Canine herpesvirus based recombinant live vaccine, in particular against canine distemper, rabies or the parainfluenza 2 virus

Disclosed and claimed is a recombinant canine herepes virus (CHV). The recombinant CHV includes and expresses at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence encoding an antigen. The antigen can be canine distemper virus HA, canine distemper virus F, rabies virus G, canine parvovirus VP2, parainfluenza virus type 2 HA, parainfluenza virus type 2 F, Borrelia burgdorferi OspA, or Borrelia burgdorferi OspB. The at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence can be in at least one insertion site selected from the group consisting of ORF3 (SEQ ID NO:4), ORF5 (SEQ ID NO:5), the thymidine kinase gene, and the intergenic region corresponding to genes coding for the large subunit and the small subunit. Immunological or vaccine compositions as well as methods for inducing an immunological response are also disclosed and claimed.

The present invention relates to vaccines, preferably for dogs, produced from recombinant canine herpesviruses, and to the methods for obtaining and preparing these recombinant viruses. The present invention relates more especially to recombinant canine herpesviruses comprising an expression cassette for one or more foreign gene(s).
Canine herpesvirosis is caused by the canine herpesvirus (CHV). The canine herpesvirus (CHV) is classified in the Alphaherpesvirinae family. This herpesvirus is a major pathogen for neonatal puppies. Canine herpesvirosis manifests itself chiefly in a haemorrhagic disease in puppies, and in a benign disease of the upper respiratory apparatus in adult dogs. There are at present no vaccines for protecting puppies against canine herpesvirosis.
Moreover, domestic dogs are exposed to numerous other diseases, and the development of a vaccinal vector capable of expressing different antigens of canine pathogenic agents would enable the efficacy of vaccination programmes to be simplified and improved, especially for puppies in breeding kennels. Among pathogenic agents of importance for dogs, the Carre's disease virus, the Rubarth's hepatitis virus, the rabies virus, the canine parvovirosis virus, the canine coronavirus, the parainfluenza virus type 2, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Borrelia burgdorferi, Leptospira spp. and Leishmania infantum may be mentioned.
Little is known about the CHV virus genome. The genomic organization of this virus was published only recently (Remond M. et al. J. Gen. Virol. 1996. 77. 37-48), and the genes for the three major glycoproteins gB, gC and gD, as well as a gene designated CHV ORF2, have been described (K. Limbach et al. J. Gen. Virol. 1994. 75. 2029-2039).
Following their work on CHV, the inventors have succeeded in determining several regions which are non-essential for replication in vitro, which have proved useful for the construction of recombinant CHV viruses. The inventors are hence in a position to put forward for the first time the CHV virus as a vaccination vector for dogs. It was found that the vaccinal vectors according to the invention had particular advantages for the vaccination of dogs. In effect, the canine herpesvirus is very species-specific and possesses a large genome containing several potential insertion sites and permitting the simultaneous insertion of several expression cassettes for foreign genes. This affords the possibility of vaccinating dogs at the same time against different canine pathogenic agents using a single recombinant virus.
The main objective of the invention is to provide a vaccinal vector permitting the expression of immunogens of canine pathogens for the purpose of protecting dogs against the main canine infectious diseases.
Another objective of the invention is to provide such a vector permitting the vaccination of dogs, and especially puppies having maternal antibodies, via the mucosal, in particular the oral, nasal or conjunctival, route.
Yet another objective of the invention is to provide such a vector which permits vaccination at the same time against herpesvirosis in puppies.
Hence the subject of the present invention is a recombinant live vaccine using as vector a canine herpesvirus comprising and expressing at least one nucleotide sequence coding for a polypeptide, this sequence being inserted into a site which is non-essential for replication in vitro.
The inventors have isolated and analysed a genomic fragment of the CHV virus, on which they have characterized 5 open reading frames (ORF1 to ORF5), among which two (ORF3 and ORF5) have proved to be non-essential for replication in vitro. Moreover, the inventors have found that other regions of the CHV genome could also be used to insert foreign genes. These insertion sites are: thymidine kinase gene (CHV TK ORF) (Remond M. et al. Virus Research. 1995. 39. 341-354.) and sequence situated between the CHV ORF19 and the CHV ORF22 (Remond M. et al. J. Gen. Virol. 1996. 76. 37-48). These sites are described more precisely in the examples of the present invention.
Preferably, the inserted sequence codes for an antigenic polypeptide, and preferentially for an antigenic polypeptide of a canine pathogenic agent. It is also possible to insert the sequences coding for immunomodulatory proteins such as cytokines. According to an advantageous variant, it is possible to use in combination a sequence coding for a cytokine, or the like, and a sequence coding for an antigen. If need be, several cytokine sequences can be used in combination with one another, optionally in combination with one or more sequences coding for antigens.
The insertion into the sites is carried out by simple insertion (without deletion), or after partial or total deletion of the ORF or ORFs used as insertion sites.
As a parent virus for the construction of recombinant CHV viruses, it is possible to use, in particular, the CHV strain F205 which was isolated by L. Carmichael (Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 1965. 120. 644-650).
For the expression of foreign genes inserted into the CHV genome according to the present invention, it will be preferable to use a strong eukaryotic promoter such as, preferentially, a cytomegalovirus (CMV) immediate-early (IE) promoter. CMV IE promoter is understood to mean, in particular, a fragment such as is given in the examples, as well as the subfragments thereof retaining the same promoter activity. The CMV IE promoter can be the human (HCMV IE) promoter or the murine (MCMV IE) promoter, or alternatively a CMV IE promoter of another origin, for example rat, guinea pig or porcine CMV.
At least two nucleotide sequences may be inserted into one site under the control of different promoters. The latter may be, in particular, CMV IE promoters of different origins.
According to an advantageous development of the invention, another promoter is used in combination with the CMV IE promoter in such a way that the two promoters have their 5' ends adjacent and that the transcriptions initiated from these two promoters take place in opposite directions. This particular arrangement enables two nucleotide sequences to be inserted into the same site, one under the control of the CMV IE promoter and the other under that of the promoter used in combination with it. This construction is noteworthy from the fact that the presence of the CMV IE promoter, and in particular of its enhancer portion, can activate the transcription induced by the promoter used in combination. As a promoter used in combination, there may be mentioned, for example, a CMV promoter of different species from the first promoter. It is also possible to envisage other promoters, such as the Marek's disease virus (MDV) RNA1.8 promoter (G. Bradley et al. J. Virol. 1989. 63. 2534-2542).
The nucleotide sequence inserted into the CHV vector in order to be expressed can be any sequence coding for an antigenic polypeptide of a canine pathogenic agent capable, when expressed under the favourable conditions obtained by the invention, of bringing about an immunization leading to an effective protection of the vaccinated animal against the pathogenic agent. The nucleotide sequences coding for the antigens of interest for a given disease, in particular the viral, bacterial or parasitic diseases mentioned above, may hence be inserted under the conditions described by the present invention.
The typical case of the invention is the insertion of at least one nucleotide sequence coding appropriately for a polypeptide of the Carre's disease virus (canine distemper virus=CDV), and preferably for the CDV polypeptide HA (Sidhu M. et al., Virology. 1993. 193. 66-72) or for the CDV polypeptide F (Barrett T. et al. Virus Research. 1987. 8. 373-386). It is also possible to insert both of these genes together into the CHV vector. A recombinant live vaccine bringing about protection against Carre's disease is thereby obtained.
Other preferred cases of the invention are the insertion of nucleotide sequences coding for antigens or fragments of antigens of the rabies virus, especially the G gene (Patents FR-A-2,515,685 and EP-A-162,757), of the canine parvovirosis virus (VP2 gene) (Parrish C. et al. J. Virol. 1991. 65. 6544-6552) or of the parainfluenza virus type 2 (HA and/or F genes). It is also possible to insert sequences coding for Borrelia burgdorferi antigens, especially the genes coding for the OspA and OspB antigens (Bergstrom S. et al. Mol. Microbiol. 1989. 3. 479-486).
A typical case of the invention is a vaccine comprising a nucleotide sequence coding for an antigen of the Carre's disease virus under the control of CMV IE, and a nucleotide sequence coding for an antigen of another canine viral disease, in particular the ones mentioned above, under the control of the other promoter.
Naturally, the heterologous sequences and their associated promoters may be inserted more conventionally in tandem into the insertion locus, that is to say according to the same transcription direction.
The expression of several heterologous genes inserted into the insertion locus can also be possible by insertion of a sequence known as an "IRES" (internal ribosome entry site) originating, in particular, from a picornavirus such as the swine vesicular disease virus (SVDV; B. -F. Chen et al., J. Virology, 1993, 67, 2142-2148), the encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV; R. J. Kaufman et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 1991, 19, 4485-4490) or the aphthous fever virus (FMDV; N. Luz and E. Beck, J. Virology, 1991, 65, 6486-6494), or alternatively of another origin. The content of these three papers is incorporated by reference. The cassette for expression of two genes would hence have the following minimum structure: promoter--gene 1--IRES--gene 2--polyadenylation signal. The recombinant live vaccine according to the invention may hence comprise, inserted into the insertion locus, an expression cassette comprising in succession a promoter, two or more genes separated in pairs by an IRES, and a polyadenylation signal.
In addition to the insertion into the locus according to the invention, it is possible to carry out one or more other insertions, one or more mutations or one or more deletions elsewhere in the genome. In all cases, insertion into a locus other than the one described in the invention enables other genes to be expressed.
The use of the recombinant viruses according to the invention enables dogs to be protected against one or more of the diseases mentioned above, and at the same time against canine herpesvirosis.
The subject of the present invention is also a polyvalent vaccine formula comprising, as a mixture or to be mixed, at least two recombinant live vaccines as defined above, these vaccines comprising different inserted sequences isolated, in particular, from different pathogens. These vaccine formulae contain dosages and/or vehicles which are suited to the administration route.
The subject of the present invention is also CHV viruses modified in at least one of the sites indicated.
Its subject is also a method of vaccination, especially of dogs, in which an effective amount of a vaccine as defined above is administered via any parenteral or mucosal route, but preferably via the mucosal, in particular the oral and/or nasal, route. The vaccinal dose will preferably be between 10.sup.2 CCID50 and 10.sup.7 CCID50. Preferably, the dose for the parenteral route will be between 10.sup.4 CCID50 and 10.sup.7 CCID50, and for the oral and/or nasal route, between 10.sup.2 CCID50 and 10.sup.5 CCID50. As defined, the vaccine is effective in general after a single administration via the oral and/or nasal route. However, repeated administrations may be necessary.
