1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates generally to identifying relatedness between genomes.
2. Description of the Related Art
Part I.
The field of human genetics has undergone a revolution within the past ten years with the advent of high-throughput genomic technologies, which can measure human genetic variation at ever-decreasing costs [Gunderson et al., 2005, Matsuzaki et al., 2004, Wheeler et al., 2008]. The development of these technologies were driven by the goal to perform genome-wide association studies (GWAS), where genetic variation information is collected from hundreds of thousands of individuals and correlated with disease status [Risch and Merikangas, 1996, Manolio et al., 2008, Hardy and Singleton, 2009]. These studies have linked hundreds of new genes to dozens of diseases [Hindorff et al., 2009]. While GWAS has been the most visible application of high-throughput genotyping technologies, other areas have been revolutionized as well. For example, these technologies have allowed researchers to ask fundamental questions about human history [Liu et al., 2006, Tishkoff et al., 2009, Reich et al., 2009], to identify genetic relationships between individuals [Stankovich et al., 200 Pemberton et al., 2010, Kyriazopoulou-Panagiotopoulou et al., 2011] and to characterize an individual's ancestry [Royal et al., 2010]. Over the past few years, a personal genomics industry has been established that provides genetic sequencing, genotyping and analysis services directly to consumers [Genetics and Public Policy Center, 2011].
One service that is currently provided by several personal genomics companies is the identification of relatives. The idea behind this service is that individuals provide genetic samples which are genotyped and then stored in a database. Each of the samples is compared to the other samples and any pair of individuals that appears to be genetically related are then notified of a genetic match. Unfortunately, this application, and more broadly most applications of personal genomics technology, require that individuals release or share their genetic data with other individuals or organizations that they may not necessarily trust. Individual-level genetic data is extremely sensitive, as it is considered health information about an individual. Furthermore, since each individual's genetic makeup is unique, an individual can be identified even from only a small fraction of his or her genetic data.
The genetics community has already been shaken by privacy issues with the discovery by Homer and colleagues [Homer et al., 2008], showing that individuals can be identified within a pool of DNA based only on aggregate statistics about the pool (in this case the frequency of variants). This result surprised the genetics community and the National Institute of Health, which in an effort to make the results of NIH research available to the public, was publicly releasing variant frequency information on GWAS disease and healthy populations. Given an individual's DNA information, the observation of Homer et al. (2008) can be exploited to ascertain if the individual was part of any public GWAS studies, exposing the disease status of that individual. More recently, Gymrek and colleagues [Gymrek et al., 2013] showed that they can reveal the identity of individuals in genetic reference datasets by combining small amounts of data in the individuals such as their approximate age with publicly available genetic databases and other data available on the internet. Understandably, these observations changed the NIH policy overnight, was widely reported in the media [Nature News, 2011, Nature News, 2013] and initiated much research in the area [Sankararaman et al., 2009, Jacobs et al., 2009, McGuire, 2008, Kahn, 2011, Heeney et al., 2011, Knoppers et al., 2011]. While it is critically important to protect an individual's privacy, restrictions on sharing genetic data severely limit the promise of high-throughput genomic technologies for personal genomics and medicine [Wang, 2011].
Part II.
Detecting relatives from genetic data is one of the fundamental problems in genetics. As genotype-chip technologies reduce the cost of collecting genetic data for each individual, many personal genomic companies provide various services. One such service is the identification of relatives using genetic data. The underling idea of this service is to collect genotypes of different individuals and to store their data in a database. Then, the genotype for each pair of individuals is compared and any pair of individuals that appear to be genetically related are notified of a match.
Unfortunately, the current version of this service provided by all companies requires individuals to share their genetic data with a trusted company.
Homer et al. (2008) already raised many privacy issues by showing that we can detect the existence of an individual in a pool of individuals when the minor allele frequency is available. Thus, the disease status of any individual involved in a GWAS might be exposed to the public. Furthermore, Sankararaman et al. (2009) extended the work (Homer et al., 2008) and showed that with access to thousands of variant summary statistics is enough for detecting the existence of an individual in a pool.
Recently, He et al. (2013) have proposed a secure method for detecting the genetic relatives using genotype data. This method uses the ‘fuzzy’ encryption (Dodis et al., 2008; Ishai et al., 2011). The ‘fuzzy’ encryption is very similar to the traditional encryption and decryption protocols where each individual has a public key and a private key. Public key for each individual is accessible by all the other individuals and the private key for each individual is hidden from all the other individuals. In the traditional protocol, we use the same private key to decrypt the message that was used to encrypt the message in the first place. However, in the ‘fuzzy’ encryption the two keys should be only close but not necessarily the same. Thus, an individual can detect the genetic relatives by downloading the available public key for all other individuals and compare their public key with his private key. They show if two individuals are genetically related their secure method can detect them while not leaking any information. Moreover, this method is designed such that individuals who are not related to others will not obtain any information. A drawback of this approach is that it can only be applied to common variants.
The invention has other advantages and features which will be more readily apparent from the following detailed description of the invention and the appended claims, when taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:
The figures depict embodiments of the present invention for purposes of illustration only. One skilled in the art will readily recognize from the following discussion that alternative embodiments of the structures and methods illustrated herein may be employed without departing from the principles of the invention described herein.
The figures and the following description relate to preferred embodiments by way of illustration only. It should be noted that from the following discussion, alternative embodiments of the structures and methods disclosed herein will be readily recognized as viable alternatives that may be employed without departing from the principles of what is claimed.
Aspects of the invention include determining relatedness between genomes without compromising privacy. In one aspect, secure genome sketches of genomes can be made publicly available without compromising privacy. These are compared to privately held (unsecured) genome sketches to determine relatedness.
All references, issued patents and patent applications cited within this disclosure are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety, for all purposes.
