Random House College Dictionary, Random House, Inc., 1980, pp. 418. |
Giles et al., "A Marine Digital Streamer", pp. 1-7, FIGS. 1-12. |
Cain et al., "An Advanced Multiplexed Streamer System", pp. 1-19, FIGS. 1-20. |
Brochure by Digicon Inc. concerning its 240 Channel Digital Streamer System, entitled "DSS-240 Micropower Digital Streamer System". |
"A Marine Digital Streamer" by F. G. Giles, D. R. Steetle and T. Woods publicly presented prior to the subject invention. |
"DSS-240 Digital Streamer System Specifications and Quality Control Cable Test", used by Digicon Inc. in advertising its Marine Digital Streamer. |
"DSS-240 Digital Streamer System SEGY Field Tape Format", used by Digicon Inc. in advertising its Marine Digital Streamer. |
"Marine Seismic Digital Telemetry System", by Lee E. Siems is a paper presented at the Twelfth Annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, May 5-8, 1980. |
"LRS-16 Kiloseis--The Digital Streamer System for Marine Seismic Exploration": by Western Geophysical is an advertising document which appears to describe subject matter similar to U.S. Pat. No. 4,092,629. |
"Tuning Into More Channels": by Ted Wilding-White from The Oilman on Mar. 14, 1981 which compares the Siesmic Streamer System offered by Digicon Inc. and Western Geophysical Inc. |
"Receiver System--Seismic Acquistion System" by GECO Geophysical Company, Inc. describing GECO's Seismic Cable System. |
"An Advanced Multiplexed Streamer System" by employees of Geophysical Service, Inc. a subsidiary of Texas Instruments, Inc. presented prior the subject invention and describes the 240-Channel Multiplex Streamer built by Geophysical Service, Inc. |
"Frequency Response of the DSS-240 Seismic Channel Filters" is a brochure used by Digicon Inc. in advertising its Marine Streamer. |
SERCEL SN348 Telemetry System is a Technical Summary dated Apr., 1982. |