Applicant's Exhibit A, "DuraSampllR" four-page color brochure of Applied Systems, Inc., Norwalk, CT, 1996, admitted prior art. |
Applicant's Exhibit B, "Single Bounce HATR Accessory" two-page brochure of Spectra-Tech, Inc., Shelton, CT, 1996, admitted prior art. |
Applicant's Exhibit C, "Thunderdome" two-page brochure of Spectra-Tech, Inc., Shelton, CT, undated, admitted prior art. |
Applicant's Exhibit D, "The Split Pea Accessory", three-page brochure of Harrick Scientific, undated, admitted prior art. |
Applicant's Exhibit E, "Golden Gate Single Reflection Diamond ATR", two-page brochure of Specac Ltd., undated, admitted prior art. |
A dual beam total internal reflection fluorescence spectrometer for dynamic depth resolved measurements of biochemical liquid solid interface binding reactions in opaque solvents. L.W. Liebmann, J.A. Robinson and K.G. Mann; Rev. Sc. Instrum. 62(9), Sep. 1991, pp. 2083-2092. |
Micro-optic system for reflectance measurements at pressures to 70 kilobar. B. Welber, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 48(4), Apr. 1977, pp. 395-395. |
Microoptic double beam system for reflectance and absorption measurements at high pressure. K. Syassen, R. Sonnenschein, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 53(5), May 1982, pp. 644-650. |
Internal Reflectance Spectroscopy by N. J. Harrick, pp. 89-145. |