Call processing system utilizing subscriber services and preferences

A method and apparatus is provided for processing a call from a calling party to a called party. The system includes subscriber profiles for both the called and calling parties and a call behavior module. The subscriber profiles which reside in a switch or one or more remote databases comprehensively maintain the subscribed services and preferences of the parties. The call behavior module processes the telephone call in accordance with the subscriber service options and preferences of the called party and the calling party as provided in the subscriber profiles. Call processing is thereby handled more efficiently and reduced risk of feature interactions between the different subscriber services.


1. Field of the Invention

In general, the present invention relates to telephone call processing systems, and more particularly to techniques for processing calls based on subscriber profile information.

2. Statement of Related Art

Recent advances in telecommunications technology have led to a significant increase in the variety of telephone services that are now available to consumers. Service providers now offer a variety of services to their subscribers such as call forwarding, call rejection, call waiting, caller ID display, sequence calling, remote access, call redirection, call answer, ring again, charging and privilege options, and the like. These services have greatly enhanced the utility and versatility of telephone systems to consumers. To accommodate this ever increasing array of telephone services, a telephone system may utilize a subscriber profile. A subscriber profile, more particularly, is a database record containing information about how the service is to be performed for a particular subscriber. An example of the use of a subscriber profile is the personal telephone number service described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,440,620, issued on Aug. 8, 1995, entitled “Telecommunications System Subscriber Profile Updating”. As described in that patent, a caller who has dialed the personal, e.g., “700 area code”, telephone number of a subscriber to the service is connected to a computer-based service adjunct which, upon answering the call, prompts the caller for a so-called “caller identification number” (caller ID). Upon receiving the caller identification number from the caller, such as via telephone push-button input, the system consults a subscriber profile associated with the called personal telephone number to determine whether the caller identification number is valid and, if it is, how the call is to be treated. As examples of various call treatments, the profile may indicate that, upon receiving a particular caller identification number, the call is to be forwarded to the subscriber's home telephone number, to some other subscriber-defined call forwarding telephone number, to a voice messaging system, or to a specified succession of these.

However, telephone systems presently provide subscriber profiling only on a piecemeal basis for a limited number of services. In addition, the rapid development of subscriber services has led to a growing potential for service conflicts between a calling party and a called party who both subscribe to a unique set of services. Such service conflicts, commonly known as feature interactions, are problems which occur when telephone services conflict with each other, when telephony services are ambiguous, or when there is contention for a resource. Petri Dini. et al. in “Feature Interactions in Telecommunication Networks IV” (1997) provide a variety of solutions to this problem, however, the solutions treat the symptoms of the problem and none attempt to resolve the problem itself. Feature interactions may also occur between the services offered to an individual subscriber.

A feature interaction may occur, for example, in the case where a subscriber subscribes to selective call forwarding (SCF) and selective call rejection (SCR). SCF allows the subscriber to forward incoming calls to different locations depending upon the telephone number of the calling party. SCR allows the subscriber to not accept calls depending upon the telephone number of the calling party. Under present systems, SCF and SCR are maintained as separate lists of directory numbers. When a call is placed, a central office switch of the called party compares the calling party's directory number to the SCF and SCR lists of directory numbers. If the number is listed under SCF, the call is forwarded as prescribed. If the number is listed under the SCR list, the call is rejected and the calling party is notified that the call will not be connected. While the original set of independent SCR and SCF lists may not contain any conflicts, as these lists are subsequently updated, especially by the subscriber, conflicts may arise. A feature interaction may therefore occur between SCR and SCF in the case where the calling party's directory number is listed under both SCR and SCF. In such a situation, it is unclear whether the call should be forwarded or whether the call should be rejected. Since the SCF and the SCR lists are compared sequentially, the call will likely be handled according to the list that is compared first. Thus, if the central office switch compares the SCR list first, the call will be rejected even though the directory number is also listed in the SCF list.

In addition to the problem of service conflicts, present telephone systems often only provide the subscriber services for one party, either the calling party or the called party, and do not provide subscriber services for the other party.

In addition to the above-mentioned problems, present telephone systems are also relatively inefficient in the processing of calls according to subscriber profiles. Each subscriber service requires piecemeal processing regardless of whether certain services are related. Generally, the telephone system must individually address each specific subscriber service and determine whether the party has subscribed to that particular subscriber service, as described in the example of SCF and SCR services. Each subscribed service is provided in a list of checks for that subscriber. Thus, each time a new service is implemented, additional checks must be added to the list of checks to provide these new services to the subscriber. The placement of the checks in the list determines how the new services interact with existing services. As the number and complexity of subscriber services increase, the complexity and inefficiencies of present call handling systems similarly increase (in addition to the greater risk of feature interactions).

Present telephone systems also provide limited information to the called party about the calling party. When a call is placed to the called party, the called party may ascertain at most the telephone number and name of the calling party (the caller ID service). Having additional information about the calling party may provide added benefit for processing the call according to the preferences of the called party. For example, the called party may be a customer service line for an international business of which the calling party is a customer. The called party may wish to handle the call differently depending upon the language preference of the calling party. Currently, the called party may presume a language preference based upon the telephone number of the calling party; however, this is not guaranteed.

It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide subscriber services to both the calling party and the called party during a call.

It is another object of the present invention to resolve feature interactions when providing subscriber services to the calling and called party.

It is yet another object of the invention is to provide a comprehensive subscriber profile that incorporates all of the subscriber services and preferences of a subscriber.

Yet another object of the invention is to resolve feature interactions between services subscribed by an individual subscriber.

Still another object is to provide an efficient call processing system.

Another object is to provide timely availability of newer subscriber services.


In accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, a call processing system is provided for processing a telephone call from a calling party to a called party. The system includes subscriber profiles for the both the called and calling parties, a call behavior module, a subscriber profile module, and end user access modules for the calling party and the called party. The subscriber profiles, which reside locally or in one or more remote databases, comprehensively maintain a list of the subscribed service options and preferences of the called and calling parties. Profiles can be provided for an individual subscriber and/or for a group of subscribers. The call behavior module processes the telephone call in accordance with the subscriber service options and preferences of the called party and the calling party as provided in the subscriber profiles. The end user access module recognizes the different supervisory signals received from the called party and the calling party based on the signaling protocols of the called party channel and the calling party channel, as well as the preferences of the called party and the calling party, and passes these control signals to the call behavior module for processing. When instructed by the call behavior module, the end user access module also generates the appropriate supervisory signals to be sent to the called party and the calling party based on the signaling protocols of the called party channel and the calling party channel, as well as the preferences of the called party and the calling party. The subscriber profile module obtains profile information of the called party and the calling party from the applicable individual and group profiles and provides this information to the call behavior module and the end user access module. Efficient call processing is thereby achieved in accordance with the subscriber services and preferences of both the calling and called parties.


FIG. 1

is a block diagram describing an exemplary embodiment of the invention for processing a call between a calling party and a called party;

FIG. 2

is a schematic diagram depicting various locations where subscriber profiles may be stored and retrieved;

FIG. 3

is a schematic diagram describing the interactions between the components of a telephone network when a call is placed in accordance with the present invention; and

FIG. 4

is a flow chart providing an exemplary description of the procedure followed by the call behavior module for processing a telephone call setup in accordance with the present invention.

FIG. 5

is a flow chart providing an exemplary description of the procedure followed by the subscriber profile module for retrieving call treatment information in accordance with the present invention.


For a better understanding of the present invention, reference may be had to the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the appended claims and accompanying drawings.

