This application, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,630,665, claims the benefit of priority to Canadian Patent Application Serial No. 2,317,085 filed on Aug. 30, 2000.
This invention relates to an apparatus for and a method of detecting ions of interest by mass spectrometry, while the ions of interest or unwanted interference ions are being modified by collisions or reactions during their transport from an ion source to a detector. More specifically, the invention relates to the use of ion-molecule reactions that modify either analyte ions or interfering species, in order to effect an m/z shift, to separate isobaric analyte and interference ions from one another, to give better resolution for the analyte ions.
In inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), a sample is fed into a plasma that is maintained in an excited or energized state by inductive coupling. Typically, the plasma gas is argon. The plasma typically comprises the analyte, usually a metal and usually ionized, and various other constituents, such as argon, oxygen, hydrogen and also water vapor, all of which will commonly be neutral but some (about 0.1%) may be ionized. For wet plasma, which is typically used, the content of the reactive neutrals such as H, O, and their various polyatomic combinations, is as high as 17%. The plasma, including these ions and neutrals, passes into a chamber maintained at approximately 4 Torr. From this chamber, the plasma passes through a skimmer into a chamber maintained at a low pressure off approximately 10−3 Torr. From this chamber, the ions are intended to pass into a reaction/collision cell. The reaction/collision cell commonly has a multipole rod set, and can be maintained at different pressures; for example when no reaction is required, it may be maintained at 10−5 Torr, while a pressure of 5×10−3 Torr to 10−2 Torr is provided by a reaction/collision gas when reaction or collision induced dissociation (CAD) is required. The higher pressure is maintained in the reaction cell when it is desired to promote ion-molecule reactions or CAD. In such a case, a simple analysis would suggest that the higher pressure within the reaction cell would prevent neutral species from passing into the reaction cell, and only ions, driven by the potential gradient through the whole instrument, would overcome the pressure difference and pass into the reaction cell. However, this overlooks the significant velocity created by the expansion of the plasma from the atmospheric pressure to a region at 4 Torr, which creates a suspension expansion jet. Consequently, individual ions and neutrals within the supersonic expansion jet, after passing through a skimmer into the region at 10−3 Torr, may have sufficient kinetic energy to overcome the pressure differential between the higher pressure in the reaction/collision cell and lower pressure of the region at 10−3 Torr, and pass into the reaction/collision cell. More specifically, and as detailed below, the present inventors have now realized that it is possible for neutral species to pass into the reaction/collision cell.
Ion-molecule reaction cells are widely used in ICP MS. Their successful operation depends on how pure the reaction gas is. Inductively coupled plasma is the source of neutral particles, because 99.9% of the gases that constitute the plasma are not ionized. Usually, about 4×1018-2×1019 molecules/s−1 flow of neutral plasma particles enters the mass spectrometer, which is equivalent of 0.1-0.4 scc/s. If these neutral gas particles are entrained into the flow into the reaction cell, the reactions are not controlled anymore. Instead of the high purity reaction gas introduced on purpose to the cell, it now has a mixture of the reaction gas with entrained plasma gases, and these plasma gases constitute up to 17% of the reactive neutrals H, O and various polyatomic combinations of these. Despite the fact that the pressure in the pressurized cell (which typical flow of 0.03-0.3 scc/s) may be higher than the background pressure of the vacuum compartment where the cell is positioned, the gases from the plasma can still enter the cell, because, as noted, the plasma gas undergoes supersonic expansion in the plasma-vacuum interface, after which particles travel with the terminal speed of about 2,300 m/s, typically. The impact pressure of such high velocity gas particles can be sufficiently higher than the pressure of the reaction gas in the cell, so the neutral gas particles from plasma will be entrained into the reaction cell.
Similar processes are taking place in any other mass spectrometers, in which the ion source pressure is sufficiently higher than the pressure in a collision/reaction cell. A variety of the instruments now comprise collision devices for collisional cooling, collisional focusing or collision-induced dissociation. For example, in Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, the ion source is usually operated at atmospheric pressure, from which ionized and neutral particles are delivered into the lower pressure collision cell by a supersonic expansion. As noted above, the impact pressure of the expanding ion source gas may be greater than the collision cell pressure, so that the neutral gas particles from the ion source will be entrained into the collision cell, altering the composition of the collision gas. As a result, un-predicted and un-controlled dissociative and reactive collisions with the collision gas of altered composition may bring undesirable modifications to the ions that are to be detected by mass analysis.