The subject of the present invention is also the DNA fragments comprising all or part of the sequence defined by positions 1 to 6216 on SEQ ID No. 1 (FIG. 1), in particular all or part of the ORF3 site defined and/or of the flanking sequences located upstream and downstream of this site, which fragments will be useful as flanking arms for the techniques of homologous recombination with the genome of the CHV virus chosen as parent virus. Naturally, the invention also relates to the variants of these fragments which correspond to the equivalent sequences of the other strains of CHV. The expert is entirely free to choose the regions serving as flanking arms in connection with the type of insertion (with or without deletion) or of deletion (partial or total) chosen. Generally speaking, the flanking arms may thus have from 100 to 800 base pairs, but can be larger if necessary.
A further subject of the invention is a method of preparation of the vectors and vaccines according to the invention, as emerges from the description of the vaccines, by insertion of genes of interest into the insertion site.

The invention will now be described in greater detail by means of non-limiting examples of implementation, taken with reference to the drawing, wherein:
FIG. 1: Sequence of the CHV region (6216 base pairs) and translation of the different open reading frames (ORFs) present in this sequence (ORF1 to ORF5).
FIG. 2: Plasmid pPB200 (donor plasmid for the insertion of expression cassettes into the CHV ORF3 site).
FIG. 3: Construction of the plasmid pPB202 (donor plasmid for the insertion of expression cassettes into the CHV ORF5 site).
FIG. 4: Construction of the plasmid pPB204 (donor plasmid for the insertion of expression cassettes into the CHV TK site).
FIG. 5: Construction of the plasmid pPB206 (donor plasmid for the insertion of expression cassettes into the site situated between the CHV ORF19 and CHV ORF22 genes).
FIG. 6: Construction of the plasmid pPB208 (expression cassette for the CDV HA gene).
FIG. 7: Construction of the plasmid pPB210 (expression cassette for the CDV F gene).
FIG. 8: Construction of the plasmid pPB213 (donor plasmid for the insertion of the cassette for the expression of the CDV HA gene into the CHV ORF3 site).
FIG. 9: Construction of the plasmid pPB214 (donor plasmid for the insertion of the cassette for the expression of the CDV F gene into the CHV ORF3 site).
FIG. 10: Plasmid pPB200'
FIG. 11: Construction of the plasmid pPB212 (cassette for the expression of the rabies virus G gene).
FIG. 12: Construction of the plasmid pPB125 (donor plasmid for the insertion of the cassette for the expression of the rabies virus G gene into the CHV ORF3 site).
FIG. 13: Construction of the plasmid pPB216 (donor plasmid for the insertion of the cassette for the expression of the CDV HA gene into the CHV ORF5 site).
FIG. 14: Construction of the plasmid pPB217 (donor plasmid for the insertion of the cassette for the expression of the CDV HA gene into the CHV TK site).
FIG. 15: Construction of the plasmid pPB218 (donor plasmid for the insertion of the cassette for the expression of the CDV HA gene into the site situated between the CHV ORF19 and CHV ORF22 genes).

SEQ ID sequence listing for the constructions in the insertion sites of the CHV vector:
______________________________________SEQ ID Nos. 1 and 2 Complete sequence of the CHV ORF1 .fwdarw. ORF5 region depicted in FIG. 1SEQ ID No. 3 ORF1 amino acid sequence of FIG. 1SEQ ID No. 4 ORF2 amino acid sequence of FIG. 1SEQ ID No. 5 ORF3 amino acid sequence of FIG. 1SEQ ID No. 6 ORF4 amino acid sequence of FIG. 1SEQ ID No. 7 (Partial) ORF5 amino acid sequence of FIG. 1SEQ ID No. 8 Oligonucleotide JCA070SEQ ID No. 9 Oligonucleotide JCA071SEQ ID No. 10 Oligonucleotide JCA072SEQ ID No. 11 Oligonucleotide JCA073SEQ ID No. 12 Oligonucleotide JCA074SEQ ID No. 13 Oligonucleotide JCA075SEQ ID No. 14 Oligonucleotide JCA076SEQ ID No. 15 Oligonucleotide JCA077SEQ ID No. 16 Oligonucleotide JCA078SEQ ID No. 17 Oligonucleotide JCA079SEQ ID No. 18 Oligonucleotide JCA080SEQ ID No. 19 Oligonucleotide JCA081SEQ ID No. 20 Oligonucleotide JCA082SEQ ID No. 21 Oligonucleotide JCA083SEQ ID No. 22 Oligonucleotide JCA084SEQ ID No. 23 Oligonucleotide JCA085SEQ ID No. 24 Oligonucleotide PB088SEQ ID No. 25 Oligonucleotide PB089SEQ ID No. 26 Oligonucleotide JCA086SEQ ID No. 27 Oligonucleotide JCA087SEQ ID No. 28 Oligonucleotide JCA088SEQ ID No. 29 Oligonucleotide JCA089SEQ ID No. 30 Oligonucleotide JCA090SEQ ID No. 31 Oligonucleotide JCA091______________________________________
All the constructions of plasmids were carried out using the standard techniques of molecular biology described by Sambrook J. et al. (Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 2.sup.nd Edition. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Cold Spring Harbor. New York. 1989). All the restriction fragments used for the present invention were isolated using the "Geneclean" kit (BIO 101 Inc. La Jolla, Calif.).
The virus used as parent virus is the canine herpesvirus strain F205 (also known as the Carmichael strain). This strain was obtained from Dr. L. Carmichael (Cornell University, N.Y.), who isolated it and described its biological characteristics (Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 1965. 120. 644-650). The conditions of culture of this virus are as follows: MDCK (Madin-Darby canine kidney ATCC CCL34) cells cultured in Eagle's minimum essential medium (MEM medium) are inoculated with the CHV strain F205 using a multiplicity of infection of 1. The infected cells are then incubated at C. for approximately 36 hours until a complete cytopathic effect is seen.
Example 1: Extraction of canine herpesvirus DNA
After culture, the supernatant and the lysed cells are harvested, and the whole of the viral suspension is centrifuged at 1000 g for 10 minutes at C. to remove cell debris. The viral particles are then harvested by ultracentrifugation at 400,000 g for 1 hour at C. The pellet is taken up in a minimum volume of buffer (10 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA). This concentrated viral suspension is treated with proteinase K (100 .mu.g/ml final) in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) (0.5% final) for 2 hours at C. The viral DNA is then extracted with a phenol/chloroform mixture and thereafter precipitated with 2 volumes of absolute ethanol. After one night at C., the precipitated DNA is centrifuged at 10,000 g for 15 minutes at C. The DNA pellet is dried and then taken up in a minimum volume of sterile ultrapure water.
Example 2: Cloning and characterization of the CHV ORF1-ORF5 region
The purified genomic DNA of the CHV virus strain F205 was digested with the restriction enzymes ScaI and XhoI, and the approximately 6200-bp ScaI-XhoI fragment was cloned into the vector pBlueScript SKII+ (Stratagene Ref. 212205), previously digested with ScaI and XhoI, to give the plasmid pPB154.
The XhoI-ScaI fragment cloned into plasmid pPB154 was sequenced completely on both strands to generate the 6216-bp sequence of FIG. 1 (SEQ ID No.1and 2).
Several open reading frames larger than 65 amino acids in size were identified on this sequence (FIG. 1):
The first reading frame (ORF1) (positions 1353-157) occurs on the complementary strand and codes for a polypeptide of 398 amino acids (SEQ ID No. 3).
The second reading frame (ORF2) (positions 1708-2970) codes for a polypeptide of 420 amino acids (SEQ ID No. 4).
The third reading frame (ORF3) (positions 3040-4242) codes for a polypeptide of 400 amino acids (SEQ ID No. 5).
The fourth reading frame (ORF4) (positions 4374-5753) codes for a polypeptide of 459 amino acids (SEQ ID No. 6).
The fifth reading frame (ORF5) (positions 5872-6216) is incomplete and codes for a truncated protein of 115 amino acids (SEQ ID No. 7).
The different open reading frames are collated in the table below:
______________________________________Open reading Beginning-End Size in aminoframe (positions in FIG. 1) acids______________________________________ORF 1 1353-157 398 aaORF 2 1708-2970 420 aaORF 3 3040-4242 400 aaORF 4 4374-5753 459 aaORF 5 5872-6216 115 aa______________________________________
Example 3: Construction of plasmid pPB200 for the insertion of expression cassettes into the CHV ORF3 site (FIG. 2)
Plasmid pPB154 (9121 bp) (Example 2) was digested with HindIII and Spel to isolate the 620-bp HindIII-SpeI fragment (fragment A). Plasmid pPB154 was digested with EcoRI and SpeI to isolate the 659-bp EcoRI-SpeI fragment (fragment B). The fragments A and B were ligated together with the vector pGEM4Z (Promega Ref. P2161), previously digested with EcoRI and HindIII, to give the plasmid pPB199 (4096 bp). Plasmid pPB199 was then digested with SpeI, treated with alkaline phosphatase and then ligated with the multiple cloning site obtained by hybridization of the following 2 oligonucleotides:
to give plasmid pPB200 (4129 bp).
Example 4: Construction of plasmid pPB202 for the insertion of expression cassettes into the CHV ORF5 site (FIG. 3)
The sequence of the CHV ORF5 gene was published recently (Limbach K. et al. J. Gen. Virol. 1994. 75. 2029-2039). A PCR reaction was carried out with the genomic DNA of the CHV virus strain F205 (Example 1) and with the following oligonucleotides:
to obtain a 751-bp PCR fragment containing the complete CHV ORF2 gene. This fragment was digested with BGlII and EcoRI to isolate a 709-bp BglII-EcoRI fragment. This fragment was ligated with the vector pGEM4Z (Promega Ref. P2161), previously digested with EcoRI and BanHI, to give the plasmid pPB201 (3559 bp). Plasmid pPB201 was then digested with ScaI and PvuII and thereafter ligated with a multiple cloning site obtained by hybridization of the following 2 oligonucleotides:
to give plasmid pPB202 (3395 bp).
Example 5: Construction of plasmid pPB204 for the insertion of expression cassettes into the CHV TK site (FIG. 4)
The sequence of the CHV thymidine kinase (TK) gene was published recently (Remond M. et al. Virus Research. 1995. 39. 341-354). A PCR reaction was carried out with the genomic DNA of the CHV virus strain F205 (Example 1) and with the following oligonucleotides:
to obtain a 1030-bp PCR fragment containing the thymidine kinase (TK) gene. This fragment was digested with HpaI and HindIII to isolate a 1019-bp HpaI-HindIII fragment. This fragment was ligated with the vector pSP73 (Promega Ref. P2221), previously digested with EcoRV and HindIII, to give the plasmid pPB203 (3423 bp).
Plasmid pPB203 was then digested with EcoRI and StyI and thereafter ligated with a multiple cloning site obtained by hybridization of the following 2 oligonucleotides:
to give plasmid pPB204 (3399 bp).
