Defendant's Expert Report, Michael J. Franklin, Nov. 11, 1997. |
Memorandum Opinion, Frederic N. Smalkin, United States District Judge, Mar. 5, 1998. |
Dans, Ronald, "Direct Debiting--An Alternative To Credit Card Processing," Telemarketing Magazine, pp. 46-47, Aug. 1991. |
Dans, Ronald, "New Credit Card Processing Nightmare For Telemarketers . . . And One Partial Solution," Teleprofessional Magazine, pp. 18-19, Sep. 1991. |
Maturi, Richard J., "Running A Better Business," Entrepreneur Magazine, pp. 214, 216-217, Jul. 1992. |
Letter of Jul. 27, 1993 from Jones, Tullar & Cooper, PC Regarding pending patent application of Robert Pollin. |
Westcorp Sofware Systems, Inc., MICRO PRO Series Brochure. |
Acuprint letter of reseller Direct Check, Inc. Brochure. |
The Nilson report, Month of Jun., 1993, Issue 550 Collection Software Brochure. |
Letter of Jul. 11, 1991 to Byrd & Forrest Collection Agency from Robert E. Pollin. |
Letter of Jul. 30, 1991 to Doctors Credit Service, Inc., from Robert E. Pollin. |
Auto-Pay Schedule of fees for collection agencies. |
Sample Check. |
Copy of an Agreement. |
Copy of an Auto Pay Brochure. |
Brochure: Freedom From Telecom Support Systems. |
Brochure: International Banking Technology. |
"Germantown Firm Charges Ahead With Automatic Payment Program," Germantown Gazette. |
Check by phone materials. |
Fidelity Check Incorporated, Letter to prospective client. |
Dans, Ron, QuickCard Systems, promotional Leeter, 3 pages, dated Sep. 1, 1990. |
Protest filed by Mr. Shawn J. Noel on or about Jul. 20, 1994. |
Protest filed by Shawn J. Noel on or about Sep. 16, 1994. |
Protest filed by Mr. Donald Pette, Jr., of Direct Check, Inc. on or about Sep. 21, 1994. |
Protest filed by Attorney William A. Blake on or about Oct. 26, 1994, assumed to be on behalf of Mr. Ronald Dans [hereinafter Dans protest]. |