Cancer treatment method


  • Patent Grant
  • 6186146
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Monday, January 13, 1997
    27 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, February 13, 2001
    23 years ago
  • Inventors
  • Examiners
    • Yu; Mickey
    • O'Hara; Kelly
    • Feldman; Stephen E.
An in situ treatment of an organ, such as a kidney, of a living body, having a disease or tumor. The method includes: subjecting a diseased or tumorous organ, such as a kidney, to an effective amount of a therapeutic agent, by infusing the agent via blood entering the organ, creating an isolated section in a major vein spanning the area where the tributary veins connect with the major vein, the major vein and tributary veins being directly associated with the organ; passing contaminated effluent blood from the tributary veins of the organ to the isolated section and capturing the effluent blood therein; and, evacuating the captured blood from the isolated section without exposing the contaminated effluent blood to other organs or tissues of the body and without interrupting the general circulation in the system of the body.


The present invention is directed to a method for treating an organ of the body afflicted with a disease or tumor by isolating the diseased organ from the general circulation system of the body and treating the afflicted organ in situ without affecting other organs and/or tissues of the host body. In particular, the present invention is directed to a method for treating an isolated disease in an organ of the body, such as a tumor of the kidney, where a therapeutic agent is infused into the diseased organs through the blood supplying that organ and contained therein while eliminating contaminated blood from the organ and maintaining essentially normal blood circulation throughout the host body.


Current acceptable medical practice for treating cancer in an organ involves surgical removal of the afflicted organ. In the case of kidney tumors, for example, the afflicted kidney is surgically removed, especially if the tumor is malignant. Statistically, a relatively small percentage—estimated at about 20 to about 30 percent—of patients subject to surgical removal of a tumorous kidney experience sustained, favorable response to this form of therapy. A majority of patients in this category terminate from metastatic (secondary) cancer occurring outside the kidney. If persons suffering from kidney cancer are not permanently benefitted, additional or alternative modes of therapy requiring more radical procedures will have to be developed to act more effectively with the disease at its first presentation so that surgical removal of a diseased organ will not be the only acceptable treatment.

Some organ malignancies have been treated with toxic agents in situ. Some kidney malignancies, for example, have been treated with chemotherapeutic agents and biological agents which are toxic moieties derived from organic sources. However, as with some chemotherapeutic agents, biological agents can not be introduced into the general circulation of the host body in sufficient strength and/or quantity to achieve satisfactory therapeutic response in the diseased organ because their negative, toxic effects on other organs and tissues of the host body rival their positive, therapeutic effect in the diseased organ.

The majority of kidney cancer patients die from metastatic disease. One promising method of treatment involves encouraging the growth of immune cells; i.e., Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytic cells (TIL cells), within the kidney to attack metastatic tumors. The goal of this treatment is to shrink the kidney tumor prior to removing the kidney.

Another therapeutic procedure for organs with local tumors, sucl as the kidney, includes the surgical removal of tumorous matter from the organ an cultivating TIL cells in sufficient quantity for infusion into the patient for therapeutic treatment of metastatic tumors. The cultured cells may react favorably against both the primary tumor cells and any metastatic cancer cells in the body. However, time is needed in order to cultivate a sufficient quantity of such cells for adequate and effective treatment of a patient and the patient may not have the time required for such cultivation.

In general, treating diseased or tumorous organs with chemotherapeutic agents has not had a dramatic impact. Although certain drugs and biological agents have exhibited considerable activity in some treatment protocols, their effects have been negated by systemic toxicity.

A process for treating a diseased liver by profusing a high concentration of a therapeutic agent through the liver is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,069,662 to Bodden, et. al. This process includes percutaneously inserting a double balloon catherer into the inferior vena cava of the liver to prepare for delivery of blood flowing between the liver and the heart. A therapeutic agent is fed into the liver through the arterial blood flowing into the liver. The blood vessels carrying blood from the liver are blocked by inflating the balloons in the catherer to prevent contaminated blood from entering the general circulation of the body. The venous blood from the liver contaminated with the therapeutic agent is then withdrawn from the body. The balloons in the double balloon catherer are positioned to span the exit vessels through which blood flows coming out of the liver and are expanded to block the vessel above and below the exit vessels thereby effectively isolating the blood flowing from the treated liver. Contaminated blood is removed from the body through an opening in a lumen provided within the catherer between the expanded balloons. The blood is treated to remove contamination and the cleaned, detoxified blood is then returned to the general circulation of the body.


