- 1. A method for determining the effectiveness of an agent for inhibiting a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 (HIV-2) from binding to a target cell, said method comprising:
- contacting said cell with said agent to be tested in the presence and in the absence of a labeled peptide having immunological properties of a first portion of the envelope glycoprotein of an HIV-2 virus, wherein said peptide comprises no more than about 40 amino acid residues, said first portion of the envelope glycoprotein is antigenic or is capable of eliciting the production of antibodies directed to the peptide, and said envelope glycoprotein comprises an amino acid sequence as follows:
- MetMetAsnGlnLeuLeuIleAlaIleLeuLeuAlaSerAlaCys - 10 - LeuValTyrCysThrGlnTyrValThrValPheTyrGlyValPro - 20 30 - ThrTrpLysAsnAlaThrIleProLeuPheCysAlaThrArgAsn - 40 - ArgAspThrTrpGlyThrIleGlnCysLeuProAspAsnAspAsp - 50 60 - TryGlnGluIleThrLeuAsnValThrGluAlaPheAspAlaTrp - 70 - AsnAsnThrValThrGluGlnAlaIleGluAspValTrpHisLeu - 80 90 - PheGluThrSerIleLysProCysValLysLeuThrProLeuCys - 100 - ValAlaMetLysCysSerSerThrGluSerSerThrGlyAsnAsn - 110 120 - ThrThrSerLysSerThrSerThrThrThrThrThrProThrAsp - 130 - GlnGluGlnGluIleSerGluAspThrProCysAlaArgAlaAsp - 140 150 - AsnCysSerGlyLeuGlyGluGluGluThrIleAsnCysGlnPhe - 160 - AsnMetThrGlyLeuGluArgAspLysLysLysGlnTyrAsnGlu - 170 180 - ThrTrpTyrSerLysAspValValCysGluThrAsnAsnSerThr - 190 - AsnGlnThrGlnCysTyrMetAsnHisCysAsnThrSerValIle - 200 210 - ThrGluSerCysAspLysHisTyrTrpAspAlaIleArgPheArg - 220 - TyrCysAlaProProGlyTyrAlaLeuLeuArgCysAsnAspThr - 230 240 - AsnTyrSerGlyPheAlaProAsnCysSerLysValValAlaSer - 250 - ThrCysThrArgMetMetGluThrGlnThrSerThrTrpPheGly - 260 270 - PheAsnGlyThrArgAlaGluAsnArgThrTyrIleTyrTrpHis - 280 - GlyArgAspAsnArgThrIleIleSerLeuAsnLysTryTyrAsn - 290 300 - LeuSerLeuHisCysLysArgProGlyAsnLysThrValLysGln - 310 - IleMetLeuMetSerGlyHisValPheHisSerHisTyrGlnPro - 320 340 - IleAsnLysArgProArgGlnAlaTrpCysTrpPheLysGlyLys - 350 - TrpLysAspAlaMetGlnGluValLysThrLeuAlaLysHisPro - 360 370 - ArgTyrArgGlyThrAsnAspThrArgAsnIleSerPheAlaAla - 380 - ProGlyLysGlySerAspProGluValAlaTyrMetTrpThrAsn - 390 400 - CysArgGlyGluPheLeuTyrCysAsnMetThrTrpPheLeuAsn - 410 - TrpIleGluAsnLysThrHisArgAsnTyrAlaProCysHisIle - 420 430 - LysGlnIleIleAsnThrTrpHisLysValGlyArgAsnValTyr - 440 - LeuProProArgGluGlyGluLeuSerCysAsnSerThrValThr - 450 460 - SerIleIleAlaAsnIleAspTrpGlnAsnAsnAsnGlnThrAsn - 470 - IleThrPheSerAlaGluValAlaGluLeuTyrArgLeuGluLeu - 480 490 - GlyAspTyrLysLeuValGluIleThrProIleGlyPheAlaPro - 500 - ThrLysGluLysArgTyrSerSerAlaHisGlyArgHisThrArg - 510 520 - GlyValPheValLeuGlyPheLeuGlyPheLeuAlaThrAlaGly - 530 - SerAlaMetGlyAlaArgAlaSerLeuThrValSerAlaGlnSer - 540 550 - ArgThrLeuLeuAlaGlyIleValGlnGlnGlnGlnGlnLeuLeu - 560 - AspValValLysArgGlnGlnGluLeuLeuArgLeuThrValTrp - 570 580 - GlyThrLysAsnLeuGlnAlaArgValThrAlaIleGluLysTyr - 590 - LeuGluAspGlnAlaArgLeuAsnSerTrpGlyCysAlaPheArg - 600 610 - GlnValCysHisThrThrValProTrpValAsnAspSerLeuAla - 620 - ProAspTrpAspAsnMetThrTrpGlnGluTrpGluLysGlnVal - 630 640 - ArgTyrLeuGluAlaAsnIleSerLysSerLeuGluGluAlaGln - 650 - IleGlnGlnGluLysAsnMetTyrGluLeuGlnLysLeuAsnSer - 660 670 - TrpAspIlePheGlyAsnTrpPheAspLeuThrSerTrpValLys - 680 - TyrIleGlnTyrGlyValLeuIleIleValAlaValIleAlaLeu - 690 700 - ArgIleValIleTyrValValGlnMetLeuSerArgLeuArgLys - 710 - GlyTyrArgProValPheSerSerProProGlyTyrIleGln*** - 720 730 - IleHisIleHisLysAspArgGlyGlnProAlaAsnGluGluThr - 740 - GluGluAspGlyGlySerAsnGlyGlyAspArgTyrTrpProTrp - 750 760 - ProIleAlaTyrIleHisPheLeuIleArgGlnLeuIleArgLeu - 770 - LeuThrArgLeuTyrSerIleCysArgAspLeuLeuSerArgSer - 780 790 - PheLeuThrLeuGlnLeuIleTyrGlnAsnLeuArgAspTrpLeu - 800 - ArgLeuArgThrAlaPheLeuGlnTyrGlyCysGluTrpIleGln - 810 820 - GluAlaPheGlnAlaAlaAlaArgAlaThrArgGluThrLeuAla - 830 - GlyAlaCysArgGlyLeuTrpArgValLeuGluArgIleGlyArg - 840 850 - GlyIleLeuAlaValProArgArgIleArgGlnGlyAlaGluIle - 850 - AlaLeuLeu***GlyThrAlaValSerAlaGlyArgLeuTyrGlu - 860 870 - TyrSerMetGluGlyProSerSerArgLysGlyGluLysPheVal - 880 - GlnAlaThrLysTyrGly; - 890
- determining the amount of labeled peptide bound in the presence of said agent;
- determining the amount of labeled peptide bound in the absence of said agent; and
- determining the relative amount of labeled peptide-cell binding in the presence of said agent compared to the amount of labeled peptide-cell binding in the absence of said agent;
- wherein an agent having a low affinity for binding to the cell is evidenced by little or no change between the binding values of the labeled peptide in the presence and in the absence of the agent, and an agent having a high affinity for binding to the cell is evidenced by a lower binding value in the presence of the agent in comparison to the binding value in the absence of the agent.
- 2. The method of claim 1, wherein said enveloped glycoprotein is labeled with an immunoassay label selected from the group consisting of enzymes, radioactive isotopes, fluorescent labels, and chromophores.
