employing Booth recoding logic, also takes advantage of the present invention. In the alternative embodiment, the first, unnecessary pass through the multiplication unit is eliminated. There remains roughly a 50 percent savings in the number of cycles required to perform single precision multiplication.

Now referring to

FIG. 8

, a flow chart


is presented illustrating a method for performing single precision multiplication in a microprocessor according to the present invention.

Flow begins at block


where a macro instruction is fetched from a macro instruction buffer. Flow then proceeds to decision block



At decision block


, the macro instruction is evaluated to determine whether it is a floating point multiplication instruction. If not, then flow proceeds to block


. If so, then flow proceeds to decision block



At block


, the macro instruction is translated into an associated sequence of micro instructions, which are then executed by the microprocessor. Flow then proceeds to block



At decision block


, the floating point multiplication instruction is evaluated to determine if it is a single precision multiply instruction. If so, then flow proceeds to block


. If not, then flow proceeds to block



At block


, a translator generates a single precision load micro instruction sequence directing the microprocessor to retrieve a single precision multiplier from memory or a register. Flow then proceeds to block



At block


, the translator generates a single precision multiply micro instruction sequence directing floating point execution logic in the microprocessor to skip a first pass through a multiplication unit when computing a product. Flow then proceeds to block



At block


, an integer unit in the microprocessor retrieves the single precision multiplier from memory and places it into a designated floating point register in extended precision format. Flow then proceeds to decision block



At block


, the translator generates a load micro instruction sequence according to the format prescribed by the floating point multiplication instruction. The sequence directs the microprocessor to retrieve a multiplier of prescribed format from memory or a register. Flow then proceeds to block



At block


, the translator generates a multiply micro instruction sequence according to the format prescribed by the floating point multiply instruction. The sequence directs the floating point execution logic in the microprocessor to execute two passes through a multiplication unit when computing a product. Flow then proceeds to block



At block


, the integer unit in the microprocessor retrieves the multiplier from memory and places it into a designated floating point register in extended precision format. Flow then proceeds to decision block



At decision block


, a multiplicand and the multiplier are provided to the floating point execution logic. The multiply micro instruction sequence is evaluated to determine if Single precision multiplication is prescribed. If so, then flow proceeds to block


. If not, then flow proceeds to block



At block


, a first part of the multiplier, i.e., at least the lower half of its significand, is multiplied with the multiplicand to compute a first partial product. Flow then proceeds to block



At block


, a remaining part of the multiplier is multiplied with the multiplicand to compute a second partial product. Flow then proceeds to block



At block


, the second partial product is left-shifted in accordance with the size of the multiplication unit and is summed with the first partial product to produce a final product. Flow then proceeds to block



At block


, because the multiplier was provided from memory in single precision format, the lower 40 bits of its significand are equal to zero. Therefore, the single precision multiply micro instruction sequence causes the multiplication unit to compute a second pass partial product only using the upper portion of the multiplier containing the 24 bits in its original single precision significand. Flow then proceeds to block



At block


, a final product is produced by left-shifting the partial product computed in block


. Flow then proceeds to block



At block


, the method completes.

Although the present invention and its objects, features, and advantages have been described in detail, other embodiments are encompassed by the invention. For example, the present invention has been particularly described in terms of single precision multiplication being performed in a microprocessor having dual pass multiplication unit. Improvement is achieved by skipping a pass associated with bits of an extended precision significand that are zero because of translation of a single precision significance. Common dual pass multiplication units are 64-bits×32-bits or 64-bits×40 bits. In either case, the first pass can be skipped when performing single precision multiplication. But, it is entirely within the scope of the present invention to encompass other multiplication unit variations, for example, a quadruple pass multiplication unit which is 64-bits×16-bits. Such an embodiment of the present invention would cause the first two passes of the multiplier through the multiplication unit to be skipped, and the product to be formed from partial products computed by the remaining two passes.

