Not Applicable.
The subject matter herein relates generally to the field of neurology and medical technology, and more specifically to blood reader systems, including circulating biomarkers and therapeutics based on such a system for concussions or comparable types of head trauma or brain injuries.
Within the medical profession, injuries to the head and/or brain, which are caused by forceful impacts are classified as “mild” (even though some such injuries may lead to serious and even severe long-term damage), if certain types of indicators are not present which would otherwise indicate a need for immediate hospitalization and critical-care intervention. If present they are designated moderate or severe.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), which is often used interchangeably with concussion, likely affects between 1.5 and 2 million people annually, in the U.S. The CDC figures are based on individuals that actually seek medical attention for their TBI. Since most mTBI/concussed persons do not seek medical attention the number may be 4-5 times higher. The CDC also estimates that between 3.5 and 4 million people annually suffer from the types of moderate and severe TBI. The CDC goes on to state that TBI is caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that disrupts the normal function of the brain, but not all blows or jolts to the head result in a TBI, these are usually termed sub-concussive hits. The objective diagnosis and related treatment of mTBI and/or concussion is the basis for this invention. The CDC further estimate that 15 to 20% of the annual TBI cases will go on to post-concussion syndrome (PCS), usually within 7 to 10 days after the concussion; about 50% of those individuals will continue to suffer from symptoms of PCS three months after the head trauma, and 20% will still have symptoms a full year after the injury.
Trained specialists who work in hospital admitting rooms use an evaluation system that assigns a “Glasgow Coma Score” (GCS) to arriving patients. However, those types of evaluations, by trained experts, are reached only after a patient has been taken to a hospital. Accordingly, a major need has arisen for better methods that will allow police, firemen, athletic coaches and trainers, ambulance attendants, and other semi-trained laypersons to accurately and reliably evaluate what appears to be a “mild” head injury, at the site, or venue, where an accident or other similar event occurred.
Traditional diagnosis of a concussion, or a mild TBI (mTBI), is poor and inaccurate, and even at best, diagnosis of borderline cases (which are very frequent) is heavily subjective as described below. Over the last decade and a half, intensive efforts towards defining objective and clinically-useful biomarkers have not been successful, in large part because the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is very efficient at keeping most types of extracellular molecules either inside the brain, or outside the brain.
Accordingly, it would be highly useful if coaches and trainers, on collegiate and professional sports teams, and at any other level, equally or even more critically, such as high school, junior high school, youth sports organizations (and in any sport which poses a risk of serious collisions or violent impacts), could have and use a simple and convenient diagnostic tool and method, which could provide a valid and reliable indicator of m TBI.
Beyond those types of sports-related injuries, numerous other types of trained personnel (including police, firemen, ambulance attendants, and even teachers and various types of caregivers) encounter situations where they witness (or are called upon as a “first-responder” to) an accident, which may involve a concussion or similar mTBI,
Therefore, if diagnostic tools and methods were available which could provide coaches, trainers, police, firemen, and the owners of places (such as ski resorts) where head traumas are likely to occur, with an objective capability of evaluating the true severity of a head trauma, it could save lives, reduce costs, and prevent terrible suffering, including the suffering of family members and loved ones who lost (or who must spend the rest of their lives caring for) someone who was young, healthy, athletic, and promising, up until the day of an accident.
Moreover, it has been estimated that, in the U.S., from one- to two-thirds of TBI patients whose head injuries were sufficiently severe or worrisome to cause them to go to an hospital, are subsequently assessed as “mild” TBI or concussion patients, and are sent home within a few hours after arriving at the hospital (or after an overnight stay, if they arrive in the evening or nighttime), with no special medical treatments that required a prescription or active involvement from a doctor. They are advised to contact their primary clinical provider (PCP) after several weeks or sooner if their symptoms get worse.