In certain aspects, we present a technological solution to the natural tension between privacy and the application of personal genomics technologies by capitalizing on recent breakthroughs in cryptography. We describe a method that enables the identification of first order relatives from genetic information while keeping one's genetic data private which we demonstrate using several HapMap populations [Altshuler et al., 2010]. Our general approach can be extended to more distant genetic relationships as we discuss below.
One aspect of our method takes advantage of a new technology referred to as “fuzzy” encryption [Dodis et al., 2008]. This methodology is centered around the concept of a “secure genome sketch” (SGS) which is an encrypted version of an individual's genome and is released publicly. Because of the encryption, SGSs preserve privacy in the sense that they do not reveal information about an individual's genome. Informally, the main idea behind the SGS is that the SGS uses information from an individual's genome as the encryption “key” in the context of a “fuzzy” encryption scheme. Unlike traditional encryption schemes where the key required for decryption must be identical to the key used in encryption, in a fuzzy encryption scheme, the encryption key and decryption key must only be similar. Thus, other individuals can detect whether or not they are related to the individual by using information from their own genomes to try to decrypt the SGS. If two individuals are related, their genomes will be close enough so that the decryption attempt will allow them to identify that they are related.
Relative Identification by Segment Matching
We demonstrate our methodology using two populations from the HapMap Phase 3 data which contain related individuals. We use the CEU (European) and YRI (African) populations which have different degrees of linkage disequilibrium to highlight the robustness of our approach. The CEU population consists of 165 individuals made up of 96 related pairs and 13,434 unrelated pairs. The YRI population is made up of 167 individuals and contains 104 related pairs and 13,757 unrelated pairs. The individuals are genotyped at 1,387,466 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) [Altshuler et al., 2010]. When the dataset was constructed, it was assumed that the remaining individuals were unrelated, but recent studies have identified many unannotated relationships [Pemberton et al., 2010]. We apply KING [Manichaikul et al., 2010], a method for predicting genetic relationships from whole genome datasets, to identify the unannotated genetic relationships and eliminate these pairs from consideration. This results in the elimination of 27 unrelated pairs from the CEU dataset and 12 unrelated pairs from the YRI dataset which is consistent with previous attempts to identify the unannotated relationships.
The standard approach to identifying whether or not a pair of individuals are closely related is to predict identity-by-descent (IBD) regions between the individuals and then use the amount of shared IBD regions to quantify the amount of genetic relatedness [Pemberton et al., 2010]. We propose a simple approximation to this scheme that we demonstrate is adequate for identifying close relatives and is amenable to the encryption methods proposed. We partition each individual's genome into segments, each consisting of a fixed number of markers. In our case, we split the individual's genomes into 4,625 segments, each consisting of 300 SNPs. We phase each individual's genotypes to obtain the haplotypes for each segment. We approximate the relatedness of two individuals by computing the number of segments where one of the haplotypes matches exactly and refer to this quantity as the number of “segment” matches between a pair of individuals. Below we will explain how we perform this comparison securely.
Genome Sketches
We define a “genome sketch” (GS) as a representation of an individual's segments that allows us to compute the number of segment matches between a pair of individuals without revealing the full genetic information of an individual. A GS is obtained by converting the values of the haplotypes for each segment, into a pair of 300-bit values where 0 represents the major allele and 1 represents the minor allele. Information on the segment number which is encoded as a 13 bit binary number is incorporated by adding the segment number to each 300-bit haplotype value. The resulting pair of 300-bit values are then converted into a pair of 24-bit strings using collision resistant hashing, where each value in the pair represents a haplotype at a segment. The set of 9,250 resulting 24-bit values for each individual compose an individual's genome sketch. We compare two individuals by computing how many of their 9,250 elements are common to both individuals. An common element is an indicator that in some segment of the genome, the two individuals have exactly the same haplotype.
Comparing genome sketches from two individuals by counting the number of overlaps (or computing the set distance—also known as the Jaccard similarity coefficient) closely estimates the number of segments where the two individuals have a shared haplotype. This estimate is a slight overestimate because of the possibility that two different 300-bit segment values are converted to the same 24-bit sketch element.
In our example, a genome sketch is converted by summing the binary representation of the haplotype in each segment with the segment number and then hashing to a 3-bit value. For clarity of the example, instead of a hash function we simply take the last 3 digits of this sum as the genome sketch element (represented by “%8”). The genome sketch is the set of these values for each individual. Note that for individual 2, there was a collision in the hashing between the first and third segment which resulted in only three genome sketch elements.
A genome sketch can be either represented as a set or as a vector of size 2k where k is the number of bits of each sketch value.
A genome sketch has some advantageous properties in terms of privacy. If two individuals differ by even a single SNP within a segment, because of the way a segment value is converted to a sketch value (See Methods), the corresponding genome sketch values will completely differ. One approach to relative identification is to have individuals release their genome sketches publicly. Users can then compare their genome sketch to other genome sketches to identify which individuals they are related to. Unfortunately, this solution reveals private information. Each individual can obtain information about another individual's genome whenever there is an exact match. Since even unrelated individual's share some IBD regions, some genetic information will be compromised. In our example in
Secure Genome Sketches
We address the privacy issue of genome sketches by using a new cryptographic construct called a “secure sketch.” A secure sketch is a construct which allows for the computation of set distance between two sketches only if their distance is within a certain threshold (see [Dodis et al., 2008] and references therein for a further discussion of secure sketches). The ideas underlying our encryption scheme are closely related to the theory of error-correcting codes (ECC) [Huffman and Pless, 2003]. We translate a genome sketch into a secure genome sketch using an error-correcting code matrix and use this matrix for identifying relationships.
In our approach, users will have access to their own genome sketches (GS) which they will keep private. Users will also create what we will call a “secure genome sketch” (SGS) using their GS as a starting point which they will make public. The way a user will determine whether they are not related to another individual is to obtain that individual's SGS and then attempt to use their own GS to check if they are related.
In our example, there are three individuals where the first two individuals are related and the third individual is unrelated. Genome sketches are generated with aid of an error-correcting code matrix that is the same width as the length of the genome sketch vector.