Example 6: Construction of plasmid pPB206 for the insertion of expression cassettes into the site situated between the CHV ORF19 and ORF22 genes (FIG. 5)
The sequence of the intergenic region corresponding to the natural deletion of the genes coding for the large subunit ("RR1" gene) and for the small subunit ("RR2" gene) of ribonucleotide reductase was published recently (Remond M. et al. J. Gen. Virol. 1996, 77. 37-48). According to the nomenclature used by Remond et al., the deletion of these two genes occurs between the open reading frames designated CHV "orf19" and CHV "orf22" [designated herein ORF19 and ORF 22, respectively]. A PCR reaction was carried out with the genomic DNA of the CHV virus strain F205 (Example 1) and with the following oligonucleotides:
to obtain a 720-bp PCR fragment containing the intergenic region corresponding to the natural deletion of the CHV ORF19 and ORF22 genes. This fragment was digested with SpeI and NruI to isolate a 709-bp SpeI-NruI fragment. This fragment was ligated with the vector pGEM4Z (Promega Ref. P2161), previously digested with SmaI and XbaI, to give the plasmid pPB205 (3572 bp). Plasmid pPB205 was then digested with MfeI and thereafter partially digested with SspI in order to isolate the 3512-bp MfeI-SspI fragment. This fragment was then ligated with a multiple cloning site obtained by hybridization of the following 2 oligonucleotides:
to give plasmid pPB206 (3548 bp).
Example 7: Isolation of the genomic RNA of the CDV strain Onderstepoort and cloning of the complementary DNA coding for the HA and F genes
The CDV strain Onderstepoort (Mitchell W. et al. J. Virol. Meth. 1987. 18. 121-131) was cultured on MDCK (Madin-Darby canine kidney) cells in DMEM medium (Gibco). After purification of the virus, the genomic viral RNA was isolated using the guanidinium thiocyanate/phenol-chloroform extraction technique (Chomczynski P. and Sacchi N., Anal. Biochem. 1987. 162. 156-159). Specific oligonucleotides (containing restriction sites at their 5' ends to facilitate the cloning of the amplified fragments) were synthesized in such a way as to cover completely the coding regions of the genes which were to be amplified (HA and F genes, respectively). The reverse transcription (RT) reaction and polymerase chain amplification (PCR) were performed according to the standard techniques (Sambrook J. et al. 1989). Each RT-PCR reaction was carried out with a pair of specific amplimers and taking as template the extracted viral genomic RNA. The amplified complementary DNA was extracted with phenol/chloro-form/isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1) before being digested with the restriction enzymes and cloned into the appropriate vector.
7.1. Construction of the CDV HA expression cassette (pPB208) (FIG. 6)
The plasmid pCMVB (Clontech Ref. 6177-1) was digested with EcoRI and NotI to isolate an 818-bp EcoRI-NotI fragment containing the promoter region of the human cytomegalovirus immediate-early gene (fragment A).
An RT-PCR reaction was carried out with the genomic RNA of the CDV virus (strain Onderstepoort) and with the following oligonucleotides:
to obtain a 1837-bp PCR fragment containing the CDV HA gene. This fragment was digested with NotI and KpnI to isolate a 1826-bp NotI-KpnI fragment (fragment B).
The fragments A and B were ligated together with the vector pGEM-7Zf+ (Promega Cat #P2251), previously digested with EcoRI and KpnI, to give the plasmid pPB207 (5634 bp).
A PCR reaction was carried out with plasmid pCMVB and with the following oligonucleotides:
to obtain a 244-bp PCR fragment containing the polyadenylation signal of the SV40 virus early gene. This fragment was digested with KpnI to isolate a 233-bp KpnI-KpnI fragment. This fragment was then ligated with plasmid pPB207, previously digested with KpnI, to give plasmid pPB208 (5867 bp).
7.2. Construction of the CDV F expression cassette (pPB210) (FIG. 7)
Plasmid pCMVB (Clontech Ref. 6177-1) was digested with EcoRI and NotI to isolate an 818-bp EcoRI-NotI fragment containing the promoter region of the human cytomegalovirus immediate-early gene (fragment A).
An RT-PCR reaction was carried out with the genomic RNA of the CDV virus (strain Onderstepoort) and with the following oligonucleotides:
to obtain a 2011-bp PCR fragment containing the CDV F gene. This fragment was digested with NotI and KpnI to isolate a 2000-bp NotI-KpnI fragment (fragment B). The fragments A and B were ligated together with the vector pGEM-7Zf+ (Promega Ref. P2251), previously digested with EcoRI and KpnI, to give the plasmid pPB209 (5808 bp).
A PCR reaction was carried out with plasmid pCMVB and with the following oligonucleotides:
to obtain a 244-bp PCR fragment containing the polyadenylation signal of the SV40 virus early gene. This fragment was digested with KpnI to isolate a 233-bp KpnI-KpnI fragment. This fragment was then ligated with plasmid pPB209, previously digested with KpnI, to give plasmid pPB210 (6041 bp).
Example 8: Construction of the donor plasmid pPB213 for the insertion of the CDV EA expression cassette into the CHV ORF3 site (FIG. 8)
Plasmid pPB208 (Example 7.1.) was digested with ApaI and ClaI to isolate a 2920-bp ApaI-ClaI fragment containing the cassette for the expression of the CDV virus HA gene. This fragment was then ligated with plasmid pPB200 (Example 3), previously digested with ApaI and ClaI, to give plasmid pPB213 (7043 bp). This plasmid permits the insertion of the cassette for the expression of the CDV HA gene into the CHV ORF3 site.
Example 9: Construction of the donor plasmid pPB214 for the insertion of the CDV F expression cassette into the CHV ORF3 site (FIG. 9)
Plasmid pPB210 (Example 7.2.) was digested with ApaI and ClaI to isolate a 3100-bp ApaI-ClaI fragment containing the cassette for the expression of the CDV virus F gene. This fragment was then ligated with plasmid pPB200 (Example 3), previously digested with ApaI and ClaI, to give plasmid pPB214 (7217 bp). This plasmid permits the insertion of the cassette for the expression of the CDV F gene into the CHV ORF3 site.
Example 10: Construction of the donor plasmid pPB215 for the insertion of the cassette for the expression of the rabies virus G gene into the CHV ORF3 site (FIGS. 10, 11 and 12)
Plasmid pPB199 (Example 3) was digested with SpeI, treated with alkaline phosphatase and then ligated with the multiple cloning site obtained by hybridization of the following 2 oligonucleotides:
to give plasmid pPB200' (4135 bp) (FIG. 10).
Plasmid pCMVB (Clontech Ref. 6177-1) was digested with EcoRI and NotI to isolate an 818-bp EcoRI-NotI fragment containing the promoter region of the human cytomegalovirus immediate-early gene (fragment A).
According to the technical procedures already described for the CDV virus (Example 7), the RNA of the rabies virus ERA strain was extracted and purified from a culture of rabies virus-infected Vero cells. An RT-PCR reaction was then carried out (see Example 7) with the genomic RNA of the rabies virus (strain ERA) and with the following oligonucleotides:
to obtain a 1597-bp PCR fragment containing the rabies virus G gene (Patents FR-A-2,515,685 and EP-A-162,757). This fragment was digested with NotI and KpnI to isolate a 1586-bp NotI-KpnI fragment (fragment B). The fragments A and B were ligated together with the vector pSP73 (Promega Ref. P2221), previously digested with EcoRI and KpnI, to give the plasmid pPB211 (4852 bp).
A PCR reaction was carried out with plasmid pCMVB and with the following oligonucleotides:
to obtain a 244-bp PCR fragment containing the polyadenylation signal of the SV40 virus early gene. This fragment was digested with KpnI to isolate a 233-bp KpnI-KpnI fragment. This fragment was then ligated with plasmid pPB211, previously digested with KpnI, to give plasmid pPB212 (5085 bp) (FIG. 11). Plasmid pPB212 was digested with EcoRV and SalI to isolate a 2664-bp EcoRV-SalI fragment containing the cassette for the expression of the rabies virus G gene. This fragment was then ligated with plasmid pPB200' (see above), previously digested with EcoRV and SalI, to give plasmid pPB215 (6790 bp) (FIG. 12).
Example 11: Construction of the donor plasmid pPB216 for the insertion of the CDV HA expression cassette into the CHV ORF5 site (FIG. 13)
Plasmid pPB208 (Example 7.1.) was digested with SmaI and ApaI to isolate a 2909-bp SmaI-ApaI fragment containing the cassette for the expression of the CDV HA gene. This fragment was then ligated with plasmid pPB202 (Example 4), previously digested with EcoRV and ApaI, to give plasmid pPB216 (6291 bp). This plasmid permits the insertion of the cassette for the expression of the CDV HA gene into the CHV ORF5 site.
Example 12: Construction of the donor plasmid pPB217 for the insertion of the CDV HA expression cassette into the CHV TK site (FIG. 14)
Plasmid pPB208 (Example 7.1.) was digested with ApaI and ClaI to isolate a 2920-bp fragment containing the cassette for the expression of the CDV HA gene. This fragment was ligated with plasmid pPB204 (Example 5), previously digested with ApaI and ClaI, to give plasmid pPB217 (6316 bp). This plasmid permits the insertion of the cassette for the expression of the CDV HA gene into the CHV TK site.
Example 13: Construction of the donor plasmid pPB218 for the insertion of the CDV HA expression cassette into the site situated between the CHV ORF19 and CHV ORF22 genes (FIG. 15)
Plasmid pPB208 (Example 7.1.) was digested with ApaI and ClaI to isolate a 2920-bp fragment containing the cassette for the expression of the CDV HA gene. This fragment was ligated with plasmid pPB206 (Example 6), previously digested with ApaI and ClaI, to give plasmid pPB218 (6462 bp). This plasmid permits the insertion of the cassette for the expression of the CDV HA gene into the site situated between the CHV ORF19 and CHV ORF22 genes.
Example 14: Isolation of the recombinant virus vCHV01 containing the cassette for the expression of the CDV HA gene in the CHV ORF3 site.
Plasmid pPB213 (see Example 8) was linearized by digestion with HindIII, extracted with a phenol-chloroform mixture, precipitated with absolute ethanol and then taken up in sterile water.