The present invention is a call processing system which customizes telephone services in accordance with a subscriber profile. A subscriber profile is generally any data regarding the preferences and subscriber services of a subscriber. As preferred, the subscriber profile contains a comprehensive description of all telephone service options and preferences subscribed to by a subscriber. These preferences may include, for example, the subscriber's language preference and the subscriber's preference for dialing numbers (such as by using a keypad or by speaking). The subscriber profile also contains the list of all of the subscriber service options that have been subscribed by the subscriber, including those service options that don't necessarily! require a telephone connection to another party such as, for example, a wake up call service such that a call is placed to the subscriber by the network at a designated time. These service options and preferences are described in further detail herein. The subscriber profile is generally stored in one or more databases which may be maintained within conventional Network Elements (NEs) such as Service Control Points (SCPs), Service Nodes (SNs), other Intelligent Peripherals (IPs), or other intelligent network elements which are available for query by central offices, switches and similar elements of the telecommunications switching network. Such subscribers may be those who subscribe to telecommunications, cable or television programming, multimedia or other services which may be provided on any information infrastructure, regardless of nature or bandwidth. By providing a comprehensive profile of a subscriber and a general procedure for processing calls, calls may thereby be more efficiently handled and various subscriber services of the calling party and the called party may be harmonized.



and the following discussion are intended to provide a brief, general description of a suitable telephone communication environment in which the present invention may be implemented. Although not required, the invention will be described in the general context of computer-executable instruction sets, such as program modules. Generally, program modules include routines, programs, objects, components, data structures, etc. that perform particular tasks or implement particular abstract data types. Moreover, those skilled in the art will appreciate that the invention may be practiced with any number of computer system configurations including, but not limited to, distributed computing environments where tasks are performed by remote processing devices that are linked through a communications network. In a distributed computing environment, program modules may be located in both local and remote memory storage devices. The present invention may also be practiced in personal computers (PCS), hand-held devices, multiprocessor systems, microprocessor-based or programmable consumer electronics, network PCS, minicomputers, mainframe computers, and the like. The present invention may be implemented within any number of telephone networks including existing networks such as the well known AT&T network.

FIG. 1

is a block diagram describing an exemplary embodiment of the invention for processing a call between a calling party


and a called party


. The system includes an originating switch


coupled to the calling party


. The originating switch


may be any one of the well-known types of switching equipment coupled to a number of other switches (not shown) and central offices (not shown). The originating switch


may be a pulse code modulated (PCM), analog or ATM switch. The originating switch


includes a call behavior module


for processing a telephone call in accordance with procedures described herein. The originating switch


also includes end user access modules




which recognize inputs from and generate outputs to the calling party


and/or the called party


based on the signaling and communication capabilities of the party's associated telephone channel. The originating switch


also includes a subscriber profile module


for obtaining the profile information of the calling party


and/or the called party


under procedures described herein. The end user access modules




are each coupled to the subscriber profile module


and the call behavior module



The calling party


and the called party


may each subscribe to various services. A subscriber profile or subscriber data is generally any data regarding the telephony service options and preferences of a subscriber. These preferences may include, for example, the subscriber's language preference and the subscriber's dialing preference (such as, for example, using a keypad or by speaking). As preferred, subscriber profile contains a comprehensive list of all the telephone service options and preferences subscribed to by a subscriber. The subscriber profiles for the calling party


and the called party


may reside within one or more local databases (designated as individual subscriber profile




, at the originating switch


or in remote databases within the telephone network






(designated as individual subscriber profile




). Alternatively, part or all of the list of the telephone service options and preferences subscribed to by the calling party


or the called party


, may reside within group profiles located locally (designated as group profiles


) or remotely (designated as group profiles




). Group profiles






contain a list of service options and preferences which are common to a predetermined group of subscribers. A subscriber may therefore have certain general service options and preferences identified in a group profile and other more specific service options and preferences identified in his/her individual subscriber profile. Alternatively, a subscriber may have all of his/her service options and preferences listed only in either a group profile or an individual subscriber profile. As shown in FIG.


and the above description, individual subscriber profiles and group profiles may be located in a number of locations within the telephone network. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the group profiles of the present invention may include any form of groupings including, but not limited to, by business unit or market segment.

FIG. 2

is schematic diagram depicting various locations where individual and group profiles may be stored and retrieved. Databases






, which contain individual subscriber and/or group profile information of the calling party


and called party


respectively, may be separate databases or part of a single database. Subscriber profile module


, which typically resides in a switch, such as the originating switch


, is coupled to directly access profile information from individual subscriber profiles




and group profile


, and is coupled to access information from the individual subscriber profiles




and group profiles




. The subscriber profile module


provides this information to the call behavior module


and the end user access modules




. The call behavior module


and the end user access modules




may use this information for processing the telephone call in accordance with the particular service options and preferences of the calling party


and/or the called party



Referring back to

FIG. 1

, originating switch


is coupled to the databases






via a Common Channel Signaling 7 (CCS7) signaling network


which is well known in the telecommunications industry. Alternatively, any other signal network may be implemented. The called party


is coupled to a terminating switch


. Switches




are thereby coupled together by a telecommunications network


. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the invention may be practiced with any number of public switched telephone network configurations.

FIG. 3

is a schematic diagram describing the interactions between the components of a telephone network when a call is placed in accordance with the present invention. Channel


is generally the physical connection between the telephone network and the calling party


. Channel


is generally the physical connection between the telephone network and the called party


. Channels




may use any type of signaling protocol including, but not limited to, dial pulse, DTMF, ISDN, and CCS7. Channels




may also be able to carry any form of telecommunications signals including, but not limited to, voice, data, and video signals. Channels




are coupled to end user access modules




respectively. The end user access modules




track the signaling and communication capabilities of channels




, and use this information for handling inputs and outputs to calling party


and called party


. For instance, for a voice connection an audio announcement can be provided, for a data connection a text string can be provided, and for a video connection a video clip can be provided.

The end user access module




may use information about the preferences of the calling party


and the called party


provided by the subscriber profile module


for handling inputs and outputs to calling party


and called party


. For example, language preference information for a party may be queried by the end user access module




from the subscriber profile module


. The end user access module




may have different versions of announcements, text strings, and video clips in different languages, and may use the appropriate version based on the language preference of the party and the type of connection to the party. Additionally, the end user access module




may query the subscriber profile module


for the dialing preference information for a party, for example if the subscriber prefers to dial by using their keypad or by speaking. The end user access module




may use this information to recognize inputs from the party when the party pushes buttons on their keypad or when the party speaks.

End user access modules




operatively couple the call behavior module


with the calling party


and the called party


. Inputs from the parties




received by the end user access modules




are provided to the call behavior module


, which processes the inputs in accordance with procedures described herein. The end user access module




may also provide information to the call behavior module


relating to the geographic locations of the calling party


and the called party


. Geographic location of a party may be determined from network interface point information of the channel connecting the party to the network stored in the end user access module




. For example, if the channel connecting the party to the network is a wired line to a residence, the address (including street, city, county/province, country, and postal code) of the Network Interface Unit (NIU) for that wired line stored in the end user access module




may be provided to the call behavior module


for providing the location of the party. If the channel connecting the party to the network is a wireless connection, the address of the cell site transmitting and receiving signals from the cellular phone being used by the party may be used as the location of the party. The location of a party may be utilized by the call behavior module


to process the telephone call in accordance with subscriber services of the other party. For example, the call behavior module


may route the call to the called party's branch or facility which is nearest to the geographic location of the calling party


. Advantageously, the geographic location of a party can be determined more accurately than in the prior art, which used the caller ID of the calling party


to determine geographic location.

