Nature provides many resources that can be used to reduce dependence on coal, oil and gas for powering our homes, offices, factories, and modes of transportation. Solar and wind power have been the most used natural resources to supplement coal, oil, and gas for powering homes, offices, and factories. Prototypes for gathering energy from waves and tides have also been constructed and are being evaluated as a supplement to coal, oil, and gas as well. Solar powered photovoltaic (PV) cells have shown the most promise when it comes to providing power for transportation and seemingly are a good fit with current electric car technology.
Attempts have been made to develop experimental, lightweight, single rider, PV powered autos for various contests. Recently, the Tokai Challenger, from Tokai University in Japan, has been a top performer at the World Solar Challenge (T. Murphy, “Do the Math. A Solar-Powered Car?” It uses a 1.8 kilowatt (kW) PV array. To utilize this technology for a four passenger car travelling at freeway speeds of 67 miles per hour (mph) requires a total of approximately 9 kW. There is not enough surface area on a typical four passenger car (facing the sun) to provide 9 kW. At best, a PV array could be most efficiently used to charge an onboard battery from a stationary charging station when the car is not in use.
There is another natural resource that has not been mined as an alternate source of energy: the earth's magnetic field. With average field strength approximately 0.5 Tesla (T) around the world, it is easy to see why this resource has been overlooked. If a system to mine the earth's magnetic field is developed to power an electrical car using moving electrical wire for example, even the most efficient aluminum wire requires an impractical length to generate a small amount of power at a usable voltage. As good as the electrical properties of aluminum wire are, they are not sufficient for this application. It is clear that a disruptive technology is needed to mine the earth's magnetic field for powering cars, trucks and other vehicles.
Such a disruptive technology, graphene, (The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, “Scientific Background on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2010,” Kungl. Vetenskaps-Akademien, 5 Oct. 2010) is now at an early stage of development. Graphene has excellent electrical properties in the form of high conductivity and low resistivity, is extremely strong and durable, and is relatively inexpensive. It is now being produced in sheets ( large enough to be used for EcoCharge. In addition, MIT is setting up an industrial scale graphene printing press in its graphene lab ( The unique feature of graphene for mining the earth's magnetic field is its ability to conduct electricity in low resistivity, two-dimensional sheets. In effect, graphene is a two-dimensional “wire” that will generate current proportional to its resistivity, area, and orientation and motion with respect to the earth's magnetic field. As will be shown below, these properties provide a significant multiplier to earth's weak magnetic field yielding a feasible source of ecologically clean electric power for many types of electric vehicles.
EcoCharge converts earth's magnetic field to electrical current continuously powering an electric vehicle (Vehicle is a general category including automobiles, trucks, SUVs, RVs and any other form of transport). There is nothing that blocks or shields magnetic fields (A. Green, “Shielding Magnetic Fields,” The Industrial Physicist, American Institute of Physics, October/November 2001.) so EcoCharge systems can be mounted under the vehicle on the driveshaft and/or on the front and rear axles. As shown in
EcoCharge systems can also be mounted on both front and rear axles to provide an orthogonal source of electric power mined from the earth's magnetic field. Conversion of magnetic to electrical energy is a maximum when the graphene sheets and the earth's magnetic field are oriented at 0° to one another and zero when their orientation is 90°. If the systems are properly balanced, as the vehicle turns and changes orientation with respect to the earth's magnetic field, electrical power contributions from the orthogonally mounted systems will combine to supply the maximum achievable power. For example, when the drive shaft mounted system is at 0° with respect to the earth's magnetic field the axle mounted systems are at 90°, the drive shaft mounted system contributes a maximum amount of electrical power and the axle mounted system contributes zero. When the drive shaft mounted system is at 90° with respect to the earth's magnetic field the axle mounted systems are at 0°, the axle mounted systems contribute a maximum amount of electrical power and the drive shaft mounted systems contribute zero. When the vehicle is oriented at 45° with respect to the earth's magnetic field, half of the electrical power is contributed by the drive shaft mounted system and half of the electrical power is contributed by the axle mounted systems (if axle and drive shaft mounted systems are balanced).