MDCK cells forming a well-established cell lawn in a Petri dish (Corning 4.5 cm in diameter) were then transfected with the following mixture:
1 .mu.g of linearized plasmid pPB213+5 .mu.g of CHV viral DNA in 300 .mu.l of MEM medium and 100 .mu.g of LipofectAMINE (Gibco-BRL Cat#18324-012) diluted in 300 .mu.l of medium (final volume of the mixture=600 .mu.l). These 600 .mu.l were then diluted in 3 ml (final volume) of MEM medium and spread over 3.times.10.sup.6 MDCK cells. The mixture was left in contact with the cells for 5 hours, then removed and replaced by 5 ml of culture medium. The cells were then left in culture for 24 hours at C. After 24 hours to 48 hours of culture, 1 ml of culture supernatant was harvested, and several dilutions of this supernatant were used to infect other MDCK cells (cultured in Petri dishes (Corning 4.5 cm in diameter)) so as to obtain isolated plaques, each dish being infected with 1 ml of a dilution of the initial supernatant. After contact for 1 hour at C., the infection medium was removed and replaced by 5 ml of MEM medium containing 1% of agarose, kept supercooled at C. When the agarose had solidified, the dishes were incubated for 48 hours at C. in a CO.sub.2 incubator until plaques were seen. The agarose layer was then removed, and a transfer of the viral plaques was carried out onto a sterile nitrocellulose membrane of the same diameter as the Petri dish used for culturing. This membrane was itself transferred onto another nitrocellulose membrane so as to obtain an inverted "copy" of the first transfer. The plaques transferred onto this second copy were then hybridized, according to the standard techniques known to a person skilled in the art, with a 1842-bp NotI-NotI fragment of the CDV HA gene, obtained by digestion of plasmid pPB208 (Example 7.1.), labelled with digoxigenin (DNA Labelling kit, Boehringer Mannheim, CAT#1175033). After hybridization, washes and contacting with the visualization substrate, the nitrocellulose membrane was placed in contact with an autoradiographic film. The images of positive hybridization on this membrane indicated which plaques were the ones which contained recombinant CHV viruses which had inserted the CDV HA cassette. The plaques corresponding to these positive plaques were cut out under sterile conditions from the first nitrocellulose membrane, placed in an Eppendorf tube containing 0.5 ml of MEM medium and sonicated to release the virions from the membrane. The medium contained in the Eppendorf tube was then diluted in MEM medium, and the dilutions thereby obtained were used to infect further cultures of MDCK cells. A 100% pure recombinant virus containing the HCMV-IE/CDV HA/polyA cassette inserted into the ORF3 site was thereby isolated after 3 cycles of purification, and was called vCHV01. The homology of the recombination was verified by PCR using oligonucleotides situated on each side of the insertion site. The absence of reorganization on the genome of the recombinant virus vCHV01, other than in the recombination region, was verified by the Southern blot technique.
Example 15: Isolation of recombinant CHV viruses expressing various foreign genes
According to the procedure described in Example 14, the construction of different recombinant CHV viruses is carried out using the donor plasmids described in Examples 9 to 13.
Example 16: Preparation of the vaccines
To prepare a vaccine, the recombinant viruses obtained in Examples 14 and 15 are cultured on MDCK cells. Harvesting of the recombinant virus takes place when the cytopathic effect is complete. The lysed cells and the culture supernatant are harvested. After clarification of the cell lysate to remove cell debris, the viral solution is titrated. The viral solution is then diluted in a stabilizing solution for lyophilization, distributed on the basis of one vaccinal dose (10.sup.2 CCID50 to 10.sup.7 CCID50) per vial and lastly lyophilized. The viral solution can then be frozen if necessary.
Example 17: Vaccination methods
According to the preferred mode of vaccination, the vaccine obtained according to the invention is redissolved or thawed, and then administered via the parenteral or mucosal route, but preferably via the mucosal, in particular the oral and/or nasal, route. The vaccinal dose will preferably be between 10.sup.2 CCID50 and 10.sup.7 CCID50. Preferably, the dose for the parenteral route will be between 10.sup.4 CCID50 and 10.sup.7 CCID50, and for the oral and/or nasal route, between 10.sup.2 CCID50 and 10.sup.5 CCID50. As defined, the vaccine is effective in general after a single administration via the oral and/or nasal route. However, repeated administrations may be necessary.
__________________________________________________________________________# SEQUENCE LISTING- <160> NUMBER OF SEQ ID NOS: 31- <210> SEQ ID NO 1<211> LENGTH: 6216<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Canine herpesvirus- <400> SEQUENCE: 1- ctcgaggaaa ttgtttgttt gtatctacaa aacttcaaaa tatctttgtt ta - #ttgtctct 60- tcgatggatt ttattttcat cttcgcgatt gattcttcct tggttaccgt aa - #tttataaa 120- taaacacaat aaaaattaag tttaaaaaca attttattaa acccatcgtc tt - #gatttact 180- atcatcccag taggaaatta gaactagatt ataatctatc ggtatagaaa ta - #tgtttcca 240- aaataaatta gttaaatttt tagccttttc tttatcatct ataaagctta aa - #agtgtttc 300- ataaacaaga tttatatcaa acttttcttg gataattgga actcttttaa tt - #atagataa 360- attttcaccc ctatattctg gggttatcat atttgttaga tgtttaataa at - #tttctctc 420- caacacttcg tgtttggttt ggggtgccgg aagcatcatt aaagaacggg at - #atcgtttt 480- cattattggt ggaaatcttg atgtatattt taaatttaaa ctattctcat ca - #acagctgt 540- tacgcgcttt gattgtcctt tatttgatgg agagtttatt tttgataaaa tt - #ttaaatcc 600- attttgattt tttggtatac caaatgaatc ggtatcacta ctttcactac tg - #gtaatatt 660- tgaggattct tcggatgatg aaactatatt tgtagaaaca gaatcactta tt - #ctccatga 720- gtttgatatt tgatctaaat atttttcatg atgttgtatt tctcctgatt ct - #tcagatga 780- atctccacta tcagaattat attccttttt actattttta tatttatttt ta - #ataattga 840- ttgaacagat tttaaaatag gggcttggtg caagtctgta tgacagcgaa ca - #aacgtaca 900- taaaaactca ggatatgata catttaaaga agcaagtata tccctacatc gg - #agggtggg 960- tggaaaaaga ggtacaacat ccaatataat atcacaaccc attaatatta ga - #tcagtatc1020- cgttgtatat atttgagcgg ctgtattagt atgataaaga ttagcacaaa ca - #tcatcagc1080- ttccatatca gatacattaa catatggaaa acccaaatgg cgtattaaat ta - #acacataa1140- tttataacat aacttaggag tatttacaag tgagctccat cgtgctgata aa - #atatttat1200- aggttcacat ttttccaatt ttttgtaagt ttttaaaatt tccccacata ca - #ttatcctt1260- aatggaattt ctccaagtct tccagatcct ccttgatgac acatagtttg tg - #tggcgata1320- cgtttgctcc acgtttaaca tgtccatcac catttatacc acgatctgaa ac - #aaaaattg1380- gaaaataaga tcttttttgg agtaatttaa gtaaagaaaa aaaacattca gc - #tgttacag1440- tgggactatc cgtttgagta tcattttcta tacaaaattt ttccatcaac gt - #atacatta1500- cattccataa gtcaattgcg attggtgtac aataccaggt ggtgttgcta tc - #gcatcgtg1560- tttaactagt ctacgactat aagcatattt caaaagtcca aaaagaccca tt - #ttaataaa1620- ataccaaaca gaaccttttc gacaaactaa atgaataaaa ctagttttta ag - #tattaaat1680- ataaccttta actaaattaa ttaaataatg attaatttaa aaaccgaaat ac - #aaatattt1740- tttagtcaag attttatgaa atcaatcaaa atcaccacaa ttatgcaaat ga - #acccacct1800- accaacgtca tcaaaactaa tttagtctat aaaaagaaat tgttaacatt ta - #gtttaaat1860- ttaaactttt atttcttaaa atttttatta ttttgcttag tttttaaggc ga - #tggcgtgt1920- tttcgtccta aaactgaatt taagataacc aaccatccat ctcagattat aa - #ataacgaa1980- gaaaatataa actctgaaga aggaaaattt atatctggtc gtgctgtttt gg - #aagatcaa2040- aagcttcgtg atgtgataag tatgctaaca cccttttcaa ctagcttgaa aa - #actctttt2100- atagttttta gtgactatgg gatgatgatc catactagta tttgtggaga ac - #aaatttac2160- attcctattt ctaaaaacca attttcttct tatttttggg gatatagcga cc - #ctgcggta2220- tttttggcaa atgttgatag taaaagggga ttgttggatg tttttaaatc aa - #caagtaaa2280- atgtctaaag tattctttga aataagtaac ccttcccaac atagaatgtt aa - #aacaagtt2340- atttttacta