As shown in

FIG. 1

, the call behavior module


is preferably implemented within originating switch


. Alternatively, call behavior module


may be implemented in a remote database. The call behavior module


captures the decision and steps that occur in any call in accordance with the present invention. Referring back to

FIG. 3

, the call behavior module


is coupled to the end user access module




. The end user access module




passes inputs received from the calling party


and the called party


to the call behavior module


. After passing an input to the call behavior module


, the end user access module




waits for the call behavior module


to identify what status information (if any) should be output to the calling party


and/or the called party


. Call behavior module


may access information regarding the calling party


and the called party


by querying information from the subscriber profile module


which in turn retrieves the information from the calling party individual subscriber profile




, called party individual subscriber profile




and/or group profiles






. Alternatively, the subscriber profile module may prompt the party to provide subscriber service information. For example, the party may be prompted to enter a keyword or code describing, for example, a language preference or a subaccount billing number. As described in further detail herein, the individual subscriber profiles








(and/or the group profiles






) provide a comprehensive description of subscriber service options and preferences of each subscriber. Advantageously, the telephone call behavior module


may utilize this information to efficiently process a call taking into account the individual service options and preferences that are subscribed to by both the calling and called parties




. As preferred, the call behavior module


provides a uniform set of procedures for processing a telephone call taking into account all of the subscriber services and preferences of both the called party


and the calling party


, rather than engaging in multiple protocols for each subscriber service. The procedures under the call behavior module


also serve to resolve conflicts between the services of the calling party


and the called party


. As preferred, the call behavior module


is thereby service independent.

FIG. 4

is a flow chart providing an exemplary description of the uniform procedure for processing a telephone call set up in accordance with the present invention. In this example, the procedure for setting up a telephone call connection may be conceptualized into three phases: 1) charge set-up, 2) call treatment and 3) caller information. It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that other procedures are also conceivable. At step


, when a call is initiated by a calling party


, a signal is sent to the end user access module


. The end user access module


reports a call setup request to the call behavior module


. The call request generally includes the calling party's telephone number and the called party's telephone number. Depending upon the case, the calling party


may be identified by a number of methods including, but not limited to, checking the telephone number from where the calling party


placed the call, querying the calling party


to enter a keyword, or any combination of these options.

Beginning with step


, the call behavior module


needs to determine which account to charge the call. First at step


, the call behavior module


queries the subscriber profile module


to determine if the called party


is willing to be charged for the telephone call, and if so what account should be used. The subscriber profile of the called party


may be set up to accept all charges, not to accept any charges, or to accept/deny all charges based on particular information about the caller. For example, the subscriber profile may be set up to not accept. charges for calls from callers outside the country. At step


, the subscriber profile module


locates the relevant profile information of the called party


(whether it resides locally or remotely and whether the information is in an individual profile or in a group profile) and retrieves the relevant information. If the called party


is willing to pay for the call, then the called party's billing number, which may optionally include a subaccount, is provided by the subscriber profile module


to the call behavior module


. If not, then at step


the call behavior module


requests the subscriber profile module


to determine whether the calling party


is willing to be charged for the call. At step


, the subscriber profile module


determines whether the calling party


is willing to be charged by locating the relevant profile information of the calling party


. If the calling party


will accept the charges, then the calling party's billing number, which may optionally include a subaccount, is provided to the call behavior module


by the subscriber profile module


. At step


, if the calling party


is not willing to be charged, the call, behavior module


will instruct the end user access module


to send a message to the calling party


notifying them that the call will not be set up.

Once charge information is resolved, at step


, the call behavior module


next determines how the called party


wishes to treat the call. The subscriber profile module


for the called party


is queried by the call behavior module


to determine how the called party


wishes to have the call treated. At step


, the subscriber profile module


locates the relevant profile information and provides it to the call behavior module


. For example, the subscriber profile module


may determine which call treatment option (such as, for example, route the call to a certain number, inform the calling party


the call will not be connected, or take a message from the calling party


) has been subscribed to, and provides this information to the call behavior module


. Alternatively, the profile may require the calling party


to input certain information about the calling party


. The subscriber profile module


thereby notifies the end user access module


to obtain this information from the calling party


before the subscriber profile module


determines how to handle the call. In the case where the option to take a message has been subscribed to, the call may be connected to a voice messaging system at step


. Alternatively, the calling party


may be notified that the call will not be completed at step


. It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that other processing instructions are also conceivable.

In the case where the option to route the call to a number has been subscribed to, the following steps are undertaken. Beginning at step


, the call behavior module


determines whether any information about the calling party


should be delivered to the called party


. This information may be, for example, the calling party's directory number, language preference, geographic location, or the calling party's name. Other information may also be provided. First at step


, the call behavior module


queries the subscriber profile module


to determine whether the called party


wants information about the calling party


to be delivered. At step


, the subscriber profile module


locates the relevant profile information of the called party


and provides it to the call behavior module


. In the case where the called party


does not subscribe to the delivery of any calling party information, no such information will be provided. In the case where the called party


does wish information about the calling party to be delivered, subscriber profile module


provides this service option to the call behavior module


. At step


, the call behavior module


queries the subscriber profile module


for the requested information about the calling party


that should be delivered to the called party


. In the case where the calling party


does not want the caller's identity or other information to be delivered, the subscriber profile module


provides the call behavior module


with a blank value for the calling party's identity or other information. The call is then connected at step



Once the call is connected, the call behavior module


may perform a variety of different functions depending upon the service options and preferences listed in the particular subscriber profile of the called and calling parties. For example, the call behavior module


may query the subscriber profile module


to determine how the called party


wishes to handle a call if the called party


is unavailable to answer the call. The called party's subscriber profile will provide information as to whether to route the call to another number, notify the caller that the call will not be completed, or take a message using the mailbox assigned to the called party



As preferred, the call behavior module


operates independently of the subscriber profiles. The call behavior module


simply queries the subscriber profile module


for the relevant subscriber profile information or preferences that affect the processing of the call. The subscriber profile module


thereby performs the task of ascertaining the relevant subscriber profile or preference information and provides this information to the call behavior module


. As service providers offer newer services and features, appropriate changes can be made to the subscriber profiles and, if necessary, to the subscriber profile module


. However, the call behavior module


is not affected by these types of changes. Examples of the types of information that the call behavior module


may query are described in FIG.


and accompanying discussion.

Advantageously over the prior art, the call behavior module


may readily obtain from the subscriber profile module


information regarding which of a number of service options to use, thereby improving the overall efficiency of call processing. The call behavior module


is also responsible for resolving conflicts between the services of the called party


and calling party


. For example, in the case where both parties have agreed to be charged for a call, the call behavior module


may resolve this conflict by charging the called party


. As shown in the description with respect to

FIG. 4

, this conflict is resolved by first determining whether the called party


is willing to be charged for the call, and if so, to skip the step of determining whether the calling party


will accept the calling charge.

For each query made by the call behavior module


to the subscriber profile module


, one option from a list of possible choices is provided by the subscriber profile module


. For example, the list of options for the initial treatment for a call to a subscriber may include: 1) route the call to a number, either the number as dialed or a different number, 2) notify the calling party


the call will not be set up, or 3) take a message using the mailbox of the called party


. The subscriber profile module


retrieves from the subscriber profile data the desired call treatment and forwards it to the call behavior module


. The choice of which option to use on a call may be based on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, the time of day, the identity of the other party, the location of the other party, the language preference of the other party, or a keyword entered by one of the parties on the call.