A variety of ion-molecule reactions in pressurized mass-analyzing and ion transmitting devices have been successfully used in ICP Mass Spectrometry for chemical resolution of analyte ions from isobaric interfering species by use of a reaction cell. Douglas [Douglas, D. J. Canad J. Spectrosc. 1989, 34, 38] was first to report on discrimination between the rare earth elements and their oxides through the specificity of oxidation by the reactive gas. Tb+ was shown to oxidize more readily with O2 than CeO+. The analyte ion (159Tb+) was moved to a higher m/z and could thus be measured as TbO+. The interfering ion (142Ce17O+) was not shifted to the same extent, thus providing a possible analytical advantage of achieving better signal-to-noise ratio for Tb signal measured as TbO in the presence of Ce in the sample. Shortly after, Rowan and Houk [Rowan, J. T.; Houk, R. S. Applied Spectrosc. 1989, 46, 976] reported on the removal of the interfering argide ions from the m/z of analyte ions of interest due to lower reactivity of the latter towards reaction gas such as CH4.
The specificity of the analyte-interference chemical resolution in general and in both of the above-described cases is dependent on the reaction gas properties. When the interfering species are to be moved away from the m/z of the analyte ion, the reaction gas reactivity towards the analyte is desirably low, while being high towards the interfering species. On the other hand, when the analyte ion is to be moved from its m/z by conversion to a polyatomic ion, the reactivity of the gas towards the analyte ion should preferably be high and simultaneously should be low towards the interfering species. In the latter case, the reaction that converts the analyte ions should preferably have one or only few channels, so that the analyte ion current or signal is not distributed amongst many product ion currents and the detection capabilities are not compromised. The reactivity of the gas towards the interference should in this case be low, at least for any reaction channels that can produce from the interference product ions at the same m/z as that of the analyte product ions, i.e. one does not want any interference products to be isobaric with analyte product ions.
The inventors have recently shown that the highest effectiveness of reactive isobaric interference removal in ICP MS can be achieved only if the average number of ion-molecule collisions in the pressurized device is sufficiently high. Efficiency of 109 of suppression of Ar+ signal by reaction with NH3 has been demonstrated with an average number of collisions of >20. This high efficiency of reactive removal of the interferences was shown to be accompanied by promotion of sequential reaction chemistry that produces multiple new species in the cell.
The present inventors have also realized that this sequential chemistry can be controlled and used, to eliminate undesired interferences. This is implemented by a technique, designated by the assignee, as a Dynamic Reaction Cell. Briefly, this requires the provision of voltages to the quadrupole rod set of the reaction cell, to provide a band pass, thereby ejecting ions outside the set pass band. This technique is described in more detail in WO98/56030, to the assignee of the present invention.
Persons skilled in this art will understand that the purity of the reaction gas, supplied to the reaction cell, is crucial for efficient control of reaction chemistries in the pressurized reactor. Research grade high purity (99.999%) gases are preferable. Yet, as indicated above, the present inventors have realized that the biggest possible source of contamination of the reaction gas resides in the mass spectrometry system itself. The plasma-vacuum interface necessarily causes large amounts of neutral molecular and atomic gases from the ion source (Ar, O, O2, H, H2, H2O) to enter the vacuum chamber. It is a well known fact that the degree of ionization of the plasma sustaining gases in ICP is low (0.04-0.1%), and thus the majority of the plasma species are neutral. Such partially ionized plasma-gas mixture enters the chamber at a high velocity, which is related to the terminal velocity of the supersonic expansion jet formed behind the skimmer interface. This velocity determines both neutral and ionized components trajectories, at least during the initial stages of the partially ionized gas propagation in the vacuum system. It may thus be said that the ionized and neutral components are coupled (their trajectories are co-defined by the same factors). The high velocity neutral gas particles may penetrate into the reaction chamber if it is positioned in line with their trajectories.
To applicants and assignee's knowledge, many other users of ICP MS with a reaction cell intend the reaction cell to remove unwanted interferences, without affecting the analyte. Commonly, the analyte is a metal, which is intended to be detected directly, i.e. without previous reaction to some compound thereof. As such, the issue of contaminants in the reaction gas reacting with the metal is a concern, as common analytes may react readily with major contaminants; for example many metals react significantly with water to form an oxides, thus compromising detection capabilities of the metals.