To generate a genome sketch, an individual randomly selects a row of the matrix and sums the row with his or her genome sketch (
In the example, individual 1 randomly selected the second matrix row, individual 2 randomly selected the sixth matrix row and individual 3 randomly selected the eleventh matrix row (
In order to scale to the genome, we utilize a recently developed method, PinSketch [Dodis et al., 2008]. Computing the similarity of genome sketches involves comparing the overlap of sets of 24-bit vectors. This can be thought of as computing the Hamming distance between length 224-bit vectors, each representing the genome sketch of an individual where each position represents a specific 24-length vector, and the bit is 1 if the individual contains that genome sketch element and 0 otherwise. Typically, an individual will have 9,250 non-zero bits in each vector. Similarly, the error correcting code matrix will have width 224. The distance between words of the code matrix is 800, corresponding to the threshold of 400. A major advantage of the PinSketch method is that it provides an efficient algorithm for both encoding and decoding a genome sketch represented as a set.
Identification of Relatives in the HapMap data
We demonstrate our methodology by applying it to the HapMap data. In our simulation we assume that the 165 CEU and 167 YRI individuals all have access to their genetic information, yet do not know which other individuals are relatives. Each individual wants to identify any relatives without revealing their genetic information. Each individual generates a secure genome sketch using the phased 1,387,466 SNPs and makes these sketches public.
Then each individual obtains the set of secure sketches from all of the remaining individuals and applies PinSketch to compare their own genome to the secure sketch of each of the other 321 individuals. The total number of comparisons performed is 109,892. We omit performing the comparisons on the 27 ambiguous relationships in the CEU population and the 12 ambiguous relationships in the YRI population. 48 of the CEU individuals and 54 of the YRI individuals are children in trios and we correctly identify both of their parents. The parents each correctly identify a genetic relationship with their children. In no cases do we incorrectly predict a genetic relationship among individuals who are not related. When performing the comparisons, no genetic information was revealed to the other individuals.
Security of Secure Genome Sketches
A general question is—how secure are secure genome sketches? We refer to “security” in the cryptographic sense. This is equivalent to asking how difficult is it to reverse engineer a secure genome sketch to a genome sketch and similarly how difficult is it to reverse engineer a genome sketch into an actual genome? This question can be addressed in a very general way by considering the relative amount of information in the individual's genome sketch compared to the amount of information publicly released in an individual's secure genome sketch. The “amount of information” is quantified in terms of “entropy,” or the number of bits required to encode the information.
The amount of information released as part of an individual's secure genome sketch depends on the cryptographic scheme used to perform the encryption and is tied both to the entropy of the dataset and the “relatives” threshold that we must recognize. Each scheme defines an “entropy loss” that defines the amount of information released. In our approach, since we are using PinSketch, then entropy loss is t log(n+1) where t is twice the threshold and n is the number of possible sketch elements [Dodis et al., 2008]. In that case, the amount of entropy loss is 20,000, or on average slightly more than 2 bits per sketch element.
In our application, a genome sketch consists of 9,650 24-bit elements. The maximum amount of entropy contained in a genome sketch is then 231,600 bits. However, the actual number is smaller since not all 24-bit values are equally likely to be present in an individual, and the values that do occur in one segment are not necessarily independent of the values in other segments. In order for our approach to be secure, the amount of entropy in the genome sketch must be much higher than the amount of entropy loss of PinSketch. If we were able to obtain a complete distribution for haplotypes for the human population in each segment, we could directly measure the amount of entropy in the genome sketch. Unfortunately, since we only have access to a finite number of individuals, it is impossible to accurately measure this entropy. However, the amount of entropy is likely very high because in our dataset almost every unrelated individual has unique values for most segments, as shown in
We have proposed a new approach for addressing the inherent tension between privacy and data sharing in personal genomics which leverages recent developments in cryptography and demonstrate how these developments can be used to identify genetic relationships while preserving privacy. The key idea of our approach is that each individual releases specially encrypted information about their genome which allows for other individuals to identify if they are related, but the information does not reveal any information about the individual's genome in the event they are not.
We demonstrated our approach using two populations from the HapMap with very different linkage disequilibrium structures and known genetic relationships. Our current implementation is tuned to identify first-order genetic relationships. However, we can arbitrarily define the threshold to identify more distant relationships such as first or second cousins. We note that there is a tradeoff between our ability to detect more distant relationships and the “entropy loss” which determines how secure our approach is in terms of privacy. Adequately determining exactly what types of relationships can be identified while preserving privacy can only be answered by measuring the entropy in large reference datasets such as those currently being collected in the community.
The recent development of sequencing technology allows for the cost effective collection of rare variants from an individual. This technology has implications for relative identification because it allows for utilizing a rare variants to identify segments that are identical by descent. However, rare variants complicate the application of this technique because many of them are unlikely to be discovered in advance which will require novel methods for constructing genome sketches.
In our approach, if two individuals are unrelated, they cannot obtain any information about each other's genome. However, our current implementation can be utilized to reveal exactly the shared genomic regions between a pair of related individuals. The reason is that when a secure genome sketch is successfully decoded, the number of errors between the difference of the secure genome sketch and an individual's genome sketch and the error correcting codeword is obtained. This number of errors is corresponds to the number of segments which differ between the individuals.
An individual can then perform the decoding leaving out one element of their genome sketch each time and observe when the number of errors increases. Each time the number of errors increases, the individual can infer that the corresponding haplotype is present at the corresponding segment of the individual. Thus an individual can obtain information about which parts of the genome are identical by descent with a relative. We can remedy this problem by using a secure computation approach (for example see [Ishai et al., 2011] and the references therein) and this is a direction for future work.
HapMap Phase 3 Data
We used the genotypes from release 28 of the HapMap Phase 3 data. Since we also use the HapMap data as a reference for performing phasing, we phase and impute missing data in each population by using BEAGLE [Browning and Browning, 2009] imputation using the remaining populations as the reference sets. This avoids any bias from inclusion of a sample in the reference datasets.