EcoCharge utilizes a technology breakthrough in materials, graphene, to mine the earth's magnetic field for an ecologically clean source of electrical energy to continuously power an electric vehicle. Magnetic fields are not shielded by the vehicle frame or chassis allowing EcoCharge to be mounted under the vehicle on the drive shaft or front and/or rear axles. It is estimated that EcoCharge can generate approximately 15.1 kWRMS of electrical power at 12.3 VRMS if the vehicle is travelling at 60 mph at 0° to the earth's magnetic field. This is enough power to sustain the vehicle speed at 60 mph in a package weighing approximately 10 ounces (oz), greatly increasing the range and greatly reducing the energy costs of an electric vehicle. A weight budget will be discussed in the Performance section below. An equivalent system using aluminum wire in place of graphene would only generate 10.4 μWRMS of electrical power in a 3,812 lb package (calculation shown in the Performance section below), a solution not providing reasonable benefit for the unrealistic amount of weight required. Further, EcoCharge systems can be mounted to the front and/or rear axles, orthogonal to the driveshaft mounted system, and their resulting electric power can be summed with the power output of the driveshaft mounted system to power the vehicle at any orientation to the earth's magnetic field.
System Description
To enable a more detailed description of the proposed invention an example system will be used. The purpose here is to show that EcoCharge is feasible while not limiting current and future implementation possibilities. There will be additional architecture choices as EcoCharge is applied to different vehicles and as technology advances in the future.
The example system used in this patent application is based on a rear wheel drive electric vehicle with a backup longitudinal engine as shown in
EcoCharge converts earth's magnetic field to electrical current continuously powering the electric vehicle or recharging its battery. As shown in
There are 4,059 graphene sheets required for the illustrative example being used. Calculations to determine the number of required sheets, 4,059, are included in the Performance section below. These graphene sheets 1, shown in the sketch in
As their name implies, the interface tabs interface the graphene sheets, where the emf is generated, to the commutator where emf is converted to useful electrical power. As shown in the sketch in
A commutator brush 6 for this illustrative example is shown in
To complete the commutator design, brush mounts, brush arms, and brush arm mounts are needed. Like the commutator, all are implemented with high quality copper to ensure negligible resistance and the proper current handling capacity. Brush arms are needed to apply tension to the brush on the commutator for good electrical conduction. As shown in
The purpose of the Performance Section is to show feasibility of the EcoCharge concept by determining pertinent performance parameters using well known methods and equations. In order to provide realistic results, a specific example has been defined for analysis using values of parameters that are available in the open literature and making realistic assumptions when necessary to proceed. The specific example used was described earlier in the System Description Section. Analyzing a specific example is not intended to limit the scope of this patent application but to serve as a realistic test case to verify EcoCharge feasibility. The claims below will be used to define the breadth of this EcoCharge patent application.
As a realistic and illustrative example for analysis assume:
Use assumption 12 and determine the number of graphene sheets, N, required to result in the resistance of the graphene sheets, Rg=1 mΩ. The resistance of the graphene sheets, Rg, is defined as:
Rg=ρL/A, (4)
Rg=1 mΩ=per assumption 12 above,
ρ=graphene resistivity=1×10−8,
L=length of graphene sheets which is the circumference, C, of the drive shaft,
L=C=πd=π(0.06352)=0.2 m,
A=cross sectional area of graphene sheets supporting emf generated current flow,
A=height (h) of N graphene sheets×width (w)=hw=N(0.33×10−9)(1.493) m2.
Substituting into equation 4 and solving for N:
N=1×10−8(0.2)/[(1×10−3)(0.33×10−9)(1.493), (5)
N=4,059 sheets. (5a)
To calculate the total emf generated by EcoCharge with 4,059 graphene sheets in V 0-P, combine the results in equations 3a and 5a:
emf=(4.71 mV 0-P/sheet)(4,059 sheets)=19.12 V 0-P. (6)
Converting to VRMS yields:
emf=0.707(19.12 V 0-P)=13.52 VRMS. (6a)
Performance—Resistance and Width of Tabs, Brushes and Commutator
Width of the graphene tabs 9, wt, detailed in
L=assumed length of graphene tabs=0.0127 m,
A=cross sectional area of graphene tabs assuming 4,059 sheets of graphene,
A=height (ht) of 4,059 tabs×width (wt),
Solving for wt yields:
wt=0.0254 m(1″). (7)
Width of the graphene brushes 6, wb, detailed in
L=assumed length of graphene brushes=0.0032 m,
A=cross sectional area of a brush assuming 4,059 sheets of graphene,
A=height (hb) of 4,059 graphene sheets×width (wb),
Solving for wb yields:
wb=0.0191 m(0.75″) (8)
