The present invention relates to the field of medical devices, particularly of dentistry. More particularly, the invention relates to an apparatus and a method to visualize images and to control medical devices through a wearable electronic device.
Dental practice is a peculiar environment: on one hand, it can be likened to a surgical environment, in that some operations performed by the dentist interrupt mucosal continuity, and therefore can introduce pathogens (bacteria, virus, fungi) into the tissues of the body under treatment. On the other hand, dental environment is on average much dirtier than most surgical environments. This is due to the particular instrumentation normally used by dentists, which comprises rotary and non rotary instruments (e.g. turbine, micromotor with contra-angle, calculus scaler, etc.), which generate an aerosol cloud containing the bacteria present in the oral cavity. Indicatively, in a milliliter of saliva there are 5 billions of microorganism, some of which can be pathogens or opportunistic.
Details on aerosol generation during dental operation can be found in the chapter “Sterilization, Disinfection and Asepsis in Dentistry” in “Disinfection, Sterilization and Preservation”, Ed. Seymour Block, Fifth Edition, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins 2001, and also in the Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings—2003 Centers for Disease Control Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 2003; 52.
This peculiarity of the dental environment, known since the '70s, induced manufacturers to find ways to control the dental unit without using dentist's hands. A very widespread way is controlling the dental unit (e.g. patient's chair adjustment;, turbine/micromotor increase/decrease of rounds-per-minute, and direction of rotation) through a foot control connected to the dental unit; the foot control being known since the '60s. Nonetheless, using feet to control dental units has some limitations, linked both to the lesser precision of foot controls with respect to hand controls, and to the way of controlling through a foot control, which obliges the dentist to memorize complex sequences of actions (typically a foot control only has a couple of buttons and a lever or joy-stick).
Moreover, since the '90s there have been important innovations in dental imaging field.
On one hand, intra-oral cameras have known a large spread, both to improve dentist-patient communication, and to record the different therapeutic steps for medico-legal reasons. Here, too, given the small dimensions of the camera handpiece, often having just one key, controlling navigation among images or acquired video sequences can become problematic. Often even foot control is difficult to use.
On the other hand, again since the 90's, digital imaging started to spread, first with intra-oral sensors, successively with wider sensor used on panoramic and specific CT apparatuses (extra-oral radiographic apparatuses like panoramic apparatuses and Cone-Beam Computerized Tomography, CBCT). The consultation of radiographs during a dental operation can be of paramount importance, like in e.g. endodontics or metallic implant placement in maxillary or mandibular bone.
An alternative possibility of controlling a device and visualizing images is offered by a recent technology development, wearable electronic devices. At the moment on the market there are wearable electronic devices having approximately the shape of glasses which can be supported by user's nose and ears, in our case by dentist's nose and ears.
Said wearable electronic devices typically comprise:
a portion which can be supported by user's nose;
a portion which can be supported by user's ears;
a housing for electronic circuits, in particular a control module and a memory module;
a camera module;
an output module allowing the user to interact with the wearable electronic device, e.g. a module supplying information to the user in speech form (e.g. a loudspeaker) or visible form (e.g. a display);
a module to show images to the user while she/he is wearing the wearable electronic device;
a module allowing the user to control the wearable electronic device, e.g. a module capable of recognizing speech commands, a module capable of recognizing gestures performed by the user, a module capable of receiving touch commands (e.g. a touch pad);
a module capable of performing a wireless connection (e.g. Bluetooth, WiFi) with other devices in the area around the user.
With respect to image visualization, different kinds of wearable electronic devices are available on the market at the moment, wherein:
Images are visualized on a screen on the edge of lenses,
The screen is part of the lens,
Images are projected directly on the lenses making use of different technologies, e.g. holography.
When in the following description and in claims reference is made to the fact that images are visualized on the wearable electronic device screen, indifferently one of the above-described visualization mode will be used.
With the wearable electronic device dentists are allowed to:
Observe images coming from medical devices in the visible field (intra-oral camera, 3D scanner or other) or from radiographic devices on the wearable electronic device screen, simply glancing up;
Using the wearable electronic device itself to control the medical device he/she is using, be it a dental treatment unit or a radiographic apparatus, and to interact with possible bodies outside the dental practice through remote communication protocols (e.g. consultation with a medical specialist outside the dental practice for telemedicine protocols; medical device's maintenance in contact with a remote specialized technician; link to patient's electronic medical record).