On the other hand, the assignee of the present invention has recently started to promote the use of oxides for detection. For this purpose, N2O, or other suitable reaction gas is provided in the reaction cell, to promote the conversion of analyte metal ions to their oxides. As noted above, for Tb as example, this can give improved results and eliminate problems due to isobaric interferences. However, a potential disadvantage with this technique is that oxides may react more readily with contaminants introduced from the plasma gas flow. For example, water vapour may convert an oxide to a hydroxide.
For example Rb and Sr have similar isotopes at m/z 87. Their ratio is widely used for measuring the age of the rock samples in geochronoly. To distinguish between them in ICP MS, Sr+ is oxidized by reactions with N2O, to give 87SrO+ at m/z=103. N2O is non-reactive towards Rb+, so that 87Rb+ does not oxidize readily and stays at m/z=87. Sr also has other isotopes at m/z=86 and 88. SrO+ reacts with water to form 86 SrOH+ at m/z=103. If any of water is entrained in the reaction gas by the processes described above, the detection of 87Sr+ as 87SrO+ is compromised by the interference from 86 SrOH+.
It is thus the purpose of the present invention to provide apparatus and method for controlled ion-molecule reactions in ICP Mass Spectrometry, that would ensure that predictability and specificity of the desired reaction chemistry in ion-molecule reactor is not compromised by uncontrolled dilution of the reaction gas by gas particles and other neutral species originating from the plasma or plasma-vacuum interface. Although described predominantly for use with an ion-molecule reactor and ICP plasma, the invention is not limited to this particular configuration and may be used in any device where neutral species can enter pressurized CAD or reaction chamber and promote reactions or collisions of ions with undesirable neutral species.
There are ICP MS devices on the market that have the reaction/collision cell in the direct sight of the neutral particles that propagate from the plasma (Micromass Platform and VG ExCell). The promotion of oxidation reactions on the VG Excell collision cell pressurized with He or He—H2 mixture was shown in presentation by J. Godfrey, I. B. Brenner, P. Sigsworth and J. Bathey [Paper F7, 2000 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Jan 10-15, 2000], which indicates that the collision gas also contained other than He and H2 species, most likely entrained from the plasma gases.
There are various known proposals, either in patents or in commercially available devices, that improve the stability and reduce background count rate of the conventional ICP MS by removing the plasma particulates and photons from the direct sight of ion optics and/or detector. These include: photon stops and shadow stops (U.S. Pat. No. 4,746,794), Omega lens (Agilent HP7500 Series ICP MS, as shown in Agilent Technologies Inc. Publication # 5968-8813E, December 1999) or chicane lens (VG Excell, as was described by Jonathan Batey of VG Elemental in the presentation # 55 “Incorporating Collision Cell Technology into a Quadrupole ICP MS” at the 26th Annual Conference of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies, Vancouver, Oct. 25, 1999), 90-degrees sector ion deflector (Hitachi ICP-ITMS, as described by Takayuki Nabeshima et al of Hitachi Ltd in the presentation FP34 “Development of Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer with Plasma Ion Source” at the 2000 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Jan. 10-15, 2000) and off-axis transfer optical system (SPQ 9000 of Seiko Instruments, as shown in “Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry”, ed. A. Montaser, Wiley-VCH 1998, p.428). All of those are used to either stop the photons and neutral plasma particles from reaching the detector and/or ion optical elements in order to improve stability and background.
Most importantly, none of these known proposals are used to prevent the plasma neutral particles from entering the reaction/collision cell. One exception is ICP MS Dynamic Reaction Cell (DRC) by the assignee of the present invention. This instrument uses a “shadow stop” to stop the neutral plasma particles from contaminating the ion optical elements (as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,746,794 assigned to MDS), and also serves as a photon stop. However, its effect on neutral plasma gases was not appreciated. For reasons given above, it was previously believed that it was only necessary to prevent photons from reaching the detector, and large metal particles, that originate from incompletely disintegrated sample, from contaminating downstream ion optics components. In a commercial ICP-MS, penetration of the neutral gas particles into the ion optics poses no significant difficulty. Further, it was not realized that neutral gas particles, including the plasma gas, could be a significant problem, as these particles are not charged and there should be no potential driving them further into the mass spectrometer. This analysis overlooks the effect of the supersonic expansion jet which is now realized to be important. Thus, it is now appreciated that this stop also serves the purpose of stopping the plasma gases from being entrained into the cell.