- 3. A method for determining the effectiveness of an agent for inhibiting a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 (HIV-2) from binding to a target cell, said method comprising:
- contacting said cell with said agent to be tested in the presence of in the absence of one or more labeled peptides selected from the group consisting of:
- (1) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- XR--A-E-YL-DQ--L--WGC-----CZ, or
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of either of the following peptide sequences:
- (2) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- X----E--Q-QQEKN--EL--L---Z, or
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of either of the following peptide sequences:
- (3) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- XEL--YK-V-I-P-G-APTK-KR-----Z, or
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of either of the following peptide sequences:
- (4) the antigenic peptide gagl comprising an amino acid sequence of the following formula:
- wherein X and Z or OH or NH2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of the following peptide sequence:
- (5) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of either of the following peptide sequences:
- (6) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- X-G-DPE------NC-GEF-YCN-----NZ, or
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of either of the following peptide sequences:
- (7) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- X-----C-IKQ-I------G---YZ, or
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of either of the following peptide sequences:
- (8) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- X---QE--LNVTE-F--W-NZ, or
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of the following peptide sequence:
- (9) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of the following peptide sequence:
- (10) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- X---N-S-IT--C-Z, or
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of the following peptide sequence:
- (11) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence having the following formula:
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of the following peptide sequence:
- (12) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- X------A-C-----W--Z,
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of the following peptide sequence:
- wherein said immunological properties comprise the ability of said peptide sequences to specifically recognize antibodies against HIV-2;
- determining the amount of labeled peptide bound in the presence of said agent;
- determining the amount of labeled peptide bound in the absence of said agent; and
- determining the relative amount of labeled peptide-cell binding in the presence of said agent compared to the amount of labeled peptide-cell binding in the absence of said agent;
- wherein an agent having a low affinity for binding to the cell is evidenced by little or no change between the binding values of the labeled peptide in the presence and in the absence of the agent, and an agent having a high affinity for binding to the cell is evidenced by a lower binding value in the presence of the agent in comparison to the binding value in the agent in comparison to the binding value in the absence of the agent.
- 4. The method of claim 3, wherein said one or more peptides are labeled with an immunoassay label selected from the group consisting of enzymes, radioactive isotopes, fluorescent labels, and chromophores.
- 5. A kit for determining the effectiveness of an agent for inhibiting a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 (HIV-2) from binding to a target cell, said kit comprising:
- a labeled peptide having immunological properties of a first portion of the envelope glycoprotein of a HIV-2 virus, wherein said peptide comprises no more than about 40 amino acid residues, said first portion of the envelope glycoprotein is antigenic or is capable of eliciting the production of antibodies directed to the peptide, and said envelope glycoprotein comprises an amino acid sequence as follows:
- MetMetAsnGlnLeuLeuIleAlaIleLeuLeuAlaSerAlaCys 10 - LeuValTyrCysThrGlnTyrValThrValPheTyrGlyValPro 20 30 - ThrTrpLysAsnAlaThrIleProLeuPheCysAlaThrArgAsn 40 - ArgAspThrTrpGlyThrIleGlnCysLeuProAspAsnAspAsp 50 60 - TryGlnGluIleThrLeuAsnValThrGluAlaPheAspAlaTrp 70 - AsnAsnThrValThrGluGlnAlaIleGluAspValTrpHisLeu 80 90 - PheGluThrSerIleLysProCysValLysLeuThrProLeuCys 100 - ValAlaMetLysCysSerSerThrGluSerSerThrGlyAsnAsn 110 120 - ThrThrSerLysSerThrSerThrThrThrThrThrProThrAsp 130 - GlnGluGlnGluIleSerGluAspThrProCysAlaArgAlaAsp 140 150 - AsnCysSerGlyLeuGlyGluGluGluThrIleAsnCysGlnPhe 160 - AsnMetThrGlyLeuGluArgAspLysLysLysGlnTyrAsnGlu 170 180 - ThrTrpTyrSerLysAspValValCysGluThrAsnAsnSerThr 190 - AsnGlnThrGlnCysTyrMetAsnHisCysAsnThrSerValIle 200 210 - ThrGluSerCysAspLysHisTyrTrpAspAlaIleArgPheArg 220 - TyrCysAlaProProGlyTyrAlaLeuLeuArgCysAsnAspThr 230 240 - AsnTyrSerGlyPheAlaProAsnCysSerLysValValAlaSer 250 - ThrCysThrArgMetMetGluThrGlnThrSerThrTrpPheGly 260 270 - PheAsnGlyThrArgAlaGluAsnArgThrTyrIleTyrTrpHis 280 - GlyArgAspAsnArgThrIleIleSerLeuAsnLysTryTyrAsn 290 300 - LeuSerLeuHisCysLysArgProGlyAsnLysThrValLysGln 310 - IleMetLeuMetSerGlyHisValPheHisSerHisTyrGlnPro 320 340 - IleAsnLysArgProArgGlnAlaTrpCysTrpPheLysGlyLys 350 - TrpLysAspAlaMetGlnGluValLysThrLeuAlaLysHisPro 360 370 - ArgTyrArgGlyThrAsnAspThrArgAsnIleSerPheAlaAla 380 - ProGlyLysGlySerAspProGluValAlaTyrMetTrpThrAsn 390 400 - CysArgGlyGluPheLeuTyrCysAsnMetThrTrpPheLeuAsn 410 - TrpIleGluAsnLysThrHisArgAsnTyrAlaProCysHisIle 420 430 - LysGlnIleIleAsnThrTrpHisLysValGlyArgAsnValTyr 440 - LeuProProArgGluGlyGluLeuSerCysAsnSerThrValThr 450 460 - SerIleIleAlaAsnIleAspTrpGlnAsnAsnAsnGlnThrAsn 470 - IleThrPheSerAlaGluValAlaGluLeuTyrArgLeuGluLeu 480 490 - GlyAspTyrLysLeuValGluIleThrProIleGlyPheAlaPro 500 - ThrLysGluLysArgTyrSerSerAlaHisGlyArgHisThrArg 510 520 - GlyValPheValLeuGlyPheLeuGlyPheLeuAlaThrAlaGly 530 - SerAlaMetGlyAlaArgAlaSerLeuThrValSerAlaGlnSer 540 550 - ArgThrLeuLeuAlaGlyIleValGlnGlnGlnGlnGlnLeuLeu 560 - AspValValLysArgGlnGlnGluLeuLeuArgLeuThrValTrp 570 580 - GlyThrLysAsnLeuGlnAlaArgValThrAlaIleGluLysTyr 590 - LeuGluAspGlnAlaArgLeuAsnSerTrpGlyCysAlaPheArg 600 610 - GlnValCysHisThrThrValProTrpValAsnAspSerLeuAla 620 - ProAspTrpAspAsnMetThrTrpGlnGluTrpGluLysGlnVal 630 640 - ArgTyrLeuGluAlaAsnIleSerLysSerLeuGluGluAlaGln 650 - IleGlnGlnGluLysAsnMetTyrGluLeuGlnLysLeuAsnSer 660 670 - TrpAspIlePheGlyAsnTrpPheAspLeuThrSerTrpValLys 680 - TyrIleGlnTyrGlyValLeuIleIleValAlaValIleAlaLeu 690 700 - ArgIleValIleTyrValValGlnMetLeuSerArgLeuArgLys 710 - GlyTyrArgProValPheSerSerProProGlyTyrIleGln*** 720 730 - IleHisIleHisLysAspArgGlyGlnProAlaAsnGluGluThr 740 - GluGluAspGlyGlySerAsnGlyGlyAspArgTyrTrpProTrp 750 760 - ProIleAlaTyrIleHisPheLeuIleArgGlnLeuIleArgLeu 770 - LeuThrArgLeuTyrSerIleCysArgAspLeuLeuSerArgSer 780 790 - PheLeuThrLeuGlnLeuIleTyrGlnAsnLeuArgAspTrpLeu 800 - ArgLeuArgThrAlaPheLeuGlnTyrGlyCysGluTrpIleGln 810 820 - GluAlaPheGlnAlaAlaAlaArgAlaThrArgGluThrLeuAla 830 - GlyAlaCysArgGlyLeuTrpArgValLeuGluArgIleGlyArg 840 850 - GlyIleLeuAlaValProArgArgIleArgGlnGlyAlaGluIle 850 - AlaLeuLeu***GlyThrAlaValSerAlaGlyArgLeuTyrGlu 860 870 - TyrSerMetGluGlyProSerSerArgLysGlyGluLysPheVal 880 - GlnAlaThrLysTyrGly; 890
- a composition comprising a target cell; and
- a control composition comprising said labeled peptide and said cell;
- wherein the relative affinity of the agent for binding to the cell is determined by comparing the amount of labeled peptide bound in the presence of the agent with the amount of labeled peptide bound in the absence of said agent.