The subscriber profile records can be arranged in many different ways. No matter how the subscriber profile records are organized, the subscriber profile module


provides a uniform response to the call behavior module


. In current telephone systems, the subscriber profile data is typically organized to indicate when an option other than the “normal” or “default” option for a particular preference should be used. For example, Selective Call Forwarding Data is a set of exception records that indicate when the route to a forwarding number option for the initial treatment preference is to be used rather than the usual “route to the number as dialed” option. Likewise, the Selective Call Rejection data indicates when the notify calling party the call will not be set up option for the initial treatment preference is to be used. When the subscriber profile data is arranged in this manner, the subscriber profile module


must check all of the exception records to see if there is a match for this particular call. If a match is found, the option associated with the matching exception record will be used for the call. If no match is found, the default option assumed by the subscriber profile module


will be used for the call. As mentioned earlier, it is possible to create multiple exception records that could apply the same call, either intentionally or inadvertently, thereby resulting in a risk of feature interactions. If this occurs, the order in which the subscriber profile module


checks the exception records affects which option is used for the call. In this embodiment, the subscriber profile module


resolves the feature interaction and provides a single response to the call behavior module


. Typically the order of checking would be hidden in the program logic of the subscriber profile module. As a result, this resolution by the subscriber profile module


may not be the desired choice. Alternatively one experienced in the art could devise a scheme to allow the telephone network administrator to specify the order.

In a preferred embodiment, subscriber profile information may be organized in either group and/or individual subscriber profiles. Group profiles may identify if the same service options or preferences should be used for all subscribers in a particular group. For example, if the “route call as dialed” option is the only option allowed by the telephone network administrator for the initial treatment for calls to a particular group of subscribers, that option may be set accordingly in the group profile. On the other hand, if the individual subscribers are offered a choice of options, the group profile may indicate that an individual profile, which provides profile information on a per subscriber basis, must be checked to determine the option to be used for a particular subscriber in the group. The individual profile for a subscriber may identify whether the same option should be used for all of their calls, or if different options are to be used for different calls depending on such factors as the identity of the other party on the call, the other party's location, the other party's language preference, the time of day, and/or keywords entered by one of the parties on the call. If the same option is not to be used on all calls, then per call preference profile data may identify the particular option for a preference to be used for a particular call or set of calls (e.g., the option to be used for calls received during a particular hour of the day). An option for each subscriber service and preference is thereby specified in one of the profiles (group, individual, or per call preference profile).

Taking the example of the SCR and SCF services in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the subscriber profile information described above, the subscriber profile of the called party


includes per call preference profiles for the desired call treatment depending upon the various calling party numbers. Thus, for a given call, the call treatment option specified in the per call preference profile for the calling party's number may be applied. In the preferred embodiment, the SCF and SCR services are no longer provided as separate procedures but rather they are incorporated in the subscriber profile as treatment information based on directory numbers of the calling party


. Under this embodiment of the subscriber profile information, potential feature interactions may be resolved more favorably.

Advantageously, the subscriber profile module


need not assume a “default” option for any option, thereby allowing the telephone network administrator to easily change even the most common behaviors for a call by simply updating the subscriber profile data of a subscriber or a group of subscribers. For example, if the administrator begins to offer all subscribers the choice of leaving a message when a number is busy, the option specified in a group profile for the second treatment for a call can be set to the take a message option rather than the notify calling party call will not be set up option. In the case where such changes are to be made for some but not all of their subscribers, a new group profile may be created for the subscribers who are to have their services changed.

The organization of subscriber profile data as described in the preferred embodiment also minimizes the amount of data that has to be stored in the network while still allowing the option for any preference to be different for any call. For example, any data that is common to all of the members in a group need not be replicated in each individual profile. Additionally, this organization of the subscriber profile data essentially eliminates the risk of more than one option for a preference being inadvertently selected for a particular call, thereby reducing the risk of feature interactions. The call behavior module


thereby obtains necessary information from the subscriber profile module


for processing the telephone call. Advantageously, the call behavior module


operates independently from the formats of the subscriber profiles. Examples demonstrating the assignment of subscribers to groups, as well as some of the preferences that could be specified in a group profile, an individual profile, and per call preference profiles, are described further herein.

FIG. 5

is a flow chart providing an exemplary description of the procedure followed by the subscriber profile module


for retrieving call treatment information in accordance with the preferred embodiment of the present invention. The subscriber profile module


will determine which call treatment option (for example, route the call to a certain number, inform the calling party


that the call will not be connected, or take a message from the calling party


) is to be used for the call. The called party


may also seek to treat the call differently depending upon a number of factors including, but not limited to, the time of day, geographic location of the calling party


, or caller response. Depending upon the circumstances, the subscriber profile module


may require certain information regarding the calling party


, such as the calling party's language preference. In the case where language preference is required, for example, the call may be routed to an operator of the called party


who speaks the preferred language, or a message (e.g., an to announcement) may be returned to the calling party


in the preferred language. Once such information regarding the calling party


is determined, the subscriber profile module


is able to determine the call treatment option based on the called party's subscriber profile and provides this information to the call behavior module



The procedure of

FIG. 5

is initiated when the call behavior module queries the subscriber profile module


to obtain call treatment information for the call (step


of FIG.


). At step


, the subscriber profile module


determines whether the called party


is assigned a group profile. If the called party is not assigned a group profile, step


is performed (described below). If the called party is assigned a group profile, at step


the subscriber profile module


determines whether the initial call treatment for the call is specified in the group profile or whether it is specified on a per subscriber basis. At step


, if the treatment is specified in the group profile, the treatment information is retrieved and provided to the call behavior module


. In the case where the treatment is specified on a per subscriber basis, the subscriber profile module


accesses the individual subscriber profile of the called party


at step


. The called party


may have a subscriber profile (group or individual) such that the determination on how to treat the call is made on a wholesale basis such that all calls will be treated the same way. Alternatively, the called party subscriber profile may indicate the treatment for the call depends upon one or more per call parameters such as the calling party's identity, the time of day, etc. At step


, the individual subscriber profile is checked to determine whether the choice of call treatment depends on factors such as the time of day, and/or information about the calling party


. If the same treatment is to be used for all calls, then at step


, the general call treatment information as specified in the individual subscriber profile is retrieved and provided to the call behavior module


. If the call treatment depends on per call parameters, the subscriber profile module


at step


determines whether there is a per call treatment profile matching the parameters of the pending call. If there is such a matching per call treatment profile, the call treatment information as specified in the per call treatment profile is retrieved and provided to the call behavior module


at step


. If no such matching per call treatment profile exists, then at step


the general call treatment information as specified in the individual subscriber profile is retrieved and provided to the call behavior module


. The subscriber profile module


undertakes similar procedures when obtaining other such information for the call behavior module


(for example, steps






of FIG.



