A system and method for sizing defects in solid structures using guided waves. The system includes a magnetostrictive-strip EMAT transducer comprising at least one biasing static magnetic field, at least one RF coil for fixed-wavelength measurements, at least one RF coil for variable-wavelength measurements, and a strip of highly magnetostrictive material that is coupled with the structure. The fixed-wavelength RF coil permits obtaining measurements of amplitude and frequency content of signals reflected and/or attenuated when traveling through the structure which are used to estimate the size and geometry of any defects in this structure. The variable-wavelength RF coil permits recording the frequencies that are cut off or pass through the structure to also estimate the size of any defects in the structure. The fixed-wavelength sizing and geometry assessment is used to determine whether the variable-wavelength estimate is valid. The final assessment is based on the fixed-wavelength estimate, the variable-wavelength estimate, or a combination of both.

The present invention relates generally to the field of non-destructive testing and in particular to Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT).

Engineered structures exposed to tension, pressure, corrosive products, and harsh environments will eventually develop defects such as cracking and corrosion that could affect their structural integrity.

Ultrasonic guided waves are frequently used for the inspection of these structures since they permit covering long spans from a fixed point and inspecting areas that are hidden or not directly accessible. However, while finding defects has become common practice, characterization and sizing of these defects is a much more elusive goal.

The best-known guided wave sizing method with literature dating back to 1998 is the frequency cutoff technique. Recent work by Pialucha and Balasubramanian depicts two variations of this technique to assess the remaining wall of a plate or plate-like structure.

On U.S. Pat. No. 11,022,436 B2, Pialucha describes a system that uses a separate Shear Horizontal EMAT transmitter and receiver to generate the non-dispersive SH0 mode and at least one dispersive mode (e.g. SH1) at a wide range of frequencies. The remaining wall is derived from determining what frequencies propagate through the wall loss and which ones are “cut off” and reflected back by this wall loss. To be able to generate different frequencies, Pialucha uses a Lorentz force permanent magnet EMAT array transducer and a device that changes the wavelength of the transducer by mechanically moving the permanent magnets in the array to different wavelengths so the frequencies of interest can be generated.

On US20220214313A1, Balasubramanian describes a system that uses the same frequency cutoff technique for the same purpose. Balasubramanian in this case uses a transducer with variable wavelength which is excited with a broadband pulse (chirp, spike, or low cycle Hanning) to generate the desired wave modes. Balasubramanian also uses a Lorentz force EMAT magnet array transducer in his description and drawings, but in this case, there is no need for a mechanical device to discretely change the wavelength of the EMAT transducer.

The constructions described by both Pialucha and Balasubramanian rely on Lorentz force EMAT magnet arrays which have some limitations.

One limitation of this construction is that it can only be used on conductive materials since it relies on electromagnetic induction of the ultrasound on the material.

Another limitation of this transducer construction is that the maximum size of each pole in the array is equivalent to half of the smallest wavelength that needs to be generated, so the individual magnets tend to be relatively small and therefore weak. Moreover, by having the magnets in the array with different polarity next to each other, a large component of the magnetic field flows from pole to pole instead of to the part underneath. The result is that Lorentz force EMAT magnet array transducers are limited to larger wavelengths and generate very weak signals which makes them ineffective for most amplitude-based analyses.

Another limitation of this transducer construction is that the transmitter also generates ultrasound in the permanent magnets which create strong reverberations that can hide the receiving signals. The solution is to use different transducers from transmission and reception which increases the footprint of the design and reduces the practicality of the system.

Balasubramanian mentions using EMATs based on magnetostriction, but magnetostrictive EMATs by themselves are further limited to ferromagnetic materials and require extremely strong tangential fields that can only be produced with pulsed electromagnets or very large permanent magnets that make them unwieldy and difficult to use.

In addition to the limitations of the transducer constructions described by Pialucha and Balasubramanian, the more fundamental problem is the shortcomings inherent to the frequency cutoff technique itself.

Mathematical modeling has shown that the shape of the defects with regard to depth, length, and angle in the wave propagation direction has a great effect on how they perform as frequency filters. For example, short and sharp defects can result in mode conversion of the SH1 mode as it goes through the defects thus creating new frequency components that render the technique moot. Similarly, the non-dispersive SH0 mode can also have frequency components above the cutoff frequency which, depending on the depth, length, and angle of the defects, can mode-convert to SH1 also causing the technique to provide wrong results. These problems are especially acute on short but deep defects such as pits and cracks which can be especially damaging to a structure but cannot be reliably measured using the frequency cutoff technique.

In addition to the depth, length, and angle of the defects in the direction of wave propagation, the width of the defects can also make the technique fail. In this case, if the aperture of the RF coil and beam profile is wider than the defects, the wave can wrap around them and propagate to the other side instead of being cut off.