taagtgatag taatataaaa tgctctacac ttctaaaagc tg - #aatttagt2400- aactattgta ttatgcttcc atcaagaaat ccggacttta gtcttgaact ta - #ataaatat2460- caattaaata aaatactcga actaaacaaa aaacaaaatt cattgttaaa at - #ttgaatct2520- aatgaaaata atgttgtgat ttcatctgaa agtggaagtg tttcattgaa tt - #tggataga2580- agcgattctg aaggagaaga tagcgcatcg attttaaaat ctgctacaaa aa - #aagtaaat2640- ccttatctag ttaaacactc agaaaatttc aaacgtttaa aatttcgttg ga - #tgattata2700- ccaatttttt ttcctctttt gaaaaaacta aaactaacaa atacaacagt at - #cgataaat2760- ttctttttta ctccaactac caatcccatg ataagcttga cgtcaagtaa ac - #caattgga2820- attatactgt ttttcttttg taccaatgaa ttgcaacata agagcctgaa gc - #gcccagca2880- tctccatcag atgaagaaaa gccaccaaaa atccaatgtg gattttttag tc - #aacatttt2940- gtaaatacgg atgttaatat taaaccctaa ttaaatgacg taaaatgata aa - #ttgtattt3000- aaagagaagt tttttccaaa agacaagctt ttattaataa tgtcactaga ag - #ataataat3060- gtacaatcgt ttgatcaact ggaacctcct attacatcat tttctataat aa - #attgctct3120- ggatcgagac ctggatgtct accatgtatg tatgtaacta caaaatcact tc - #tatgtatt3180- ggacttcaag ctggaatttt aacagcctta attatattaa ttcaaatatt aa - #ctgaaagt3240- ttcgtatgtt ctataattct tatagcaact gtgttaatat ttacgctatc aa - #aaatatct3300- atttctactt ctgaaaaaat ttcttctatt tgtagaatta gtcagtcgat at - #ttgtaaca3360- atagccgcct tttgttgggg gtttgattgg atattaaatc caatagcaat ta - #aaataatt3420- cttatattaa gtttatcatt tttaactatt tgtacaataa aaatacatat at - #tttatttg3480- ataagtatat taaatggttc tggatctcat gtaaaaggat cgctagtaac aa - #tattgttt3540- ggaactatac taggtgtatt tggaactctt aatgttatta aaatagaaat tt - #taattgga3600- tttggtatag cactttgtat aattttatct aacaccaact ttggactagt aa - #ttagagat3660- acatgctatt atcgtatagg aagatataaa ttaatgagaa cttttacaga tc - #ttggacat3720- ggagcgtctt actcaataga ggaagatgaa acctctgatt acagtgaaat ac - #atgaaaga3780- aaaattagta gttttcaact aatttataaa tatccaagta tgataataat tt - #ctatttta3840- ggatttatgt taactatagc tatttgggga ttaaatgtat acttaaaaaa tt - #taaaattt3900- cattctcctt ttacacttgt tattagcttt attgttggtc attgtttagc at - #tcttagtt3960- gaaccgttta actataagat taaatgtata tcacgaatta tactaattat tt - #gtctttta4020- ctagaattaa ttgcttcact tatttctgta ctaggattaa attttggatc ac - #cattaatc4080- ttgacaacaa ctactacaat ttcgttagtt tcacttttgt atatacgaaa ac - #aaacacaa4140- ggtgtaaacc gtcttgctgc cacatatatt tcacgagccc taattattgg tt - #tgtatatg4200- actgttggaa tttgttacat ttttattaaa acaataaatt aaatttttta aa - #ctatatta4260- cggttgtgtg tgttttaagt tttaaataaa gcaatatttc gaattcacat tt - #atcaaaaa4320- cattaaaacc caacacaaaa aaatttctat aatcattaag gtaataagtc aa - #aatgagtt4380- ttaaaaattt ttatctaata tatgtaatta taatttttat aaactcgata at - #aacttcgg4440- catctacatc caaaccttca acacctacca taattccaac ttcagcaaat ga - #atcacctg4500- cttccataga tacaactata acaaaaccta tatctacaga ggcaaataat tt - #aaaatcag4560- taagtacctc aattaaacca cctaaaaact taaaaaaaaa attacttaaa tc - #taaatgta4620- gagataatgt tatttatagg ccatatttta gtcaattaga aattaactgt ac - #tataacta4680- aaaagcaaaa tttaagtaat cctttaattg agttatggtt taaagaactt tc - #tacatata4740- ataaaaccaa tgaaaatgtt gaaagtttaa aaacagatat atcaaaaaat at - #tttattat4800- tttcgacaaa aaataatagt gataactttt ataatgattt tttattaggt at - #acaaaatc4860- aaccagtaaa ttataaactt tacggttccc aattttatga taatggaaac at - #attactaa4920- atataaagtc ggttgacttt aaaacctctg gaatatatac ttggaaacta ta - #taattcaa4980- ataatgaaag tatttttgaa acttttaaaa ttcaagtata tgcatatcat tc - #accaaatg5040- taaacttaaa atcaaaccca agtttatata atgaaaacta cagcgctatt tg - #tacaatag5100- caaattactt tccattggaa tctacggaaa tattttggtt taacgatgga ca - #acctattg5160- ataaaaaata tatagatgaa acttatagtg tatggattga cggtcttata ac - #acgcactt5220- caatattatc ccttcccttt tccgaagcca tggaaagccc ccccaatttg cg - #atgtaatg5280- ttgaatggta taaaaattca aaggcctcaa aaaaattttc aaataccgtt at - #tccaaaag5340- tttactataa accttttata tctataaaat ttgataatgg tttagctatt tg - #tgatgcta5400- aatgtgtttc ccgtgaaaat aataaattac aatggttagt taaagatata cc - #tataaatg5460- gtgatgatat tataagcggc ccctgtttaa accaccctgg tttggtcaat at - #tcaaaata5520- aaatagatat atcggattat gatgaacctg ttacctataa atgttcaatt at - #tggttatc5580- caataatttt tcccaacttt tatgatgaaa aggtgtttga tgcatcggat ga - #aaatgtta5640- gtaaatcgat gttaataagt attaccacaa taattggtgg agccattttt gt - #tatagtat5700- tgatttttat aacagcttta tgtttttatt gttcaaaaaa taataagatc ta - #atatcaat5760- atttacgtaa atggattata taatgttata ttcgtgttat tatgatttat aa - #gttcatca5820- aatttaaaaa tttgtatagt attaagattt ttaatagggg tatcgtttaa ta - #tggctcag5880- ttagttttaa ctgatattcc cctcgaagat gtggaaaata aaaatacttc at - #ccgacgaa5940- gaaacaacta acttaaacca gaaaaaatca acatgtcaat gtttatgtgt ta - #cccttgga6000- ttttttgcag ctggaatttt attaaccata gctgcaataa tttttacttt ta - #tttttaca6060- gtaccattag aaatgcttgg atcgattaat tgtcctccat ctacatttgg ta - #ttgataat6120- gtttgtatcg aaccaataaa aaaatctatt aattcttatt cagaattatc ta - #aaatatgt6180# 6216 atcc gataaatcag agtact- <210> SEQ ID NO 2<211> LENGTH: 1394<212> TYPE: PRT<213> ORGANISM: Canine herpesvirus- <400> SEQUENCE: 2- Met Ile Asn Leu Lys Thr Glu Ile Gln Ile Ph - #e Phe Ser Gln Asp Phe# 15- Met Lys Ser Ile Lys Ile Thr Thr Ile Met Gl - #n Met Asn Pro Pro Thr# 30- Asn Val Ile Lys Thr Asn Leu Val Tyr Lys Ly - #s Lys Leu Leu Thr Phe# 45- Ser Leu Asn Leu Asn Phe Tyr Phe Leu Lys Ph - #e Leu Leu Phe Cys Leu# 60- Val Phe Lys Ala Met Ala Cys Phe Arg Pro Ly - #s Thr Glu Phe Lys Ile# 80- Thr Asn His Pro Ser Gln Ile Ile Asn Asn Gl - #u Glu Asn Ile Asn Ser# 95- Glu Glu Gly Lys Phe Ile Ser Gly Arg Ala Va - #l Leu Glu Asp Gln Lys# 110- Leu Arg Asp Val Ile Ser Met Leu Thr Pro Ph - #e Ser Thr Ser Leu Lys# 125- Asn Ser Phe Ile Val Phe Ser Asp Tyr Gly Me - #t Met Ile His Thr Ser# 140- Ile Cys Gly Glu Gln Ile Tyr Ile Pro Ile Se - #r Lys Asn Gln Phe Ser145 1 - #50 1 - #55 1 -#60- Ser Tyr Phe Trp Gly Tyr Ser Asp Pro Ala Va - #l Phe Leu Ala Asn Val# 175- Asp Ser Lys Arg Gly Leu Leu Asp Val Phe Ly - #s Ser Thr Ser Lys Met# 190- Ser Lys Val Phe Phe Glu Ile Ser Asn Pro Se - #r Gln His Arg Met Leu# 205- Lys Gln Val Ile Phe Thr Ile Ser Asp Ser As - #n Ile Lys Cys Ser Thr# 220- Leu Leu Lys Ala Glu Phe Ser Asn Tyr Cys Il - #e Met Leu Pro Ser Arg225 2 - #30 2 - #35 2 -#40- Asn Pro Asp Phe Ser Leu Glu Leu Asn Lys Ty - #r Gln Leu Asn Lys Ile# 255- Leu Glu Leu Asn Lys Lys Gln Asn Ser Leu Le - #u Lys Phe Glu Ser Asn# 270- Glu Asn Asn Val Val Ile Ser Ser Glu Ser Gl - #y Ser Val Ser Leu Asn# 285- Leu Asp Arg Ser Asp Ser Glu Gly Glu Asp Se - #r Ala Ser Ile Leu Lys# 300- Ser Ala Thr Lys Lys Val Asn Pro Tyr Leu Va - #l Lys His Ser Glu Asn305 3 - #10 3 - #15 3 -#20- Phe Lys Arg Leu Lys Phe Arg Trp Met Ile Il - #e Pro Ile Phe Phe Pro# 335- Leu Leu Lys Lys Leu Lys Leu Thr Asn Thr Th - #r Val Ser Ile Asn Phe# 350- Phe Phe Thr Pro Thr Thr Asn Pro Met Ile Se - #r Leu Thr Ser Ser Lys# 365- Pro Ile Gly Ile Ile Leu Phe Phe Phe Cys Th - #r Asn Glu Leu Gln His# 380- Lys Ser Leu Lys Arg Pro Ala Ser Pro Ser As - #p Glu Glu Lys Pro Pro385 3 - #90 3 - #95 4 -#00- Lys Ile Gln Cys Gly Phe Phe Ser Gln His Ph - #e Val Asn Thr Asp Val# 415- Asn Ile Lys Pro Met Ser Leu Glu Asp Asn As - #n Val Gln Ser Phe Asp# 430- Gln Leu Glu Pro Pro Ile Thr Ser Phe Ser Il - #e Ile Asn Cys Ser Gly# 445- Ser Arg Pro Gly Cys Leu Pro Cys Met Tyr Va - #l Thr Thr Lys Ser Leu# 460- Leu Cys Ile Gly Leu Gln Ala Gly Ile Leu Th - #r Ala Leu Ile Ile Leu465 4 - #70 4 - #75 4 -#80- Ile Gln Ile Leu Thr Glu Ser Phe Val Cys Se - #r Ile Ile Leu Ile Ala# 495- Thr Val Leu Ile Phe Thr Leu Ser Lys Ile Se - #r Ile Ser Thr Ser Glu# 510- Lys Ile Ser Ser Ile Cys Arg Ile Ser Gln Se - #r Ile Phe Val Thr Ile# 525- Ala Ala Phe Cys Trp Gly Phe Asp Trp Ile Le - #u Asn Pro Ile Ala Ile# 540- Lys Ile Ile Leu Ile Leu Ser Leu Ser Phe Le - #u Thr Ile Cys Thr Ile545 5 - #50 5 - #55 5 -#60- Lys Ile His Ile Phe Tyr Leu Ile Ser Ile Le - #u Asn Gly Ser Gly Ser# 575- His Val Lys Gly Ser Leu Val Thr Ile Leu Ph - #e Gly Thr Ile Leu Gly# 590- Val Phe Gly Thr Leu Asn Val Ile Lys Ile Gl - #u Ile Leu Ile Gly Phe# 605- Gly Ile Ala Leu Cys