Most of those patients recover, without significant short or mid-term consequences. However, substantial numbers of such patients develop persistent neurological, behavioral, and cognitive symptoms, which often include, for example, recurring headaches, memory disturbances, difficulties in concentrating, and lingering anxiety and/or depression). These types of symptoms, if they arise following a concussion or mild TBI, are often generally lumped together, and are referred to as “post-concussion syndrome” (PCS). It has been estimated that: (i) than three-quarters of all concussion and mild TBI patients will have one or more symptoms that indicate PCS up to 3 months after the concussion or; mTBI and, (ii) 15% of such patients will continue to have one or more of such symptoms, a full year or more after the accident, considered “persistent” (pPCS). Furthermore, the medical disability and insurance claims, and occupational problems (including frequent requests for time off from work) that are associated with pPCS, are quite sizeable, and impose large economic burdens on society, employers, and workers.
For the foregoing reasons, it is not sufficient for people such as football coaches, policemen, or ambulance attendants to create and then rely upon a “single-moment-in-time” analysis of a head trauma, since that “snapshot” type of single-instant evaluation cannot adequately determine or foretell which players or patients are at substantially elevated risk of a serious neurologic problem that may not begin to seriously manifest and become apparent until more time has passed after a “blow to the head”.
Accordingly, one object of this invention is to establish a blood reader system, device and method including a set, or panel, of biochemical markers in the blood, which will reliably act as a predictor of the type and severity of the type of neuronal injury that is most likely to occur, during the hours following a blow to the head.
Another object of this invention is to establish such a testing device and system which will use specialized and disposable diagnostic components that have been prepared in advance and that are designed to interact with the testing device, and which can receive a small sample of blood or saliva, taken from the player, patient, or victim several minutes after the head trauma, and which analyze in real-time, or in short order, a set of biochemical markers that provide a useful predictive indicator of how severe the cellular and neuronal damage actually was, inside the brain, and which indicates whether a player, patient, or victim needs immediate medical attention, to prevent additional and possibly permanent brain damage.
Related to the need for more reliable determination of mTBI, is that for injectable drugs that can reduce brain damage after a head injury or similar crisis, and which also can be used to treat various types of ongoing or chronic neuro-inflammatory problems. These drugs may involve “chimeric” proteins, which contain active fragments derived from completely different proteins. By coupling together different fragments obtained from different proteins which have different activities, a “chimeric” protein may be created which can offer new and useful treatments for injured, infected, or otherwise damaged brain or spinal tissue.
HMGB1 is an acronym that refers to “high mobility group box 1”, a protein belonging to a family of high mobility group (HMG) proteins, so-called because of high electrophoretic mobility in polyacrylamide gels. It has two completely different sets of functions, depending on whether it is inside a cell, or outside a cell. When kept inside a cell, HMGB1 remains in the nucleus, where it becomes one of the most important proteins that interact with chromosomal DNA. Accordingly, intra-cellular HMGB1 is a “chromatin” protein, where “chromatin” refers to the entire mass of DNA and associated proteins (including histone proteins, transcription proteins, gene-regulating proteins, etc.) that are contained in the nucleus of a cell. HMG proteins are the most ubiquitous non-histone proteins associated with chromatin, in mammalian cells, and they play crucially important roles in bending, looping, folding and other actions that handle and manipulate the genes of a cell.
By contrast, when HMGB1 is released by dying cells or secreted by living cells, it can become a serious and even severe trouble-maker, which can trigger and aggravate inflammation in ways that are not wanted, helpful, or useful. In general, inflammation (including neuro-inflammation) is a protective response to various types of cell and tissue injuries and infections, and HMGB1 participates in those. That type of release of HMGB1, by cells, occurs when certain types of immune cells (including macrophages and monocytes) are contacted by certain types of triggering agents; it will also occur when cells are killed and ruptured, due to injury, infection, or disease (“necrosis”, as distinct from the controlled recycling of old and senescent cells by a process called apoptosis).