Another limitation of this technique is that the transmitter and receiver transducers need to be sufficiently far apart to differentiate the measurements of the SH0 and SH1 wave modes. This limitation impedes using this technique for many close-range applications such as circumferential measurements on pipes and tubes smaller than 150-200 mm in diameter.

This disclosure introduces a novel guided wave system and method that circumvents these limitations with a combination of fixed-wavelength and variable-wavelength analysis as well as a novel magnetostrictive-strip EMAT transducer that permits signal amplitude measurements by greatly increasing signal-to-noise.

The system and method can be applied to any structure that supports the propagation of guided waves, regardless of the material and geometry.


A first aspect of the present invention provides a system with a magnetostrictive-strip EMAT transducer comprising at least one biasing static magnetic field, at least one RF coil for fixed-wavelength measurements, at least one RF coil for variable-wavelength measurements, and a strip of highly magnetostrictive material that is coupled with the structure.

A second aspect of the present invention provides a method to determine the size of defects on a relatively thin structure such as a pipeline wall, a tank wall, a rod, or a plane fuselage component by combining fixed-wavelength measurements of the signal reflected or attenuated by the defects with a variable-wavelength frequency analysis to detect and determine the actual frequencies that have propagated through the area being inspected.

The method involves pulsing the RF coil for fixed-wavelength measurements and recording the strength of the reflected and/or attenuated signal after it passes through the area of interest, as well as the frequency content of this response. A second measurement is performed by pulsing a variable-wavelength RF coil to record the frequencies that are reflected or pass through the area being inspected. The fixed-wavelength results are processed using artificial intelligence algorithms (e.g. neural network) that include models created using Finite Element Analysis and empirical calibrations. These fixed-wavelength measurements provide defect geometry and size estimates that are used to determine whether the variable-wavelength depth measurements can also be used. The accuracy of the system can be further improved by taking measurements from different locations. The final defect sizing assessment is based on the fixed-wavelength estimate, the variable-wavelength estimate, or a combination of both.


FIG. 1 shows a Lorentz force EMAT magnet array used in prior art. The wavelength of the sensor is changed by moving away the magnets in the array.

FIG. 2 shows an embodiment of a magnetostrictive EMAT transducer used on this disclosure. The transducer includes two RF coils for fixed-wavelength and variable-wavelength measurements. The ultrasound is generated on a magnetostrictive strip that is coupled to the component.

FIG. 3 shows the effect of frequency cutoff on a long and smooth defect vs a short and sharp defect of the same depth. The long and smooth defect provides good frequency cutoff but low amplitude response. The short and sharp defect does not provide a proper frequency cutoff but can provide a measurable amplitude response that can be used for determining the geometry of the defect.

FIG. 4 shows the fixed-wavelength analysis applied from different scanning locations to provide information on the geometry of the defects. In this case, the component is a pipe that is being scanned axially and circumferentially.

FIG. 5 shows the detailed steps used to deploy the combined guided-wave technique using both Fixed-Wavelength Sizing (FWS) and Variable-Wavelength Sizing (VWS).


The following detailed description is of the best currently contemplated modes of carrying out exemplary embodiments of the invention. The description is not to be taken in a limiting sense but is made merely to illustrate the general principles of the invention since the scope of the invention is best defined by the appended claims.

This invention describes a novel system that can be used to estimate the defect size of any structure that supports the transmission of guided waves in frequencies ranging from 20 kHz to 10 MHz. The system can be applied to plates, pipes, rods, wire ropes, and other structures made out of metallic and non-metallic materials.

The method used in this system combines a fixed-wavelength analysis of amplitude and frequency response with a variable-wavelength frequency cutoff technique to further refine the analysis when the dimensions and geometry of the defects permit this analysis.

The system uses a magnetostrictive-strip EMAT transducer which has shown to produce up to 40 dB stronger signals than equivalent Lorentz force EMAT magnet array transducers and 20-30 dB stronger signals than magnetostrictive EMAT transducers. The strong signal-to-noise is paramount for detecting and sizing cracks and pits of small diameter using amplitude measurements as part of the fixed-wavelength analysis since they cannot be properly detected and sized using the frequency cutoff technique.

A magnetostrictive EMAT transducer induces ultrasonic waves into a test object with two interacting magnetic fields. A relatively high frequency (RF) field is generated by electrical coils and a strong biasing tangential field is generated with large permanent magnets or a pulsed electromagnet. The tangential magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation to generate shear-horizontal type waves or parallel to the direction of wave propagation to generate Lamb waves, shear vertical waves, and surface waves. These transducers work only on naturally magnetostrictive materials which limits them in practice to mild grades of low-carbon steel.