Substantially, on the wearable electronic device screen, information and/or images of different kind can be visualized:
Visible range images: images coming from intra-oral camera, 3D scanner (device digitally acquiring the impression of patient' dental arch), digital camera, periodontal or apical probe, 3D objects renderings, tutorials, educational or entertaining film, intervention protocols;
Images generated by other wavelengths like ultraviolet (UV) or infrared (IR);
Radiographic images: images coming from intra- and extra-oral radiographic apparatuses, e.g. images coming from an intra-oral digital X-ray sensor, allowing the dentist to perform an endodontic intervention;
Information coming from patient's medical record; in this case a link to a dental practice management software must be present;
Information linked to telemedicine: a medical specialist outside the dental practice can follow the intervention and interact with the operator;
Information linked to remote maintenance: a specialized technician in a site outside the dental practice can interact with the dentist to perform a diagnostic intervention on a medical device;
Tutorials and clinical protocols to be consulted during the intervention.
With respect to the visualization of images of different kind, it should be noted that the visualization mode can also be different: in one case, e.g. in the visualization of the patient's clinical record the image could be completely opaque, so hindering the user from seeing her/his environment, while in another case the image could be at least partially transparent, so that the dentist can at the same time visualize e.g. the patient's oral cavity and the radiographic image representing it.
Each image, according to the kind of image, the device that generated it, the technology through which the image itself is transferred to the wearable electronic device, and the mode through which the image is visualized by the wearable electronic device, can be processed through a more or less complex chain of components. These components can be distributed among the various devices and/or be integrated in few (to the limit one) main image processing units: the set of said components is called image processor.
To control the medical device (dental treatment unit or radiographic apparatus) through the wearable electronic device, the dentist can use different technologies, among which (including but not limited to):
Speech recognition through a microphone inside the wearable electronic device;
Gesture recognition through a camera inside the wearable electronic device;
Eye tracking through a camera inside the wearable electronic device;
Manual input devices, with keys or touch surface inside the wearable electronic device.
Typically, the communication between wearable electronic device and medical device to be controlled occurs through wireless communication protocols like e.g. Bluetooth, WiFi, WiFi Direct.
The command which can be provided to a dental treatment unit are (including but not limited to):
The commands that can be provided on a radiographic apparatus are (including but not limited to):
Each command, according to the kind of command, input technologies in the wearable electronic device, the medical device to which it has to be delivered, and mode through which the command is transferred from the wearable electronic device to the medical device to be controlled, can be processed through a more or less complex chain of components. These components can be distributed among the various devices and/or integrated in few (to the limit one main control units: the set of said components is called controller.
All that has been said above makes the possibility very interesting, on the one hand to control the dental treatment unit, but also imaging apparatuses, without contact with the dentist's hands, in that the dentist's hands during operation are typically contaminated in the best case with the patient's saliva, in the worst case with blood. On the other hand, the possibility of visualizing the images acquired through intra-oral cameras, X-ray digital sensor, or an extra-oral radiographic apparatus on the screen of a wearable electronic device is very interesting for the dentist, without the need to use her/his hands to navigate from an image to another, visualizing them instead on the virtual screen of a wearable electronic device.
This object is achieved by an apparatus and a method according to the invention. Advantageous embodiment and refinements are specified in the claims dependent thereon.
The advantages of the present invention are essentially the possibility to control without contaminating the medical device in use (dental treatment unit or radiographic apparatus), and in the possibility of visualizing a plurality of images easily going from one to another, without distracting dentist's look from her/his operating field.
Known dental treatment units can be controlled by the dentist through foot control, but in this case she/he has to memorize complex control sequences, or she/he can use her/his hands to press keys present on the dentist's instrument board or the touch screen of console or screen, but in this second case the dentist contaminates the dental treatment unit with her/his hands soiled with saliva and/or blood. Dental treatment units controlled through speech recognition are known in the art, but these have the disadvantage that the dentist has to move her/his gaze from the operating field to visualize the desired image.
For all said above, it is apparent that the dental treatment unit is the preferred embodiment of the present invention. Nonetheless, the skilled person can apply the same concepts to other kinds of apparatuses, in particular radiographic apparatuses, in the dental practice, or more generally, in a medical office.
Since the dental treatment unit is the main work tool for the dentist, the dental treatment unit is conceived as a “hub” to which all the other important devices in the dental practice make reference, like e.g.:
An intra-oral radiographic apparatus in combination with an X-ray digital sensor, a panoramic radiographic apparatus, a volumetric radiographic apparatus (CBCT),
Devices in the instrument processing room (e.g. ultrasonic cleaner, thermal disinfector, autoclave).
The dental treatment unit is the preferred embodiment for the present invention. Nonetheless, the same concepts are easily applicable by the skilled person to any other medical device.
In the first case, the dentist can visualize through the wearable electronic device all the radiographic images acquired through these apparatuses. In the second case on the dental treatment unit and therefore on the wearable electronic device information on the cycle status of the cleaning/disinfecting/sterilizing apparatus are received (e.g. the information that a cleaning/disinfecting/sterilizing cycle is finished).
