The invention relates to the gene of econuclease 1 (EXO1) which has been found to be associated with exceptional life expectancy in humans. More specifically, the invention relates to the promoter region of EXO1 where the gene has been found to be mutated. Moreover, the invention relates to a gene regulation mechanism involving transcription factor E47 as a transcriptional repressor of EXO1.
There is increasing evidence that somatic mutations progressively accumulate with age in various species, including humans (Vijg 2000; Hasty et al. 2003). A wide range of exogenous agents (e.g. UV light) and by-products of cellular metabolism (e.g. reactive oxygen species) are known to harm genetic material. In addition, mutations can arise from spontaneous replication errors (Hasty 2005). Since DNA damage may result in dysregulated cell functions, apoptosis, oncogenic transformation, genomic instability and senescence, maintenance systems are critical for both cellular and organismal homeostasis and survival (Lombard et al. 2005). Therefore, numerous genetically determined pathways that either prevent or resolve
DNA damage have evolved as highly conserved “longevity assurance mechanisms” (Hasty 2005). Hart & Setlow suggested already in 1974 that the intrinsic fidelity and activity of the repair machinery in different species may influence their rate of age-related functional decline. Another line of evidence that links DNA repair with aging is that many of the human segmental progeroid disorders, such as Werner Syndrome, are caused by mutations in genes involved in DNA maintenance (reviewed in Hasty et al. 2003). Similarly, studies of mouse models show that genetic defects affecting genomic integrity underlie several of the accelerated aging phenotypes (Hasty et al. 2003; Lombard et al. 2005).
These findings support the notion that variation in genes regulating the levels of somatic maintenance and repair functions could also modulate the normal aging process and determine the periods of “assured longevity” (Kirkwood 2005). In humans it is conceivable that limitations in these survival mechanisms—due to genetic predisposition and/or the influence of environmental factors—could result in frailty, age-related functional impairment and a lower life expectancy. Conversely, the more efficient these functions are, the more likely is an individual to attain old age in good physical and cognitive condition, leading not only to an increase in his life span but also in his ‘health span’. In fact, it has been postulated that long-lived individuals (LLI; i.e. nonagenarians and centenarians), who are often characterized by a slowing down of the aging process and a delayed onset in age-related diseases (Hitt et al. 1999), are enriched for favourable variants in “longevity assurance genes” compared to younger controls (Perls et al. 2002). A recent epidemiological study strengthens this hypothesis by showing that the genetic contribution to human life expectancy (˜25 to 32%) is minimal before the age of 60, but becomes particularly important for survival at very advanced ages (Hjehnborg et al. 2006).
The inventors of the present invention have identified exonuclease 1 (EXO1) as a novel susceptibility gene for exceptional life expectancy in humans. EXO1 is involved in various DNA metabolic pathways that affect genomic stability. The present detailed functional and genetic analyses revealed a common allele (C) of the SNP rs1776180 in the EXO1 promoter that is significantly enriched in 381 German centenarians compared to 409 younger controls. This finding replicates in an independent sample of 559 French centenarians and controls. The C allele leads to the loss of a binding site for the transcription factor E47, resulting in a higher EXO1 expression. Thus, the investors detected a hitherto undescribed role for E47 as a negative regulator of EXO1 transcription. Given the observed survival advantage that is associated with the C allele of SNP rs1776180, EXO1 can be considered a novel longevity enabling gene. As both E47 and EXO1 are critical for the development of lymphoid cell lineages, it is hypothesized that the beneficial effect of an enhanced EXO1 activity could lie in the mitigation of immune defects that arise during aging. In addition the observed effect might be critical in all tissues that show concomitant expression of EXO1 and E47.
In the present study, the inventors of the present invention analyzed a total of 92 coding SNPs (cSNPs) in 49 DNA repair genes in an extensive sample set of 381 German centenarians and 409 younger controls (60-75 years old) and identified a novel longevity susceptibility locus, the gene encoding exonuclease 1 (EXO1). Detailed functional and genetic analyses revealed a common allelic variant in the promoter of EXO1 that is enriched in centenarians and that influences gene expression via differential binding of the transcription factor E47.
