Computer processor cores are typically implemented as a hard core. This is especially the case when the computer processor core is designed for power efficiency because the circuits that are fabricated using hard core fabrication techniques are much more power efficient than the reconfigurable circuits of soft cores. However, it is also possible to implement a processor core as a soft core using reconfigurable circuits, such as those provided in Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). A soft core allows users to specify custom instructions to be integrated into the processor core. Often a custom instruction is able to perform the duties of many instructions in a single instruction.
If a processor is designed without knowing if the custom instructions will be necessary, and a reconfigurable execution unit is not available, a decision must be made whether to implement the instructions when they may not be needed, thereby increasing the cost of the processor without added benefit. Alternatively, if the custom instructions are left out of the default instruction set and they are later needed, the design results in poorer performance on those programs that need them but cannot use them.
Accordingly, it is desirable to create a hybrid processor core that combines the superior power efficiency of hard cores with the customizability provided by soft cores. It is further desirable to allow the choice of which custom instructions to include in the processor to be made after the chip has been fabricated, thereby decreasing the chances that the above negative scenarios occur.
It is further desirable to compensate for the relatively low performance of the reconfigurable circuits of a soft core by implementing multiple virtual processors per core, thereby providing latency tolerance such that instructions with multi-cycle latency can be implemented in the reconfigurable core without negative performance impact.
In one embodiment, an integrated circuit (IC) is disclosed. The integrated circuit includes a non-reconfigurable multi-threaded processor core that implements a pipeline having n ordered stages, wherein n is an integer greater than 1. The multi-threaded processor core implements a default instruction set. The integrated circuit also includes reconfigurable hardware that implements n discrete pipeline stages of a reconfigurable execution unit. The n discrete pipeline stages of the reconfigurable execution unit are pipeline stages of the pipeline that is implemented by the multi-threaded processor core.
In another embodiment, an integrated circuit is disclosed. The integrated circuit includes a non-reconfigurable multi-threaded processor core that implements a pipeline having n ordered stages. The multi-threaded processor core implements a default instruction set. The integrated circuit also includes reconfigurable hardware configurable for executing one or more instructions that are not included in the default instruction set.
The foregoing summary, as well as the following detailed description of preferred embodiments of the invention, will be better understood when read in conjunction with the appended drawings. For the purpose of illustrating the invention, there are shown in the drawings embodiments which are presently preferred. It should be understood, however, that the invention is not limited to the precise arrangements and instrumentalities shown.
The following definitions are provided to promote understanding of the invention:
Default instruction set—the instruction set that is supported by a processor, regardless of customization. For example, given a processor core that can implement certain instructions in a custom manner through reconfiguration of reconfigurable circuits, the default instruction set comprises the instructions that are supported regardless of the configuration (or lack of configuration) of the reconfigurable circuits.
Hard Core—The term core is derived from “IP core” or intellectual property core, which simply means a circuit that carries out logical operations. A hard core is not reconfigurable, meaning that after the initial manufacturing and possible initial configuration, hard core circuits (or just “hard cores”) cannot be manipulated to perform different logical operations that they did originally. A hard core may be itself comprised of multiple hard cores, because circuits are often organized hierarchically such that multiple subcomponents make up the higher level component.
Soft Core—A soft core is reconfigurable. Thus, the soft core can be adjusted after it has been manufactured and initially configured, such that it carries out different logical operations than it originally did. A soft core may itself be comprised of multiple soft cores.
Virtual processor—An independent hardware thread that can execute its own program, or the same program currently being executed by one or more other hardware threads. The virtual processors resemble independent processor cores; however, multiple hardware threads share the physical hardware resources of a single core. For example, a processor core implementing a pipeline comprising 8 stages may implement 8 independent hardware threads, each running at an effective rate that is one eighth the clock speed of the frequency at which the processor core operates. The processor core may implement one floating point multiplier unit, however each of the threads can utilize the multiplier unit and are not restricted in their use of the unit regardless of whether the other virtual processors are also using the same unit. Virtual processors have their own separate register sets including special registers such as the program counter, which allows them to execute completely different programs.