This effect has not been appreciated before. Indeed, it has recently become apparent that instruments made by the assignee do not promote unwanted formation of oxides to the same extent as instruments from other manufacturers. However, the reason for this was not recognized. It is now believed that this “shadow stop” prevents the plasma gas entering the collision cell. In contrast, in instruments from other manufacturers, it is believed that contamination of the reaction gas with the plasma gas, promotes reaction of oxides, as their “stopping” devices are positioned behind (as opposed to being in front of) the reaction cell, which for them is thus in a direct line of sight of the high velocity plasma neutral particles.
In accordance with a first aspect of the present invention, there is provided a mass spectrometer system comprising:
an ion source for producing an ion source stream comprising sample ions and neutrals;
an ion interface;
a reaction/collision cell section for processing the ions received from the ion interface, with the ion interface providing an interface for the ion source stream between the ion source and the reaction/collision cell section; and
an ion-neutral decoupling device provided between the ion interface and the reaction/collision cell section, to provide substantial separation between ions and neutral particles.
As used in the specification including the claims, the term “reaction/collision cell section” is a cell operated of a suitable pressure to effect at least one of collision and reaction, as required.
In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of operating a mass spectrometer system, in which ions are generated and processed, the method comprising:
For a better understanding of the present invention and to show more clearly how it may be carried into effect, reference will now be made, by way of example, to the accompanying drawings which show a preferred embodiment of the present invention and in which:
Reference will first be made to
From the pumping interface 16, the ion source stream passes into a compartment identified as an ion optics compartment 18. This will be maintained at a low pressure, typically 10−3 Torr. The wall 20 separating the ion optics compartment 18 from the differential pumping interface 16 can comprise a skimmer cone or the like. As described above, the pressure difference between the ion source 14 and differential pumping interface 16 creates a high velocity supersonic jet, indicated at 22, that enters the ion optics compartment 18. This supersonic jet would have the composition outlined above, i.e. typically sample particles, argon atoms largely neutral, and significant amounts of, for example, oxygen, hydrogen and their different polyatomic combinations, largely neutral.
Now, in accordance with the present invention, the supersonic jet 22 is passed directly into an ion-neutral decoupling device 24. This provides for deflection or separation of the supersonic jet into an ion stream 26 and a neutral gas flow 28. Although, in
A reaction cell or collision device on cell 30 is provided. This reaction in collision cell is operated to effect at least one of reaction and collision and fragmentation, as required. As detailed above, this operates at a different pressure range, typically either in a range of 10−3 Torr-10−2 Torr with a reaction gas present, or the low pressure of 10−5 Torr when no reaction is to take place. It is shown having one end forming an interface with the ion optics compartment and the other end outside of the ion optics compartment 18. For some applications, the reaction or collision cell device 30 could be located wholly within the ion optics compartment 18, so that the ion stream is subjected to the pressure of the ion optics compartment 18 both before and after passing through the collision device 30.
The ion stream leaving the collision device 30, indicated at 32, then passes to a mass analyzer indicated at 34.
It is first noted that, for
Referring first to
Ions are indicated by circles including ‘+’ and indicated at 48, while neutral particles are indicated by plain circles at 49. Neutral particles 49 and ions 48 have high velocity acquired through supersonic expansion in the ion source 40. As shown, the neutral particles 49 pass straight through the aperture 42 and impact the second plate 43. The ions 48, on the other hand, are electrostatically deflected and pass through the aperture 44 and then the aperture 46 into the collision cell 30. In other arrangements, apertures 44 and 46 can be the same, so that aperture 44 is actually entrance aperture 46 of the collision/reaction cell 30, and the plate 43 is an entrance wall of the cell 30. The plates 41 and 43 can also be arranged such that they consist of separate half-plates 41a, 41b and 43a, 43b so that different electrical potentials could be applied to the half-plates in order to deflect ions. (The scheme of indicating ions 48 and neutral particles 49 with a circle including a ‘+’ sign and a plain circle respectively is used for the remaining variants in FIGS. 3-9).