Therefore, it is an object of the invention to provide a method of identifying individuals carlying a genetic variant correlated to longevity or age related diseases or longevity related traits (e.g. cancer), wherein rs1776180 is amplified with one or more oligonucleotide primers. Another object of the invention is to provide a method of identifying a mutation leading to increased life expectancy. Further, it is an object of the invention to provide a method for preparing a pharmaceutical preparation for the therapy of diseases, e.g. by supporting an individual's immune system or germ cells as well as preventing accumulation of DNA damage leading for instance to cancer or general functional decline. Finally, it is an object of the invention of providing a method of identifying E47-dependent gene regulation networks having an impact on exceptional life expectancy.
A person skilled in the art of genetic susceptibility testing will find the present invention particularly useful for:
Screen of DNA Repair Genes Reveals EXO1 as a Candidate Gene
The inventors of the present invention tested 92 cSNPs in 49 selected DNA repair genes for association with the longevity phenotype (cf. Table 3). The screening presents the explorative stage of this experiment that served to identify convincing markers for further functional and genetic follow-up. For the association analyses the most commonly used study design in human genetic longevity research was applied by comparing centenarians (n=381; aged 100 to 110 years) to younger and specifically matched controls (n=409; aged 60 to 75 years). The validity and efficacy of this approach have previously been demonstrated (Nebel et al. 2005). All analyzed cSNPs had a minor allele frequency of at least 1%, a minimal overall call rate of 95% and showed no significant departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) in controls (PHWE value>0.05). The genetic markers were subjected to allelic (PCCA) and genotypic (PCCG) case-control comparisons.
The cSNP with the highest significance, rs735943, was localized in exon 10 of the EXO1 gene (PCCA of 8.16×10−4 and PCCG 0.0012; Table 1). An additional association signal (rs4149965) was present in exon 11, of the same gene (Table 1). Two other nominally significant cSNPs, which mapped to two different genes, were obtained from the analysis. Since their PCCA or PCCG (0.08>P>0.01) were much higher than the corresponding values for the EXO1 cSNP rs735943 (Table 4), they were not further studied. As the EXO1 lead SNP rs735943 was identified as the top-ranking marker and was additionally supported by another signal in a neighbouring exon, the EXO1 gene was subjected to more in-depth investigations. Given the limited availability of centenarian samples worldwide, it was decided to subject only the functionally relevant SNPs to replication. In the following, therefore mutation detection, fine-mapping and functional studies were applied in order to identify and verify the polymorphisms underlying the association. Sequencing of all known exons, exon-intron boundaries and the promoter region in EXO1 in 47 centenarians revealed several known and one novel polymorphism that were included in the subsequent fine-mapping, using 43 SNPs that span the entire gene (Table 5). Fourteen of these SNPs covered the extent of the association signal (
Referring to
Seven Associated EXO1 SNPs have Potentially Functional Relevance
When analyzing these potential functional SNPs separately by logistic regression with adjustment for APOE, the only gene consistently shown to influence life expectancy (Christensen et al. 2006), all seven SNPs showed an even stronger effect than without adjustment (Table 2a). No significant interactions between any two SNPs or between a SNP and APOE were observed. Since allelic variants may potentially influence the longevity phenotype in men and women differently (Franceschi et al. 2000; Candore et al. 2006), a sex-stratified analysis was additionally performed. In men, no significant associations were detected (data not shown), which is possibly due to a lack of power because of the small number of males investigated (79 centenarians vs. 77 controls). In women, all SNPs apart from one, showed stronger effects (Table 2b) than in the combined analysis (Table 2a).
With reference to
To evaluate which of the seven associated SNPs has an impact on the expression or function of the EXO1 protein, various in vitro assays were applied.