Advantageously, the call behavior module


operates independently from the formats of the subscriber profiles such that changes to the subscriber profiles and the subscriber profile module


(resulting, for example, from newer services that are offered) does not require a change to the call behavior module


. Newer subscribed services of a party may be updated in that party's subscriber profile and, if necessary, in the subscriber profile module


without requiring any changes in the call behavior module


. The call handling procedures of the call behavior module


remain the same even with different embodiments of the subscriber profiles and the subscriber profile module


. The call behavior module


simply queries the subscriber profile module


for necessary information to process the telephone call and the subscriber profile module


performs the task of determining where the queried information is located, resolving any potential conflicts in the subscriber profiles, and providing the queried information to the call behavior module



Similarly, the call behavior module


may process a call regardless of the particular signaling and communications capabilities of the channels to the parties




. Since the end user access module




customizes messages from the call behavior module


to the party




in accordance with the particular communications capabilities (e.g., voice, data, or video) and preferences (e.g., language preference) of the party




, the call behavior module


may process the telephone call regardless of these variables. Further, changes in communications capabilities or preferences of the calling party


or called party


may be accounted for in the end user access module




without requiring a change in the call behavior module



Preference information may also be used to provide added functionality to the system. As an example, the call behavior module


, during the processing of a call, may query the subscriber profile module


for certain preferences of the called party


. Such preferences may include, for example, language preference of the calling party


. Language preference may be used by the call behavior module


during the processing of a call, for example, to forward the call to the appropriate line of the called party


such as a customer operator who speaks the preferred language or an operator who resides nearest to the geographic location of the calling party


. Another example is that the language preference may be retrieved by the end user access module


from the subscriber profile module


to provide a message (e.g., an announcement) to the calling party


in the preferred language. Advantageously, a called party


, such as a business, may utilize preference information that is delivered with the call to properly handle calls, such as customer service calls, in accordance with the information retrieved regarding the calling party


. Each called party


would not be required to maintain such information in their own private databases according to the directory number of the calling party


or have separate dialing numbers for different languages or geographic regions. For similar purposes, the calling party


may also access preference information relating to the called party


. By providing preference information in the subscriber profile, such information is advantageously contained in a central location and may be utilized by a number of subscribers in a number of different ways. The telephone system thereby may provide added functionality to subscribers by utilizing preference information in the subscriber profiles. Other examples of preferences of the subscriber profile include, but are not limited to, language preference, authorization code dialing preferences, sub-account code dialing preferences, collect call code/call prompter response dialing preferences, credit card number dialing preferences, sequence calling dialing preferences. Such preferences allow the call behavior module


to process the telephone call in accordance with the parties' preferences.

Advantageously, the call behavior module


together with the subscriber profiles








provide a wide range of enhanced calling products and features to carriers and individual users. One or more carriers may customize their subscriber profiles with desired services and preferences and use the call processing system to obtain carrier-unique and customer-unique, customized services and features. Call processing may be achieved more efficiently and with minimized risk of feature interactions.

The following List A provides and example of information contained within an individual subscriber profile. This information may be complemented with information from a group profile of which the individual is a member.


Subscriber Directory Number


Subscriber Allowed To Make Calls



Caller Charge Account and and Charging Privileges

Privileges For Some Calls Based On Called # 



Charging Privileges For All Other Calls

Charge Account


(None/Caller's DN/Caller's DN If Caller Knows PIN)

Sub-Account Code


(None/Collected From Caller/ sub-account #)

Allowed To Charge Call Fees



Allowed To Charge Any Caller Line Fees



Allowed To Charge Any Callee Line Fees



Caller Id To Deliver To Callee


(None/Caller's DN)

Set Of Commands Available While Waiting For Answer


(None/cmd set)

Set Of Commands Available After Call Answered


(None/cmd set)

Set Of Commands Available After Callee Disconnects


(None/cmd set)

Subscriber Allowed To Receive Calls



Callee Charge Account and and Charging Privileges

Privileges For Some Calls Based On Calling #



Charging Privileges For All Other Calls

Charge Account


(None/Callee's DN/Callee's DN If Caller Knows Code)

Allowed To Charge Call Fees



Allowed To Charge Any Caller Line Fees



Allowed To Charge Any Callee Line Fees



The following choices for handling a call to this Called Number are available:

The call can be routed (routing number could be Callee's DN or a redirection #)

The caller can be notified that the call will not be set up

A message can be taken using the mailbox assigned to the callee's DN

If the choice is not the same for all calls, mark which per call call factors affect the


Choice For Some Calls Based On Calling # and TOD



Choice For Some Calls Based On Calling #



Choice For Some Calls Based On Caller's Lang Preference and TOD



Choice For Some Calls Based On Caller's Lang Preference



Choice For Some Calls Based On Caller's Location and TOD



Choice For Some Calls Based On Caller's Location



Choice For Some Calls Based On TOD



Choice For Some Calls Based On Caller Response



Prompt Message


(msg name)




Pay For Voice Dialing Of Response By Caller



Re-prompt Message


(msg name)

Initial Call Treatment For All Other Calls To This Subscriber

Complete/Route Call



Routing Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Initial Setup Attempt For The Call could not be completed (no ckt or busy),

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Call Unable To Be Completed

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Redirect Call



Redirection Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Initial Setup Attempt For The Call was set up but not answered,

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Call Not Answered

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Redirect Call



Redirection Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Second Setup Attempt For The Call could not be completed,

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Second Attempt Unable To Be Completed

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


User Interaction Options For Subscriber

Language Preference


(English/Spanish/ ... )

Auth Code/Collect Call Code/Call Prompter Response Dialing Preferences

Dialing Method


(Keypad/Voice or Keypad)

Pre-Digit Time Interval


Inter-Digit Time Interval


Number Of Retries


Sequence Calling Dialing Preferences

Prompt Message/Tone





Dialing Method


(Keypad/Voice or Keypad)

Pre-Digit Time Interval


Inter-Digit Time Interval


Number Of Retries


Re-prompt Msg/Tone





PIN/Authorization Code Dialing Preferences

Prompt Msg for PIN Code For This Dir #





PIN Authorization Code For This Directory #


Re-prompt Message


Sub-Account Code Dialing Preferences

Prompt Msg for Sub-Account Code For This Dir #





Re-prompt Message


Collect Call Code Dialing Preferences

Prompt Msg for Collect Call Code





Collect Call Code For This Directory #


Re-prompt Message


The following List B provides an example of information contained within a group profile. Portions of the group profile may complement the subscriber profile for an individual. Alternatively, the group profile may provide all of the information regarding an individual's subscriber service and preferences.


Subscriber Group Name


Subscribers In This Group Allowed To Make Calls


(Yes/No/Per Subscriber)

Caller Charge Account and and Charging Privileges

Charge Account


(None/Caller's DN/Per Subscriber)

Allowed To Charge Call Fees


(Yes/No/Per Subscriber)

Allowed To Charge Caller Line Fees


(Yes/No/Per Subscriber)

Allowed To Charge Callee Line Fees


(Yes/No/Per Subscriber)

Caller Id To Deliver To Callee


(None/Caller's DN/Per Subscriber)

Set Of Commands Available While Waiting For Answer


(None/cmd set/

Per Subscriber)

Set Of Commands Available After Call Answered


(None/cmd set/

Per Subscriber)

Set Of Commands Available After Callee Disconnects


(None/cmd set/

Per Subscriber)

Subscribers In This Group Allowed To Receive Calls


(Yes/No/Per Subscriber)

Callee Charge Account and and Charging Privileges

Charge Account


(None/Caller's DN/Per Subscriber)

Allowed To Charge Call Fees


(Yes/No/Per Subscriber)

Allowed To Charge Caller Line Fees


(Yes/No/Per Subscriber)

Allowed To Charge Callee Line Fees


(Yes/No/Per Subscriber)

The following choices for handling a call to a number are available:

The call can be routed to the callee's directory number

The caller can be notified that the call will not be set up

A message can be taken using the mailbox assigned to the callee's DN

Initial Call Treatment For Calls To Subscriber In This Group (Only 1 Can Be Yes)

Treatment Specified On A Per Subscriber Basis



Complete/Route Call To Callee's Directory Number



Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Take A Message Using Mailbox Assigned To Callee's DN



Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Initial Setup Attempt For The Call could not be completed (no ckt or busy),

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If First Attempt Unable To Be Completed

Treatment Specified On A Per Subscriber Basis



Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Take A Message Using Mailbox Assigned to Callee's DN



Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Initial Setup Attempt For The Call was set up but not answered,

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Call Not Answered

Treatment Specified On A Per Subscriber Basis



Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Take A Message Using Mailbox Assigned to Callee's DN



Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


User Interaction Options For Subscribers In This Group

Language Preference


(Based On Country Of Access Location/

Prompt With Multi-Lingual Msg When Needed/

English/Spanish/ ... /Per Subscriber)

Dialing Preferences For Response To Prompts For Auth Code, Call Prompter, etc.

