T. Tanaka, et al., Robot Planner: Design and Programming support System for Planning of Robot Operation-Basic concept and Development-Toshiba Corporation, pp. cover (v), 283-286. |
"Proposal of Mark Flow Graph for Discrete System Contol", (in Japan) Trans of SICE, 2-2; K. Hasegawa, et al., 1983, This article proposes a concept of Mark Flow Graph (a kind of directed graph which can represent control logic for sequential control systems). |
"A Petri net based Controller for Flexible and Maintainable Sequence Control and its Application in Factory Automation", IEEE Trans. Industrial electronics IE-33.1; T. Murata, et al.; 1986, This article proposes a new type controller based on a Petri Net (a kind of directed graph) like control language. |
Proc. IECON'86; M. Nagata; 1986, IEEE "Interprocess Communication for Robot Control". |