As used herein, the term “neuro-inflammation” is limited to “inflammation” that occurs within the central nervous system (CNS; i.e., within the brain and/or spinal cord). In other words, “neuro-inflammation” (as used herein) must directly affect neurons and/or glial cells in CNS tissue, in order to be covered by the discussion or claims herein. Neurons outside the CNS (which includes neurons of the “peripheral” and/or “sympathetic” nervous systems) may also be affected, in some cases; however, the test for determining whether “neuro-inflammation” (as addressed and covered by this invention) is occurring depends on whether neurons and/or glial cells inside the brain or spinal cord are being directly affected.
As a point of clarification, some CNS neurons have their main cell bodies inside the CNS, but also have specialized fibers (often called dendrites or similar terms) that extend outside the brain and spinal cord. For all purposes herein, the test of whether a neuron is located inside or outside the CNS depends on the location of the main neuronal cell body (which will necessarily include the cell nucleus), regardless of whether one or more neuronal fibers extend outside the CNS tissue.
The reference above to “glial cells” also requires comment. That term refers to and includes any cells in brain or spinal cord tissue (excluding cells in blood vessels) that do not send or receive nerve signals. The term “glial” comes from the same root word as “glue”; glial cells were given that name before their functions were understood, when it was assumed that they merely supplied a supporting matrix which helped neurons create and position the long fibers they use to communicate with each other. It is now known that there are several major classes of glial cells, and they provide a number of crucially important “housekeeping and support” functions for neurons. As one example, glial cells called “oligodendrocytes” create and maintain the “myelin sheaths” that surround neuronal fibers. Those “myelin sheaths” enable the electrochemical surges which create nerve signals to travel through the myelin-coated neuronal fibers, in a manner which is directly comparable to the way that a layer of non-conductive plastic, around a metal wire, enables electrical currents to pass through the coated and insulated wire without being lost to surrounding points of contact.
A second group of glial cells are astrocytes, so-called because of their star-shaped appearance in microscopic sections of CNS tissue. They are a critically important class of glial cells, which play fundamental roles as support cells for neurons, and in helping regulate energy supplies and transfers inside the brain. “Astrogliosis” often becomes an important factor during or after an injury to the brain or spinal cord, and it often becomes part of a neuro-inflammatory process that, in many cases, makes the pathology worse, and leads to progressive neurodegeneration. Astrocytes also interact closely with endothelial (i.e., blood vessel wall) cells inside the CNS, to form the blood-brain barrier (BBB), a cellular barrier that controls the vertebrate brain's internal environment. This close relationship between astrocytes and endothelial cells becomes even closer, during situations of oxidative stress and neuro-inflammation. In these situations, and especially after a traumatic brain injury (TBI), some of the cellular factors that are released by astrocyte cells can cause increased permeability of the BBB, in ways that can allow unwanted molecules to pass through the BBB, to make the crisis and the damage even worse.
As a third example, another class of glial cells which are directly relevant to this invention, as described below, are called “microglial” cells, or microglia, since they are relatively small (in comparison to neurons), and do not have any fibrous projections. Their small size, combined with the absence of fibers, makes it much easier for microglia to travel and migrate through brain tissue. That is an essential trait, since microglia create what is, in effect, as the CNS version of an immune system. Rather than generating or using antibodies, which will effectively label an invading pathogen in a way that causes it to be engulfed and destroyed by a macrophage (which is a complex type of immune cell), the brain and spinal cord use microglia to attack and in many cases surround anything which is interpreted to be “foreign” by the brain or spinal cord. In most cases, numerous microglia, acting in concert with each other, will attack, and will gradually dissolve and digest, whatever they have surrounded; however, it takes a relatively long time for them to do so, in comparison to how a single macrophage cell outside the brain or spinal cord can rapidly engulf, surround, devour, and digest large numbers of bacterial invaders or virus particles. In other cases, if a cluster or pocket of microbes forms, inside the brain or spinal cord, or if a foreign particle becomes lodged inside brain or spinal tissue after an injury or trauma, a layer of microglia can surround that pocket or particle, and then effectively die or become dormant, in a way which effectively isolates and smothers any pathogens inside a coating or shell of dead, dormant, or inert glial cells; this process is called “reactive gliosis”.
