1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to an efficient look-ahead load margin and voltage profiles contingency analysis, and more particularly to an efficient look-ahead load margin and voltage profiles contingency analysis that uses a tangent vector index method.
2. Description of Related Art
Contingency analysis is one of the major component in today's modern energy management systems. For the purpose of fast estimating system stability right after outages, the study of contingency analysis involves performing efficient calculations of system performance from a set of simplified system conditions. Generally speaking, the task of contingency analysis can be roughly divided into three phases. Initially, contingency screening will be executed. Low-severe cases will be filtered out from all possible contingencies. Once the contingency screening is finished, severity indices of selected contingencies will then be evaluated. Finally, contingencies are ranked in approximate severity order according to their severity indices. Only contingencies with severe indices will be analyzed in a more comprehensive way.
Traditionally, snap-shot approaches have been widely investigated [reference 5]. This approach can provide system information of normal operating conditions right after faults clearing. Contingency ranking and selection have been developed in the context of determining branch active flow limit or bus voltage limit violations using (DC) analysis [reference 2]. Such method, although fast, is not completely reliable because inaccuracies associated with linear power flows. More recently, developments of contingency analysis have been extended from snap-shot to look-ahead analysis. Look-ahead contingency analysis involves how to predict the near-term load margin ad voltage profiles with respect to voltage collapse points of a large number of post-outage systems. Since a power system continuously experiences load variations or generation rescheduling, look-ahead contingency analysis, an extension of existing snap-shot approach, indeed reflects nonlinear characteristics of power flows and can provide more information about load margin measure and near-term voltage profiles.
In the past, two different approaches have been proposed to study look-ahead contingency analysis: sensitivity-based approach [reference 7], and curve-fitting-based approach [reference 6]. In this paper, an efficient curve-fitting-based algorithm will be developed. Instead of approximating the load margin as a quadratic function of voltage profiles with three unknown coefficients near the collapse point, we re-formulate it as a quadratic function of voltage tangent vector profiles with only two unknown coefficients. Only two consecutive voltage tangent vector profiles are needed in the proposed formulation which involves less computational cost in comparisons with those required in existing methods. A numerical stable method to calculate the tangent vector will be proposed first. Based on the load margin approximations predicted by the tangent vector, a general framework for look-ahead contingency selection, evaluation, and ranking will be developed. We will evaluate the proposed method on several power systems. Simulation results will demonstrate the efficiency and the accuracy of the proposed method.
The main objective of the present invention is to provide an efficient look-ahead load margin and voltage profiles contingency analysis that uses a tangent vector index method.
To achieve the objective, given the current operating condition at each bus from real-time database, from the short-term load forecast, or from near-term generation dispatch, we present a method for real-time contingency prediction and selection in current energy management systems. This method can be applied to contingency prediction and selection for the near-term power system in terms of load margins to collapse and of the bus voltage magnitudes. The propose algorithm uses only two tangent vectors of power flow solutions and curve fitting based techniques to perform look-ahead load margin and voltage magnitude simultaneously. Therefore, it can overcome the traditional snap-shot contingency analysis methods. Simulations are performed on IEEE 57 and 118-bus test systems to demonstrate the feasibility of this method.
Further benefits and advantages of the present invention will become apparent after a careful reading of the detailed description with appropriate reference to the accompanying drawings.
Voltage Collapse
Look-ahead contingencies are ranked according to their load margin to voltage collapse. To facilitate our analysis, we will use the following continuation power flow method [reference 4].
F(x, λ)=f(x)+λb=0 (1)
where F(x,λ)=[P(x,λ),Q(x,λ)]T is active and reactive power equations at each bus, x=[θ,V]T represents bus angles and voltages. λ∉R is a controlling parameter. The vector b represents the variation of the real and reactive power demand at each bus.
Typically, a power system is operated at a stable solution. At the parameter λ varies, the number of load flow solutions will also change. When the stable solution and the unstable solution coalesce together, voltage instability would take place. Mathematically, this problem is to determine the maximum allowable parameter λ such that the system can remain stable. The point x. in the state space such that the system losses the stability is called the collapse point. x. is called the load margin with respect to the demand variation b. when voltage collapse occurs, the system Jacobian matrix
is singular.
The voltage collapse point can also interpreted as a saddle-node bifurcation point in the context of the general nonlinear system theory [reference 8]. Indeed, at the collapse point, using linearlization techniques and Taylor series expansions, it has been shown that the load margin is a quadratic function of state variables x in general. Since we are only interested in the voltage magnitude near the collapse point after contingencies, it is reasonable to use the quadratic approximation in terms of the bus voltage [references 4 and 6]
λ=aVk2+bVk+c (2)
where k represents the bus number we are interested. Conventionally, the critical bus, which corresponds to the bus with the maximal voltage drop percentage, is chosen for the above approximation. The above formulas have been widely used for look-ahead contingency. In [reference 6], three power solutions are required to get the approximate load margin. In [reference 4], two power flow solutions plus one tangent vector, which will be explained later, are used to calculate the approximate load margin. We will develop a new approximate formula with less unknown coefficients in the next section.