Coding SNPs do not Influence DNA Repair Capacity of EXO1 after UVB Treatment
Human EXO1 protein can complement its yeast homologue in preventing DNA damage caused by UV B radiation (Qiu et al. 1999). Therefore, S. cerevisiae yeast strains deficient for yeast exo1 and rad51, another exonuclease belonging to the same gene family, represent well-established models to analyze human EXO1 function. To assess the effect of the two EXO1 cSNPs, the inventors over-expressed human EXO1 protein with either variant (H354R resulting from rs735943 A/G and V458M resulting from rs4149965 G/A) in UV B-sensitive FDER yeast cells (Δexo1/Δrad51). All EXO1 proteins in this study were able to desensitize yeast cells from DNA damage-induced cell death (
No quantitative differences were observed between the three protein variants in their ability to protect yeast cells from UV B-induced. DNA damage. The capacity of the human EXO1 protein variants to facilitate mutation avoidance is consistent with our previous findings using the same experimental setup (Qiu et al. 1999). It was concluded that the EXO1 cSNP alleles do not influence the ability to repair UV-induced DNA damage. However, given the multiple roles of EXO1 in the maintenance of genomic stability, the possibility cannot be excluded that the two analyzed cSNPs may be functionally relevant in a different context than the one tested here.
5 ′UTR Haplotypes of EXO1 do not Show Differential Impact on Reporter Gene Activity
The inventors of the present application analyzed the effect of the four most common EXO1 5′UTR haplotypes observed in the present samples (representing the haplotypes AGC, GAT and GAC with regard to rs1776178, rs1635517 and rs1776177, see
Insertion of all four EXO1 5 ′UTR haplotypes reduced expression of the reporter gene by a factor of 4-6, thus arguing for an inhibitory role of this regulatory region in RNA processing and/or translation efficiency. However, the four haplotypes did not differ significantly from each other (
SNP rs1776180 Influences EXO1 Promoter Activity in an Allele-Specific Manner
In order to investigate the functional impact of the promoter SNPs rs1776180 and rs1776181, reporter gene constructs based on the four possible haplotypes were established.
Insertion of any promoter fragment increased reporter gene activity by a factor of up to 90 compared to empty vector. More importantly, our data indicate a remarkable influence of the rs1776180 alleles on EXO1 promoter activity.
Both haplotypes containing the C allele of rs1776180 showed a 6-9 fold higher activity than the corresponding haplotypes carrying the G allele (P<0.01 for both constructs) irrespective of the allele at rs1776181. No significant impact on promoter activity was observed between the two constructs carrying either variant at rs1776181. Thus, the C allele of rs1776180 seems to be self-sufficient for enhanced promoter activity of EXO1. Interestingly, the C allele of rs1776180 is statistically significantly over-represented in centenarians (Table 2a).
EXO1 mRNA level is up-regulated in females carrying the C allele of SNP rs1776180 The above-described results prompted us to implement ex vivo analyses of EXO1 expression in relation to the rs1776180 genotypes. No significant genotype-dependent EXO1 mRNA regulation was observed in lymphoblast cell lines originating from male individuals. In contrast, EXO1 transcript levels were significantly up-regulated (P=0.034; 1.34-fold induction) in cell lines originating from females with the CC genotype (n=10) when compared to women with the GG genotype (n=23) (see RT-PCR data in
These data support the notion of a female-specific functional effect, as already observed in the genetic analysis.
Allele-Specific Binding of E47 Contributes to Transcriptional Repression of EXO1
To shed more light on the functional mechanisms behind the allele-dependent promoter activity of EXO1, the inventors performed bandshift assays with oligonucleotides representing the region surrounding rs1776180 and a panel of nuclear extracts derived from different human cell lines. It was detected a notable increase in protein binding for the G allele of rs1776180 with all extracts tested (cf.