A magnetostrictive-strip EMAT transducer on the other hand can be used to inspect materials with low or no magnetostriction or to simply improve signal-to-noise on any material. In this case, the ultrasound is induced on a strip of highly magnetostrictive material such as FeCo which is pressure-coupled or adhered to the structure. The RF coil or coils are positioned on top of this strip and the biasing magnetization may be achieved by swiping the magnetostrictive strip with a permanent magnet before the scan, or by using a weak permanent magnet or an electromagnet. Unlike a Lorentz force EMAT magnet array or an EMAT that relies on the magnetostriction of the structure, the magnetostrictive-strip EMAT transducer can be used on any component that can support the propagation of guided waves, regardless of the material composition of the component. Unlike Lorentz force EMAT magnetic array transducers, the magnetostrictive strip transducers can be used to transmit and receive with the same transducer.

The novel magnetostrictive-strip EMAT transducer in this disclosure incorporates two RF coils; a narrowband fixed-wavelength meander RF coil, and a broadband variable-wavelength coil used for frequency cutoff discrimination. Additional fixed-wavelength and variable-wavelength coils can be added to address different thicknesses at the same time.

FIG. 1 shows a representation of a Lorentz force EMAT magnetic array transducer used in prior art. A “racetrack” style RF coil 101 is looped under a magnet array with magnets of alternating polarity 102. The RF coil is excited with alternating current inducing eddy currents on the surface of an adjacent metallic material. The static magnetic field of the magnet array creates normal fields that interact with the eddy currents and generate the Shear Horizontal wave energy in the material along the magnet array 103. The wavelength in this construction is equal to the distance from center to center of adjacent two poles of the same polarity 104. The wavelength can be changed by moving the poles of the array in the direction of wave propagation 105. The proximity and size of the poles make these transducers especially inefficient and poorly suited for any amplitude-based analysis.

FIG. 2 shows an embodiment of the novel magnetostrictive-strip transducer capable of generating SH and Lamb waves using fixed-wavelength and variable-wavelength RF coils. A fixed-wavelength meander RF coil 201 and a broadband variable-wavelength RF coil 202 are mounted and connected to the transducer 203. The transducer moves on top of a magnetostrictive strip 204 that has been adhered to the component inspected. The transducer includes a built-in encoder 205 to be able to provide precise positioning along the component. In this configuration, the transducer generates SH waves that travel perpendicularly to the meanders of the RF coils and the long axis of the strip 206.

Even though the transducer can have both RF coils mounted and pulsed together, they can also be positioned on separate transducers and pulsed together or separately.

FIG. 3 shows how the shape of a defect affects the variable-wavelength frequency cutoff technique and how it can be complemented with amplitude or frequency response measurements using a standard fixed-wavelength measurement. A plate 10 mm thick 301 will sustain any SH1 frequency above 155 kHz 302. A long and smooth defect 303 penetrating 20% into the plate will effectively cut off frequencies smaller than 194 kHz 304. However, since the defect is smooth and gradual, it will provide very low or no amplitude response 305. On the other hand, if a defect of the same depth is sharp and short 306, mode conversion will prevent effective frequency cutoff and it is not be possible to know the frequencies that are reflected or pass through the defect 307. However, this defect would provide a measurable amplitude response 308 using a fixed-frequency RF coil that can be used for dimensioning and further analysis.

The fixed-wavelength RF coil can collect signal reflections and attenuation as well as the frequency content of these signals. This information can be received from one or more locations on the structure to further improve accuracy. FIG. 4 shows a magnetostrictive-strip EMAT transducer scanning axially 401 on top of a strip adhered to the side of a pipe 402. The transducer sends guided waves circumferentially and measures signal reflections 403 and the attenuation from the wrap-around signal around the pipe 404 which is affected by defects in their path 405. Another magnetostrictive-strip EMAT transducer 406 moving over a strip adhered around the circumference of the pipe 407 can scan the area of interest with guided waves that propagate axially on the pipe 408 collecting additional information on the position, dimensions, and amplitude of the same defects from a different location.

The complete methodology for the fixed-wavelength and variable-wavelength technique is shown in FIG. 5 and includes the following steps.

In Step S1 the values of amplitude and frequency content from the fixed-wavelength RF coil from one or more locations are measured and registered. The values can include amplitude from reflection and/or attenuation. The frequency content can be calculated using a Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) or Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) on the received signals.

In S2 the results are processed through regression analysis and a neural network or similar artificial intelligence algorithm that includes models of the structure using Finite Element Modeling and Empirical Calibrations from representative samples. As more samples and actual results are entered into the model, the system will improve its accuracy over time.