TVI Index and Test Functions
More recently, the tangent voltage index method have been proposed to indicate the proximity of voltage instability [references 1 and 11-13]. The tangent vector index (TVI) at bus k is defined as
is the k-th bus voltage in the tangent vector of the power flow equation (1). Obviously, as the collapse point is approached,
and TIVk will be close to zero. Using the chain rule, we have
Thus TVI can also be expressed as
The above formulation indicates that the tangent vector can be viewed as a voltage sensitivity vector when the load/generator pattern is varied along the direction b. Consequently, the critical bus can be identified as the bus with the largest entry in the tangent vector TVI=[TVI1, . . . TVIn]T.
Although the TVI formulation in eq. (3) is theoretically correct, the calculation near the collapse point, which includes the inverse of the near-singular Jacobian matrix, may prevent to predict the collapse point exactly. Here an alternative scheme is developed. As shown in Appendix A, TVI in eq. (3) is mathematically equivalent to the absolute value of a new test function τ(x,λ):
τ(x,λ)=ekTJ(x,λ)Ĵkb (4)
where ek is the k-th unit vector, Ĵ=(I−bbT)J+bekT is a nonsingular matrix at the collapse point x· if b∉Range(J) and ek∉(Range(JT). Thus, calculations of the TVI can be arranged as a byproduct of conventional power flow solvers. Note that when a change of real or reactive demand only occurs on a single bus, b=et for some l. The new test function τ(x,λ) is exactly the same as the conventional test function of the form ts(x,λ)=elTJ(x, λ)Jlkel, where Jlk=(I−elelT)J+elekT is nonsingular at the collapse point [references 3 and 8].
Seydel suggested that test function is expected to be a parabolic function symmetrical about the λ-axis [reference 9]. Since TVI is just a special case of test functions, the approximate collapse point predicted by TVI can utilize the following parabolic function in terms of only two unknown coefficients A and C.
λ=A(TVIk)2+C (5)
Although this approximation (5) is somewhat different from eq. (2), with some algebraic manipulations. It can be shown that eq. (5) can also be derived from eq. (2). The detailed proof can be found in Appendix B.
This new formula (5) also suggests that the predicted load margin λ. is equal to unknown coefficient C. Because only two unknown coefficients need to be determined, less computational cost will be involved in comparing with those required in [references 4 and 6].
The above formula can also contribute to the voltage profiles calculations at the collapse point. If TVI is expressed in terms of coefficients A and C, we have
by integrating the above equation with respect to λ, the critical bus voltage Vλ. at the collapse point λ. can be approximated by the following formula:
Vk.=Vk−2√{square root over (A(λ−C))} (6)
Look-Ahead Contingency Analysis
Having developed the approximation formula for load margins and voltage profiles, we will use these formulas to perform look-ahead contingency selections. The proposed method does not intend to calculate the exact voltage collapse point. Instead, it is expected to rank the near-term load margin and voltage profiles right after a given contingency. The proposed look-ahead contingency selection framework, shown in
Load-Margin Ranking
Given a near-term demand and generator schedule, the load margin can be predicted using the new TVI formula (4). Suppose that the critical bus at current load/generation level λ1 is identified to be bus k. λ2 is set to 1 which corresponds to the near-term load demand. TVI index TVI1,k at current load/generation level λ1 and the near-term TVI index TVI2,k at load/generation level λ2 are available, we use the quadratic curve eq. (5) to approximate the collapse point. Usually, A is set to 1. The values for unknown coefficients A and C can be calculated by solving the following linear equations:
The solution C is the approximate load margin λ. which roughly corresponds to the collapse point. Of cause, if the system state is relatively close the collapse point, the approximate margin will give very accurate result. One the other hand, when the post-contingency load margin λ. is less than 1, this contingency will cause voltage collapse before the system reach the forecasted load/generation level. On the other hand, if the load margin is sufficiently large, no voltage collapse will occur due to the given contingencies. Such contingency will be classified to be marginal contingency. These causes are mild contingencies and are required further voltage ranking.
