Electronics and Computers are now not a new concept. Decades ago when electronics technology was at the leading edge computers did not play a major role. Electrical mechanical processes were the norm in everyday automated processing of goods and services. With the invention of the transistor and years later, the microprocessor proved a milestone in their respective times. The basic operations the computers of the time were small and did not required complex work. During the eighties decade the integration of very high large-scale integrated circuitry (VLSI) and the coming nineties decade with the internet prove a bonanza. At last, everything was coming together and consumers began to buy computers a steady pace. The eventual number of integrated densities of semiconductors started to create problems. Because of the density factor semiconductors and demanding work loads the number crunching of central processing units are heating up. Complex machinery that is computers are began to slow and sometimes stomping computer activity. The problems were the heating up of microprocessors. The increase high demands place on central processors lethargic their abilities.
At the core of computers are the microprocessors. These complex processing units execute almost every interaction by a computer system and integrated accessories. As their abilities grew in capacity, the new problems of heat accumulation lessen their capacities. As processing increase so did heating up. Today with complex software and demanding hardware the microprocessor easily heat up and have to come with heat sinks. The advent of these problems was contemplated with the new use of heat sinks.
During the middle nineties basic heat sink solutions were introduce. Metallic corrugated metal blocs with fins were the norm. With higher heat densities the integration of fans decreases the heat accumulation. Also today as in previous years designs in the heat sinks are being introduced. Other means of expediting heat from microprocessors are the use of liquid cooling solutions. All together, these means of cooling processors are proven effective. Nevertheless, they all fall short as a rule of thumb, microprocessors capacities grow every year.
The main objective of the present invention is to reduce heat accumulation on an integrated circuit. Thermal maintenance at the microprocessor level still remains a problem in means of cooling. Thermal heat expedition by innovative designs and transference of heat energy at the integrated circuit level still plagues IT departments, as well as the average consumers. Whether creating a new fan, heat sink, or venting the transference of air flow inside a computer, the heat associated with microprocessors still is a problem. To directly contemplate the ever-changing logarithmic growth of central processing unit capacities and heat accumulation the usual becomes obsolete at a certain point.
This new innovative design confronts this ever growing problem of heat accumulation and expedition of heat accumulation on a microprocessor. The means of dissipating heat from a source by attacking it by opposite sides is not new. On the other hand making this possible at the microprocessor level is. The innovative design is new means of bi-level thermal management. Bi-level thermal management of heat energy is the transference of heat from opposite sides. Heat energy accumulated in this case is from electron flow on circuits inside a package.
An advantage of bi-level thermal management on a package circuit is a more thorough sweep of heat energy and expediting it. By attacking the heat from opposite side the invention advantageously gathers heat from the bottom side of the microprocessor which is equal in surface area to the top side. This is clear advantage heat sinks as the bottom side also dissipates heat. The heat is transfer in this case to the upper level as the upper side expedites the heat coming from the bottom.
An advantage of this process is life extenuation of the central processing unit. Management of the heat energy on a central processing unit lengthens the life of the working microprocessor. As heat management is kept under suitable working conditions all software and hardware components work in unison, further making it easier on the user.
Furthermore, another advantage of thoroughly dissipating heat from the microprocessor increases the mean time before failure on the CPU. This contemplates all components of a computer system by keeping a compatible working system. As the system functions at or close to engineering specification without any heat problems, connected peripheral work better in juncture.
The bi-level thermal management heat sink is an invention that its innovative mechanism is a function of its design. An arrangement of having a thermal heat sink operating by two levels permit the extraction of excess heat at the bottom and upper part of a central processing unit. The term “microprocessor unit” as use herein is intended to be implicit as a broadest meaning of a but not limited to a microprocessor, a semiconductor device, a microchip, or central processing unit. The functions of said invention is incorporated by the integrations as in
A top view of the bottom heat plate shown is
In conclusion the upper heat sink Section A and the base heat plate Section B work in unison to extract heat from an heat generating semiconductor device, in general a microprocessor.