- 6. The kit of claim 5, wherein said enveloper glycoprotein is labeled with an immunoassay label selected from the group consisting of enzymes, radioactive isotopes, fluorescent labels, and chromophores.
- 7. A kit for determining the effectiveness of an agent for inhibiting a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 (HIV-2) from binding to a target cell, said kit comprising:
- one or more labeled peptides selected from the group consisting of:
- (1) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- XR--A-E-YL-DQ--L--WGC-----CZ, or
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of either of the following peptide sequences:
- (2) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- X ----E--Q-QQEKN--EL--L---Z, or
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of either of the following peptide sequences:
- (3) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- XEL--YK-V-I-P-G-APTK-KR-----Z, or
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of either of the following peptide sequences:
- (4) the antigenic peptide gagl comprising an amino acid sequence of the following formula:
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of the following peptide sequence:
- (5) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of either of the following peptide sequences:
- (6) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- X-G-DPE------NC-GEF-YCN-----NZ, or
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of either of the following peptide sequences:
- (7) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- X-----C-IKQ-I------G---YZ, or
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of either of the following peptide sequences:
- (8) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- X---QE--LNVTE-F--W-NZ, or
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of the following peptide sequence:
- (9) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of the following peptide sequence:
- (10) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- X---N-S-IT--C-Z, or
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of the following peptide sequence:
- (11) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence having the following formula:
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of the following peptide sequence:
- (12) a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence of either of the following formulas:
- X------A-C-----W--Z,
- wherein X and Z are OH or NH.sub.2, and wherein each of the hyphens corresponds to an aminoacyl residue selected from the group consisting of those which permit the conservation of the immunological properties of the following peptide sequence:
- wherein said immunological properties comprise the ability of said peptide sequences to specifically recognize antibodies against HIV-2;
- a composition comprising a target cell; and
- a control composition comprising said one or more labeled peptides and said cell;
- wherein the relative affinity of the agent for binding to the cell is determined by comparing the amount of labeled peptide bound in the presence of the agent with the amount of labeled peptide bound in the absence of said agent.
- 8. The kit of claim 7, wherein said one or more peptide are labeled with an immunoassay label selected from the group consisting of enzymes, radioactive isotopes, fluorescent labels, and chromophores.
- 9. A method for determining the effectiveness of an agent for inhibiting a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 (HIV-2) from binding to a target cell, said method comprising:
- contacting said cell with said agent to be tested in the presence and in the absence of one or more labeled polypeptide expression products of HIV-2 selected from the group consisting of p16, p26, p12, polymerase, Q protein, R protein, X protein, env protein, F protein, TAT, ART, U5, and U3;
- determining the amount of labeled polypeptide expression product bound in the presence of said agent;
- determining the amount of labeled polypeptide expression product bound in the absence of said agent; and
- determining the relative amount of labeled polypeptide expression product-cell binding in the presence of said agent compared to the amount of labeled polypeptide expression product-cell binding in the absence of said agent;
- wherein an agent having a low affinity for binding to the cell is evidenced by little or no change between the binding values of the labeled polypeptide expression product in the presence and in the absence of the agent, and an agent having a high affinity for binding to the cell is evidenced by a lower binding value in the presence of the agent in comparison to the binding value in the absence of the agent.