In addition, the present invention has been particularly characterized with regard to IEEE floating point number formats: single precision, double precision, and extended precision. However, improvements in data processing capabilities of microprocessors will result in future standard formats that comprise even greater numbers of bits in a significand. The present invention anticipates such improvements to the extent that needless passes through a multiple pass multiplication unit are eliminated.

Furthermore, the present invention has been characterized primarily with regard to performing single precision multiplication in a microprocessor. It is inconsequential, however, from what host platform the single precision multiplication is performed. Rather, the multiplication can be performed upon any platform an execution unit capable of multiplying binary data to include signal processors, embedded controllers, array processors, and industrial controllers.

Moreover, the present invention has been described in terms of a microprocessor having a floating point execution unit residing on the same integrated circuit, however, implementation of the present invention is also applicable to microprocessors having floating point units that reside on a separate integrated circuit. These separate floating point units are also known as numeric coprocessors.

In addition, the present invention has been particularly presented as executing an ×86-compatible single precision floating point multiplication instruction. In the ×86 instruction set, such multiplication is only allowed to be performed upon a single precision multiplier that is fetched from memory. However, use of the present invention is not constrained to the ×86 instruction set. Single precision multiplication can be prescribed for a multiplier that resides in a floating point register, or any other architected register in a given microprocessor. Furthermore, a multiplier need not be provided in the single precision format in order for single precision multiplication to be prescribed. Although the examples provided herein depict single precision operands as having zeros in a 40-bit low order part when they are registered in extended precision format, use of the present invention is not precluded when the low order part does not contain zeros. A requirement for a single precision result when multiplying two extended or double precision operands can be quickly provided via the present invention.

Those skilled in the art should appreciate that they can readily use the disclosed conception and specific embodiments as a basis for designing or modifying other structures for carrying out the same purposes of the present invention without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims.

