- 1. A non-native peptide according to the formula:
- 2. The peptide according to claim 1, wherein:
a. alpha comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of -EDLPL, -DNPSL, -DDPPL, ---IVL, ---PSL, and -ZGPPI; b. beta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of SIDL, SLDV, SLDL, SIDI, and SIDV; c. gamma comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of PAB, PAF, PAH, PAQ, PAY, PFB, PFE, PFF, PFG, PFH, PFI, PFL, PFQ, PFV, PFW, PFY, PGY, PHB, PHF, PHH, PHQ, PHW, PHY, PIA, PIB, PID, PIE, PIF, PIG, PIH, PLL, PLQ, PIQ, PIR, PIT, PIV, PIW, PIY, PKY, PLB, PLE, PLF, PLG, PLH, PLI, PLL, PLQ, PLV, PLW, PLY, PNY, PQB, PQF, PQH, PQI, PQL, PQQ, PQV, PQW, PQY, PRY, PSY, PTB, PTE, PTF, PTH, PTI, PTL, PTV, PTW, PTY, PVB, PVY, PWF, PWH, PWQ, PWW, PWY, PYB, PYF, PYH, PYI, PYL, PYQ, PYT, PYV, PYW, PYY, SLE, SLG, SIG and VIG; d. delta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of ILS, IMN, LLQ, LLR, and MLR; e. epsilon comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of VLIEI, LLEI, ILLEQ, ILEL, ILLEI, TLLEL, KMIEI, KVIEI, EVLEM, EVIEI, and NMIEM; f. zeta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of AKAD, AKAE, AKAR, AKQE, AKQR, ARAD, ARAE, ARAR, ARQE, ARQR, EAAR, EKAR, EKTQ, EKQE, EKQQ, EKQR, ERAE, ERAR, ERQE, ERQR, SRAE, TKAD, TKAN, TKAR, TKDR, TRAD, TRAR; --RR, --AA, -AAR, ---R, -RAR, ---A, --AR, -ARA, -R-R, A-AR, A-A-, A---, ARA-, E---, and ---; g. eta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of AAREQA, KEKKRK, SQRERA, KEKQQA, AARNQA, KERNQA, KEKNQA, KQRERA, KERERA, KEKERA, KEKQRA, AEAAAK, AAHAAA, HAHAHA, and QLAQQA; h. theta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of AANRLLLDTV, AAQEQILAHV, ANNAELLAEI, ANNAHLLAHI, ANNAKLLAKI, ANNALLLATI, ANNALLLDTI, ANNANLLANI, ANNAQLLAHI, ANNAQLLAQI, ANNARILARV, ANNARLLARI, ANNARLLDTI, ANNRLLLATI, ANNRLLLDTI, EQNAHIFAHV, EQNAQIFAIHV, EQNARIFARV, EQNRIIFDSV, ETNARILARV, HAQAHILAHV, HSNRKIIDIA, HSNRKLLDIA, HSNRKLMEII, HTNARILARV, TNNRLLLATV, TNNRLLLDTI, TSNRKLMEII, TTNARILARN, TTNARILARV, TTNARLLATV, TTNARLLDRV, TTNARLLDTV, TTNRLLLARV, TTNRLLLATV, TTNRLLLDTV, TTQARILARV, and TTVARILARV.
- 3. The peptide according to claim 1, wherein:
a. alpha comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of SEEPPI, and SQEIVL; b. beta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of SLDL, and SLDV; c. gamma comprises the sequence of a formula X11X12X13, wherein:
X11 is selected from the group consisting of P, S, V, and T; and X12 and X13 are each independently selected from the group consisting of A, Naphthlalanine, C, D, F, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and Y; d. delta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of LLR, and LLQ; e. epsilon comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of EVLEM, and EVLEQ; f. zeta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of ARAE, TKAD, and ARAR; g. eta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of QLAQQA, AAREQA; h. theta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of HTNARILARV, HSNRKLMEII, HSNRKLLDIA, HSNRKIIDIA, and TTNARILARV.
- 4. The peptide according to claim 3, wherein, alpha comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of SEEPPI, and SQEUVL.
- 5. The peptide according to claim 3, wherein beta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of SLDL, and SLDV.