Genome Sketches
Haplotypes for each of 4,625 segments consist of a pair of 300-bit values which encode the values of the SNP for the haplotype and a binary representation of the segment number, requiring 13 bits. For each haplotype in a segment, the sum of the 300-bit value and the 13-bit segment number is computed. This number is added to a fixed 100-bit value called a salt. The salt is a random 100-bit number that is public and used for the encoding of all individuals. This resulting 300-bit value is then hashed using the SHA-256 Secure Hash Algorithm [NIST, 2008] and the first 24 bits from the hash are saved to comprise the genome sketch corresponding to the haplotype. Note that because of the SHA-256 hashing, even two haplotypes in the same region that differ by only one SNP will be hashed to completely different values, thereby creating genome sketch elements which are completely different.
Secure Genome Sketches
In our construction, we use PinSketch [Dodis et al., 2008] to convert our genome sketches into secure genome sketches (SGS) using a threshold of 400. Individuals can then make public their SGS and use PinSketch to compare their genome sketch to another individual's SGS to determine if the genome sketches are within a distance of the threshold that identifies a genetic relationship. However, if the distance is greater than the threshold, no information about the genome is revealed.
SGSs utilize the approach described in
In other aspects, we propose a novel encoding mechanism that convert each individual's haplotypes to a set of integer values such that the comparison between two sets approximate the genetic comparison between the two individuals where each individual has access only to its own variants list. The main innovations of our approach compared to He et al. (2013) is that we use a novel encoding which allows for us to utilize all variants in an individual's genome. This is challenging because many of the variants have not yet been discovered. In addition, our cryptographic scheme uses list decoding which has some advantages to other approaches for fuzzy encryption.
We use both simulated and real data to show the utility of our method. We generated series of family relationships using the 1000 genomes data as the founder of the population. Then, we randomly generated offsprings for different generations. With the simulated data, we show that our secure protocol could detect up to fifth degree cousins. However, the previous method (He et al., 2013) can only detect up to third degree cousins. Furthermore, we use Luhya in Webuye (LWK) population from the 1000 genomes data (1000 Genomes Project Consortium, 2010, 2012) that contains cryptic relationships to show that method could detect these cryptic individuals.
2.1 Overview
Our method uses the ‘fuzzy’ encryption, which is a new method in the field of cryptography (Dodis et al., 2008; Ishai et al., 2011). The ‘fuzzy’ encryption is similar to the traditional encryption and decryption protocols where each individual has a public key and a private key. The public key for each individual is accessible by all other individuals and the private key for each individual is hidden from all other individuals. In a traditional protocol to decrypt the message we use the same private key that was used to encrypt the message in the first place as shown in 8A. However, in ‘fuzzy’ encryption, decryption is possible only if the Hamming distance between the two keys is less than a predefined threshold ‘t’ as shown in 8B. The ‘fuzzy’ decryption terminates successfully if the Hamming distance between the keys is 5‘t’ and it fails otherwise. Mostly, the keys used in ‘fuzzy’ encryption are in form of extremely long vectors which are sparse and the sparsity allows us to compute the Hamming distance efficiently using ‘fuzzy’ encryption.
Fuzzy extractors can be used to implement secure comparison of sets of a fixed size (number of elements in a set) which is the basis of our approach to private relative identification. The secure comparison of sets works as follows. Each individual has a set of elements which is private to the individual. Using the cryptographic protocol based on fuzzy extractors, each individual is able to identify which other individuals have a set with at least ‘t’ elements in common. The way the protocol works is that each individual releases some public information referred to as a ‘secure sketch’ and then individuals compare their sets against the sketches of others. The individual can recognize if the sets of the two individuals contain at least ‘t’ common elements.
The way secure set comparison is implemented using fuzzy extractors is that the private keys that are generated encode the membership of each element of the set. We consider all sets contain k elements, each of which is binary vectors of length m, then there are a total of 2m possible elements. The private keys are binary vectors of length 2m with k ‘1’s encoding which element exists in an individual's set. We use fuzzy extractors to generate public keys for these private keys where the threshold for decryption is 2k−t: Any pair of private keys which have Hamming distance 5{hacek over (o)}2k−t are correspond to sets that have at least ‘t’ elements in common. Any pair of private keys that have Hamming distance of 4{hacek over (o)}2k−t
will have 5‘t’ elements in common. Each individual can release their public keys and other individuals can detect if their sets have at least ‘t’ elements in common by attempting to decrypt the public key using their private key.
In this work similar to previous work (He et al., 2013), we use the fuzzy extractor to compute the symmetric set difference as a black box. Our goal is to encode the two haplotypes (diploid genome) for each individual to a set such that the symmetric set difference between individuals corresponds to the genetic similarity between the two individuals. In the previous method (He et al., 2013), only the common variants are used and assumed the list of variants between all the individuals are the same, as a result we convert the haplotypes to a set by considering non-overlapping segments. Thus, the symmetric set difference between the generated sets can approximate the hamming distance between their haplotypes. However, in our work we want to utilize the rare variants and relax the assumption that all individuals have access to the list of all the variants between all the individuals. In this work each haplotype is compared against the reference genome and the positions where they differ are marked as ‘1’ and the rest are marked as ‘0’. Thus, individuals that are related have more positions in the haplotype marked similarly as compared to the unrelated individuals. Using the encoded genome we generate ‘sketch’ that contains private information and is used as the private key. From the sketch we generate the ‘secure sketch’ and use it as the public key. In order for two individuals ‘A’ and ‘B’ to detect if they are related or not, individual ‘A’ compares its private sketch with the secure sketch obtained from individual ‘B’. If the two individuals are related the ‘fuzzy’ encryption method terminates successfully, if not the program fails.