These findings are indicative of a potential negative regulator of transcription as a determining factor for altered promoter activity. The Consite transcription factor binding site prediction tool showed that the C allele of rs1776180 results in loss of a specific binding site for transcription factor E47. E47 is encoded by the gene TCF3 (alias E2A). Analysis of TCF3 with SNPs covering most of the allelic variation at the locus provided no evidence for association with longevity (Table 7). For further analysis of functional crosstalk between E47 and EXO1 regulation, RNAi mediated gene knock-down of E47 and transient over-expression of E47-EYFP fusion protein were used.
b shows RNAi-mediated knock-down of E47 protein level. HeLa cells were transiently transfected with pSUPER constructs carrying independent target sequences directed against E47 (si1-si4) or unspecific control sequence (si-ctrl). Proteins were extracted 48 h later and subjected to Western blot analysis using anti-E47 antibody. Constructs si1 and si3 resulted in remarkable reduction in E47 protein expression and were chosen for use in dual luciferase assay.
As expected, knock-down of E47 by RNAi resulted in a statistically significant increase in EXO1 promoter activity (
Taken together, our data indicate a major impact of allelic variants of promoter SNP rs1776180 on EXO1 transcriptional regulation and suggest an important and hitherto undescribed role for E47 as repressor of EXO1 expression.
Association of Promoter SNP rs1776180 with the Longevity Phenotype Confirmed in Female French Centenarians
To obtain independent verification of the association between the functional polymorphism rs1776180 and longevity, the SNP in a collection of 450 French centenarians and 109 younger individuals whose age range was comparative to that of the German controls were analyzed. For the replication only females were considered since the effect of the marker was apparent only in German women (Table 2b and
The inventors of the present application have identified the exonuclease 1 gene (EXO1) as a novel susceptibility locus for exceptional life expectancy in humans. The associated promoter SNP rs1776180 was found to be functionally relevant by influencing EXO1 expression. Interestingly, the association appeared stronger in females than in males. The promoter region surrounding rs1776180 contains a binding site for E47 only when the G allele is present. The C allele is enriched in centenarians and leads to a loss of the binding site. Since E47 acts as a repressor of EXO1 transcription, the substitution of G by C at rs176180 consequently results in a higher promoter activity. Supportive evidence was obtained from ex vivo analysis of EXO1 mRNA levels in lymphoblast cell lines that showed a statistically significant increase in gene expression in female individuals.
EXO1 represents a 5′-3′ exonuclease that participates in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) and other DNA metabolic pathways affecting genomic stability, including mitotic and meiotic recombination, double-strand break and UV damage repair as well as telomere integrity (Qiu et al. 1999; Liberti & Rasmussen 2004). EXO1 physically interacts with the WRN protein that is encoded by the gene implicated in Werner Syndrome, one of the human premature aging diseases (Sharma et al. 2003). WRN is crucial for the maintenance of overall genomic stability and is, like EXO1, also required for DNA repair and telomere metabolism (Lombard et al. 2005). The binding of both proteins causes a strong activation of EXO1 (Sharma et al. 2003). It has been suggested that WRN stimulation of EXO1 may be important for the replication and stability of telomeres and/or the activation of DNA damage and signal checkpoint pathways in response to shortened telomeres (Sharma et al. 2003). That EXO1 is involved in these pathways has been shown in both telomere-dysfunctional yeast and mouse models (Maringele & Lydall 2002; Schaetzlein et al. 2007).
The important role of EXO1 in controlling life expectancy has previously been reported in two different knock-out mice strains that are homozygous for a deletion in the nuclease domain of the gene (Exo1−/−). The animals were viable, but their lifespan was significantly shortened (Wei et al. 2003; Schaetzlein et al. 2007). The first Exo1−/− knock-out mice were generated on a mixed genetic background. The animals had defects in their MMR system and a slightly higher rate of spontaneous cancers (Wei et al. 2003). These results raise the possibility that the beneficial influence of an increased EXO1 activity on lifespan could lie in mutation avoidance and, therefore, in the prevention of tumorigenesis. However, a recent study has shown that the Exo1 inactivation in knock-out mice of a genetic background different from the previous one (Wei et al. 2003) impeded considerably their survival without a significant rise in cancer formation, indicating that other factors contribute to the lifespan reduction in Exo1−/− mice (Schaetzlein et al. 2007). Similarly, also in humans it is not clear whether mutational changes in EXO1 efficiency affect carcinogenesis (reviewed in Liberti & Rasmussen 2004). The possible links between EXO1 variation, cancer and life expectancy need to be further elucidated.