The present invention provides a method for treating a disease by stimulating a response in an organ of the body, such as a kidney, in situ in which a therapeutic agent is infused into the organ via the blood entering the organ and in which the blood containing the therapeutic agent is recovered from the organ and removed before the blood enters the general circulation system of the body. This is uniquely accomplished by blocking a section of a major vein without interrupting the flow of blood through the major vein and through the general circulation system of the body.

Thus, the process of the invention provides for the in situ treatment of an organ of the body having a disease or tumor and generally comprises: subjecting an organ of the body having a disease or tumor to an effective amount of a therapeutic agent by infusing said agent via blood entering said organ; creating an isolated section in a major vein spanning the area where the tributary veins connect with said major vein, said major vein and said tributary veins being directly associated with said organ; passing contaminated, effluent blood from said tributary veins of said organ to said isolated section and capturing said effluent blood therein; and, evacuating said captured blood from said isolated section without exposing said contaminated, effluent blood to other organs or tissues of said body and without interrupting the general blood circulation of said body.

A significant and important advantage of the process of the invention over other procedures is that the toxicity or strength of the therapeutic agent used on the diseased or tumorous organ is limited only by the level of therapeutic agent that the treated organ can withstand rather than the adverse affect that the therapeutic agent may have on other organs and/or tissues of the body. Equally significant and important is the fact that blood flowing from the treated organ and contaminated with the therapeutic agent can be isolated, removed and withdrawn from the body, detoxified and cleansed, and returned to the body without interfering with, disrupting, interrupting, or stopping the normal circulation of blood flowing through the body.

As mentioned above, treatment of diseases and tumors of body organs, especially the kidneys, by many currently acceptable medical procedures involves surgical removal of tumors from the patient, culturing the lymphocyte cells infiltrating the tumors (Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes, or “TIL” cells) to grow an adequate number of the TIL cells, and potentiating the cytolytic activity of these cells prior to infusing them into a patient as a form of treatment.

This treatment requires that an adequate amount of IL-2 be used in the culture medium in order to expand and activate the TIL cells. Typically, it takes from about four to about six weeks to grow a sufficient amount of cells to treat a patient. Once a sufficient amount of cells are grown ex vivo, they are collected in a transfusion device for delivery to a patient. As patients receive a TIL cell infusion, they also receive bolus injections of IL-2 every eight hours for five days. This kind of therapy is commonly known as TIL/IL-2 therapy.

TIL/IL-2 therapy often fails because it is not always possible to grow a sufficient amount of cells ex vivo to treat the patient(s). Cell growth is a labor intensive and expensive procedure and failure can occur for many reasons relating to the growth conditions, the most common cause being contamination of the cell culture. Since culturing cells is time consuming, labor intensive and costly, each step of the culturing process increases the likelihood of contamination and ultimate failure. When cells fail to grow or become contaminated, at least two months of effort can easily be lost thereby delaying therapy and often discouraging a patient from undergoing a second attempt.

By using the process of the present invention, TIL/IL-2 therapy is improved as the process permits IL-2 to be delivered directly to the diseased area or tumor within the patient rather than removing the diseased area or tumor from the patient for ex vivo culturing. By infusing high doses of IL-2 directly to a diseased or tumorous organ such as a kidney, the patient is spared from undergoing a surgical procedure to remove a diseased area or tumor; avoids the side effects of any administered therapy, especially the risk of infection; eliminates potential failure of cell proliferation in culture; and, does not have any time delay in administering the therapy; i.e., waiting four to six weeks to grow a sufficient population of cells. Thus, the process of the invention enhances the anti-tumor activity of the host immune system to fight a tumor. This anti-tumor response in the kidney will not only be against the primary tumor in the kidney, but any metastases outside the tumor as well.