We need to show our method is secure as each individual release a public key that is generated from each genome that contains private data. We need to show the amount of information obtained from public key is small relative to the total amount of data in each genome. We use entropy to measure the amount of information. Entropy is a known quantity to measure the amount of information in a data and entropy is an additive quantity. Thus, in order to show our method is secure we have to show the entropy in the human genome is much larger than the entropy in the public key (sketch). The entropy in ‘fuzzy’ encryption is bounded by t2/s where ‘t’ is the number of elements that are in common between the sets and s is the number of elements in each set. Intuitively, this value corresponds to the strength of an encryption. If there are 100 bits of entropy remaining, a brute force approach to identify the set would require the same effort to crack 100-bit encryption. As long as this number is 4100 bits, the protocol is relatively secure.
2.2 Estimating Genetic Relatives by Comparing Sets
There exist a series of methods to detect the relatedness among different individuals and even build the family tree using the Identity by descent (IBD) (Li et al., 2010; Stevens et al., 2011; Wang, 2011). In this section we describe a simple method to approximate the relatedness using the haplotype data which can be used to build a secure protocol.
We assume that we have N individuals and we have access to each individual's variants and the reference genome. In our method we only consider single-base variants which include both common and rare variants. Furthermore, we assume we have access to the phased haplotypes of each individual, in the case we have unphased haplotypes, we can phase them by using the existing methods (Browning and Browning, 2007; Li, Y. et al., 2010; Scheet and Stephens, 2006; Stephens and Scheet, 2010), we phased the individuals using a reference dataset of individuals which did not contain any individuals that are related to the ones we are phasing. We convert the two haplotypes for each individual to a single set such that the set comparison between the two individuals' haplotypes can estimate the genetic relatedness. In our method, unlike the previous method, the list of all the variants is not the same between all the individuals. Thus, we need to convert each individual's haplotypes to a binary string such that the hamming distance between the two strings estimates the similarity between the two individuals. Furthermore, the variants that occur in the same positions in the haplotype should be compared against each other. Thus, we use the reference genome to align the variants such the same variants are compared. We convert each individual genome (donor) to binary genome by comparing each donor genome to the reference genome, we convert each position to ‘0’ when there exists no variants between the donor and the reference genome and otherwise ‘1’. We partition each binary genome to non-overlapping segments of 30 000 bp. We generate a set for each individual such that each element of the set contains the segment data (string of length 30 000 which represents the binary genome of that segment) and the segment position. We compute the summation of the binary value of the segment position and the segment data and store the computed value in a set. In order to compute the summation we used the arithmetic addition operation for binary numbers. More formally, let Hi indicates the i-th individual binary haplotypes where Hi={Hi1, Hi2} such that Hi1 and Hi2 represent the first and second haplotypes, respectively for i-th individual. In our model we consider two haplotypes for each individual as we assume we are dealing with diploid genomes (two copies of each chromosome). Moreover, Hij{1,{hacek over (2)}}ε{0, 1{circumflex over (})}30 000 represent the i-th segment of the i-th individual's binary haplotype. We use Si to indicate the set for i-th individual and sij to indicate the j-th element of the set Si representing the j-th segment of genome.
where B{hacek over (o)}: denotes the binary representation of an integer number and M denotes total number of base pair in each genome, in the case of human genome M=3 billion.
If the distance score between two individuals is 5‘t’ we consider them as related individuals and if the distance score is 4‘t’ we consider them as unrelated individuals. We assume the value of ‘t’ is computed using a training set where the true relationship between each pair of individuals is known.
In order to compute the number of matched segments between two individuals, we count the number of shared haplotypes for each segment between the two individuals. There exist three possible values for each segment: zero, one and two. Zero indicates both haplotypes in that segment are different between the two individuals, two indicates both haplotypes in that segment are the same between the two individuals and one indicates only one of the haplotypes is the same between the two individuals.
2.3 Protecting Privacy During Identification of Relatives
In order for individuals to securely compute the symmetric difference between their genomic sets, we define a sketch where we hash the value of each element in the genomic sets (Si). Let Ki indicates the sketch of i-th individual and kij indicates the j-th element of the Ki that is obtained by hashing the j-th element of the i-th individual genome set.
where r is a random binary number of size 100 that is referred to as the salt, and h24{hacek over (o)}: is a collision-resistance hash function that returns the first 24 bits. One of the main properties of the elements in the secure set is that the similarity between two chunks is preserved. If two segments differ in one base pair their corresponding elements in the secure set differs due to the hash function.
Collision-resistance hash function has two main properties: first, collision-resistance hash function is one-way function. Second, finding distinct values which have the same hashed value is hard. We consider function ƒ to be a one way function such that given x computing ƒ(x) is easy. However, given the ƒ(x) computing the x is hard. It is worth mentioning two segments obtained from the same genomic position in the genome for two different individuals that differ in one base pair have a different sketch element. Thus, reverse engineering the genome given the secure set is extremely hard based on the hardness of inverting one way functions.
However, using the sketch for identification leaks information. We can compare the sketch of other individuals with our own sketch to detect which genome segments are similar. Thus, this results in the leak of information. We use the sketch as the private key and use the improved version of the Juels-Sudan construction (Dodis et al., 2008; Ishai et al., 2011) that uses list decoding, followed by a hash check to generate a secure sketch that is used as public key for individuals.
Using the above encoding, each individual is represented by a set containing 24-bit elements. Individual are related if they share at least ‘t’ of their elements. We can then use the secure set comparison from Section 2.1 to allow individuals to identify their relatives without requiring them to release their genomes.
The amount of entropy in ‘fuzzy’ encryption is bounded by t2/s where ‘t’ is the number of elements that are in common between the sets and s is the number of chunks. In the case of human s=3 000 000 000/30 000=100 000: Although computing the exact entropy of the human genome needs enormous number of individuals, He et al. (2013) show that the approximate amount of entropy in the human genome is much higher than t2/s. More detail is provided in Appendix A below.