It is here noted that, in a known manner, the different sections of the whole mass spectrometer apparatus or device would be provided with appropriate pumps to maintain the desired pressure. Additionally, these pumps, in known manner, can be cascaded. For example, a roughing pump maintaining a pressure of the order of a few Torr can also be used to backup a higher performance pump maintaining pressures of the order of mTorr or lower in the ion optics compartment. At 49 in
Referring now to
Referring to
Referring now to
This embodiment of
As shown in that earlier U.S. patent, the opening 104 is offset, so that the supersonic flow impact the wall 102, where neutral particles and ions accumulate to produce a region of elevated pressure, as indicated at 108. From the region 108 neutral gas re-expands into the compartment 18 through the opening 104, but, due to lower pressure differential across the opening 104 than the original pressure differential in the ion source, the neutrals and ions acquire in the re-expansion velocity which is lower than the original supersonic flow velocity. As a result, impact pressure of the neutral gas at the entrance aperture 46 of the reaction cell 30 is lower, and neutral gas particles from the expansion are not entrained in the cell 30. Again, due to the electrostatic field or potential gradient, ions would tend to pass into the reaction cell 30.
Reference is now being made to
Here, in a first chamber of the instrument or system, a first quadrupole rod set Q1 is provided. Q1 is operated as a resolving mass spectrometer, for selecting parent ions of interest, for transmission to a collision cell indicated at 120. In known manner, the collision cell 120 includes a second quadrupole (or other multipole) rod set Q2, and is supplied with a collision gas from a gas supply 122.
In accordance with the present invention, some form of device for separating ions from neutral particles and gas is provided between the skimmer 114 and the quadrupole rod set Q1, as indicated at 124. This device 124 can be anyone of devices shown in
Thus, in use, parent ions are selected in Q1 and transmitted into Q2 for fragmentation with the collision gas.
The resultant fragment ions pass from Q2 into a conventional time-of-flight mass spectrometer indicated at 126. This TOF 126 has a flight tube 128. A detector 130 is connected to a computer 132.
As detailed in earlier published PCT application WO98/56030, a limitation of a TOF mass spectrometer is that since sufficient time must be allowed for transit of the slowest ions through the flight tube to the detector 130, which limited the duty cycle. This can be overcome by applying a bandpass to Q2, with a high mass cutoff, to restrict the upper mass range of ions. This in turn can improve the duty cycle of the TOF 126, but this characteristic is not essential, and Q2 can be operated in a variety of modes.
In accordance with the present invention, to prevent contamination of the collision cell 120 with plasma gases or the like, the device 124 is provided.
Referring now to
The ions and neutrals then continue through an orifice 148 in a skimmer cone 150 through ion optics indicated at 152 in a first, main vacuum chamber 154, pumped by turbo pump 156 to a pressure of e.g. 1 mTorr.
The ions then flow into a multipole device 158, contained within a collision cell 160. The multipole device 158 can be a quadrupole, but may be an octapole or a hexapole or any other multipole as known in the art. Reactive collision gas is supplied to the interior of the collision cell 160 from a supply 162. In this embodiment, the supply is indicated as passing through a first conduit 164 to an annular opening 166 and through a second conduit 168 to a position just in front of the entrance to the collision cell 160.
An RF and DC power supply is indicated at 170. Also shown is a filtered noise field power supply 172.
Ions from the collision cell 160, pass from the multipole device 158 through an orifice 174 into a second main vacuum chamber 176, evacuated by a high vacuum turbo pump 178. In known manner, the pumps 156, 178 can be backed by a mechanical pump 180.
In the second main vacuum chamber 176, the ions preferably travel through a pre-filter 182 (typically an RF-only short set of quadrupole rods) into a mass analyzer 184. As indicated, the mass analyzer 184 and rod set 182 can be connected by capacitors. The mass analyzer 184 is, again, preferably a quadrupole mass analyzer, An RF and DC power supply 186 is provided for the quadrupole rod set or the mass analyzer 184.
From the mass analyzer 184, the ions travel through an orifice 188 in an interface plate 190 into a detector 192. The detector 192 is connected to a computer 194 for recording an ion signal.
In the first main vacuum chamber 154, the shadow stop 196 is positioned on the axis of the ion optics 152, the shadow stop 196 disrupting the supersonic flow of neutral gas and preventing the built of the impact pressure on the entrance of the collision cell 160 so that the pressure is not sufficiently high to force the neutral gas particles originating in the ion source 140 to enter the collision cell 160 pressurized by a reactive collision gas from the supply 162.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
2317085 | Aug 2000 | CA | national |
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
4746794 | French et al. | May 1988 | A |
5049739 | Okamoto | Sep 1991 | A |
5381008 | Tanner et al. | Jan 1995 | A |
5481107 | Takada et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
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5672868 | Mordehai et al. | Sep 1997 | A |
Number | Date | Country |
WO9856030 | Oct 1998 | WO |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 09678395 | Oct 2000 | US |
Child | 11020088 | US |