Another advantage of the process of the invention arises from the fact that the kidney is the primary filter for most biologicals. Biologicals are agents typically produced from recombinant DNA techniques and include such agents as the interleukins and the interferons, among others. As with chemotherapeutics, most biologicals can not be administered at sufficiently high doses to achieve desirable therapeutic responses. Biologicals are particularly effective for treating chemotherapy-resistant tumors which include renal cell carcinoma, melanoma, hepatoma, and sarcoma. The significance of this for an affected kidney (i.e., renal cell carcinoma) is that the kidney and will filter out excess amounts of these biologicals through normal tubule clearance and, therefor, tolerates these agents well.

However, if these biological drugs are administered systemically to a patient, they will induce diffuse capillary leak syndrome which leads to intravascular fluid escaping from the bloodstream and damaging the patient's vital organs. This can potentially cause heart failure, lungs filling with fluid, and coma. By using the process of the invention to deliver these drugs directly to the kidney, a large portion of these biologicals will either achieve their intended therapeutic effect; i.e., activate an immune response, or be removed from the blood stream by the combined filtration actions of the kidney and that included in the present invention.

A further advantage arising out of using IL-2 to treat the kidney is that it will enable a physician to determine whether or not a patient should undergo removal of a kidney. The only currently known curative therapy for early stages of kidney cancer involves removal of the tumorous kidney. Unfortunately, only 20 to 30 percent of the patients respond to this therapy and they will eventually die from metastatic cancer. Physicians try to avoid surgery if the patient will eventually die despite removal of the tumorous kidney as they are reluctant to subject patients to major surgery and a long recovery time if it will not significantly reduce their pain nor lengthen their lives.

By using the process of the invention to deliver IL-2 directly to the kidney, a physician will be able to observe whether the tumor is responding to treatment while reducing the debilitating effects of highly toxic IL-2 therapy. This response is predictive of the response of the metastases. Since the process of the invention is minimally invasive, physicians will prefer to treat patients with it first before considering alternative therapy. Those patients that do not respond when treated through the process of the invention can be dealt with in a humane manner avoiding unnecessary and debilitating surgery.

The present invention provides for inserting a catheter into an artery feeding blood to the organ to be treated and infusing a therapeutic agent into the organ through the blood flowing into the organ. The catheter used to deliver the therapeutic agent to the organ can be a catheter normally used for such medical procedures. A second catheter consisting of a double balloon catheter having two, spaced, inflatable balloons is inserted into a major vein of the circulation system and positioned in the major vein so that the spaced balloons of the double balloon catheter span that portion or section of the major vein where the tributary veins coming from the organ on which the procedure is to be applied connect with the major vein. The spaced balloons of the second catheter are inflated so that they contact the interior wall of the major vein thus forming two, spaced blocks or plugs which effectively block the spanned portion of the major vein. This creates an isolated or contained section in the major vein in which blood entering the major vein from the treated organ can be captured and isolated from the remainder of the circulation system.

The process of the invention also provides for a by-pass which shunts the blood flowing in a major vein through and past the section of the major vein blocked by the two, spaced inflated balloons enabling blood to continuously flow through the major vein while blood flowing into the major vein from the organ being treated with a therapeutic agent is isolated and contained in the blocked section. This by-pass serves as an internal conduit or lumen within the double balloon catheter and its ends extend and protrude beyond the extremities of the double balloon portion of the catheter. Each of the protruding ends of the internal lumen or conduit has an opening formed therein, one of which is anterior (or cephalod) to and the other of which is posterior (or cauded) of the isolated or contained section created by the spaced, inflatable balloons.

Just before or concurrently with inflating the balloons of the double balloon catheter positioned in the major vein, the blood shunt or by-pass can be opened to provide a path around the blockages created by the inflated balloons so that normal flow of blood continues through the major vein without interruption.

Blood flowing from the treated organ into the isolated section created between the inflated balloons containing a contaminating therapeutic agent is evacuated from the isolated section through one or more internal conduits or lumens contained in the double balloon catheter and positioned therein between the two, spaced balloons. These internal conduits or lumens are provided with a plurality of openings formed therein and their ends also extend and protrude beyond the ends of the double balloon catheter. Contaminated blood enters the internal conduits or lumens through the openings formed therein and is evacuated from the isolated or contained section between the inflated balloons in the major vein through a protruding end of the internal conduits or lumens. The protruding ends of the internal conduits or lumens are connected to a blood cleansing device which removes the contaminating therapeutic agent from the blood and returns the cleansed and detoxified blood back to the circulation system of the body.