2.4 Haplotype Encoding Independent of Genome Builds
The encoding mentioned in Section 2.2 depends on the genome build that is used to call variants. Thus, individuals using different genome builds are unable to compare their sets. In this section we propose a new encoding which makes the encoding independent from the genome build which is used to call the variants. Our encoding is based on the observation that variant positions are typically identifiable using the 500-bp flanking sequence and the number of variants which differ in flanking sequence between different builds is extremely low.
In this encoding each segment is of size 30 000 bp and each segment starts from a known common SNP in the dbSNP (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/SNP/). Then, for each variant in the segment we consider the flanking sequence of length 500 bp around the variant. Virtually all common SNPs have been identified in the HapMap and 1000 G projects. We concatenate all the flanking sequences around each variant in a segment to represent the segment uniquely. Then, the collision resistance hash function is applied as described above to generate elements of the set.
2.5 Generating Simulated Data
In order for us to evaluate our method we must generate realistic simulations. We generate simulation by randomly mating individuals and generating a pedigree using a recombination rate of 10−7.
Since sequence errors and phasing errors affect the amount of matching in real data, for our simulations to be valid, we must use similar error rates. We utilize our real data to estimate the effect of these errors on matching in order to guide our simulations as follows. We first generate simulations without any error rates and compute the amount of matching for siblings unrelated individuals in real data compared to our simulated data. We then increase the error rate until the amounts of sharing are comparable and then utilize these parameters in our simulations.
3.1 Simulated Data
In order to assess the performance of our method, we generated simulated data for different levels of relatedness using the 1000 genomes data. We used the LWK population which consists of 116 individuals. Among these 116 individuals 19 individuals have cryptic relationships that are removed from our data-generating process, and we used the remaining individuals as the founder individuals. In the first step, we used the founder individuals to generate offspring by randomly mating the individuals. Moreover, for simplicity we assume there exist no polygamy in the simulated data, thus each individual is mated with only one individual. In the next step, we use the generated offsprings to generate offsprings of the next generation by pairing together unrelated individuals from the current generation. We continue to generate new offsprings until we have sufficient number of distant relatives. In our case, we generated 10 generations from the founder individuals. Using this data we can check different levels of relatedness such as sibling, first-degree cousins, and second-degree cousins and up to sixth-degree cousins. We utilized a recombination rate of 10−7. We utilized a sequencing-error and phasing-error rate which is consistent with what we observe as the effect of errors on the amount of matching compared to what is expected in real data as we describe in Section 2.
We compute the similarity score for each pair of individuals using our encoding. We show there exists a separation between the related and unrelated pairs of individuals which is shown in
We run our method to generate the secure sketch (public key) for each simulated individual and then each individual uses the secure sketch of another individuals and compare to its own sketch (private key). As expected, for each pair of individuals that are related, the program terminates successfully. However, for unrelated pairs of individuals the program fails.
We use another population from the 1000 genomes to generate simulated data using the same process to make sure our results are not specific to only one population. We use the Mexican Ancestry in Los Angeles, Calif. (MXL) population. The MXL consist of 69 individuals where nine individuals have cryptic relationships. We removed the cryptic-related individuals so that the founders are unrelated. We observe there exists a separation between the related and unrelated using our method of comparing sets. We can detect up to fifth-degree cousins using our method. The results are similar to the LWK population and for the sake of space we did not show the results.
3.2 Real Data
In order to assess the results of our method we used the 1000 genomes data. Although the 1000 genomes data consist of unrelated individuals, there exists three populations that contain cryptic (not known before sequencing) relationships. These three populations are African Ancestry in Southwest (ASW), and LWK. We used the final phase of data. The ASW population consists of 66 individuals where 10 individuals have cryptic relationships. The LWK population consists of 116 individuals where 19 individuals have cryptic relationships. The cryptic relationships in this data are parent-child, sibling or second-order relationships.
In order to detect if two individuals are related or not there exist series of methods, the standard method is KING method (Manichaikul et al., 2010). In this work we use a simpler idea which can be used to build a secure protocol. We divide the genome to segments of length 30 000 bits. Then, for each pair of individuals we count the number of segments which are identical and then use a threshold to distinguish between related and unrelated individuals. As shown in
We run our method to generate the secure sketch (public key) for each individual in the 1000 genomes data. Then, each individual uses the secure sketches of other individuals and compare it with their own sketch (private key). As expected, for each pair of individuals that are related, the program terminates successfully. However, for unrelated pairs of individuals the program fails.
In order to check if the new encoding mention in Section 2.4 works, we used the known list of SNPs from Hg18 and Hg19 obtained from the HapMap project. For each SNP we consider 500-bp sequence around the SNP in both builds of Hg18 and Hg19. Then, we used the SSHA-256 to hash each string (1000 bp) and compared the hash value for the same SNPs in the two different builds. In our experiment we observed only 0.002 fraction of the SNPs will not have the same hash value. Meaning only 0.002 of SNPs are not mapped to the right SNP position when two different genome builds are used. As a result, the majority of SNPs are mapped to the same flanking sequence when moving from Hg19 to Hg18. Thus, the encoding which utilizes the flanking sequence can easily use a different genome build to generate keys to be compared with the other individual's public key that was generated using a different genome build.
Sequencing technologies have made personal genomics possible and many companies are providing information about ancestry and health of individuals by utilizing genetic data. However, to obtain these information, each individual has to share their genomic data. The sharing of genomic data raises privacy issues.
One solution to the privacy issue is to use a trusted third party for detecting relatedness, however, individuals may not feel comfortable to share their genetic data with a trusted party for detecting related individuals. In this disclosure, we demonstrate detecting the relatedness between two individuals where both individuals have access to their genetic data and no third party is needed.
Recently, He et al. (2013) have proposed a secure method for detecting the genetic relatives using genotype data. This method uses the ‘fuzzy’ encryption. A limitation of He et al. (2013) is that only previously known variants which are common can be used in the method. Unfortunately, common variants are not as nearly as informative for identifying relatives as rare variants which are typically shared with only close family members.