Further advantages and properties of the present invention are disclosed in the following description, in which exemplary embodiments of the present invention are explained in detail based on the drawings:
On the left side, the typical medical devices that can be controlled by the wearable electronic device 1 are shown: dental treatment unit 2, intra-oral camera 3, intra-oral radiographic apparatus 4, extra-oral radiographic apparatus 5, cleaning/disinfecting/sterilizing devices 6 for dental instruments, workstation 7.
On the right side, the images which can be typically visualized on the wearable electronic device screen are shown:
Static images 10 of the visible field, e.g. images coming from an intra-oral camera, 3D scanner, dental cameras, periodontal or apical probes, 3D objects rendering;
Dynamic images of the visible field (not shown) like e.g. streaming videos coming from an intra-oral camera, tutorials, educational or entertaining films, intervention protocols, learning protocols;
Images generated through other wavelengths like ultraviolet and/or infrared (not shown)
Radiographic images: images 11 coming from intra-oral radiographic devices;
Radiographic images 12 coming from extra-oral radiographic devices, e.g. from a panoramic apparatus or a Cone-Beam Computerized Tomograph (CBCT);
Information coming from patient's digital record 13; in this case a link to a dental practice management software must be present;
Images coming from archives 14, removable devices 15 (e.g. USB stick) and from remote archives 16 (cloud computer);
Information linked to remote assistance (not shown): possibility for a specialized technician in a site outside the dental practice to interact with the dentist in order to perform a diagnostic intervention on a medical device.
It should be finally noted that wearable electronic devices can also generate images, in the form of photographs, or clips, therefore also these images can be saved in the patient's electronic record and visualized successively.
On the dentist's instrument board 24 the typical instruments used during dental therapies can be recognized: an air/water dental syringe, a curing lamp, an ultrasound scaler for removing calculus, a micromotor with a contrangle, a turbine. On the assistant's instrument board 25 a camera is present, whose images can be visualized in real time on monitor 26. If the dental treatment unit 2 is connected to an external PC or a workstation (not shown), the digital patient record can be consulted, comprising all patient's information like personal data, therapy plan, already performed therapies, already acquired visible or X-ray images. Moreover, on dentist's instrument board 24 a dentist's control console 28 is typically present, which allows to modify the operating parameters of dental unit 2. The control console 28 is typically provided with a small display for visualizing information. On the most advanced versions of the control console 28 or on the screen 26 different kinds of information can be visualized, among which information on the patient, on the already performed therapy or patient's radiographic images.
It is apparent that all the instruments need controls in order to be used, starting from patient's chair 22 adjustment. Nowadays most instruments are controlled through foot control, with more or less complex combinations of sequential actions. Often, to make controlling more user-friendly, the removal of an instrument from instrument board 24 leads to showing on control console 28 the menu relative to the adjustment of the instrument in use in that moment.
Concerning adjustment bar 45 of the instrument in use, it should be noted that the use (i.e. its removal from the instrument board) of the instrument (e.g. water/air dental syringe, curing lamp, calculus ultrasonic scaler, micromotor with contrangle, turbine, intra-oral camera) causes the appearance of an adjustment bar specific for that specific instrument. For instance, when the micromotor is in use, an adjustment bar will appear allowing to choose the number of rounds per minute and the direction of rotation of the micromotor, while when the intra-oral camera is in use, an adjustment bar will appear allowing to choose whether to acquire a clip or a frozen single image.
In the present invention the graphical interface 40, which is traditionally visualized on the above-said screens 26, 28, or 7, is moreover visualized on the wearable electronic device screen. A specific pre-set speech control can be associated to each control of the graphical interface 40, so that the operator can control the devices neither using her/his hands, nor lifting her/his gaze from the operating field.
The speech controls are acquired by the wearable electronic device, processed and translated into electronic signals allowing to control medical devices
Studying a graphical interface 40 suitable to easily control all the parameters listed in paragraph 0017 is in the normal abilities of the skilled person.
An alternative possibility is that the wearable electronic device directly controls the medical device, without passing through the graphical interface 40; in this case pre-set commands, e.g. speech commands, are directly translated into electronic signals allowing to control the medical devices connected to it. Advantageously the communication between wearable electronic device and medical device to be controlled occurs through wireless communication protocols, e.g. Bluetooth, WiFi, WiFi Direct.
It should also be specified that the connection between wearable electronic device 1 and dental treatment unit 2 can occur in two alternative ways:
The connection between wearable electronic device and dental unit can be direct and local;
The connection between wearable electronic device and dental unit can be indirect and occur through a remote server. This second possibility appears particularly interesting in the case of a dental practice provided with a plurality of dental treatment units, and wherein the management of patients and appointments occurs through a management software for the dental practice.