- 6. The peptide according to claim 3, wherein alpha comprises the sequence SQEIVL.
- 7. The peptide according to claim 3, wherein beta comprises the sequence SLDL.
- 8. The peptide according to claim 3, wherein beta comprises the sequence SLDV.
- 9. The peptide according to claim 3, wherein gamma comprises the sequence PIG.
- 10. The peptide according to claim 3, wherein delta comprises the sequence LLR.
- 11. The peptide according to claim 3, wherein epsilon comprises the sequence EVLEM.
- 12. The peptide according to claim 3, wherein eta comprises the sequence QLAQQA.
- 13. The peptide according to claim 3, wherein theta comprises the sequence HSNRKLLDIA.
- 14. The peptide according to claim 1, wherein:
a. alpha comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of -DNPSL, ---PSL, and Ac---PSL; b. beta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of SIDL, and SIDV; c. gamma comprises a sequence of a formula X11X12X13, wherein: X11 is P; and X12 and X13 are each independently selected from the group consisting of F, H, I, L, Q, T, and Y; d. delta comprises the sequence LLR; e. epsilon comprises the sequence TLLEL; f. zeta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of EKTQ, EKQQ, and ARTQ; g. eta comprises the sequence SQRERA, KQRERA, KEKERA, KERERA, and KEKQRA; h. theta comprises a sequence of the formula X32X33NX35X36X37X38X39X40X41, wherein:
a) X32X33 X34X35 comprises the sequence EQNA b) X36 is selected from the group consisting of I, R, E, H, N, and Q; c) X37 X38 is the sequence IF; d) X39 is selected from A, and D; e) X40 is selected from the group consisting of R, E, H, N, S, and Q; f) X41 is V.
- 15. The peptide according to claim 14, wherein alpha comprises the sequence -DNPSL.
- 16. The peptide according to claim 14, wherein beta comprises the sequence SIDL.
- 17. The peptide according to claim 14, wherein gamma comprises the sequence PLL.
- 18. The peptide according to claim 14, wherein gamma comprises the sequence PLI.
- 19. The peptide according to claim 14, wherein gamma comprises the sequence PLF.
- 20. The peptide according to claim 14, wherein zeta comprises the sequence EKTQ.
- 21. The peptide according to claim 14, wherein theta comprises the sequence EQNAIIFASV.
- 22. The peptide according to claim 14, wherein theta comprises the sequence EQNARIFARV.
- 23. The peptide according to claim 1 wherein:
a. alpha comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of Ac---IVL, ---IVL; b. beta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of SLEV, and SLDV; c. gamma comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of PIG, PGP, PIH, SIG, and VIG; d. delta comprises the sequence LLQ; e. epsilon comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of ILLEQ, ELLEM, EVLEM, ILIEI, ILLEI, ILLEK, ILLEM, KMIEI, KVEI, and TLLEL; f. zeta comprises a sequence of a formula X22X23X24X25; wherein:
X22 is selected from the group consisting of nil, A, D, E, S, and T; X23 is selected from the group consisting of nil, K and R; X24 is selected from the group consisting of nil, A H, M, N, Q, T, and Y; X25 is selected from the group consisting of nil, E, D, I, K, N, Q, and R; g. eta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of QLAQQA, AAREQA, AARNQA, KEKQQA, KERNQA, KEKNQA, AEAAAK, AAHAAA, HAHAHA, KEKKRK, and SQRERA; h. theta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of HSNRKLMEII, ANNARILARV, ANNRLLLDTI, AAQEQILAHV, HSNRKLLDIA, TSNRKLMEIITTQARILARV, HAQAHILAHV, ETNARILARV, TTVARILARV, EQNRIIFDSV, TTNARILARN, and TTNARILARV.
- 24. The peptide according to claim 23, wherein alpha comprises the sequence ---IVL.
- 25. The peptide according to claim 23, wherein beta comprises the sequence SLDV.
- 26. The peptide according to claim 23, wherein gamma comprises the sequence PIG.
- 27. The peptide according to claim 23, wherein epsilon comprises the sequence ILLEQ.
- 28. The peptide according to claim 23, wherein zeta comprises the sequence ARAR.
- 29. The peptide according to claim 23, wherein zeta comprises the sequence EKQE.