In this work, we provide a secure method for individuals to detect the genetic relatives from sequencing data without exposing any information about their genomes that utilizes both common and rare variants and through simulated data, we demonstrate, we can detect up to fifth-degree cousins. We also show in two populations from the 1000 genomes data that contains cryptic relationships, our method can detect these individuals. Our method also utilized an encoding that allows us to compare individuals who utilized different genome builds for calling their variants. Thus, genomes encoded using today's genome build can be used to detect relatives called using future builds.
The input to our method is the phased haplotypes, in the case we have unpashed data, we phase our data using an existing method (Browning and Browning, 2007; Li, Y. et al., 2010; Scheet and Stephens, 2006); Stephens and Scheet, 2010). We phased the individuals using a reference dataset of individuals which did not contain any individuals that are related to the ones we are phasing. We note that sequencing errors and phasing errors decrease the amount of segment matches between related individuals because an error in a segment that matches will appear as a segment that does not match. Our experiments over real data already implicitly take into account the sequencing and phasing errors because any errors decrease our observed amount of similarity among related pairs. As sequencing technologies mature and the error rates decrease, we expect that the number of matches between related individuals will increase accordingly.
In this section we describe a principled way to select a cut-off to separate the related from unrelated individuals. Using real data we observe the number of segments shared between unrelated individuals follows a normal distribution N{hacek over (o)}μ; a2 where the mean of the distribution is 19 325 and the standard deviation is 1080. Supplementary
Given that the number of shared segments for unrelated individuals Mows a normal distribution {hacek over (o)}X″″N{hacek over (o)}μ; a2; we select a cut-off value of c such that the probability of observing a value 4c for the number of matched segment in unrelated individuals is extremely small such as 1e−8.
P{hacek over (o)}X□c
Thus, in our real data we set the cut-off to 25 390 (c=25 390).
In more detail, the idea of a secure sketch is based on the notion of an error correcting code (ECC) [Blahut (1983), Van Lint (1982) provide good introductory treatment of the theory or error correction]. An ECC is used to provide a reliable means of communication over noisy channels. Here, we provide a very brief and simplified overview of ECC that is sufficient for our purposes. For positive integers n, k, d, an (n, k, d) ECC is a k-dimensional subspace of an n-dimensional vector space. Each element of the k-dimensional subspace is called a codeword. The parameter d specifies the distance of the code, which means that the Hamming distance (the Hamming distance between two n-dimensional vectors is the number of co-ordinates where they differ) between any two code words is at least d. Thus intuitively, the distance of a code is a measure of how ‘spread-out’ the code words are in the n-dimensional space. Finally, the ECC comes with a mechanism to ‘correct small errors’. This means that given a codeword v, if we change a small number of coordinates of v to get a vector w, then there exists an algorithm that on input w, outputs the ‘correct’ codeword v. Formally, an ECC comes with an efficient Decoding Algorithm, which works as follows: given any n-dimensional vector w as input, if there exists a codeword within distance d/2 of w, then the decoding algorithm outputs that vector, otherwise, it outputs an error message specifying that decoding failed. Note that as the distance of the code is d, there can be at most a single codeword within a distance d/2 of any vector w. This is called unique decoding.
The Juels-Sudan construction that we use from Dodis et al. (2008) is based on a particular kind of ECC, called the Reed-Solomon code. We first give a brief overview of the Reed-Solomon construction, and then describe the Juels-Sudan construction, An (n, k, d) Reed-Solomon code is a particular kind of ECC that is defined as follows: fix a finite field F (in our case, the field P will be the Galois field GF{hacek over (o)}224 ; and consider the n-dimensional vector space Fn. To define the k-dimensional subspace of code words, we begin by fixing a sequence of n points {hacek over (o)}a1; . . . ; an
; where each ai is an element of F. The subspace of code words is obtained by evaluating all the degree k−1 polynomials (over F) on the points {hacek over (o)}a1; . . . ; an
; i.e. let ƒ{hacek over (o)} be a degree k−1 polynomial whose coefficients are elements of F. Then the corresponding code word is {hacek over (o)}ƒ{hacek over (o)}a1
; . . . ; ƒ{hacek over (o)}an
: The code word subspace consists of the evaluations of all degree k−1 polynomials. It follows from elementary algebra that the distance of the Reed-Solomon code is d=n−k+1: The details of the decoding algorithm can be found in Blahut (1983), Van Lint (1982).
Now we are ready to describe the improved Juels-Sudan construction from Dodis et al. (2008). Recall that the genome is represented as a set of 24-bit strings, which we take to be elements from the field GF{hacek over (o)}224: Let s1=fw1; . . . ; wng be such a set. Our task is to convert the genome sketch s1 to a ‘secure sketch’ ss1, which satisfies two properties: (i) the secure sketch should not reveal too much information about s1, and (ii) given the genome sketch s2=fv1; . . . ; vng of another individual and the secure sketch ss1 of the first individual we should be able to determine if the two individuals are related or not. The Juels-Sudan algorithm uses algebraic techniques to achieve this.
One of the main ideas of the Juels-Sudan construction is to represent the genome sketch as a polynomial. In particular, we first construct a polynomial p(x) whose roots are the wis; that is p(x)=Πi=1n(x−xwi{hacek over ())}. Note that anyone who knows p(x) can obtain the entire genome sketch by simply finding the roots of p(x). Thus, in particular, we cannot use p(x) itself as the secure sketch (as it reveals too much information about the genome). Instead, the idea is to reveal only a small part of the polynomial p(x), and reconstruct the rest using error correction. This is done as follows: p(x) is split into two polynomials phigh{hacek over (o)}x and plow{hacek over (o)}x
: Polynomial phigh{hacek over (o)}x
is a degree-n polynomial that matches p(x) in the ′ highest coefficients, and all the other coefficients are 0 (here, the parameter ′ will be determined later). The polynomial plow{hacek over (o)}x
is a degree-n−′ polynomial that matches with p(x) in the n−′ smallest coefficients. Thus, p{hacek over (o)}x
=phigh{hacek over (o)}x
+plow{hacek over (o)}x
: Only the polynomial phigh{hacek over (o)}x
is released in public. To complete the scheme, we have to show two things: (i) revealing phigh{hacek over (o)}x
does not reveal too much information about the genome sketch, and (ii) given phigh{hacek over (o)}x
; and the genome sketch of another individual, we can find out if there is a match or not.