Ile Ile Leu Ser Asn Th - #r Asn Phe Gly Leu Val# 620- Ile Arg Asp Thr Cys Tyr Tyr Arg Ile Gly Ar - #g Tyr Lys Leu Met Arg625 6 - #30 6 - #35 6 -#40- Thr Phe Thr Asp Leu Gly His Gly Ala Ser Ty - #r Ser Ile Glu Glu Asp# 655- Glu Thr Ser Asp Tyr Ser Glu Ile His Glu Ar - #g Lys Ile Ser Ser Phe# 670- Gln Leu Ile Tyr Lys Tyr Pro Ser Met Ile Il - #e Ile Ser Ile Leu Gly# 685- Phe Met Leu Thr Ile Ala Ile Trp Gly Leu As - #n Val Tyr Leu Lys Asn# 700- Leu Lys Phe His Ser Pro Phe Thr Leu Val Il - #e Ser Phe Ile Val Gly705 7 - #10 7 - #15 7 -#20- His Cys Leu Ala Phe Leu Val Glu Pro Phe As - #n Tyr Lys Ile Lys Cys# 735- Ile Ser Arg Ile Ile Leu Ile Ile Cys Leu Le - #u Leu Glu Leu Ile Ala# 750- Ser Leu Ile Ser Val Leu Gly Leu Asn Phe Gl - #y Ser Pro Leu Ile Leu# 765- Thr Thr Thr Thr Thr Ile Ser Leu Val Ser Le - #u Leu Tyr Ile Arg Lys# 780- Gln Thr Gln Gly Val Asn Arg Leu Ala Ala Th - #r Tyr Ile Ser Arg Ala785 7 - #90 7 - #95 8 -#00- Leu Ile Ile Gly Leu Tyr Met Thr Val Gly Il - #e Cys Tyr Ile Phe Ile# 815- Lys Thr Ile Asn Met Ser Phe Lys Asn Phe Ty - #r Leu Ile Tyr Val Ile# 830- Ile Ile Phe Ile Asn Ser Ile Ile Thr Ser Al - #a Ser Thr Ser Lys Pro# 845- Ser Thr Pro Thr Ile Ile Pro Thr Ser Ala As - #n Glu Ser Pro Ala Ser# 860- Ile Asp Thr Thr Ile Thr Lys Pro Ile Ser Th - #r Glu Ala Asn Asn Leu865 8 - #70 8 - #75 8 -#80- Lys Ser Val Ser Thr Ser Ile Lys Pro Pro Ly - #s Asn Leu Lys Lys Lys# 895- Leu Leu Lys Ser Lys Cys Arg Asp Asn Val Il - #e Tyr Arg Pro Tyr Phe# 910- Ser Gln Leu Glu Ile Asn Cys Thr Ile Thr Ly - #s Lys Gln Asn Leu Ser# 925- Asn Pro Leu Ile Glu Leu Trp Phe Lys Glu Le - #u Ser Thr Tyr Asn Lys# 940- Thr Asn Glu Asn Val Glu Ser Leu Lys Thr As - #p Ile Ser Lys Asn Ile945 9 - #50 9 - #55 9 -#60- Leu Leu Phe Ser Thr Lys Asn Asn Ser Asp As - #n Phe Tyr Asn Asp Phe# 975- Leu Leu Gly Ile Gln Asn Gln Pro Val Asn Ty - #r Lys Leu Tyr Gly Ser# 990- Gln Phe Tyr Asp Asn Gly Asn Ile Leu Leu As - #n Ile Lys Ser Val Asp# 10050- Phe Lys Thr Ser Gly Ile Tyr Thr Trp Lys Le - #u Tyr Asn Ser Asn Asn# 10205- Glu Ser Ile Phe Glu Thr Phe Lys Ile Gln Va - #l Tyr Ala Tyr His Ser# 10405 0- Pro Asn Val Asn Leu Lys Ser Asn Pro Ser Le - #u Tyr Asn Glu Asn Tyr# 10550- Ser Ala Ile Cys Thr Ile Ala Asn Tyr Phe Pr - #o Leu Glu Ser Thr Glu# 10705- Ile Phe Trp Phe Asn Asp Gly Gln Pro Ile As - #p Lys Lys Tyr Ile Asp# 10850- Glu Thr Tyr Ser Val Trp Ile Asp Gly Leu Il - #e Thr Arg Thr Ser Ile# 11005- Leu Ser Leu Pro Phe Ser Glu Ala Met Glu Se - #r Pro Pro Asn Leu Arg# 11205 0- Cys Asn Val Glu Trp Tyr Lys Asn Ser Lys Al - #a Ser Lys Lys Phe Ser# 11350- Asn Thr Val Ile Pro Lys Val Tyr Tyr Lys Pr - #o Phe Ile Ser Ile Lys# 11505- Phe Asp Asn Gly Leu Ala Ile Cys Asp Ala Ly - #s Cys Val Ser Arg Glu# 11650- Asn Asn Lys Leu Gln Trp Leu Val Lys Asp Il - #e Pro Ile Asn Gly Asp# 11805- Asp Ile Ile Ser Gly Pro Cys Leu Asn His Pr - #o Gly Leu Val Asn Ile# 12005 0- Gln Asn Lys Ile Asp Ile Ser Asp Tyr Asp Gl - #u Pro Val Thr Tyr Lys# 12150- Cys Ser Ile Ile Gly Tyr Pro Ile Ile Phe Pr - #o Asn Phe Tyr Asp Glu# 12305- Lys Val Phe Asp Ala Ser Asp Glu Asn Val Se - #r Lys Ser Met Leu Ile# 12450- Ser Ile Thr Thr Ile Ile Gly Gly Ala Ile Ph - #e Val Ile Val Leu Ile# 12605- Phe Ile Thr Ala Leu Cys Phe Tyr Cys Ser Ly - #s Asn Asn Lys Ile Met# 12805 0- Ala Gln Leu Val Leu Thr Asp Ile Pro Leu Gl - #u Asp Val Glu Asn Lys# 12950- Asn Thr Ser Ser Asp Glu Glu Thr Thr Asn Le - #u Asn Gln Lys Lys Ser# 13105- Thr Cys Gln Cys Leu Cys Val Thr Leu Gly Ph - #e Phe Ala Ala Gly Ile# 13250- Leu Leu Thr Ile Ala Ala Ile Ile Phe Thr Ph - #e Ile Phe Thr Val Pro# 13405- Leu Glu Met Leu Gly Ser Ile Asn Cys Pro Pr - #o Ser Thr Phe Gly Ile# 13605 0- Asp Asn Val Cys Ile Glu Pro Ile Lys Lys Se - #r Ile Asn Ser Tyr Ser# 13750- Glu Leu Ser Lys Ile Cys Tyr Asp Arg Leu Se - #r Asn Pro Ile Asn Gln# 13905- Ser Thr- <210> SEQ ID NO 3<211> LENGTH: 398<212> TYPE: PRT<213> ORGANISM: Canine herpesvirus- <400> SEQUENCE: 3- Met Val Met Asp Met Leu Asn Val Glu Gln Th - #r Tyr Arg His Thr Asn# 15- Tyr Val Ser Ser Arg Arg Ile Trp Lys Thr Tr - #p Arg Asn Ser Ile Lys# 30- Asp Asn Val Cys Gly Glu Ile Leu Lys Thr Ty - #r Lys Lys Leu Glu Lys# 45- Cys Glu Pro Ile Asn Ile Leu Ser Ala Arg Tr - #p Ser Ser Leu Val Asn# 60- Thr Pro Lys Leu Cys Tyr Lys Leu Cys Val As - #n Leu Ile Arg His Leu# 80- Gly Phe Pro Tyr Val Asn Val Ser Asp Met Gl - #u Ala Asp Asp Val Cys# 95- Ala Asn Leu Tyr His Thr Asn Thr Ala Ala Gl - #n Ile Tyr Thr Thr Asp# 110- Thr Asp Leu Ile Leu Met Gly Cys Asp Ile Il - #e Leu Asp Val Val Pro# 125- Leu Phe Pro Pro Thr Leu Arg Cys Arg Asp Il - #e Leu Ala Ser Leu Asn# 140- Val Ser Tyr Pro Glu Phe Leu Cys Thr Phe Va - #l Arg Cys His Thr Asp145 1 - #50 1 - #55 1 -#60- Leu His Gln Ala Pro Ile Leu Lys Ser Val Gl - #n Ser Ile Ile Lys Asn# 175- Lys Tyr Lys Asn Ser Lys Lys Glu Tyr Asn Se - #r Asp Ser Gly Asp Ser# 190- Ser Glu Glu Ser Gly Glu Ile Gln His His Gl - #u Lys Tyr Leu Asp Gln# 205- Ile Ser Asn Ser Trp Arg Ile Ser Asp Ser Va - #l Ser Thr Asn Ile Val# 220- Ser Ser Ser Glu Glu Ser Ser Asn Ile Thr Se - #r Ser Glu Ser Ser Asp225 2 - #30 2 - #35 2 -#40- Thr Asp Ser Phe Gly Ile Pro Lys Asn Gln As - #n Gly Phe Lys Ile Leu# 255- Ser Lys Ile Asn Ser Pro Ser Asn Lys Gly Gl - #n Ser Lys Arg Val Thr# 270- Ala Val Asp Glu Asn Ser Leu Asn Leu Lys Ty - #r Thr Ser Arg Phe Pro# 285- Pro Ile Met Lys Thr Ile Ser Arg Ser Leu Me - #t Met Leu Pro Ala Pro# 300- Gln Thr Lys His Glu Val Leu Glu Arg Lys Ph - #e Ile Lys His Leu Thr305 3 - #10 3 - #15 3 -#20- Asn Met Ile Thr Pro Glu Tyr Arg Gly Glu As - #n Leu Ser Ile Ile Lys# 335- Arg Val Pro Ile Ile Gln Glu Lys Phe Asp Il - #e Asn Leu Val Tyr Glu# 350- Thr Leu Leu Ser Phe Ile Asp Asp Lys Glu Ly - #s Ala Lys Asn Leu Thr# 365- Asn Leu Phe Trp Lys His Ile Ser Ile Pro Il - #e Asp Tyr Asn Leu Val# 380- Leu Ile Ser Tyr Trp Asp Asp Ser Lys Ser Ar - #g Arg Trp Val385 3 - #90 3 - #95- <210> SEQ ID NO 4<211> LENGTH: 420<212> TYPE: PRT<213> ORGANISM: Canine herpesvirus- <400> SEQUENCE: 4- Met Ile Asn Leu Lys Thr Glu Ile Gln Ile Ph - #e Phe Ser Gln Asp Phe# 15- Met Lys Ser Ile Lys Ile Thr Thr Ile Met Gl - #n Met Asn Pro Pro Thr# 30- Asn Val Ile Lys Thr Asn Leu Val Tyr Lys Ly - #s Lys Leu Leu Thr Phe# 45- Ser Leu Asn Leu Asn Phe Tyr Phe Leu Lys Ph - #e Leu Leu Phe Cys Leu# 60- Val Phe Lys Ala Met Ala Cys Phe Arg Pro Ly - #s Thr Glu Phe Lys Ile# 80- Thr Asn His Pro Ser Gln Ile Ile Asn Asn Gl - #u Glu Asn Ile Asn Ser# 95- Glu Glu Gly Lys Phe Ile Ser Gly Arg Ala Va - #l Leu Glu Asp Gln Lys# 110- Leu Arg Asp Val Ile Ser Met Leu Thr Pro Ph - #e Ser Thr Ser Leu Lys# 125- Asn Ser Phe Ile Val Phe Ser Asp Tyr Gly Me - #t Met Ile His Thr Ser# 140- Ile Cys Gly Glu Gln Ile Tyr Ile Pro Ile Se - #r Lys Asn Gln Phe Ser145 1 - #50 1 - #55 1 -#60- Ser Tyr Phe Trp Gly Tyr Ser Asp Pro Ala Va - #l Phe Leu Ala Asn Val# 175- Asp Ser Lys Arg Gly Leu Leu Asp Val Phe Ly - #s Ser Thr Ser Lys Met# 190- Ser Lys Val Phe Phe Glu Ile Ser Asn Pro Se - #r Gln His Arg Met Leu# 205- Lys Gln Val Ile Phe Thr Ile Ser Asp Ser As - #n Ile Lys Cys Ser Thr# 220- Leu Leu Lys Ala Glu Phe Ser Asn Tyr Cys Il - #e Met Leu Pro Ser Arg225 2 - #30 2 - #35 2 -#40- Asn Pro Asp Phe Ser Leu Glu Leu Asn Lys Ty - #r Gln Leu Asn Lys Ile# 255- Leu Glu Leu Asn Lys Lys Gln Asn Ser Leu Le - #u Lys Phe Glu Ser Asn# 270- Glu Asn Asn Val Val Ile Ser Ser Glu Ser Gl - #y Ser Val Ser Leu Asn# 285- Leu Asp Arg Ser Asp Ser Glu Gly Glu Asp Se - #r Ala Ser Ile Leu Lys# 300- Ser Ala Thr Lys Lys Val Asn Pro Tyr Leu Va - #l Lys His Ser Glu Asn305 3 - #10 3 - #15 3 -#20- Phe Lys Arg Leu Lys Phe Arg Trp Met Ile Il - #e Pro Ile Phe Phe Pro# 335- Leu Leu Lys Lys Leu Lys Leu Thr Asn Thr Th - #r Val Ser Ile Asn Phe# 350- Phe Phe Thr Pro Thr Thr Asn Pro Met Ile Se - #r Leu Thr Ser Ser Lys# 365- Pro Ile Gly Ile Ile Leu Phe Phe Phe Cys Th - #r Asn Glu Leu Gln His# 380- Lys Ser Leu Lys Arg Pro Ala Ser Pro Ser As - #p Glu Glu Lys Pro Pro385 3 - #90 3 - #95 4 -#00- Lys Ile Gln Cys Gly Phe Phe Ser Gln His Ph - #e Val Asn