Glial cells can aggravate neuro-inflammation, in several ways. For example, in response to certain types of stress or infection, glial cells (especially astrocytes) can swell up to abnormally large sizes, due to excessive uptake of the clear liquid called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The medical term for excessive fluid accumulation, which leads to cell or tissue swelling is “edema”, regardless of where it occurs in a mammalian body.
If edema begins to occur inside the brain, it can become extremely dangerous and even lethal, since swelling of cells or tissue inside the skull casing will lead to increased fluid pressures, which will begin pressing against the outer walls of blood vessels inside the brain. The walls of capillaries in particular are very thin, in order to enable high levels of nutrient and metabolite transfers into and out of the brain or spinal cord tissue. Therefore, those capillary walls cannot resist and push back, if elevated fluid pressures begin to press against their outer surfaces. If circulating blood encounters greater resistance (i.e., abnormally high fluid pressure) inside the brain, the blood will follow the basic laws of fluid mechanics, and will be diverted toward any available paths of lower resistance, thereby depriving the brain of the blood it needs to function properly. Inadequate blood supply to the brain can trigger excitotoxic, neurotoxic, and other problems which can begin killing neurons and glial cells in large numbers, leading to permanent brain damage or even death. Accordingly, edema inside the brain and/or spinal cord (which involves any swelling of neurons and/or glial cells) is regarded herein as a type of neuro-inflammation.
Several other medical terms also deserve mention. For purposes herein, the terms “swelling” and “inflammation” are used interchangeably. The standard medical definition of “inflammation” in peripheral (outside the CNS) tissues, lists four “cardinal signs”, which are redness, heat/warmth, swelling, and pain (impaired function is also listed as a frequent fifth sign). However, not all of those signs must be present, in any particular case of inflammation, and this is especially true for neuroinflammation, a much more complex form. Accordingly, to simplify and clarify this discussion and analysis, any swelling of cells or tissue, if and when it reaches a point or a level of severity that would be interpreted by a skilled physician or neurologist as indicating a pathological condition (i.e., a level which is either causing or displaying a medical problem which should be treated by some sort of medical intervention) is regarded and referred to as “inflammation”, and the terms “swelling” and “inflammation” are used interchangeably, herein.
The suffix “-itis” indicates swelling and/or inflammation, as occurs in words such as appendicitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, etc. Accordingly, since “cephalon” and “encephalon” refer to the brain, the term “encephalitis” refers to swelling/inflammation of brain tissue.
The membranes that surround the brain and/or spinal cord also are regarded as components of those organs, and if they become inflamed, they will directly affect brain and/or spinal cord tissue and neurons in ways that can be regarded and classified as neuro-inflammation. Accordingly, “meningitis” and “arachnoiditis” (i.e. swelling of the meningeal or arachnoidal membranes, which surround the brain and spinal cord) are regarded and treated herein as forms or types of neuro-inflammation.
When understood and approached in this manner, “neuroinflammation” encompasses a class of problems which can be caused or aggravated by a range and variety of different types of events, diseases, infections, or other conditions. Furthermore, it should be understood that “neuroinflammation” almost always arises as a result or effect of some other “primary” or “causative” event, problem, or factor, such as: (i) a head or spinal injury, near-suffocation, or other trauma; (ii) an infection, which may occur after an injury or other problem has given bacteria or viruses an opportunity to reach brain or spinal cord tissue; or, (iii) a progressive neurodegenerative disease, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc., which can render the brain unable to maintain its normal homeostatic balances, set points, and/or equilibrium-seeking processes.