Voltage Ranking
We do not give voltage ranking to the contingency whose λ. is less than 1. Voltage ranking will only be investigated in marginal contingency cases. Their ranks are examined from the associated λ−V curve of buses along the load/generation pattern b. In [reference 4], they suggested using the voltage profiles at the near-term load/generation level λ2=1 to rank these marginal contingencies. Here we rank marginal contingencies using voltage profiles at the collapse point A by taking advantage of eq. (6). No additional power flow solutions are needed in this approximate formula (6).
Numerical Studies
The proposed algorithm has been tested and evaluated on several power systems. In this section, we will present simulation results on IEEE 57-bus and IEEE 118-bus power systems [reference 14]. In order to illustrate the severity of voltage collapse after possible contingencies, generation and load patterns at base case (λ=0) have been adjusted to heavy load conditions. Also, it is assumed the variance of the real and reactive power demand at each bus obtained from the near-term load forecasting is uniformly increasing. Like existing load margin indices, system operational constraints and physical limits, such as reactive power capability of generator and OLTC physical restrictions, are not considered. All simulation results shown here are obtained by modifying the continuation power flow program PFLOW [reference 15].
57-Bus System
The proposed method has been applied to this system with some single line outage contingencies. The simulation is started with the base load case. By using the tangent vector formulation at the case, the critical bus can be identified to be bus 31. Table 1 displays simulations results of several contingencies: (i) the exact load margin λMAX, obtained by using the PFLOW, (ii) the estimated load margin λmax(1), obtained by applying the proposed algorithm where the TVI is calculated using the equivalent test function (4), and (iii) estimated load margin if λmax(2), obtained by applying the proposed algorithm where the TVI is calculated using (3). According to the value of the predicted load margin, all contingencies are classified into two types: severe contingency (λ<1), and marginal contingency (λ>1). The small relative error percentage of the load margin indicates that our proposed load margin index is very close to the exact load margin obtained by the continuation power flow program. Since there exists an ill-conditional problem in calculating λmax(2), the relative error percentage of the load margin are extremely high in some several contingencies (for example, faulted lines are 37-38 and 30-31). However, if we use the equivalent test function formula (3) to estimate the load margin λmax(1), the resulting error of the load margin is less than 1%.
We also evaluate the voltage profile of the critical bus (bus 31) at the collapse point using the formula. The resulting relative error of the voltage magnitude is shown in column 5. We can find that in most marginal contingency cases, the error percentage between the predicted voltage magnitude and the exact voltage magnitude is less than 8%. This simulation results show that the predicted voltage profiles give fairly accurate results. Note that there are some differences between the ranking results by the exact method and our proposed method. This is because that some contingencies are very mild in the sense that voltage variations are very small. The exact ranking seems to be insignificant for security analysis.
118-Bus System
additional numerical experiments were conducted using a IEEE 118-bus test system. After the base case power flow is performed, it can be found that the critical bus is located at bus 44. Table 2 shows simulation results with several contingencies. The ranking results of these contingencies produced by using the exact method and the proposed method are also shown in this table. Similar to results obtained from IEEE 57-bus system, we found that our predicted load margin index provides accurate results both for voltage collapse and mild contingency cases.
Given the current operating condition, and the near-term load forecasting and/or generation rescheduling information, we have presented a new method to predict load margin and the voltage profile after contingency. The techniques we used here is the tangent vector index. In order to avoid the ill-conditional problems associate with conventional TVI calculations, an equivalent test function of TVI is proposed. Based on the collapse point characteristics and TVI, a new efficient curve-fitting-based algorithm will be developed for look-ahead contingency analysis. Due to the simplicity of our calculation scheme, this method can easily integrate into current contingency analysis environments and enhance its look-ahead capability.
Appendix A
In the appendix, we will show the equivalent relationship between the TVI index and the new class of test function. First, let's recall the following lemma: Lemma 1: for a square matrix A of size n and rank n-1, let the right null vector be denoted by h and the left null vector by g,gTh≈0. Now define an augmented matrix
with ∥b∥=1. The following statements are equivalent [10]:
Now we are in a position to prove the equivalence of eq. (3) and eq. (4). If b∉Range(J) and ek∉Range(JT), we can define a class of new test function r(x, A) as
Matrix Ĵk denotes Ĵ=(I−bbT)J+bekT. By Lemma 1, Ĵk is nonsingular at the collapse point. Suppose that v is the solution of the linear equation Jv=b
where vk represents the k-th entry in v. Hence,
Multiplying both sides by bT and taking the absolute value yields
Therefore, |τ(x, λ)| is another expression for the TVI index.
Appendix B
In this appendix, the relationship of unknown coefficients between eq. (2) and eq. (5) will be derived. First, by taking the derivative of λwith respect to vk, we have
The values of unknown A and C can be expressed in terms of a, b and c if we substitute the above equality into eq. (5). Thus,
This complete our proof