Dialing Method


(Keypad/Voice or Keypad/Per Subscriber)

Pre-Digit Time Interval


(# sec/Per Subscriber)

Inter-Digit Time Interval


(# sec/Per Subscriber)

Number Of Retries


(#/Per Subscriber)

Sequence Calling Dialing Preferences

Prompt Message/Tone


(msg name/Per Subscriber)



(Yes/No/Per Subscriber)

Dialing Method


(Keypad/Voice or Keypad/Per Subscriber)

Pre-Digit Time Interval


(# sec/Per Subscriber)

Inter-Digit Time Interval


(# sec/Per Subscriber)

Number Of Retries


(#/Per Subscriber)

Re-prompt Message/Tone


(msg name/Per Subscriber)



(Yes/No/Per Subscriber)

In the case where a portion of an individual subscriber's or preferences are provided in a group profile, the subscriber profile for the individual may identify the group profile and where that group profile is located.

Individual subscriber profiles and/or the group profiles provide comprehensive information regarding the preferences and services of both parties, thereby allowing the call behavior module


to process the call in accordance with the subscriber profile information. For example, if the subscriber utilized speed dialing, the individual subscriber profile and/or the group profile would list the particular called numbers with the associated speed dial number. The speed dialing service may also be utilized to readily obtain sub-account numbers and credit card numbers. These numbers would similarly be listed with the associated speed dial numbers. As another example, the individual subscriber profile and/or group profile may also provide information regarding whether the calling party


is willing to accept charges for a call based on certain called numbers. Similarly, the subscriber profile may provide information whether the called party


is willing to be charged for calls based on the caller ID of the calling party


. The calls may thereby be charged to a charge account or a sub-account.

The individual subscriber profile and/or group profile may also provide information regarding how the call should be handled depending upon any combination of various factors including, but not limited to, caller ID (the directory number of the calling party), Time of Day (TOD), language preference of the calling party


, and the calling party's responses. For example, the following List C provides an example of subscriber profile or group profile information for call treatment based on caller ID and TOD:


Subscriber Directory Number


Caller Id


Day Of Week




The following choices for handling a call to this Called Number are available:

The call can be routed (routing number could be Callee's DN or a redirection #)

The caller can be notified that the call will not be set up

A message can be taken using the mailbox assigned to the callee's DN

Initial Call Treatment For Calls From This Caller During This Time Of Day

Complete/Route Call



Routing Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Initial Setup Attempt For The Call could not be completed (no ckt or busy),

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Call Unable To Be Completed

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Redirect Call



Redirection Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Discomected


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Initial Setup Attempt For The Call was set up but not answered,

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Call Not Answered

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Redirect Call



Redirection Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Second Setup Attempt For The Call could not be completed,

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Second Attempt Unable To Be Completed

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


As another example, the following List D provides an example of individual subscriber profile or group profile information for call treatment based on caller ID only:


Subscriber Directory Number


Caller Id


The following choices for handling a call to this Called Number are available:

The call can be routed (routing number could be Callee's DN or a redirection #)

The caller can be notified that the call will not be set up

A message can be taken using the mailbox assigned to the callee's DN

Initial Call Treatment For Calls From This Caller

Complete/Route Call



Routing Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Initial Setup Attempt For The Call could not be completed (no ckt or busy),

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Call Unable To Be Completed

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Redirect Call



Redirection Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Initial Setup Attempt For The Call was set up but not answered,

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Call Not Answered

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Redirect Call



Redirection Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Second Setup Attempt For The Call could not be completed,

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Second Attempt Unable To Be Completed

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


As yet another example, the following List E provides an example of individual subscriber profile or group profile information for call treatment based on the calling party's language preference and TOD:


Subscriber Directory Number


Caller's Language Preference


Day Of Week




The following choices for handling a call to this Called Number are available:

The call can be routed (routing number could be Callee's DN or a redirection #)

The caller can be notified that the call will not be set up

A message can be taken using the mailbox assigned to the callee's DN

Initial Call Treatment For Calls From Callers With This Language Preference

During This Time Period.

Complete/Route Call



Routing Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Initial Setup Attempt For The Call could not be completed (no ckt or busy),

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Call Unable To Be Completed

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Redirect Call



Redirection Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Initial Setup Attempt For The Call was set up but not answered,

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Call Not Answered

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Redirect Call



Redirection Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer

Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Second Setup Attempt For The Call could not be completed,

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Second Attempt Unable To Be Completed

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


As still another example, the following list F provides an example of individual subscriber profile or group profile information for call treatment based on the calling party's response:


Subscriber Directory Number


Caller Response


The following choices for handling a call to this Called Number are available:

The call can be routed (routing number could be Callee's DN or a redirection #)

The caller can be notified that the call will not be set up

A message can be taken using the mailbox assigned to the callee's DN

Initial Call Treatment For Calls From Callers Selecting This Response

Complete/Route Call



Routing Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Initial Setup Attempt For The Call could not be completed (no ckt or busy),

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Call Unable To Be Completed

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Redirect Call



Redirection Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Initial Setup Attempt For The Call was set up but not answered,

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made.

Call Treatment If Call Not Answered

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Redirect Call



Redirection Number


Deliver Caller Id



Message/Tone For Caller While Waiting For Answer


Amount of Time To Wait For Answer


(# sec)

Callee Command Set Once Callee Answers


Callee Command Set After Caller Has Disconnected


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


If the Second Setup Attempt For The Call could not be completed,

one of the following choices for handling the call must be made

Call Treatment If Second Attempt Unable To Be Completed

Notify Caller Call Will Not Be Set Up



Msg/Tone To Inform Caller Call Will Not Be Setup


Take A Message



Mailbox Number


Message Informing Caller Message Being Taken


The group profile may also provide billing information for members of the group. List G provides an example of billing information that may be provided in the group profile:


Group Billing Account


Privileges For Some Calls Based On Called #



Charging Privileges For All Other Calls

Charge Account for Call Related Fees


(None/Group Acct/Group Acct

If Caller Knows Auth Code)

Authorization Level Needed


Sub-Account Code


(None/Collected From Caller/

sub-account #)

Allowed To Charge Call Fees



Allowed To Charge Any Caller Line Fees



Allowed To Charge Any Callee Line Fees



Authorization Code and Sub-Account Prompt Information

Prompt Msg for Auth Code





Re-prompt Message





Prompt Msg for Sub-Account Code





Re-prompt Message





The group profile may also provide information relating to the charging privileges for calls made to a particular called number. The following List H is an example of such information. The charging privileges may also be subject to requiring the group member enter an authorization code to be entitled to the charging privileges.


Group Billing Account


Called Number(s)


Charging Privileges For Calls To This Number

Charge Account for Call Related Fees


(None/Group Acct/Group Acct

If Caller Knows Auth Code)

Authorization Level Needed


Sub-Account Code


(None/Collected From

Caller/sub-account #)

Allowed To Charge Call Fees



Allowed To Charge Any Caller Line Fees



Allowed To Charge Any Callee Line Fees



The group profile may also provide information relating to the charging privileges based on the called number. The following list I is an example of such information.