The present data implicate E47 as a repressor of EXO1 transcription. E47 {encoded by the gene TCF3/E2A) belongs to the family of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors and is involved in the regulation of cell commitment, growth and differentiation (Slattery et al. 2007). A recent study using TCF3/E2A-deficient murine lymphoma cell line and hierarchical cluster analysis of DNA microarray data identified E47-dependent gene expression patterns contributing to cell cycle progression, lipid metabolisms, stress response and cell survival (Schwartz R et al., 2006). Interestingly, there are several lines of evidence linking E47 to aging processes: E47 mRNA level and activity are diminished in spleen and bone marrow of aged mice compared to young mice (Frasca D. et al., 2003). In addition, impaired E47 activity has been shown to correlate with reduced immunoglobulin class switch in senescing B cells (Frasca D. et al., 2004). The contribution of E47 to cellular aging processes is further emphasized by the finding that gene silencing of E47 delays the onset of cellular senescence in human fibroblasts (Zheng W et al., 2004). Furthermore, E47 is critical for the development of lymphoid lineages. It has been detected in both mature B and T cells and its precursors (Murre 2005) and shows a high expression in tissues that are areas of active hematopoiesis, i.e. adult bone marrow (Liberti & Rasmussen 2004), spleen and thymus (
In the present study, there was observed a probable female-specific association of the EXO1 promoter SNP with longevity. This finding is not surprising as gender accounts for important differences in the frequency of various age-related diseases and is also thought to play a role in the genetic influence on the ability to reach an exceptional old age. There is a distinct prevalence of women among long-lived individuals, reaching up to 85% in some populations of centenarians and super-centenarians (Perls & Terry 2003). It has been suggested that the mortality rates in men and women follow different trajectories during aging and that a complex interaction of environmental and genetic factors is likely to affect the gender-specific probability of achieving a long life (Franceschi et al. 2000; Candore et al. 2006).
The present results for the EXO1 gene are another example for the importance of centenarians in genetic longevity research. The oldest old individuals belong to the top percentiles of their respective birth cohort-specific age distributions and have outlived most of their peers by several decades. Since the genetic contribution to life expectancy is strongest at very advaned ages (Hjelmborg et al. 2006), centenarians may be particularly enriched for beneficial variants in longevity enabling genes (Perls et al. 2002). This hypothesis is strengthened by the findings in the present study, which demonstrate that variation in EXO1 leads to a higher gene expression and a survival advantage at very old age. Hence, EXO1 could be considered a novel longevity enabling gene.
Study Participants
The German DNA collections and the recruitment procedures were reported in detail elsewhere (Nebel et al. 2005). The sample comprised 381 centenarians (100-110 years at ascertainment; mean: 101.3 years); 79% of them were female. The centenarian case sample was specifically matched to a group of 409 younger controls (60 to 75 years; mean: 66.6 years) by considering gender and geographic origin within the country. Results were not corrected for potential population substructure as centenarians and controls were matched by region and gender and as very low FST values have been reported between different populations in Germany (Steffens et al. 2006). Moreover, the validity and efficacy of our longevity study populations have previously been demonstrated (Nebel et al. 2005). The French sample set consisted of 450 female centenarians (mean age: 103.7 years) and 109 female controls (aged 60 to 70 years; mean age: 64.5 years) as described previously (Blanche et al. 2001). DNA was isolated from blood samples of all participants using standard methods. All subjects gave informed, written consent prior to participation. The study was approved by the respective institutional review committees of the participating centers.