Detoxification and cleansing of the contaminated blood can be accomplished by means and techniques commercially available to medical practioners. Illustrative of such means and techniques are hemoperfusion cartridges, hemodialysis, hemofiltration, and hemoadsorption through antibodies or biological ligands or molecules capable or rendering them non-toxic and/or clearing the blood of the therapeutic agent and allowing the patient's own detoxified and cleaned blood to be re-administered to the patient.

Representative devices for detoxifying and cleansing contaminated blood and recirculating the cleaned blood back into a patient's normal circulation system are disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,362,155; 4,637,880; and, 4,820,261 among others.


The process of the invention will become more apparent from the ensuing description when considered together with the accompanying drawing wherein:

FIG. 1

is a side view illustrating the head end part of a double balloon catheter and internal blood shunt shown with the balloons in an uninflated condition positioned in a blood vessel;

FIG. 2

is the same side view as in

FIG. 1

showing the balloons in an inflated condition;

FIG. 3

is a cross sectional view of the double balloon catheter shown in

FIG. 2


FIG. 4

is a view taken on line




FIG. 3

; and,

FIG. 5

is a schematic illustration of the instrumentation and devices that can be used in practicing the invention.


With reference to the various Figs. of the drawing wherein like reference numerals denote like parts, there is illustrated in

FIGS. 1 and 2

a front end or head end portion of a double balloon catheter that is positioned in a blood vessel or a major vein


such as a section of vena cava. Blood vessel groups






each represent tributary veins that deliver blood to the major vein or vena cava which then returns blood to the heart. For purposes of this description, that group of tributary veins identified by reference numeral


are designated as those that carry blood from an organ such as a kidney to the vena cava while the other groups of tributary veins identified by reference numerals




are designated as those that deliver blood to the major vein or vena cava


from other parts of the host body.

The catheter head end portion includes inflatable devices which are preferably inflatable balloons, such as




, and which are spaced from each other. In

FIG. 1

, balloons




are shown in a relaxed or deflated condition while in

FIG. 2

, they are shown in an inflated or expanded condition as






. Thus, balloons




are devices that can be inflated to






so as to form a blockage in the vessel in which the catheter is positioned as illustrated in FIG.



When either the posterior balloon


or the anterior balloon


are in an expanded or inflated condition as






, a positive contact is made between the exterior walls of the balloons






and the internal wall of the major vein thereby forming a blockage in the vein


. When both the posterior balloon



and the anterior balloon



are inflated or expanded as shown in

FIG. 2

, the major vein or vena cava


is blocked and an isolated section



is created between the two inflated balloons. Inflated balloons






form an enclosed and isolated section



in the major vein or vena cava spanning the entry points of the tributary veins


so as to capture and contain blood entering the isolated section



of the major vein or vena cava from the tributary veins


. This blockage causes an interruption of the flow of blood through the major vein or vena cava.

To overcome and by-pass this interruption of blood flow, a blood shunt is provided. The blood shunt consists of an internal conduit or lumen


that is contained within and co-extends longitudinally along the interior of the double balloon catheter between the extremities of balloons




. Internal conduit or lumen


has openings




formed therein at its outer ends that extend beyond balloons




as shown in

FIGS. 2 and 3

. In this manner, the blood shunt not only guarantees the integrity of the isolated section



in the major vein, but also provides an alternate path for the flow of blood past isolated section



thereby maintaining a continuous and uninterrupted flow of blood through vein



Inflating and deflating balloons




can be accomplished using well known and commonly accepted medical techniques and devices such as those that are capable of supplying a fluid to and evacuating a fluid from the interiors of these balloons by means of conduit or lumen


as illustrated in

FIGS. 3 and 4

. Conduit or lumen


is provided with ports




which communicate with the interiors of balloons




. Conduit or lumen


is also longitudinally co-extensive with and contained within the interior of the double balloon catheter with the outer end of conduit or lumen


connected to an external control


as depicted in FIG.



Additional conduits or lumens




are also contained within and are longitudinally co-extensive with the double balloon catheter extending to the outer end of the double balloon catheter. Conduits or lumens




can be provided with one or more openings




formed therein that communicate with the interior of the double balloon catheter as depicted in FIG.