Using assumption 13 above, the (+) tab and (+) brush and (−) tab and (−) brush resistances are in series yielding a total tab-brush resistance, Rtb, of:
Rtb=10 mΩ. (9)
The resistance of the commutator, Rc, is determined assuming:
Electrical power generated by the graphene sheets is computed using the electrical model of EcoCharge shown in
Output power, Po, in WRMS is defined as the current in Amperes (A) RMS times the output voltage Vo in VRMS:
Po=I×Vo. (11)
Using the voltage division rule:
Vo=13.52[Rtb/(Rtb+Rg)]=13.52[10×10−3/(10×10−3+1×10−3)=12.3 VRMS. (12)
Current is determined by:
I=emf/(Rg+Rtb)=13.5/(10×10−3+1×10−3)=1,229 ARMS. (13)
Substituting the results of equations 13 and 12 into equation 11 yields the EcoCharge output power in WRMS given assumptions 1-14 above:
Po=1,229×12.3=15.1 kWRMS. (14)
Performance—Current Handling of the Graphene Brushes
Current handling capability of the graphene brushes, Ichb, is defined as the achievable current density, Icd, of graphene (2×109 A cm−2) (B. Dume, “CVD Graphene Nanoribbons Make Good Interconnects”,, Aug. 17, 2012) times the cross sectional area, Acsb, of the brushes:
Ichb=Icd×Acsb, (15)
Acsb=hb×wb=1.34×10−5 cm×0.191 cm=2.559×10−6 cm2. (16)
Substituting the value for Icd and the result of equation 16 into equation 15 yields:
Ichb=2×109×2.559×10−6=5,118 A. (17)
From equation 13 above, EcoCharge current for the assumed example is 1,229 ARMS or 1,737 A 0-P providing margin of a factor of 3. Note that if brush current handling capability becomes a problem for future applications, brush area can be increased to meet the requirement.
Performance—Current Handling of the Graphene Tabs
Current handling capability of the graphene tabs, Icht, is defined as the achievable current density, Icd, of graphene (2×109 A cm−2)11 times the cross sectional area, Acst, of the tabs:
Icht=Icd×Acst, (18)
Acst=ht×wt=1.34×10−5 cm×0.254 cm=3.404×10−6 cm2. (19)
Substituting the value for Icd and the result of equation 19 into equation 18 yields:
Icht=2×109×3.404×10−6=6,808 A. (20)
From equation 13 above, EcoCharge current for the assumed example is 1,229 ARMS or 1,737 A 0-P providing margin of a factor of 5.5. Note that if tab current handling capability becomes a problem for future applications, tab area can be increased to meet the requirement.
Performance—EcoCharge Power: Earth's Magnetic Field Angle Versus MPH
As mentioned above in the Brief Summary of the Invention, EcoCharge systems can be mounted on both front and rear axles, in addition to the drive shaft, to provide an orthogonal source of electric power mined from the earth's magnetic field. Conversion of magnetic to electrical energy is a maximum when the graphene sheets and the earth's magnetic field are oriented at 0° to one another and zero when their orientation is 90°. If the drive shaft and axle mounted systems are properly balanced, as the vehicle turns and changes orientation with respect to the earth's magnetic field, electrical power contributions from the orthogonally mounted systems will combine to supply the maximum achievable power. For example, when the drive shaft mounted system is at 0° with respect to the earth's magnetic field the axle mounted systems are at 90°, the drive shaft mounted system contributes a maximum amount of electrical power and the axle mounted systems contribute zero. When the drive shaft mounted system is at 90° with respect to the earth's magnetic field the axle mounted systems are at 0°, the axle mounted systems contribute a maximum amount of electrical power and the drive shaft mounted systems contribute zero. When the vehicle is oriented at 45° with respect to the earth's magnetic field, half of the electrical power is contributed by the drive shaft mounted system and half of the electrical power is contributed by the axle mounted systems (if axle and drive shaft mounted systems are balanced).
Orthogonal, EcoCharge axle generated power is derived beginning with equation 2 above defining emf, V, repeated for convenience:
V=ωBA sin(ωt)cos θ,
and recognizing that the axle mounted EcoCharge system is mounted at −90° with respect to the drive shaft mounted EcoCharge system. Using the trigonometric identity:
cos(θ−90°)=sin θ, (21)
and substituting into equation 2, axle generated emf can be written as:
V=ωBA sin(ωt)sin θ. (22)
EcoCharge axle generated power follows the same derivation and provides the same power as EcoCharge drive shaft generated power (assuming they are matched) except it varies with the sin θ rather than the cos θ, where θ is the angle to the earth's magnetic field. For example, when θ=90°, the power generated by the axle mounted EcoCharge system is 15.1 kWRMS at 60 mph and the power generated by the drive shaft mounted EcoCharge system is 0 WRMS; when θ=0°, the power generated by the axle mounted system is 0 WRMS and the power generated by the drive shaft mounted system is 15.1 kWRMS at 60 mph. Note that the emf in equation 22 is used to determine total current, I, and output voltage, Vo, then Vo and I are multiplied to obtain axle generated power like equations 11 through 14 above for drive shaft generated power.