Thr Asp Val# 415- Asn Ile Lys Pro 420- <210> SEQ ID NO 5<211> LENGTH: 400<212> TYPE: PRT<213> ORGANISM: Canine herpesvirus- <400> SEQUENCE: 5- Met Ser Leu Glu Asp Asn Asn Val Gln Ser Ph - #e Asp Gln Leu Glu Pro# 15- Pro Ile Thr Ser Phe Ser Ile Ile Asn Cys Se - #r Gly Ser Arg Pro Gly# 30- Cys Leu Pro Cys Met Tyr Val Thr Thr Lys Se - #r Leu Leu Cys Ile Gly# 45- Leu Gln Ala Gly Ile Leu Thr Ala Leu Ile Il - #e Leu Ile Gln Ile Leu# 60- Thr Glu Ser Phe Val Cys Ser Ile Ile Leu Il - #e Ala Thr Val Leu Ile# 80- Phe Thr Leu Ser Lys Ile Ser Ile Ser Thr Se - #r Glu Lys Ile Ser Ser# 95- Ile Cys Arg Ile Ser Gln Ser Ile Phe Val Th - #r Ile Ala Ala Phe Cys# 110- Trp Gly Phe Asp Trp Ile Leu Asn Pro Ile Al - #a Ile Lys Ile Ile Leu# 125- Ile Leu Ser Leu Ser Phe Leu Thr Ile Cys Th - #r Ile Lys Ile His Ile# 140- Phe Tyr Leu Ile Ser Ile Leu Asn Gly Ser Gl - #y Ser His Val Lys Gly145 1 - #50 1 - #55 1 -#60- Ser Leu Val Thr Ile Leu Phe Gly Thr Ile Le - #u Gly Val Phe Gly Thr# 175- Leu Asn Val Ile Lys Ile Glu Ile Leu Ile Gl - #y Phe Gly Ile Ala Leu# 190- Cys Ile Ile Leu Ser Asn Thr Asn Phe Gly Le - #u Val Ile Arg Asp Thr# 205- Cys Tyr Tyr Arg Ile Gly Arg Tyr Lys Leu Me - #t Arg Thr Phe Thr Asp# 220- Leu Gly His Gly Ala Ser Tyr Ser Ile Glu Gl - #u Asp Glu Thr Ser Asp225 2 - #30 2 - #35 2 -#40- Tyr Ser Glu Ile His Glu Arg Lys Ile Ser Se - #r Phe Gln Leu Ile Tyr# 255- Lys Tyr Pro Ser Met Ile Ile Ile Ser Ile Le - #u Gly Phe Met Leu Thr# 270- Ile Ala Ile Trp Gly Leu Asn Val Tyr Leu Ly - #s Asn Leu Lys Phe His# 285- Ser Pro Phe Thr Leu Val Ile Ser Phe Ile Va - #l Gly His Cys Leu Ala# 300- Phe Leu Val Glu Pro Phe Asn Tyr Lys Ile Ly - #s Cys Ile Ser Arg Ile305 3 - #10 3 - #15 3 -#20- Ile Leu Ile Ile Cys Leu Leu Leu Glu Leu Il - #e Ala Ser Leu Ile Ser# 335- Val Leu Gly Leu Asn Phe Gly Ser Pro Leu Il - #e Leu Thr Thr Thr Thr# 350- Thr Ile Ser Leu Val Ser Leu Leu Tyr Ile Ar - #g Lys Gln Thr Gln Gly# 365- Val Asn Arg Leu Ala Ala Thr Tyr Ile Ser Ar - #g Ala Leu Ile Ile Gly# 380- Leu Tyr Met Thr Val Gly Ile Cys Tyr Ile Ph - #e Ile Lys Thr Ile Asn385 3 - #90 3 - #95 4 -#00- <210> SEQ ID NO 6<211> LENGTH: 459<212> TYPE: PRT<213> ORGANISM: Canine herpesvirus- <400> SEQUENCE: 6- Met Ser Phe Lys Asn Phe Tyr Leu Ile Tyr Va - #l Ile Ile Ile Phe Ile# 15- Asn Ser Ile Ile Thr Ser Ala Ser Thr Ser Ly - #s Pro Ser Thr Pro Thr# 30- Ile Ile Pro Thr Ser Ala Asn Glu Ser Pro Al - #a Ser Ile Asp Thr Thr# 45- Ile Thr Lys Pro Ile Ser Thr Glu Ala Asn As - #n Leu Lys Ser Val Ser# 60- Thr Ser Ile Lys Pro Pro Lys Asn Leu Lys Ly - #s Lys Leu Leu Lys Ser# 80- Lys Cys Arg Asp Asn Val Ile Tyr Arg Pro Ty - #r Phe Ser Gln Leu Glu# 95- Ile Asn Cys Thr Ile Thr Lys Lys Gln Asn Le - #u Ser Asn Pro Leu Ile# 110- Glu Leu Trp Phe Lys Glu Leu Ser Thr Tyr As - #n Lys Thr Asn Glu Asn# 125- Val Glu Ser Leu Lys Thr Asp Ile Ser Lys As - #n Ile Leu Leu Phe Ser# 140- Thr Lys Asn Asn Ser Asp Asn Phe Tyr Asn As - #p Phe Leu Leu Gly Ile145 1 - #50 1 - #55 1 -#60- Gln Asn Gln Pro Val Asn Tyr Lys Leu Tyr Gl - #y Ser Gln Phe Tyr Asp# 175- Asn Gly Asn Ile Leu Leu Asn Ile Lys Ser Va - #l Asp Phe Lys Thr Ser# 190- Gly Ile Tyr Thr Trp Lys Leu Tyr Asn Ser As - #n Asn Glu Ser Ile Phe# 205- Glu Thr Phe Lys Ile Gln Val Tyr Ala Tyr Hi - #s Ser Pro Asn Val Asn# 220- Leu Lys Ser Asn Pro Ser Leu Tyr Asn Glu As - #n Tyr Ser Ala Ile Cys225 2 - #30 2 - #35 2 -#40- Thr Ile Ala Asn Tyr Phe Pro Leu Glu Ser Th - #r Glu Ile Phe Trp Phe# 255- Asn Asp Gly Gln Pro Ile Asp Lys Lys Tyr Il - #e Asp Glu Thr Tyr Ser# 270- Val Trp Ile Asp Gly Leu Ile Thr Arg Thr Se - #r Ile Leu Ser Leu Pro# 285- Phe Ser Glu Ala Met Glu Ser Pro Pro Asn Le - #u Arg Cys Asn Val Glu# 300- Trp Tyr Lys Asn Ser Lys Ala Ser Lys Lys Ph - #e Ser Asn Thr Val Ile305 3 - #10 3 - #15 3 -#20- Pro Lys Val Tyr Tyr Lys Pro Phe Ile Ser Il - #e Lys Phe Asp Asn Gly# 335- Leu Ala Ile Cys Asp Ala Lys Cys Val Ser Ar - #g Glu Asn Asn Lys Leu# 350- Gln Trp Leu Val Lys Asp Ile Pro Ile Asn Gl - #y Asp Asp Ile Ile Ser# 365- Gly Pro Cys Leu Asn His Pro Gly Leu Val As - #n Ile Gln Asn Lys Ile# 380- Asp Ile Ser Asp Tyr Asp Glu Pro Val Thr Ty - #r Lys Cys Ser Ile Ile385 3 - #90 3 - #95 4 -#00- Gly Tyr Pro Ile Ile Phe Pro Asn Phe Tyr As - #p Glu Lys Val Phe Asp# 415- Ala Ser Asp Glu Asn Val Ser Lys Ser Met Le - #u Ile Ser Ile Thr Thr# 430- Ile Ile Gly Gly Ala Ile Phe Val Ile Val Le - #u Ile Phe Ile Thr Ala# 445- Leu Cys Phe Tyr Cys Ser Lys Asn Asn Lys Il - #e# 455- <210> SEQ ID NO 7<211> LENGTH: 115<212> TYPE: PRT<213> ORGANISM: Canine herpesvirus- <400> SEQUENCE: 7- Met Ala Gln Leu Val Leu Thr Asp Ile Pro Le - #u Glu Asp Val Glu Asn# 15- Lys Asn Thr Ser Ser Asp Glu Glu Thr Thr As - #n Leu Asn Gln Lys Lys# 30- Ser Thr Cys Gln Cys Leu Cys Val Thr Leu Gl - #y Phe Phe Ala Ala Gly# 45- Ile Leu Leu Thr Ile Ala Ala Ile Ile Phe Th - #r Phe Ile Phe Thr Val# 60- Pro Leu Glu Met Leu Gly Ser Ile Asn Cys Pr - #o Pro Ser Thr Phe Gly# 80- Ile Asp Asn Val Cys Ile Glu Pro Ile Lys Ly - #s Ser Ile Asn Ser Tyr# 95- Ser Glu Leu Ser Lys Ile Cys Tyr Asp Arg Le - #u Ser Asn Pro Ile Asn# 110- Gln Ser Thr 115- <210> SEQ ID NO 8<211> LENGTH: 33<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 8# 33 gatc gatatcgggc cca- <210> SEQ ID NO 9<211> LENGTH: 33<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 9# 33 cgat ccaccttgct gga- <210> SEQ ID NO 10<211> LENGTH: 22<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 10# 22tgt tc- <210> SEQ ID NO 11<211> LENGTH: 29<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 11# 29 gttt aataaagac- <210> SEQ ID NO 12<211> LENGTH: 36<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 12# 36 atat cgggcccatc gatcag- <210> SEQ ID NO 13<211> LENGTH: 36<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 13# 36 atat cccatgtagc tggagt- <210> SEQ ID NO 14<211> LENGTH: 35<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 14# 35 gcca aatttacact tcccg- <210> SEQ ID NO 15<211> LENGTH: 38<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 15# 38 gccc atttataaat aataaatg- <210> SEQ ID NO 16<211> LENGTH: 36<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 16# 36 ggat atcgggccca tcgatc- <210> SEQ ID NO 17<211> LENGTH: 36<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 17# 36 cgat atcccatgta gctggg- <210> SEQ ID NO 18<211> LENGTH: 36<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 18# 36 aaat agtaattcat ttaatg- <210> SEQ ID NO 19<211> LENGTH: 33<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 19# 33 aata aaatccatcg aag- <210> SEQ ID NO 20<211> LENGTH: 38<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 20# 38 ggat atcgggccca tcgataat- <210> SEQ ID NO 21<211> LENGTH: 34<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 21# 34 atat cggatgtagc tggc- <210> SEQ ID NO 22<211> LENGTH: 32<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 22# 32 ccct accaagacaa gg- <210> SEQ ID NO 23<211> LENGTH: 28<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 23# 28 taca tgagaatc- <210> SEQ ID NO 24<211> LENGTH: 30<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 24# 30 ctct aggcggccgc- <210> SEQ ID NO 25<211> LENGTH: 32<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 25# 32 aaaa aacctcccac ac- <210> SEQ ID NO 26<211> LENGTH: 34<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 26# 34 aggg gaatccccaa aagc- <210> SEQ ID NO 27<211> LENGTH: 28<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 27# 28 atct cacatagg- <210> SEQ ID NO 28<211> LENGTH: 39<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 28# 39 tcga cggatcgata tcgggccca- <210> SEQ ID NO 29<211> LENGTH: 39<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 29# 39 cgat ccgtcgacac cttgctgga- <210> SEQ ID NO 30<211> LENGTH: 31<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 30# 31 cctc aggctctcct g- <210> SEQ ID NO 31<211> LENGTH: 31<212> TYPE: DNA<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence<220> FEATURE:#Sequence:R INFORMATION: Description of Artificial oligonucleotide- <400> SEQUENCE: 31# 31 tggt ctcaccccca c__________________________________________________________________________
  • 1. A recombinant canine herpes virus (CHV) comprising and expressing at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence in at least one insertion site comprising ORF3 (SEQ ID NO:5).