Certain terminology is used in the following description for convenience only and is not limiting. The words “right”, “left”, “lower”, and “upper” designate directions in the drawings to which reference is made. The terminology includes the above-listed words, derivatives thereof, and words of similar import. Additionally, the words “a” and “an”, as used in the claims and in the corresponding portions of the specification, mean “at least one.”
Referring to the drawings in detail, wherein like reference numerals indicate like elements throughout, an integrated circuit having a hard core and a soft core is presented. The following description of a parallel computing architecture is one example of an architecture that may be used to implement the hard core of the integrated circuit. The architecture is further described in U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2009/0083263 (Felch et al.), which is incorporated herein by reference.
Parallel Computing Architecture
The DRAM memory 2100 is organized into four banks 2110, 2112, 2114 and 2116, and requires 4 processor cycles to complete, called a 4-cycle latency. In order to allow such instructions to execute during a single Execute stage of the Instruction, eight virtual processors are provided, including new VP#7 (2120) and VP#8 (2122). Thus, the DRAM memories 2100 are able to perform two memory operations for every Virtual Processor cycle by assigning the tasks of two processors (for example VP#1 and VP#5 to bank 2110). By elongating the Execute stage to 4 cycles, and maintaining single-cycle stages for the other 4 stages comprising: Instruction Fetch, Decode and Dispatch, Write Results, and Increment PC; it is possible for each virtual processor to complete an entire instruction cycle during each virtual processor cycle. For example, at hardware processor cycle T=1 Virtual Processor #1 (VP#1) might be at the Fetch instruction cycle. Thus, at T=2 Virtual Processor #1 (VP#1) will perform a Decode & Dispatch stage. At T=3 the Virtual Processor will begin the Execute stage of the instruction cycle, which will take 4 hardware cycles (half a Virtual Processor cycle since there are 8 Virtual Processors) regardless of whether the instruction is a memory operation or an ALU 1530 function. If the instruction is an ALU instruction, the Virtual Processor might spend cycles 4, 5, and 6 simply waiting. It is noteworthy that although the Virtual Processor is waiting, the ALU is still servicing a different Virtual Processor (processing any non-memory instructions) every hardware cycle and is preferably not idling. The same is true for the rest of the processor except the additional registers consumed by the waiting Virtual Processor, which are in fact idling. Although this architecture may seem slow at first glance, the hardware is being fully utilized at the expense of additional hardware registers required by the Virtual Processors. By minimizing the number of registers required for each Virtual Processor, the overhead of these registers can be reduced. Although a reduction in usable registers could drastically reduce the performance of an architecture, the high bandwidth availability of the DRAM memory reduces the penalty paid to move data between the small number of registers and the DRAM memory.
This architecture 1600 implements separate instruction cycles for each virtual processor in a staggered fashion such that at any given moment exactly one VP is performing Instruction Fetch, one VP is Decoding Instruction, one VP is Dispatching Register Operands, one VP is Executing Instruction, and one VP is Writing Results. Each VP is performing a step in the Instruction Cycle that no other VP is doing. The entire processor's 1600 resources are utilized every cycle. Compared to the naïve processor 1500 this new processor could execute instructions six times faster.
As an example processor cycle, suppose that VP#6 is currently fetching an instruction using VP#6 PC 1612 to designate which instruction to fetch, which will be stored in VP#6 Instruction Register 1650. This means that VP#5 is Incrementing VP#5 PC 1610, VP#4 is Decoding an instruction in VP#4 Instruction Register 1646 that was fetched two cycles earlier. VP #3 is Dispatching Register Operands. These register operands are only selected from VP#3 Registers 1624. VP#2 is Executing the instruction using VP#2 Register 1622 operands that were dispatched during the previous cycle. VP#1 is Writing Results to either VP#1 PC 1602 or a VP#1 Register 1620.
During the next processor cycle, each Virtual Processor will move on to the next stage in the instruction cycle. Since VP#1 just finished completing an instruction cycle it will start a new instruction cycle, beginning with the first stage, Fetch Instruction.