- 30. The peptide according to claim 23, wherein zeta comprises the sequence AAREQA.
- 31. The peptide according to claim 23, wherein eta comprises the sequence KEKQQA.
- 32. The peptide according to claim 23, wherein theta comprises the sequence TTNARILARV.
- 33. The peptide according to claim 1 wherein:
a. alpha comprises the sequence -ZGPPI; b. beta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of SIDL, and SIDV; c. gamma comprises a sequence of a formula X11X12X13, wherein:
X11 is selected from P, and S; and X12 and X13 are each independently selected from the group consisting of A, Naphthylalanine, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and Y; d. delta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of LLR, and LLE; e. epsilon comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of KMIEI, KVIEI, EVIEI, ILEI, KAIEI, KLIEI, LLIEI, KTIEI, VLIEI; f. zeta comprises the sequence EKQE; g. eta comprises the sequence KEKQQA, and AARNQA; h. theta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of ANNRLLLDTI, ANNRLLLATI, ANNALLLATI, ANNALLLDTI, TNNRLLLATV, TNNRLLLDTI, TTNARILARV, TTNARLLARV, TTNARLLATV, TTNARLLDTV, TTNRLLLARV, TTNRLLLATV, TTNRLLLDTV, ANNAELLAEI, ANNAHLLAHI, ANNAKLLAKI, ANNANLLANI, ANNAQLLAHI, ANNAQLLAQI, ANNARLLARI, TTNARLLDRV, AANRLLLDTV.
- 34. The peptide according to claim 33, wherein beta comprises the sequence SIDL.
- 35. The peptide according to claim 33, wherein beta comprises the sequence SIDV.
- 36. The peptide according to claim 33, wherein gamma comprises the sequence PFQ.
- 37. The peptide according to claim 33, wherein gamma comprises the sequence PFF.
- 38. The peptide according to claim 33, wherein gamma comprises the sequence PLQ.
- 39. The peptide according to claim 33, wherein gamma comprises the sequence PLY.
- 40. The peptide according to claim 33, wherein delta comprises the sequence LLR.
- 41. The peptide according to claim 33, wherein epsilon comprises the sequence KMIEI.
- 42. The peptide according to claim 33, wherein epsilon comprises the sequence KVIEI.
- 43. The peptide according to claim 33, wherein theta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of ANNALLLATI, ANNALLLDTI, ANNARLLARI, ANNRLLLATI, and ANNRRLLLDTI.
- 44. The peptide according to claim 33, wherein theta comprises the sequence selected from the group consisting of TNNRLLLDTI, TTNARILARV, TTNARLLARV, TTNARLLDRV, TTNARLLDTV, and TTNRLLLARV.
- 45. The peptide according to claim 33, wherein theta comprises the sequence ANNARLLARI.
- 46. The peptide according to claim 1, selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12-21, 23-143, 145-147, 149-150, 152-277, 280-285, 287, 289-310, 312-323, 325-327, 329-330, 332, 335-340, 342-348, 354-383, 508-518, and 519.
- 47. A method of preventing or treating a CRF2R modulated disorder comprising administering to a host in need of such treatment a safe and effective amount of a peptide of claim 1.
- 48. The method according to claim 47, wherein the CRF2R modulated disorder is skeletal muscle atrophy or muscular dystrophy.
- 49. An isolated nucleic acid encoding a peptide of claim 1.
- 50. An isolated antibody specific for a peptide of claim 1.
- 51. A pharmaceutical composition comprising:
a. a safe and effective amount of a peptide of claim 1; and b. a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
- 52. A kit for preventing or treating a CRF2R modulated disorder comprising:
a. a peptide of claim 1 in a unit dose form; and b. usage instruction.
[0001] This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional Applications Serial No. 60/349,117, filed Jan. 16, 2002, No. 60/376,337, filed Apr. 29, 2002, No. 60/388,895 filed Jun. 16, 2002, and No. 60/411,988 filed Sep. 19, 2002, all of which are herein incorporated by reference in their entirety.
Provisional Applications (4)
Number |
Date |
Country |
60349117 |
Jan 2002 |
US |
60376337 |
Apr 2002 |
US |
60388895 |
Jun 2002 |
US |
60411988 |
Sep 2002 |
US |