Gene and cSNP Selection
The investigated 92 coding SNPs (Table 3) are located in 49 genes involved in DNA repair processes and represent a subset of the cSNP panel described elsewhere (Hampe et al. 2007; see URL below).
Genotyping was performed using the SNPlex™ Genotyping System and TaqMan® SNP Genotyping Assays (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA).
Statistical Analysis
Single-marker case-control analyses were performed with Genomizer (see URL below). Tagging SNPs were selected based on the HapMap genotypes of Europeans (see URL below) and the pairwise tagging option implemented in the Haploview v3.32 program (see URL below) (minor allele frequency 0.03, pairwise r2>=0.8, PHWE>0.01; for tag SNPs, see Table 5). Haploview was also used for determining the linkage disequilibrium (LD) measure r2 between SNPs in controls. Both the seven EXO1 SNPs (Table 2a) typed in the German sample and the functionally relevant SNP rs1776180 typed in the French sample set were analyzed by logistic regression using a multiplicative effects model for the genotypes with the statistics program R (see URL below), adjusting for APOE. P values smaller than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Mutation Detection
Sequencing of the exons, intron-exon boundaries and the promoter region of EXO1 was done in 47 centenarians with the BigDye® Chemistry (Applied Biosystems) (for primer sequences, see Table 7). The EXO1 promoter was localized by means of the ‘First Exon and Promoter Prediction Program for Human DNA’ (see URL below). Sequencing traces were inspected for the presence of SNPs and indels using novoSNP (Weckx et al. 2005).
Cell Culture and Transfection of Human Cell Lines
Human cell lines were cultured under standard conditions as described in Supplementary
Methods (see below). Transfections were performed using Fugene 6™ (Roche, Basel, Switzerland) according to the manufacturer's manual.
Construction of Plasmids
Construction of plasrnids for the over-expression of human EXO1 protein variants (due to the different alleles at the two cSNPs rs735943 A/G [H354R] and rs4149965 G/A [V458M]) in yeast and quantitative analysis of the EXO1 5′UTR and 5′promoter region was performed using standard cloning procedures as described in the Supplementary Methods (see below).
Yeast Strains and DNA Damage Treatment
The UV B-sensitive yeast strain FDER (Δexo1/Δrad51; Qiu et al. 1999) was used for generation of over-expression clones for the human EXO1 protein variants using standard yeast transformation techniques. For quantification of UV B-induced DNA damage, yeast cells were spread on growth plates, exposed to different UV dosages ranging from 0 to 40 mJ/cm2 and incubated for 48 h at 30° C. Further details are provided in the Supplementary Methods (see below).
Dual Luciferase Assay
For quantitative analysis of the 5′UTR and 5′proximal promoter region, pGL3 constructs were used for dual luciferase reporter gene assay as described before (Till et al. 2005). Further information is provided in the Supplementary Methods (see below).
Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay
Preparation of nuclear extracts from human cell lines and bandshift assays were performed as previously described (Arlt et al. 2004). Sequences of oligonucleotides used and further details are outlined in the Supplementary Methods (see below).
Analysis of Transcription Factor Binding Sites
For analysis of EXO1 promoter regions containing the allelic variants at the SNPs rs1776181 and rs1776180, the sequences were analyzed for potential transcription factor binding sites using Consite (see URL below).
Quantification of EXO1 Transcript Levels in Lymphoblast Cell Lines
A total of 123 lymphoblast cell lines were obtained from heparinized blood samples of unrelated healthy donors (from the Popgen biobank; Krawezak et al. 2006) using standard EBV transformation methods. DNA was isolated by standard methods and was genotyped for rs1776180 using a TaqMae SNP Genotyping Assay (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA). Total RNA was extracted and processed with the Qiagen RNeasy Kit according to the manufacturer's guidelines (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). Real-time PCR was performed using a 7900HT Fast Real Time PCR-System (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA). Expression levels of EXO1 (assay Hs00243513 were calculated with the standard curve method (Livak & Schmittgen 2001). Significance was determined using the Mann-Whitney U-test.