Subscriber Directory Number


Called Number(s)


Charging Privileges For Calls To This Called Number

Charge Account


(None/Caller's DN/Caller's DN If Caller Knows PIN)

Sub-Account Code


(None/Collected From Caller/ sub-account #)

Allowed To Charge Call Fees



Allowed To Charge Any Caller Line Fees



Allowed To Charge Any Callee Line Fees



The individual subscriber profile and/or group profile may also allow the subscriber to enter commands which can be processed by the call behavior module


. Commands may be entered by a calling party


in any number of ways including, but not limited to, keypad and voice entry. When a command is entered, the call behavior module


may query the group profile or subscriber profile of the party to determine what function is to be performed. The subscriber or group profile will provide instructions on carrying out the command that is entered by the subscriber. As shown in the lists above, different sets of commands may allowed, for example, in situations where the calling party


is waiting for the call to be set up, the calling party


is waiting for the call to be answered, the call has been answered, the call has been terminated before answer, a message is being taken, and the called party


has disconnected.

The subscriber profile may also provide call screening services such that the caller may be notified when a call is being made to a restricted number. The restriction may be for example by geographic area, country code, called number, or by operator assisted calls.

In the foregoing specification, the present invention has been described with reference to specific exemplary embodiments thereof. Although the invention has been described in terms of a preferred embodiment, those skilled in the art will recognize that various modifications, embodiments or variations of the invention can be practiced within the spirit and scope of the invention as set forth in the appended claims. All are considered within the sphere, spirit, and scope of the invention. The specification and drawings are, therefore, to be regarded in an illustrated rather than restrictive sense. Accordingly, it is not intended that the invention be limited except as may be necessary in view of the appended claims.