According to an improvement of the invention, the wearable electronic device can be used as a magnifying device of dentist's visual field. In particular, in this combination, the electronic wearable device can visualize video images of the operating field, either previously acquired or directly real time, through at least a camera shooting the operating field. The acquired image can be magnified as desired through commands provided to the image processing electronics and/or of the wearable electronic device and visualized in the said device according to one or more of the previously described modes. During operation, dentist is allowed to pass from a direct vision in a 1:1 scale, or, if she/he has to be extremely precise, she/he can replace her/his direct vision with a real time, but magnified image, of the intervention area.
Said image can be visualized in different areas of the screen of the wearable electronic device or make said image a replacement of the direct visual image.
The above-described application converts the wearable electronic device into a sort of digital magnifying lens.
According to a further improvement, the wearable electronic device can be in combination with visualizing means of previously acquired diagnostic images, e.g. 3D images, identifying means on said 3D diagnostic images of univocal points for the definition of a fixed spatial reference system, said points corresponding to given markers that can even be purely anatomic. A processing section detects the anatomic markers on the patients, registers the video images to the previously acquired diagnostic 3D image, and transmits and visualizes the previously acquired image of the registered 3D volume to the visual image on the lens of the wearable electronic device, in a combined condition with the visual condition.
The combination can occur using visual images shot through a camera, and therefore visualizing a digital fusion image replacing the direct vision, or the combination can occur visualizing the image data of the previously acquired diagnostic three-dimensional image with a given transparency on the screen of the wearable electronic device, so that a natural fusion can occur between direct visual image and previously acquired diagnostic image.
A further embodiment can have tracking means of the patient's position and of a surgical instrument with respect to a fixed reference system and the visualization in fusion images even of the active part of the instrument, like e.g. the tip of a turbine or an endodontic file.
Finally, it should be pointed out that the image processor of the images generated by one of the devices capable to generate images can be:
Totally inside the dental treatment unit (2) or inside another medical device, or
Totally inside the wearable electronic device (1) or
At least a part of the operative components of the image processor receiving the external images transmitted by one or more devices capable of generating images can be inside the wearable electronic device (1), while the remaining part of the operative components of the image processor is inside said devices or in a centralized image processing unit and connected to said devices and with said wearable electronic device.
In a preferred embodiment, the wearable electronic device 1 is used to visualize the images that are generated by medical devices connected with the dental treatment unit 1, like the intra-oral camera 3 and the intra-oral X-ray digital sensor 31. In a further preferred embodiment, the wearable electronic device is used to visualize patient's digital record 13. Therefore, the dental treatment unit works as a hub.
In this embodiment, shown in
Alternatively, the dentist can choose the option “streaming video” of the intra-oral camera 3: this activates screen 53, from which, through a speech or touch command, screen 54 appears, showing the signal picked up by camera 3 on the screen of the wearable electronic device 1. At this point, the dentist frames with the camera the anatomical portion of interest, which she/he can see on screen 55 without diverting her/his gaze on screen 26, which is instead turned towards the patient, in order to facilitate dentist-patient communication. Once the dentist finds the frame of interest, she/he can, using a speech or a touch command, freeze an image 56 of the streaming video and save it through the command “take a picture”. Once the desired number of images has been saved, the dentist can stop the streaming video 57 of the intra-oral camera 3 through speech or touch command on the wearable electronic device. At this point, again through the speech or touch command “show pictures” 58, the dentist can access the gallery 59, in which all the acquired images can be visualized. If the dental treatment unit 2 is connected to dental practice management software, in the gallery 59 images saved in preceding sessions can be visualized, too, and the new images of the gallery are permanently saved in the patient's digital record 13.
An alternative working mode to the above-described one consists in the fact that the commands “start streaming” 54, “take a picture” 56, “stop streaming” 57, “show picture” 58 are performed not through the speech or touch commands of the wearable electronic device 1, but through the traditional commands of the dental treatment unit 2. Therefore, in the example of the workflow shown in
The wearable electronic devices 1 possess a general-purpose logic, and therefore are based on known communication standards, e.g. TCP/IP. The challenge for the skilled person is to ensure the cooperation between the wearable electronic device 1 and a dental treatment unit 2, which does not have those functionalities, providing it with an efficient communication interface allowing them to interact smoothly.
While the invention has been described in connection with the above described embodiments, it is not intended to limit the scope of the invention to the particular forms set forth, but on the contrary, it is intended to cover such alternatives, modifications, and equivalents as may be included within the scope of the invention. Further, the scope of the present invention fully encompasses other embodiments that may become obvious to those skilled in the art and the scope of the present invention is limited only by the appended claims.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
BO2015A00088 | Feb 2015 | IT | national |