  • 1. A microprocessor for performing single precision floating point multiplication of a multiplicand by a multiplier, the multiplicand and the multiplier being provided in extended precision format, comprising:a translator, configured to receive a single precision multiplication instruction, and configured to decode said single precision multiplication instruction into an associated single precision micro instruction sequence; and extended precision floating point execution logic, coupled to said translator, configured to receive said associated single precision micro instruction sequence, and configured to multiply the multiplicand by the multiplier to generate a single precision product, wherein said extended precision floating point execution logic normally performs a floating point multiplication by generating a low-order partial product followed by generation of a high-order partial product, said low-order partial product representing multiplication of a low-order part of an extended precision multiplier with an extended precision multiplicand, said high-order partial product representing multiplication of a high-order part of said extended precision multiplier with said extended precision multiplicand, wherein said low-order partial product is generated during a first traversal through said extended precision floating point execution logic and wherein said high-order partial product is generated during a second traversal through said extended precision floating point execution logic, and wherein, when said associated single precision micro instruction sequence is received said extended precision floating point execution logic generates said single precision product by executing only said second traversal to generate said high-order partial product, said high-order partial product comprising said single precision product.
  • 2. The microprocessor as recited in claim 1, wherein the multiplier has a 64-bit significand, said 64-bit significand comprising:a first part, containing 24 most significant significand bits; and a second part, containing 40 least significant significand bits.
  • 3. The microprocessor as recited in claim 2, wherein said first part comprises a 24-bit significand resulting from translation of the multiplier from single precision format to extended precision format.
  • 4. The microprocessor as recited in claim 3, wherein said second part comprises zeros.
  • 5. The microprocessor as recited in claim 2, wherein said associated single precision micro instruction sequence is configured to prescribe single precision multiplication of the multiplicand by said first part of the multiplier.
  • 6. The microprocessor as recited in claim 1, wherein said associated single precision micro instruction sequence comprises a single precision load micro instruction sequence, configured to direct the microprocessor to retrieve the multiplier from a memory address and to convert the multiplier from single precision format into extended precision format.
  • 7. An apparatus in a microprocessor for performing single precision multiplication of a multiplicand by a multiplier, comprising:a translator, configured to receive a single precision multiplication instruction, and configured to decode said single precision multiplication instruction into an associated single precision micro instruction sequence; and extended precision floating point execution logic, coupled to said translation logic, configured to receive and execute said associated single precision micro instruction sequence, said extended precision floating point execution logic comprising: a multiplication unit, configured to perform two-pass extended precision multiplication and one-pass single precision multiplication, and configured to multiply the multiplicand by the multiplier to generate a single precision product, wherein the multiplicand and the multiplier are provided to said multiplication unit in extended precision format.
  • 8. The microprocessor as recited in claim 7, wherein the multiplier has a 64-bit significand, said 64-bit significand comprising:a first part, containing 24 most significant significand bits; and a second part, containing 40 least significant significand bits.
  • 9. The microprocessor as recited in claim 8, wherein said first part comprises a 24-bit significand resulting from translation of the multiplier from single precision format to extended precision format.
  • 10. The microprocessor as recited in claim 9, wherein said second part comprises zeros.
  • 11. The microprocessor as recited in claim 8, wherein said associated single precision micro instruction sequence is configured to prescribe single precision multiplication of the multiplicand by said first part of the multiplier.
  • 12. The apparatus as recited in claim 7, wherein said associated single precision micro instruction sequence comprises a single precision load micro instruction sequence, configured to direct the microprocessor to retrieve the multiplier from a memory address and to convert the multiplier from single precision format into extended precision format.
  • 13. The apparatus as recited in claim 7, wherein said multiplication unit produces a high-order partial product, configured to represent multiplication of a high-order part of an extended precision multiplier with an extended precision multiplicand, wherein said high-order partial product is generated during a second traversal through said multiplication unit.
  • 14. The apparatus as recited in claim 8, wherein said multiplication unit produces a low-order partial product, configured to represent multiplication of a low-order part of said extended precision multiplier with said extended precision multiplicand, wherein said low-order partial product is generated during a first traversal through said multiplication unit.
  • 15. The apparatus as recited in claim 14, wherein said associated single precision micro instruction sequence directs said multiplication unit to only execute said second traversal to generate said high-order partial product.
  • 16. The apparatus as recited in claim 15, wherein said single precision product comprises said high-order partial product.
  • 17. A microprocessor for performing single precision multiplication, comprising:a translator, configured to receive a single precision multiplication instruction, and configured to decode said single precision multiplication instruction into an associated single precision micro instruction sequence, comprising: a single precision load micro instruction sequence, directing the microprocessor to retrieve an operand from a memory address and to convert said operand into an extended precision multiplier; and a single precision multiply micro instruction sequence, directing single precision multiplication of an extended precision multiplicand by said extended precision multiplier; floating point execution logic, coupled to said translation logic, configured to receive and execute said single precision multiply micro instruction sequence, said floating point execution logic comprising: a multiplication unit, configured to perform two-pass extended precision multiplication and one-pass single precision multiplication, and configured to multiply the multiplicand by the multiplier to generate a single precision product, wherein the multiplicand and the multiplier are provided to said multiplication unit in extended precision format.
  • 18. A method in a microprocessor for performing single precision multiplication of a multiplicand by a multiplier, comprising:a) translating a floating point single precision multiply instruction into an associated single precision multiply micro instruction sequence which prescribes single precision multiplication of a multiplicand by a multiplier, the multiplicand and the multiplier being registered in the microprocessor as extended precision operands; and b) performing the single precision multiplication to produce a single precision product in a single pass through an extended precision multiplication unit, the extended precision multiplication unit being configured to perform multiplication of two extended precision operands in two passes through the multiplication unit.
  • 19. The method as recited in claim 18, wherein said translating comprises:generating a single precision load micro instruction sequence, directing the microprocessor to load the multiplier in extended precision format; and generating a single precision micro instruction sequence, directing the extended precision multiplication unit only perform the single pass through the extended precision multiplication unit, the single pass executing multiplication of the multiplicand by a part of the multiplier including 24 bits in accordance with a 24-bit single precision significand.
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