Analysis of Tissue-Specific Expression Patterns
To analyze the tissue expression pattern of EXO1 and E47/TCF3, commercially available human cDNA tissue panels (Clontech) and standard PCR techniques were used. For primer sequences and further information, see below “Supplementary Methods”.
Supplementary Methods
Cell Culture
Human embryonal kidney HEK293 (ACC 305), cervical carcinoma HeLa cells (ACC 57), human acute monocytic cell line THP-1 (ACC16) and human T cell leukemia Jurkat cells
(AC282) were purchased from the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany) and cultured in DMEM (HEK293) or RPMI1640 (THP-1, Jurkat, HeLa, all media from PAA Laboratories, Paschberg, Austria). Pancreas carcinoma cells (PC) were kindly provided by Ming-Sound. Tsao (Ontario, Canada) and cultivated in RPMI. Media were supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) and penicillin/streptomycin (each at 50 μg/ml), cells were grown in 5% CO2 at 37° C. Transfections were performed using Fugene 5™ (Roche, Basel, Switzerland) according to the manufacturer's manual.
Construction of Plasmids
Plasmids for overexpression of human EXO1 protein in yeast cells were generated by inserting full length EXO1 cDNA between two Not I sites of expression vector pDB20. Constructs for analysis of EXO1 5′UTR were designed by amplifying 584 by of the 5′UTR region from a human eDNA tissue panel (Clontech, Palo Alto, Calif.) and insertion into Hind III and Nco l sites of pGL3control (Promega, Madison, Wis.). Constructs for analysis of EXO1 5′proximal promoter were designed by amplifying 1199 by of the promoter region from human genomic DNA and insertion into Nhe I and Xho I sites of pGL3Enhancer (Promega). Allel-specific constructs were established by site-directed mutagenesis using the QuickChange mutagenesis kit (Stratagene, La Jolla, Calif.). The overexpession construct pMyc-E47-EYFP was kindly provided by Naihe Jing (Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Shanghai, China). For RNAi-mediated knock-down of E47/TCF3 expression, four independent target sequences (E47_si1 (SEQ ID NO: 39): TGAACCAGCCGCAGAGGAT; E47_si2 (SEQ ID NO: 40): GAAGGTCCGGAAGGTCCCG; E47_si3 (SEQ ID NO: 41): GGTGTCAGGTGTGGTTGGA; E47_si4 (SEQ ID NO: 42): GCCCACAACCCCGCCGGGC) directed against E47/TCF3 mRNA were inserted into pSU-PER.Neo+GFP (OligoEngine, Seattle, Wash.) and checked for silencing of E47 protein expression by Western blotting. Two constructs with the highest efficiency to knock down E47 expression were chosen for further experiments.
Yeast Strains and DNA Damage Treatment
The UV B-sensitive yeast strain FDER (Δexo1/Δrad51) was used for generation of overexpression clones for the allele specific variants of EXO1 applying standard yeast transformation techniques. Insertion of the constructs into yeast genome was tested by PCR with primers for human EXO1 or yeast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphat dehydrogenase (tdh1) as control. The following primers were used: Sc_TDH1-225F (SEQ ID NO: 43) CCAAGAAAGAGACCCAGCTAAC, Sc_TDH1-855R (SEQ ID NO: 44): CAAGAAATCAGAGGAGACAACG, EXO1-996F (SEQ ID NO: 45): GATGCCCCACAATTGAAGG, EXO1-1510R (SEQ ID NO: 46) CGTGCTACATCTGTGTCAACC. Three independent clones were generated for each construct, clones containing empty expression vector (pDB20) served as negative control, UV B-insensitive yeast strain MaV203 served as specificity control. For quantification of UV B-induced DNA damage, yeast cells were spread on growth plates, exposed to different UV dosages ranging from 0 to 40 mJ/cm2 (UVB light source; Phillips TL 20/W12, Eindhoven, Netherlands) and incubated for 48 h at 30° C. The number of resulting colonies was counted and calculated as percentage of untreated controls.