. Conduits or lumens




can be used for either infusion or evacuation purposes, but in the process of this invention, they are used to evacuate blood from the isolated section



of the major vein or vena cava. Conduit or lumen and opening combinations








can be used separately or in combination depending upon the velocity of blood flowing through the tributary veins



The anterior of the double balloon catherer is positioned in the major vein or vena cava so that balloons




span that section in the major vein


where the tributary veins connect with the major vein. When balloons




are expanded to their inflated condition






, an isolated section



is created in the major vein between inflated balloons






so that blood entering the isolated section is captured and contained therein. The captured and contained blood can then be evacuated from the isolated section



through opening(s)


in conduit or lumen


and/or through opening(s)


and conduit or lumen


through the outer end of the double balloon catheter while blood is permitted to flow through the major vein by means of blood shunt


and ports





FIG. 4

illustrates the outer wall


of the double balloon catheter with internal conduits or lumens








positioned therein. The central, internal portion


of the double balloon catheter is open along its longitudinal length so that a guide wire (not shown) can be inserted into central portion


to enable the double balloon catheter to be slid along its length in positioning the double balloon catheter in the circulation system as is typically practiced in current medical procedures.

FIG. 5

schematically illustrates conventional, external instrumentation that can be used with a host body


in practicing the process of the invention. A catheter, such as one used to deliver or evacuate fluids to or from internal parts of the body through arteries or veins of the circulation system, is inserted into an artery


between the heart and the organ, such as a kidney,


to be treated. A small incision is made in the body


so that a guide wire preferably made from stainless steel can be inserted into the body and fed along an artery


in the same direction as the blood is flowing in the artery to the organ


. This is typically accomplished under observation through fluoroscopic instrumentation.

After the guide wire has been placed in position, the outer end of the guide wire outside the body is placed into the open end of a catheter


which is then slid along the guide wire into the body thence through the artery and positioned in the artery to enable a therapeutic agent to be infused and delivered through the catheter into the blood entering the organ


. A therapeutic agent delivery means, represented by syringe


, is connected to the outer end of the catheter to execute delivery of the therapeutic agent to the organ


to be treated.

A second small incision is made in the body


so that a second guide wire can be inserted into the body and fed along a major vein


in the same direction that blood is flowing in the major vein


to the organ


to be treated. After the second guide wire has been properly positioned, the outer end of the second guide wire is placed into the open center of a stiff bodied catheter having a top tapered to a point and tightly fitted to the guide wire. The body of this stiff bodied catheter is encased in a tightly fitting, thin walled sheath. This catheter combination is advanced into the vein over the second guide wire and the double balloon catheter of the invention is then slid along the second guide wire into the body through a major vein and into position at the organ


to be treated.

The major vein


with associated tributary veins


depicted in

FIGS. 1 and 2

represent a like section of the major vein


shown in

FIG. 5

in which tributary veins from the organ


to be treated connect with the major vein. In

FIG. 5

, the second catheter


represents the double balloon catheter with interior blood shunt and interior conduits and lumens shown in






. Catheter


is inserted into a major vein


carrying blood from the organ


to be treated and from other body parts to the heart of the body and is positioned substantially as shown in

FIGS. 1 and 2

; that is, with balloons




effectively spanning the tributary veins


carrying blood from the organ


to the major vein. Proper positioning of the double balloon catheter


can be typically accomplished using fluoroscopic observation. When placed in major vein


, double balloon catheter


spans the tributary veins


from the organ


so that blood flowing from the organ


can be captured and contained in the isolated section



of the major vein


when balloons




are inflated and expanded to






creating the isolated section



in the major vein


that contains the tributary veins



At its outer end, double balloon catheter


is connected to a control


which is capable of inflating and deflating balloons




. Control


also includes means for evacuating blood from the isolated section



in the major vein


through internal conduits or lumens




and their associated openings




, respectively. The evacuated blood is fed to a filtering device


which removes contaminants and toxins from the blood and then returns the cleaned, detoxified blood to the body via conduit


which is inserted into the general circulation system of the body



Just before or concurrently with the introduction of a therapeutic agent through catheter


by delivery means


, control


is activated to cause both balloons




of the double balloon catherer


to expand to their inflated condition






securely contacting the interior wall of the major vein (FIG.