A major unmet medical need exists for a widely applicable but carefully targeted pharmaceutical compound which can specifically target the effects, symptoms, and manifestations of neuroinflammation, without causing unwanted disruption of other metabolic or bodily processes.
Accordingly, another object of this invention is to provide additional treatment options which can be used, either on an acute basis for a short period of time (at higher dosage levels), or over a longer period of time (at lower dosage levels), in ways that will specifically target and improve a neuro-inflammatory problem, in ways that can help a patient's normal and natural repair mechanisms deal with the problem, and either fix the problem, or at least make it less severe.
Accordingly, another object of this invention is providing medicaments and methods for treating neuroinflammation in human patients in need of such treatment, by using a chimeric protein which combines specific selected domains from different proteins.
Another object of this invention is provision of medicaments and methods for such treatments, by using genetic vectors, which carry genes that encode the chimeric proteins described herein, and which are designed to introduce those genes into CNS neurons that are inside brain or spinal tissue that is protected by the BBB.
These and other objects of the invention will become more apparent from the following summary, drawings, detailed description, and examples.
Systems, methods, devices and materials are disclosed for athletic field, military, emergency-responder, or other on-site, in transit, emergency room, or similar evaluation of concussions and similar traumatic head and/or brain injuries. These blood reader systems, methods, devices and materials involve diagnostic bioreagents (such as monoclonal antibodies, single-stranded DNA or RNA, etc.) which are affixed to surfaces of computer-readable devices (such as compact discs, readable cards or strips, etc.) that are designed to be handled by electronic sensor devices that can interact with portable computers (such as laptop computers, computer pads or tablets, smart phones, portable digital assistants, etc.). The bioreagents are selected to detect the presence and concentration of metabolites released by mitochondria, preferably at least two selected metabolites released by mitochondria in response to severe cellular damage, preferably mitochondrial DAMPs (mtDAMPs) as releasates. In further embodiments, additional bioreagents may also be included, for detecting and quantifying one or more non-mitochondrial “damage-associated molecular patterns” (abbreviated as DAMPs). When used in conjunction with other available tests, which can include simple cognitive, reasoning, and/or response tests (as well as more complex analyses, if available), which the Applicant terms “clinimetrics,” this type of analysis, focusing upon metabolites released by mitochondria, can be used to assist coaches, trainers, military personnel, physicians, and others, to determine the nature and the severity of and devise proper responses and take steps to address head traumas and other conditions that otherwise can be very difficult or impossible to evaluate and act upon.
Blood and bodily fluid reader systems, including circulating biomarkers involving multiple mitochondrial releasates for providing real-time, at-the-scene objective indicia of individuals sustaining mild TBI are provided as an aspect of this invention. In particular, as further detailed below, a diagnostic reader system is provided including a portable reader unit designed to be carried by a user, and hand powered by a microprocessor and coupled to a portable computer, smart phone, etc. and configured to allow data transfer between the diagnostic reader and the portable computer, etc. In this diagnostic reader, a stylet or other unit is contained to obtain a blood sample by finger stick or other bodily fluid sample, which is operably connected to a disposable diagnostic device which has been contacted by the blood or other fluid sample taken from a person who may have suffered a blow or trauma involving the person's head. In this aspect, the disposable diagnostic device has: e.g., at least one first reactive surface which has a first type of biomolecular reagent bonded to it by which to measure a blood-borne concentration of at least one first mitochondrial releasate; at least one second reactive surface which has a second type of biomolecular reagent bonded to it by which to measure a blood-borne concentration of at least one second mitochondrial releasate; and, at least one third reactive surface which has a third type of biomolecular reagent bonded to it by which to measure a blood-borne concentration of at least one third mitochondrial releasate. In this embodiment, the diagnostic reader system has a data handler selected from the group consisting of: displaying, in a manner visible to a user, both of the blood-borne concentrations of the first, second and third mitochondrial releasates; and/or transferring, to a portable computer, such as a smartphone or tablet, which has a display monitor, the blood-borne concentrations of the first, second and third mitochondrial releasates. In a further embodiment, the first, second and third mitochondrial releasates are selected from the group consisting of: DNA segments (“native”) which are unaltered and specific to mitochondrial genes (mitochondrial DNA) and which do not normally occur in human nuclear DNA; fragments of mitochondrial DNA that have been degraded by oxidative radicals as a result of the brain injury in ways that normally are found, in humans, only in DNA fragments that have been released by mitochondria; proteins that are encoded by mitochondrial or nuclear DNA and concentrated in mitochondria prior to their rupture by the brain injury, including but not limited to,“high mobility group” (HMG) proteins, High mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1), Transcription Factor for Mitochondria A (TFAM); Cytochrome C oxidase, Cyclophilin D, Subunit 6 of ATP synthase, N-formyl peptides (N-FPs) and formyl peptide receptors (FPRs).