Dual Luciferase Assay
For quantitative analysis of the 5′UTR and 5′proximal promoter region, pGL3 constructs were used for dual luciferase reporter gene assay as described before (Till A. et al. 2005). In short, HeLa cells or HEK293 (not shown) were transfected with pGL3 reporter gene constructs in combination with pRL-TK reference plasmid (Promega). For some experiments, cells were cotransfected with pSUPER shRNA constructs targeting E47 or overexpression construct pMyc_E47_EYFP. 24 h after transfection, cells were lysed in Passive Lysis Buffer (Promega) and assayed for reporter gene activity using a MicroLumatPlus Lurninometer (Berthold, Germany).
Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay
Preparation of nuclear extracts from human cell lines and bandshift assays were performed as previously described (Arlt A. et al. 2004). The sequence of the oligonucleotides representing the allelic variants of the EXO1 promoter were EXO1P_rs1776180_C (SEQ ID NO: 1): 5′-CGGGCCGGCAGCAGCGGCTGCAGTCGTATGGCAGTGAGCCGCTGTCTACC-3′ and EXO1P_r s1776180_G (SEQ ID NO: 2): 5′-CGGGCCGGCAG-CAGCGGCTGGAGTCGTATGGCAGTGAGCCGCTGTCTACC-3′ (The affected nucleotide position is underlined). Specific competition of binding was tested by addition of unlabelled oligonucleotide EXO1P_rs1776180_G at 100× molar excess, unspecific competition was tested by addition of unlabelled oct-1 oligo (Promega) at 100× and 200× molar excess as described.
Western Blotting
HeLa cells transiently transfected with pSUPER constructs targeting E47/TCF3 were lysed in Lamina buffer in the presence of protease inhibitors. Cleared protein extracts were subjected to SDS-PAGE and Western blotting was performed as previously described (Till, A. et al. 2005). E47 protein levels were detected using specific mouse anti-E47 antibody (G98-271, BD Biosciences, San Jose, Calif.), equal loading was demonstrated by visualization of β-Actin (mouse-anti-Actin antibody purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Corp., St. Louis, Mo.).
Analysis of Tissue-Specific Expression Pattern
To analyze the tissue expression pattern of EMI and E47/TCF3 commercially available human cDNA tissue panels (Clontech) and standard PCR techniques were used. The following primers were used: For analysis of human EXO1: EXO1-996F (SEQ ID NO: 45) GATGCCCCACAATTGAAGG, EXO1-1510R (SEQ ID NO: 46) CGTGCTACATCTGTGTCAACC; for E47/TCF3: TCF3-266F (SEQ ID NO: 47) CCTCTCTTCATCCACATTCCTG, TCF3-1893R (SEQ ID NO: 48) CCACACCTGACACCTTTTCCTC. Housekeeping gene GAPDH was used as control and amplified using the following primers: GAPDH_F (SEQ ID NO: 49) TGAAGGTCGGAGTCAACGGATTTGGT, GAPDH_R (SEQ ID NO: 50) CATGTGGGCCATGAGGTCCACCAC.
The present invention is particularly useful for the screening of individuals having a nucleotide sequence associated with exceptional life expectancy. Furthermore, it is useful for preparing a pharmaceutical composition for germ line protection and the treatment of infectious and malignant diseases and diseases related to aging. Moreover, it will be appreciated that the present invention is useful for screening of substances affecting the expression of the EXO1 gene by using transcription factor E47 as a competitive binding agent. Finally, transcription factor E47 itself might serve as a basis for therapy, e.g. genetic targeting via RNA interference.
The exon-numbering follows the NCBI nomenclature for NM—003686. The additional exon of the NM—130398 isoform is here referred to as 02a. The nucleotide sequences given in table 7 are equal to SEQ ID NO: 3 to 38.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
07025080.8 | Dec 2007 | EP | regional |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/EP2008/010991 | 12/22/2008 | WO | 00 | 10/19/2010 |