Realistically, the relationship between drive shaft rpm and vehicle velocity changes depending on the transmission gear ratio for the particular electric vehicle being considered. For purposes of this patent application,
Performance—EcoCharge Weight Budget
The weight budget is an estimate of EcoCharge weight from the sum of its components. It is not meant to be the final word on EcoCharge weight, but an estimate, as the weight of each EcoCharge system will depend on its configuration and the vehicle to which it is mounted. As mentioned above, an electric vehicle could have matching EcoCharge systems on the drive shaft and one of the axles. The size of the EcoCharge system will vary with available space on the drive shaft and axles for mounting. Some electric vehicles may only have room for a system that provides 50% or 75% of the achievable power from the above assumed example. The point is, the EcoCharge configuration is flexible and is a small addition of weight to the drive train of the electric vehicle that will not significantly affect dynamics.
The weight of the drive shaft mounted graphene sheets, wtg, will be shown to be negligible for the above assumed example and will not be a significant factor for future EcoCharge systems. For the assumed example, the total area, At, of 4,059 sheets of graphene is:
At=(0.2 m)(1.493 m)(4,059)=1212 m2. (23)
The density of graphene2 is:
ρ=0.77 mg/m2. (24)
Combining equations 23 and 24 and solving yields:
wtg=0.77(1212)=933.24 mg(→÷28.35 gm/oz)
wtg=0.033 oz(→negligible). (25)
The weight of the drive shaft mounted graphene sheets, equation 25, is added to the weights of the other EcoCharge components in table 1 below.
Performance—EcoCharge with AWG 8 Aluminum Wire, A Comparison
An assumed example with AWG 8 aluminum wire was set up to provide a comparison with the graphene based EcoCharge power generating capability defined above. Aluminum wire is assumed due to its low values of weight and resistance per foot as compared to copper wire. The comparison system further assumes:
Equation 2 is used to determine the emf generated by the drive shaft wrapped aluminum wire given the above assumptions:
V=|wBA sin(ωt)|=|2π50(0.5×10−4)Aw sin(ωt)| (26)
where Aw is the area of 1 loop of wire around the 2.5″ (0.06352 m) diameter drive shaft.
Aw=πr2=3.14159(0.03176)2=0.00317 m2. (27)
Substituting the result from equation 27 into equation 26 and taking the magnitude:
|V|=2π50(0.5×10−4)(0.00317)=0.05 mV 0-P. (28)
Determine N, the number of loops of AWG 8 aluminum wire to get to 19.12 V 0-P (13.52 VRMS) using the result of equation 28 as follows:
N=19.12/0.05×10−3=382,400 loops. (29)
The length of wire, L, is the circumference of the drive shaft, Cds, times the number of loops from equation 29:
L=Cds(382,400)=π(0.06352)(382,400)=76,480 m→250,854′. (30)
The weight, wtal, and resistance, Rw, of the AWG 8 aluminum wire using the result of equation 30 is:
wtal=15.2 lbs/1,000′×250.8=3812 lbs, (31)
Rw=1.03 Ω/1,000′×250.8=258.3 Ω. (32)
Electrical power generated by the AWG 8 aluminum wire is computed using the electrical model of EcoCharge shown in
I≈emf/Rw≈13.52/258.3≈0.052 ARMS. (33)
The output voltage, Vo, is:
Vo≈(4×10−3/258.3)13.52=0.2 mVRMS. (34)
Using the results of equations 33 and 34, the output power, Po, is:
Po=IVo=0.052(0.0002)=10.4 μWRMS. (35)
To summarize, EcoCharge with AWG 8 aluminum wire that provides an emf of 13.52 VRMS generates 10.4 μWRMS of power at 60 mph at 0° with respect to the earth's magnetic field and weighs 3,812 lbs while the graphene based EcoCharge generates 15.1 kWRMS at 13.52 VRMS and weighs 10 oz. under the same conditions.
This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/847,445 filed Mar. 19, 2013, the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference.
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
4153757 | Clark, III | May 1979 | A |
9130414 | McCrady | Sep 2015 | B2 |
9219402 | McCrady | Dec 2015 | B2 |
9539906 | McCrady | Jan 2017 | B2 |
Number | Date | Country | |
20150360571 A1 | Dec 2015 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 13847445 | Mar 2013 | US |
Child | 14835098 | US |