In another aspect, the diagnostic reader system as described above may further involve position of the first and second reactive surfaces in different locations on the single disposable diagnostic device, separated from the third reactive surface. The diagnostic reader system as described herein, is also capable of reading data from different disposable diagnostic devices which have distinct areas that have been coated with biomolecular reagents that will indicate concentrations of one or more blood-borne human proteins selected from the group consisting of: apolipoprotein E, apolipoprotein A-1, one or more selected TAR DNA binding proteins, one or more cellular damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) and damage-related proteins selected from the group consisting of: HMGB1 and TFAM (above as mitochondrial DAMPs) and, angiotensin-converting enzyme serpin proteins, and plasminogen activator inhibitors, cytokines and/or other proinflammatory mediators, mRNA from genes which encode subunits of receptors that interact with cytokines or proinflammatory mediators and that include thrombomodulin (THBD) endothelial cell protein C receptor (ECPCR), 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A, the serotonin transporter (SERT) or solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, 5-HTT), the human protein designated as SLC6A4, protein fragments normally found in receptors for thrombin and HMGB1 such as thrombomodulin (THBD), protein fragments normally found in receptors for advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) such the receptor for AGEs (RAGE), and protein fragments normally found in pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) such as soluble Toll-like receptor (sTLR2 and sTLR4).
In addition, the diagnostic and analytical systems, devices and methods disclosed herein can be expanded and enlarged, to enable additional biomolecular analyses that will indicate whether a person will tend to be more susceptible (compared to “normal” baseline levels) to long-term brain damage, or to post-concussion disorientation, depression, or similar problems, following a concussion, such as with pPCS leading to CTE, AD, PD, ALS or other serious consequences of undiagnosed repetitive mild TBI or concussions or even sub-concussive events. If someone is found to be especially susceptible to that type of damage or those types of problems, such as with genetic mutations of proteins involved in recovery from mTBI or concussion, they can be advised of that fact, and it can be taken into account in active plans such as by choosing certain sports and/or positions to engage in, while avoiding other types of sports or activities.
In addition to providing diagnostic systems for early reading and evaluating brain injuries, in another aspect, applicant provides a method of treatment in tandem with these diagnostic systems. Applicant refers to these diagnostics systems and methods as “companion” to the therapeutic, which together form a “theranostic” combination.
As to the therapeutic aspects of the invention, medicaments, compounds and methods are provided for treating patients to help reduce and control unwanted neuroinflammation, and to help patients recover brain function after a neurological trauma or crisis, such as a head or spinal injury, a stroke or cardiac arrest, or a near-drowning or suffocation. These medicaments and compounds include chimeric proteins which combine: (i) a first polypeptide sequence derived from the “Box A” domain of the “High-Mobility Group Box 1” Protein (HMGB1) protein; and, (ii) a second polypeptide sequence derived from the D1 lectin-like domain of thrombomodulin (TM).