We first describe how matches are determined. Let f v1; . . . ; vn g be the genome sketch of another individual. Note that if we can reconstruct the polynomial p(x), then it is easy to check if there is a match or not (as p(x) contains all information about the sketch f w1; . . . ; wn g: As phigh{hacek over (o)}x
is publicly available, our task is to reconstruct plow{hacek over (o)}x
: First, note the following mathematical fact: as wi is a root of p(x), we have, p{hacek over (o)}wi
=0; which implies that phigh{hacek over (o)}wi
+plow{hacek over (o)}wi
=0 or plow{hacek over (o)}wi
=−phigh{hacek over (o)}wi
: This implies that even though we do not have plow{hacek over (o)}x
; we can evaluate it on wi given phigh{hacek over (o)}x
; which is publicly available. Further, if we can evaluate plow{hacek over (o)}x
on large enough number of points, then we can reconstruct plow {hacek over (o)}x
using elementary algebra (by a process called polynomial interpolation). However, we do not have access to the wis, but only to vis. But if the individuals are related, then the genome sketches of the individuals are close together, which means most of the wis are the same as vis. Thus, if we evaluate phigh{hacek over (o)}x
on the vis, we obtain a ‘noisy’ version of the evaluations of plow{hacek over (o)}x
: And this can now be corrected using error correction. In particular, we construct the n-dimensional vector {hacek over (o)}plow{hacek over (o)}v1
; . . . ; phigh{hacek over (o)}vn
; and run the decoding algorithm of the Reed-Solomon code on it. If the two genome sequences are close by, then this algorithm outputs closest code word, which is {hacek over (o)}phigh{hacek over (o)}w1
; . . . ; phigh{hacek over (o)}wn
; from which plow{hacek over (o)}x
can be reconstructed.
Now we come to the first point above, namely that revealing phigh{hacek over (o)}x does not reveal too much information about the genome. Clearly, the amount of information released depends on the value of ′; the smaller the value of ′, the smaller the amount of information released. On the other hand, we cannot make ′ too small, as then we will not have enough information to decode (note that we are trying to reconstruct an n−′-degree polynomial from n noisy points). Let t be the threshold for matching, i.e. if two individuals are related, then there genome sketches have at least t points in common. Then, to minimize the value of ′, we need to find the largest degree of the polynomial plow{hacek over (o)}x
that can be correctly decoded given n points, with threshold t. For the Reed-Solomon code with unique decoding, this turns out to be t, and thus the remaining entropy is equivalent to t field elements.
Unfortunately, the way we have described the Juels-Sudan scheme above does not work for our application. The reason is that unique decoding of Reed-Solomon requires that the agreement be very high, as compared to the size of the genome sketch. However, in our application, even if the individuals are related, the agreement can be very small. Thus, we move to a more sophisticated error correction scheme called ‘list-decoding’ for Reed-Solomon codes. The main advantage of list-decoding over unique decoding is that it can tolerate very small agreement thresholds also. The scheme remains essentially as we have described so far, except that in the reconstruction step, instead of using unique decoding to reconstruct plow{hacek over (o)}x; we use the list-decoding algorithm from Guruswami and Sudan (1998). The remaining entropy in this case turns out to be t2=s field elements. In the case of human s==3 000 000 000/30 000=100 000: Although computing the exact entropy of the human genome needs enormous number of individuals, He et al. (2013) show that the approximate amount of entropy in the human genome is much higher than t2/s.
Although the detailed description contains many specifics, these should not be construed as limiting the scope of the invention but merely as illustrating different examples and aspects of the invention. It should be appreciated that the scope of the invention includes other embodiments not discussed in detail above. Various other modifications, changes and variations which will be apparent to those skilled in the art may be made in the arrangement, operation and details of the method and apparatus of the present invention disclosed herein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the appended claims. Therefore, the scope of the invention should be determined by the appended claims and their legal equivalents.
In alternate embodiments, the invention is implemented in computer hardware, firmware, software, and/or combinations thereof. Apparatus of the invention can be implemented in a computer program product tangibly embodied in a machine-readable storage device for execution by a programmable processor; and method steps of the invention can be performed by a programmable processor executing a program of instructions to perform functions of the invention by operating on input data and generating output. The invention can be implemented advantageously in one or more computer programs that are executable on a programmable system including at least one programmable processor coupled to receive data and instructions from, and to transmit data and instructions to, a data storage system, at least one input device, and at least one output device. Each computer program can be implemented in a high-level procedural or object-oriented programming language, or in assembly or machine language if desired; and in any case, the language can be a compiled or interpreted language. Suitable processors include, by way of example, both general and special purpose microprocessors. Generally, a processor will receive instructions and data from a read-only memory and/or a random access memory. Generally, a computer will include one or more mass storage devices for storing data files; such devices include magnetic disks, such as internal hard disks and removable disks; magneto-optical disks; and optical disks. Storage devices suitable for tangibly embodying computer program instructions and data include all forms of non-volatile memory, including by way of example semiconductor memory devices, such as EPROM, EEPROM, and flash memory devices; magnetic disks such as internal hard disks and removable disks; magneto-optical disks; and CD-ROM disks. Any of the foregoing can be supplemented by, or incorporated in, ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits) and other forms of hardware.
This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/894,363, “Identifying Genetic Relatives Without Compromising Privacy,” filed Oct. 22, 2013. The subject matter of all of the foregoing is incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
This invention was made with Government support under Grant No. IIS-1065276, awarded by the National Science Foundation. The Government has certain rights in this invention.
Number | Date | Country | |
61894363 | Oct 2013 | US |