The results from the Amplitude and Frequency Content analysis is a Fixed-Wavelength Sizing (FWS) Estimate of the structure with information on the dimensions of the defects S3.

In parallel, the system takes readings with the variable-wavelength RF coil which is inserted in the Frequency Cutoff Model (FC Model). If the FWS Estimate for size and dimensions does not meet the requirements to use the FC Model, the final result is the FWS Estimate previously calculated S4.

If the FWS meets the FC Model criteria, the system uses the data collected from the variable-wavelength RF coil and generates a Variable-Wavelength Sizing (VWS) Estimate S5.

The results from FWS and VWS are compared. If they are not in the expected range, the system provides a Qualified FWS Estimate with a narrower range and higher confidence than the simple FWS Estimate S6.

If the results from FWS and VWS are in range, the system provides a verified VWS Estimate with the highest degree of confidence and accuracy range S7.

  • 1. A system for sizing defects on a solid structure using guided waves, comprising: A magnetostrictive transducer body fitted with a position encoder designed to mount at least two EMAT RF coils.At least one fixed-wavelength EMAT RF coil with meanders evenly spaced apart designed to be pulsed with a single frequency tone burst.At least one variable-wavelength EMAT RF coil with meanders of variable spacing designed to be pulsed with a variable frequency tone burst.At least one magnet for applying a biasing magnetization to the magnetostrictive stripA pulser-receiver instrument configured to generate a time-varying current in the RF coils controlled by a computer that can generate and receive fixed-frequency and variable-frequency signals from the RF coils, store information in memory, and apply and process algorithms that compare the signals received with the information stored in memory.
  • 2. The system of claim 1, wherein the biasing magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation to generate shear-horizontal waves
  • 3. The system of claim 1, wherein the biasing magnetic field is parallel to the direction of wave propagation to generate Lamb waves.
  • 4. The system of claim 1, wherein the same transducer is used to transmit and receive the signals in a pulse-echo configuration.
  • 5. The system of claim 1, wherein a different transducer is used to transmit and receive the signals in a pitch-catch configuration.
  • 6. The system of claim 1, wherein the fixed-wavelength EMAT RF coil has a curvature to focus at a specific point in the structure.
  • 7. The system of claim 1, wherein the variable-wavelength EMAT RF coil has a curvature to focus at a specific point in the structure.
  • 8. The system of claim 1, wherein the magnetostrictive strip is coupled with the structure using glue, adhesive tape, or pressure.
  • 9. The system of claim 1, wherein the magnetostrictive strip has been replaced with a magnetostrictive coating that is permanently bonded into the structure using cold-spray, flame-spray, or a similar permanent bonding process.
  • 10. A method for sizing defects on a solid structure using guided waves, comprising: A series of measurements of signal amplitude and frequency content of the ultrasonic guided wave as it travels through the structure obtained by pulsing and receiving single-frequency tone bursts with at least one fixed-wavelength RF coil.A multi-factorial analysis algorithm that takes the signal readings of amplitude and frequency response provided by the fixed-wavelength RF coil, compares them with models stored in memory, and provides an estimate of the dimension of the defects in the structure being inspected.A series of measurements registering the different frequencies that are reflected back or pass through the structure as the wave propagates through the structure obtained by pulsing and receiving a multi-frequency tone burst with at least one variable-wavelength RF coil.A second algorithm that analyzes the frequencies that are reflected back or pass through the structure and provides an estimate of the depth of the defects in the structure being inspected.A third algorithm that determines if the depth estimate obtained with the variable-wavelength RF coil is valid or not based on the estimated dimension of the defects obtained with the multi-factorial analysis algorithm on the responses from the fixed-wavelength RF coil.A fourth algorithm that compares the dimension estimates from the fixed-wavelength measurements and the depth estimates from the variable-wavelength RF coil and provides a final estimate of the size of the defects in the structure being inspected.
  • 11. The system of claim 10, wherein the fixed-wavelength and variable-wavelength RF coils are pulsed at frequencies ranging from 20 kHz to 10 MHz.
  • 12. The system of claim 10, wherein the multi-factorial analysis is performed by regression analysis, a neural network algorithm or another artificial intelligence algorithm.
  • 13. The system of claim 10, wherein the frequency analysis is performed using a Fast-Fourier Transform or a Short-Time Fourier Transform.
  • 14. The system of claim 10, wherein the models stored in memory have been calculated using Finite Element Modeling of the structure and empirical calibrations using representative samples with artificial and/or natural defects.
  • 15. The system of claim 10, wherein different measurements are taken from different points in the structure to address the area of interest from different angles and improve the accuracy of the dimensioning algorithms.
  • 16. The system of claim 14, wherein the models include adjustments for coil aperture, coil focusing, and Distance Amplitude Correction (DAC).