These chimeric proteins (referred to herein as HMGB1/TM proteins) have combined-action effects that can both: (i) activate and promote certain repair-type functions within the brain, up to (and in some cases including) the growth of new neuronal fibers and/or the creation of new synaptic junctions; and, (ii) keep those types of inflammation-triggered repair processes within healthy and desirable limits.
Rather than being just single-purpose anti-inflammatory agents, the chimeric proteins of this invention trigger, tolerate, cooperate with, and support normal and healthy inflammatory responses, of the types, intensities, and durations that are associated with normal and healthy responses to injuries or infections. Subsequently, when an initial inflammatory response has finished doing its job, and should subside and become less active so that other cell types can drive and implement the subsequent stages of a healing and rebuilding process, these chimeric proteins can shift into their anti-inflammatory mode.
Immediately after a crisis, such chimeric proteins can be directly injected into brain tissues, such as into the vesicles where cerebrospinal tissues accumulate, or using advanced types of injection cannula that have been developed recently. Alternately or additionally, viral vectors which carry genes that encode such chimeric proteins can be transfected into certain types of neurons which have neuronal fibers that pass through the BBB and have accessible tips, such as olfactory receptor neurons, which have active and accessible neuronal fiber tips that can be directly contacted by viral vectors carried by nasal sprays.
In addition, new compositions of matter are disclosed herein, comprising modified (engineered) genes (as well as plasmids, non-pathogenic viruses, or similar genetic vectors which carry such genes in easily-handled and reproducible form) which encode the HMGB1/TM chimeric proteins described above, wherein the engineered genes have been altered to increase and enhance production of these chimeric proteins in specific selected types of host cells. For example, using known criteria, specialized computer programs have been and can be used to create modified codon selections that will encode the exact same amino acid residue sequence, wherein the codon selections will optimize the expression and production of these chimeric proteins in a specific type or class of host cell (such as human cells, insect cells, or yeast cells) which have been selected by a manufacturer of these proteins.
Furthermore, new compositions of matter also are disclosed herein, comprising chimeric proteins containing domains from both the HMGB1 and TM proteins, which have been modified by amino acid substitutions. Such modified sequences can be referred to as “tweaked”, engineered, or enhanced protein sequences, referred to as “muteins”. Such modified proteins can have certain advantages over corresponding “native” sequences. For example, cysteine residues which are not involved in creating disulfide bonds (which are “bridging”-type bonds between two cysteine residues, which help establish and stabilize the three-dimensional shapes and conformations of proteins) can be replaced by other amino acid residues, to avoid or minimize unwanted disulfide bonds which can alter the shape of a resulting protein in undesired ways. In addition, genes (and genetic vectors carrying such genes), which encode these mutein sequences also are within the scope of the invention.
In particular, as further detailed below, in additional aspects, a genetic vector containing an engineered gene sequence which encodes an initial polypeptide which contains at least one soluble domain derived from human thrombomodulin, at least one domain derived from the “Box A” domain of the “High-Mobility Protein Group, Box 1” (HMGB1) human protein; and, a secretion sequence which will cause the at least a portion of the initial polypeptide containing the thrombomodulin and HMGB1 domains to be secreted by host cells which have synthesized the initial polypeptide. In this aspect, the engineered gene sequence can contain a plurality of substituted codons which have been selected and inserted into the engineered gene sequence to maximize expression of the initial polypeptide by a selected type of host cell, wherein the substituted codons do not occur in natural human genes which encode said thrombomodulin or HMGB1 domains, but are capable of encoding the same amino acids as the codons in natural human genes.
In another aspect, the genetic vector as described above, in an embodiment, is designed to transfect and replicate in human cells and is configured to express the initial polypeptide in a manner which causes the initial polypeptide to be processed and secreted by human cells in a smaller form which does not contain the secretion sequence. Also included within the scope of the invention is a genetic vector as described above, wherein the vector encodes an engineered protein from which one or more cysteine residues, which are not involved in disulfide bond formation, have been replaced by other amino acid residues.