- 10. The method of claim 9, wherein said env protein is labeled with an immunoassay label selected from the group consisting of enzymes, radioactive isotopes, fluorescent labels, and chromophores.
- 11. A kit for determining the effectiveness of an agent for inhibiting a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 (HIV-2) from binding to a target cell, said kit comprising:
- one or more labeled polypeptide expression products of HIV-2 selected from the group consisting of p16, p26, p12, polymerase, Q protein, R protein, X protein, env protein, F protein, TAT, ART, U5, and U3;
- a composition comprising a target cell; and
- a control composition comprising said one or more labeled polypeptide expression products and said cell;
- wherein the relative affinity of the agent for binding to the cell is determined by comparing the amount of labeled polypeptide expression product bound in the presence of the agent with the amount of labeled polypeptide expression product bound in the absence of said agent.
- 12. The kit of claim 11, wherein said env protein is labeled with an immunoassay label selected from the group consisting of enzymes, radioactive isotopes, fluorescent labels, and chromophores.
Priority Claims (5)
Number |
Date |
Country |
Kind |
86 00911 |
Jan 1986 |
86 01635 |
Feb 1986 |
86 01985 |
Feb 1986 |
86 03881 |
Mar 1986 |
86 04215 |
Mar 1986 |
This application is a division of application Ser. No. 07/752,368, filed Sep. 3, 1991, which is a division of application Ser. No. 013,477, filed Feb. 11, 1987, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,079,342, issued Jan. 7, 1992, which is continuation-in-part of allowed U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/003,764 of Alizon et al. for "Cloned DNA Sequences Related to the Entire Genomic RNA of Human Immunodeficiency Virus II (HIV-2), Polypeptides Encoded by these DNA Sequences and Use of these DNA Clones and Polypeptides in Diagnostic Kits," filed Jan. 16, 1987, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,051,496, which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 06/933,184 filed Nov. 21, 1986, now abandoned in favor of continuation application Ser. No. 604,323, filed Oct. 24, 1990, now abandoned in favor of continuation application Ser. No. 732,748, filed Jul. 18, 1991 (pending) which is a continuation-in-part application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 916,080 of Montagnier et al. for "Cloned DNA Sequences Related to the Genomic RNA of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus II (HIV-2), Poly-peptides Encoded by these DNA Sequences and Use of these DNA Clones and Polypeptides in Diagnostic Kits," filed Oct. 6, 1986, now abandoned in favor of continuation application Ser. No. 602,383, filed Oct. 24, 1990 (now abandoned), and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 835,228 of Montagnier et al. for "New Retrovirus Capable of Causing AIDS, Antigens Obtained from this Retrovirus and Corresponding Antibodies and their Application for Diagnostic Purposes," filed Mar. 3, 1986 (now U.S. Pat. No. 4,839,288, issued Jun. 13, 1989). The disclosures of each of these predecessor applications are expressly -incorporated herein by reference.
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4629783 |
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Dec 1986 |
4839288 |
Montagnier et al. |
Jun 1989 |
5079342 |
Alizon et al. |
Jan 1992 |
Foreign Referenced Citations (2)
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0 316 695 B1 |
Mar 1993 |
WO 8504897 |
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Related Publications (1)
Number |
Date |
Country |
835228 |
Mar 1986 |
Divisions (2)
Number |
Date |
Country |
Parent |
752368 |
Sep 1991 |
Parent |
013477 |
Feb 1987 |
Continuation in Parts (3)
Number |
Date |
Country |
Parent |
003764 |
Jan 1987 |
Parent |
933184 |
Nov 1986 |
Parent |
916080 |
Oct 1986 |