). Balloons




are inflated sufficiently so as to be held firmly against the interior wall of the major vein


and form anterior and posterior blockages






therein. These blockages






create isolated section



and bracket or span tributary veins


from organ


enabling effluent blood from organ


to be captured and maintained in isolated section



until subsequently evacuated. Although this blockage is formed in the major vein


, blood continues to flow through the major vein


from organ


by means of the blood shunt spanning the blocked portion of the vena cava.

In practicing the process of the invention, a therapeutic agent such as a biological agent and/or IL-2, for example, can be infused into the organ


to be treated via the blood flowing into the organ. This blood, after being contaminated with the therapeutic agent, can then be isolated and captured, evacuated from the body, cleansed, and then returned to the body. Meanwhile, normal blood flowing to the rest of the body is continued and maintained by means of the blood shunt by-pass.

Although the invention has been described with particularity and in some detail, it will be appreciated that modifications can be made therein as may become apparent to those skilled in the art without departing from the scope of the invention.

  • 1. A method for in situ treatment of a kidney of a living body having a disease or tumor comprising:a) subjecting a kidney of a living body having a disease or tumor to an effective amount of a therapeutic agent by infusion of said agent via blood entering the kidney; b) creating an isolated section in a major vein spanning the area where the tributory veins connect with the major vein, the major vein and the tributory veins being directly associated with the kidney; c) passing contaminated effluent blood from the tributory veins of the kidney to said isolated section and capturing said effluent blood therein; d) concurrently maintaining a continuous flow of blood through the major vein by directing said blood flow through a shunt in the major vein which shunt by-passes said isolated section; and, e) evacuating said captured blood from said isolated section without exposing said contaminated effluent blood to other organs or tissues of the living body and without interrupting the general blood circulation in the system of the living body.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 wherein said isolated section is created by inserting a catheter having spaced expandable means in the major vein such that said spaced expandable means forms said isolated section.
  • 3. The method of claim 1 wherein one of said spaced expandable means prevents said captured blood from flowing to the heart of the living body.
  • 4. A method for the in situ treatment of a kidney of a living body having a disease or tumor comprising:a) subjecting a kidney of a living body having a disease or tumor to an effective amount of a therapeutic agent by infusion of said agent via blood entering the kidney; b) inserting a catherer having spaced expandable means in a major vein such that said spaced expandable means creates an isolated section in the major vein spanning the area where the tributory veins connect with the major vein, the major vein and the tributory veins being directly associated with the kidney; c) passing contaminated effluent blood from the tributory veins of the kidney to said isolated section and capturing said effluent blood therein; d) concurrently maintaining a continuous flow of blood through the major vein by directing said blood flow through a shunt in the major vein that by-passes said isolated section; and, e) evacuating said captured blood from said isolated section without exposing said effluent contaminated blood to other organs or tissues of the living body and without interrupting the general blood circulation in the system of the body.
  • 5. The method of claim 4 wherein one of said spaced expandable means prevents said captured blood from flowing to the heart of the living body.
  • 6. A method for in situ treatment of a kidney of a living body having a disease or tumor comprising:a) subjecting a kidney of a living body having a disease or tumor to an effective amount of a therapeutic agent by infusion of said agent via blood entering the kidney, said therapeutic agent being a member selected from the group consisting of IL-2 and biological agents produced from recombinant DNA; b) inserting a catheter having spaced, expandable means in a major vein such that said spaced expandable means creates an isolated section in the major vein where the tributory veins connect with the major vein, the major vein and the tributory veins being directly associated with the kidney, one of said spaced expandable means preventing said captured blood from flowing to the heart of the living body; c) passing contaminated effluent blood from the tributory veins of the kidney to said isolated section and capturing said effluent blood therein; d) concurrently maintaining a continuous flow of blood through the major vein by directing said blood flow through a shunt in the major vein that by-passes said isolated section; and, e) evacuating said captured blood from said isolated section without exposing said effluent contaminated blood to other organs or tissues of the living body and without interrupting the general blood circulation in the system of the living body.
Parent Case Info

This application is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 08/706,186 filed Aug. 30, 1996 now abandoned.

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Continuation in Parts (1)
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Parent 08/706186 Aug 1996 US
Child 08/782588 US