  • 2. The recombinant CHV according to claim 1 wherein the at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence encodes an antigen selected from the group consisting of canine distemper virus HA, canine distemper virus F, rabies virus G, canine parvovirus VP2, parainfluenza virus type 2 HA, parainfluenza virus type 2 F, Borrelia burgdorferi OspA, and Borrelia burgdorferi OspB.
  • 3. The recombinant CHV of claim 1 wherein the at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence is inserted by simple insertion, or after total or partial deletion of the insertion locus.
  • 4. The recombinant CHV according to claim 1 further comprising a strong eukaryotic promoter; wherein at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence is operably linked to the strong eukaryotic promoter.
  • 5. The recombinant CHV according to claim 4 wherein the strong eukaryotic promoter comprises a CMV immediate-early promoter.
  • 6. The recombinant CHV of claim 5 wherein the CMV immediate-early promoter comprises a murine or human CMV immediate-early promoter.
  • 7. The recombinant CHV according to claim 1 comprising at least two heterologous nucleotide sequences inserted into at least one insertion site wherein each heterologous nucleotide sequence is under the control of a different eukaryotic promoter.
  • 8. The recombinant CHV according to claim 7 wherein the eukaryotic promoters are CMV immediate-early promoters of different animal origin.
  • 9. The recombinant CHV according to claim 7 comprising a first heterologous nucleotide sequence operably linked to a first promoter and a second heterologous nucleotide sequence operably linked to a second promoter; wherein, the first promoter comprises a CMV immediate-early promoter, and, the first and second promoters are arranged so that their 5' ends are adjacent.
  • 10. The recombinant CHV according to claim 2 further comprising at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence encoding an immunomodulatory polypeptide.
  • 11. The recombinant CHV according to claim 9 wherein the heterologous nucleotide sequence comprises a nucleotide sequence selected from the group consisting of nucleotide sequences encoding cytokines.
  • 12. The recombinant CHV according to claim 1 wherein the heterologous nucleotide sequence comprises an expression cassette comprising from 5' to 3', a promoter, two or more coding regions separated in pairs by an internal ribosome entry site (IRES), and a polyadenylation signal.
  • 13. The recombinant CHV of claim 2 comprising and expressing at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence encoding the canine distemper virus HA antigen.
  • 14. The recombinant CHV of claim 2 comprising and expressing at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence encoding the canine distemper virus F antigen.
  • 15. The recombinant CHV of claim 2 comprising and expressing at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence encoding the rabies virus G antigen.
  • 16. The recombinant CHV of claim 2 comprising and expressing at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence encoding the canine parvovirus VP2 antigen.
  • 17. The recombinant CHV of claim 2 comprising and expressing at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence encoding the parainfluenza virus type 2 HA antigen.
  • 18. The recombinant CHV of claim 2 comprising and expressing at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence encoding the parainfluenza virus type 2 F antigen.
  • 19. The recombinant CHV of claim 2 comprising and expressing at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence encoding the Borrelia burgdorferi OspA antigen.
  • 20. The recombinant CHV of claim 2 comprising and expressing at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence encoding the Borrelia burgdorferi OspB antigen.
  • 21. The recombinant CHV according to claim 1 wherein the at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence encodes an antigen.
  • 22. The recombinant CHV according to claim 1 wherein the at least one heterologous nucleotide sequence encodes an immunomodulatory polypeptide.
  • 23. An immunological composition comprising a recombinant CHV as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 20, or 21 or 22.
  • 24. A multivalent immunological composition comprising, as a mixture or to be admixed, at least a first recombinant CHV and a second recombinant CHV; wherein the first and second recombinant CHV are as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 20 or 21 or 22, and the heterologous nucleotide sequence in the first recombinant CHV is different than the heterologous nucleotide sequence in the second recombinant CHV.
  • 25. A method for inducing an immunological response in a canine comprising administering to the canine a recombinant CHV as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 20, or 21 or 22.
  • 26. A method for inducing an immunological response in a canine animal comprising administering to the canine an immunological composition as claimed in claim 23.
  • 27. A method for inducing an immunological response in a canine comprising administering to the canine an immunological composition as claimed in claim 24.
  • 28. The method of claim 25 wherein the administering comprises mucosally administering a dose comprising between 10.sup.2 and 10.sup.5 CCID50 of the recombinant CHV.
  • 29. The method of claim 26 wherein the administering comprises mucosally administering a dose comprising between 10.sup.2 and 10.sup.5 CCID50 of the recombinant CHV.
  • 30. The method of claim 27 wherein the administering comprises mucosally administering a dose comprising between 10.sup.2 and 10.sup.5 CCID50 of the recombinant CHV.
  • 31. A method for expressing a polypeptide comprising contacting a suitable cell with a recombinant CHV as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 20 or 21 or 22.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
9608242 Jun 1996 FRX
Parent Case Info

This is a continuation of copending International Application PCT/FR97/01115 having an international filing date of Jun. 23, 1997, designating the U.S. and claiming priority.

US Referenced Citations (10)
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5418137 Yamanaka et al. May 1995
5681724 Tripp et al. Oct 1997
5707817 Wisnewski et al. Jan 1998
5753235 Haanes et al. May 1998
5789194 Tripp et al. Aug 1998
5795768 Tripp et al. Aug 1998
5804197 Haanes et al. Sep 1998
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Number Date Country
WO 92 13560 Aug 1992 WOX
WO 9310225 May 1993 WOX
WO 9323077 Nov 1993 WOX
WO 9415593 Jul 1994 WOX
WO 9417813 Aug 1994 WOX
WO 9417824 Aug 1994 WOX
WO 9524198 Sep 1995 WOX
WO 9532988 Dec 1995 WOX
WO 9611271 Apr 1996 WOX
WO 9611706 Apr 1996 WOX
Non-Patent Literature Citations (7)
U.S. Ser. No. 08/401,509 (no patent publication).
U.S. Ser. No. 08/473,034 (no patent publication).
U.S. Ser. No. 08/482,304 (no patent publication).
U.S. Ser. No. 08/485,434 (no patent publication).
K.J.. Limbach, et al, "Nucleotide sequence of the genes encoding the canine herpesvirus gB, gC and gD homologues", Journal of General Virology, vol. 75, (Aug. 1994) pp. 2029-2039.
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M. Redmond, "Sequence of the canine herpesvirus thymidine kinase gene: taxon-preferred amino acid residues in the alphaherpesviral thymidine kinases", Viirus Res. (1995), 39(2-3), pp. 341-354.
Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent PCTFR9701115 Jun 1997