In yet another aspect, a liquid preparation suited for intravenous injection into animals or patients or other medicaments containing a soluble chimeric protein is provided which contains at least one soluble domain derived from human thrombomodulin; and, at least one domain derived from the “Box A” domain of the “High-Mobility Group Box 1” Protein (HMGB1) human protein, wherein the soluble chimeric protein is therapeutically useful for modulating neuro-inflammation.
In a further aspect, the liquid preparation or other medicament as described is provided which includes one or more cysteine residues which are not involved in disulfide bond formation, in native versions of said thrombomodulin and HMGB1 domains, having been replaced by other amino acid residues.
As summarized above, this invention involves blood and fluid reader systems, materials, devices, and methods for evaluating the severity of traumatic head injuries, including concussions and other conditions, and thus, providing for removal of a player from the field, a trip to the hospital, a Medevac removal from the battlefield, or other steps to minimize brain damage. It further involves medicaments and methods of treatment of neuroinflammation involving chimeric compounds as disclosed herein. These systems, materials, devices, and methods are designed, in particular, for sites and situations where a relatively rapid determination must be made as to whether an athlete, soldier, accident victim, or anyone else who has been “stunned” or “shaken up”, by a blow to the head, a nearby explosion, or other comparable event, can rest for a brief period, “walk it off”, and then return to normal activity (such as to an ongoing athletic event, military patrol, etc.), or whether the person who suffered the blow to the head should receive prompt medical attention, to avoid or minimize lasting neurologic damage.
Accordingly, while the range and variety of uses for these types of diagnostic and evaluative materials, devices, and methods are not specifically limited to any particular class of events or activities, they should be regarded as being well-suited for use at events or in situations such as:
1. First Category: Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), as an Entirety
This category includes DNA sequences and segments that are specific to mitochondrial genes, as compared to nuclear genes (i.e., genes carried within the nucleus of a cell). The prefix “mt”, in “mtDNA”, specifically indicates that the DNA is of distinctly mitochondrial origin. Strands of mtDNA will bind, with affinity and specificity, to “complementary” DNA strands that have been affixed to the surface of a spinning disc or non-spinning array that is suited for processing and handling by the types of portable “reader” machines that are well-known and widely used for handling medical diagnostics and biochemical research. Accordingly, the types of methods and procedures that normally are used to perform “Southern blots”, which are standard and well-known types of tests that are done in biochemistry labs around the world, can be used to measure the levels of mtDNA in the blood of an athlete, soldier, accident victim, or other person of interest.
To optimize the utility of these types of tests, an athlete, soldier, or other person who is at elevated risk of a collision, attack, or other form of TBI preferably should be tested, at the beginning of a season, before being deployed to a combat zone, or at a comparable suitable time, to determine both:
If either (i) that ratio, or (ii) the concentrations of both mtDNA and nuclear DNA, in that person's blood, is found to be significantly altered, after a blow to the head or similar event, then the altered ratio and/or increased concentrations should be treated and regarded as a warning signal that the blow to the head may have created a concussion, and should be treated as a potentially serious neurologic problem that requires prompt medical attention.
Two specific mitochondrial genes for targeted analysis as described herein can be:
Studies in Humans:
This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 17/046,606 filed Oct. 9, 2020, which claims benefit to US National Stage under 35 USC § 371 of International Application No. PCT/US2019/026603 filed 9 Apr. 2019 which claims priority to provisional application Ser. No. 62/654,779 filed Apr. 9, 2018 and provisional application Ser. No. 62/660,701 filed Apr. 20, 2018, which are incorporated herein by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
62654779 | Apr 2018 | US | |
62660701 | Apr 2018 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 17046606 | Oct 2020 | US |
Child | 17837480 | US |