  • 1. A call processing system for processing telephone calls between a calling party and a called party, the system comprising:a calling party subscriber profile that comprehensively maintains data that describes subscriber services of the calling party, wherein the calling party subscriber profile is organizable in an individual profile and/or a group profile; a called party subscriber profile that comprehensively maintains data that describes subscriber services of the called party, wherein the called party subscriber profile is organizable in an individual profile and/or a group profile; a subscriber profile module that stores the calling party subscriber profile and the called party subscriber profile; a call behavior module to process the telephone calls in accordance with the calling party subscriber profile and the called party subscriber profile and to resolve one or more service conflicts that occur between the calling party subscriber profile and the called party subscriber profile; an end user access module of the calling party coupling the call behavior module to the calling party; and an end user access module of the called party coupling the call behavior module to the called party; wherein a process flow of the call processing system at least in part comprises first, second, third, and fourth process flow times, wherein the second process flow time is subsequent to the first process flow time, wherein the third process flow time is subsequent to the second process flow time, wherein the fourth process flow time is subsequent to the third process flow time; wherein the calling party accesses the end user access module of the calling party at the first process flow time; wherein the end user access module of the calling party communicates with the call behavior module at the second process flow time; wherein the call behavior module accesses the subscriber profile module at the third process flow time; wherein the subscriber profile module accesses the called party subscriber profile and the calling party subscriber profile between the third and fourth process flow times; wherein the call behavior module accesses the end user access module of the calling party at the fourth process flow time.
  • 2. The system of claim 1, wherein the subscriber profile module is coupled to the call behavior module and the called party subscriber profile and the calling party subscriber profile for providing profile information to the call behavior module based on the called party subscriber profile and the calling party subscriber profile.
  • 3. The system of claim 1, wherein the called party subscriber profile also comprehensively maintains preferences of the called party and wherein the call behavior module processes the telephone call also in accordance with the preferences of the called party.
  • 4. The system of claim 1, wherein the calling party subscriber profile maintains preferences of the calling party that include a calling party language preference, wherein the called party subscriber profile maintains preferences of the called party that include a called party language preference and,wherein the call behavior module resolves a conflict between the calling party language preference and the called party language preference to route the telephone call to a telephone operator.
  • 5. The system of claim 1, wherein the calling party subscriber profile also comprehensively maintains preferences of the calling party and wherein the call behavior module processes the telephone call also in accordance with the preferences of the calling party.
  • 6. The system of claim 1, wherein the calling party subscriber profile maintains preferences of the calling party that include a language preference, wherein the called party subscriber profile maintains preferences of the called party that include a called party language preference and,wherein the call behavior module resolves a conflict between the calling party language preference and the called party language preference to route the telephone call to a designated telephone number.
  • 7. The system of claim 1, wherein the end user access module of the called party coupled to the call behavior module serves to provide geographic information of the called party to the call behavior module.
  • 8. The system of claim 1, further comprising means for providing geographic information of the calling party to the call behavior module.
  • 9. The system of claim 8, wherein the call behavior module routes the telephone call to a designated telephone number based on the geographic information of the calling party.
  • 10. The system of claim 8, wherein the call behavior module has means for providing the geographic information of the calling party to the called party.
  • 11. The system of claim 1, further comprising means for providing a message to the calling party from the call behavior module in accordance with the communications capabilities of the calling party.
  • 12. The system of claim 1, wherein the called party subscriber profile and the calling party subscriber profile are located in at least one remote database coupled to the switch via a subscriber profile module.
  • 13. The system of claim 1, wherein the called party subscriber profile is organizable in the group profile, wherein the group profile maintains subscriber service options of a group of subscribers of which the called party is a member and the call behavior module processes the telephone call also in accordance with the group profile.
  • 14. The system of claim 1, further comprising a per call profile for the called party for maintaining subscriber service options based on particular calling numbers, and wherein the call behavior module processes the telephone call also in accordance with the per call profile for the called party.
  • 15. The system of claim 1, wherein the calling party subscriber profile is organizable in the group profile, wherein the group profile maintains subscriber services of a group of subscribers of which the calling party is a member and the call processor processes the telephone call also in accordance with the group profile.
  • 16. The system of claim 1, further comprising a per call profile for the calling party for maintaining subscriber service options based on particular called numbers, and wherein the call behavior module processes the telephone call also in accordance with the per call profile for the calling party.
  • 17. The system of claim 1, wherein the calling party subscriber profile is identified by the directory number of the calling party.
  • 18. The system of claim 1, wherein the calling party subscriber profile is identified by a keyword entered by the calling party during a placed call.
  • 19. The system of claim 1, wherein the call behavior module has means for resolving service conflicts between subscriber service options of the called party and the calling party.
  • 20. The system of claim 1, wherein the subscriber profile module has means for resolving service conflicts between subscriber service options of the calling party.
  • 21. A method for processing a telephone call from a calling party to a called party in accordance with subscriber services of the calling party and the called party, the method comprising the steps of:receiving a call setup request from the calling party; obtaining profile information of the calling party and the called party, wherein said profile information provides comprehensive information that relates to the subscriber services of the calling party and the called party, wherein the profile information comprises a calling party subscriber profile and a called party subscriber profile, wherein the calling party subscriber profile is organizable in an individual profile and/or a group profile, wherein the called party subscriber profile is organizable in an individual profile and/or a group profile; storing the calling party subscriber profile and the called party subscriber profile in a subscriber profile module; coupling a call behavior module to the calling party through employment of an end user access module of the calling party; coupling the call behavior module to the called party through employment of an end user access module of the called party; processing the call based on the profile information of the called party and the calling party; if one or more service conflicts occur between the profile information of the called party and the calling party, resolving the one or more service conflicts in accordance with the calling party subscriber profile and the called party subscriber profile through employment of the call behavior module; the calling party in at least one process flow accessing the end user access module of the calling party at a first process flow time; the end user access module of the calling party in the at least one process flow communicating with the call behavior module at a second process flow time subsequent to the first process flow time; the call behavior module in the at least one process flow accessing the subscriber profile module at a third process flow time subsequent to the second process flow time; the subscriber profile module in the at least one process flow accessing the called party subscriber profile and the calling party subscriber profile between the third process flow time and a fourth process flow time subsequent to the third process flow time; and the call behavior module in the at least one process flow accessing the end user access module of the calling party at the fourth process flow time.
  • 22. The method of claim 21, wherein the step of processing includes the steps of:(a) determining whether to charge the telephone call to the called party or the calling party; and (b) determining a call treatment for the telephone call.
  • 23. The method of claim 22, further comprising the step of providing information of the calling party to the called party.
  • 24. The method of claim 23, wherein step of determining the call treatment is a step selected from the group consisting of routing the call to the called party, routing the call another party, taking a message for the called party, and notifying that calling party that the call will not be completed.
  • 25. The method of claim 23, wherein the step of determining the call treatment includes the step of obtaining geographic location information of the calling party and routing the telephone call to a designated telephone number based on the geographic information of the calling party.
  • 26. The method of claim 23, wherein the step of determining the call treatment is achieved from accessing the profile information that is selected from the group consisting of a directory number of the calling party, a response from the calling party, the time of day, geographic location of the calling party and a language preference of the calling party.
  • 27. The method of claim 24, wherein the step of determining the call treatment includes the step of obtaining language preference information of the calling party and routing the telephone call to a designated telephone number based on the preferred language of the calling party.
  • 28. The method of claim 21, wherein the profile information is located in at least one remote database and the step of obtaining the profile information is via the subscriber profile module.
  • 29. The method of claim 21, wherein the step of obtaining the profile information of the calling party and the called party is achieved by retrieving information from the group profile of which the called party is a member.
  • 30. The method of claim 21, wherein the step of obtaining the profile information of the calling party and the called party is achieved by retrieving information from the group profile of which the calling party is a member.
  • 31. The method of claim 21, wherein the step of obtaining the profile information of the calling party and the called party includes the step of identifying the calling party by a directory number of the calling party.
  • 32. The method of claim 21, wherein the step of obtaining the profile information of the calling party and the called party includes the step of identifying the calling party by at least one keyword entered by the calling party during a placed call.
  • 33. The method of claim 21, wherein the step of obtaining the profile information of the calling party and the called party includes the step of identifying the calling party by a credit card number of the calling party.
  • 34. A call processing system for processing a telephone call from a calling party to a called party, the system comprising:(a) a switch operatively coupling the calling party with the called party; (b) a calling party subscriber profile operatively coupled to the switch and comprehensively maintaining data describing subscriber services and preferences of the calling party, wherein the calling party subscriber profile is organizable in an individual profile and/or a group profile; (c) a called party subscriber profile operatively coupled to the switch and comprehensively maintaining data describing subscriber services and preferences of the called party, wherein the called party subscriber profile is organizable in an individual profile and/or a group profile; (d) a call behavior module coupled to the switch for processing the telephone call in accordance with calling party subscriber profile and called party subscriber profile; (e) a subscriber profile module coupled to the call behavior module for providing information contained within the calling party subscriber profile and the called party subscriber profile to the call behavior module; (f) an end user access module of the called party coupling the call behavior module to the called party; and (g) an end user access module of the calling party coupling the call behavior module to the calling party; wherein a process flow of the call processing system at least in part comprises first, second, third, and fourth process flow times, wherein the second process flow time is subsequent to the first process flow time, wherein the third process flow time is subsequent to the second process flow time, wherein the fourth process flow time is subsequent to the third process flow time; wherein the calling party accesses the end user access module of the calling party at the first process flow time; wherein the end user access module of the calling party communicates with the call behavior module at the second process flow time; wherein the call behavior module accesses the subscriber profile module at the third process flow time; wherein the subscriber profile module accesses the called party subscriber profile and the calling party subscriber profile between the third and fourth process flow times; wherein the call behavior module accesses the end user access module of the calling party at the fourth process flow time.
  • 35. A call processing system for processing a telephone call within a telephone network, the system comprising:(a) a switch operatively coupled to a calling party and a called party, the calling party and the called party each having profile information of services and preferences of the calling party and the called party, the profile information of the called party and the calling party being located in one or more databases within the telephone network, the database being operatively coupled to the switch; (b) a subscriber profile module operatively coupled to the switch having means for retrieving the profile information of the calling party and the called party, wherein the profile information comprises a calling party subscriber profile and a called party subscriber profile, wherein the calling party subscriber profile is organizable in an individual profile and/or a group profile, wherein the called party subscriber profile is organizable in an individual profile and/or a group profile; (c) a call behavior module coupled to the switch for processing the telephone call in accordance with the profile information of the calling party and called party; (d) an end user access module of the called party coupling the call behavior module to the called party; and (e) an end user access module of the calling party coupling the call behavior module to the calling party; wherein a process flow of the call processing system at least in part comprises first, second, third, and fourth process flow times, wherein the second process flow time is subsequent to the first process flow time, wherein the third process flow time is subsequent to the second process flow time, wherein the fourth process flow time is subsequent to the third process flow time; wherein the calling party accesses the end user access module of the calling party at the first process flow time; wherein the end use access module of the calling party communicates with the call behavior module at the second process flow time; wherein the call behavior module accesses the subscriber profile module at the third process flow time; wherein the subscriber profile module accesses the called party subscriber profile and the calling party subscriber profile between the third and fourth process flow times; wherein the call behavior module accesses the end user access module of the calling party at the fourth process flow time.
  • 36. A call processor for processing a telephone call from a calling party to a called party, the processor comprising:(a) means for accessing subscriber service information of the calling party and the called party, wherein the subscriber service information comprises a calling party subscriber profile and a called party subscriber profile, wherein the calling party subscriber profile is organizable in an individual profile and/or a group profile, wherein the called party subscriber profile is organizable in an individual profile and/or a group profile; (b) coupling means for communications with the calling party and the called party; (c) a call behavior module containing uniform set of procedures for processing the telephone call based on the subscriber services information of the calling party and the called party; (d) an end user access module of the called party coupling the call behavior module to the called party; and (e) an end user access module of the calling party coupling the call behavior module to the calling party; wherein a process flow of the call processor at least in part comprises first, second, third, and fourth process flow times, wherein the second process flow time is subsequent to the first process flow time, wherein the third process flow time is subsequent to the second process flow time, wherein the fourth process flow time is subsequent to the third process flow time; wherein the calling party accesses the end user access module of the calling party at the first process flow time; wherein the end user access module of the calling party communicates with the call behavior module at the second process flow time; wherein the call behavior module accesses the subscriber profile module at the third process flow time; wherein the subscriber profile module accesses the called party subscriber profile and the calling party subscriber profile between the third and fourth process flow times; wherein the call behavior module accesses the end user access module of the calling party at the fourth process flow time.
  • 37. The method of claim 21, wherein the step of processing the call based on the profile information of the called party and the calling party comprises the steps of:obtaining language preference information of the calling party and the called party, wherein the language preference information comprises a calling party language preference and a called party language preference; and resolving a conflict between the calling party language preference and the called party language preference to route the telephone call to a telephone operator.
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