Note, in the architecture 2160, in conjunction with the additional virtual processors VP#7 and VP#8, the system control 1508 now includes VP#7 IR 2152 and VP#8 IR 2154. In addition, the registers for VP#7 (2132) and VP#8 (2134) have been added to the register block 1522. Moreover, with reference to
To complete the example, during hardware-cycle T=7 Virtual Processor #1 performs the Write Results stage, at T=8 Virtual Processor #1 (VP#1) performs the Increment PC stage, and will begin a new instruction cycle at T=9. In another example, the Virtual Processor may perform a memory operation during the Execute stage, which will require 4 cycles, from T=3 to T=6 in the previous example. This enables the architecture to use DRAM 2100 as a low-power, high-capacity data storage in place of a SRAM data cache by accommodating the higher latency of DRAM, thus improving power-efficiency. A feature of this architecture is that Virtual Processes pay no performance penalty for randomly accessing memory held within its assigned bank. This is quite a contrast to some high-speed architectures that use high-speed SRAM data cache, which is still typically not fast enough to retrieve data in a single cycle.
Each DRAM memory bank can be architected so as to use a comparable (or less) amount of power relative to the power consumption of the processor(s) it is locally serving. One method is to sufficiently share DRAM logic resources, such as those that select rows and read bit lines. During much of DRAM operations the logic is idling and merely asserting a previously calculated value. Using simple latches in these circuits would allow these assertions to continue and free-up the idling DRAM logic resources to serve other banks. Thus the DRAM logic resources could operate in a pipelined fashion to achieve better area efficiency and power efficiency.
Another method for reducing the power consumption of DRAM memory is to reduce the number of bits that are sensed during a memory operation. This can be done by decreasing the number of columns in a memory bank. This allows memory capacity to be traded for reduced power consumption, thus allowing the memory banks and processors to be balanced and use comparable power to each other.
The DRAM memory 2100 can be optimized for power efficiency by performing memory operations using chunks, also called “words”, that are as small as possible while still being sufficient for performance-critical sections of code. One such method might retrieve data in 32-bit chunks if registers on the CPU use 32-bits. Another method might optimize the memory chunks for use with instruction Fetch. For example, such a method might use 80-bit chunks in the case that instructions must often be fetched from data memory and the instructions are typically 80 bits or are a maximum of 80 bits.
When virtual processors are able to perform their memory operations using only local DRAM memory, the example architecture is able to operate in a real-time fashion because all of these instructions execute for a fixed duration.
The Hybrid Processor Core
The multi-threaded nature of the processor core allows the execution stage to use multiple clock cycles to complete without penalizing performance. rows 2-7 of
The ability of the user to implement different custom instructions in the reconfigurable component provides several advantages. For example, the reconfigurable subcomponent allows the user to keep custom instructions private and allows programs to use instructions that require private data without providing that data to the program by storing the data inside the reconfigurable circuitry.
Several hybrid processor cores are known. For example, XILINX offers a processor having a hard core and soft core on the same chip die and INTEL offers a processor having a hard core and soft core on separate dies in the same package. Another hybrid processing core, described in “Coupling of a reconfigurable architecture and a multithreaded processor core with integrated real-time scheduling” by Uhrig et al is the CarCore. In the CarCore, the reconfigurable portion of the chip is a Molen organization. The Molen organization provides the reconfigurable module with independent access to memory, whereas the present invention does not. In contrast to the CarCore, the soft core of the present invention is restricted to implementing a reconfigurable ALU. Furthermore, only one hardware thread can execute operations within the reconfigurable module in the CarCore/Molen architecture whereas the present invention allows all threads access to executing instructions carried out by the reconfigurable hardware. Put another way, one difference between the CarCore and the present invention is that all instructions share the reconfigurable hardware and by using the reconfigurable hardware a hardware thread does not exclude other hardware threads from using it. Finally, specialized registers are accessible by the reconfigurable module in the CarCore/Molen architecture, whereas the present invention allows the reconfigurable module to read and write values to and from the general purpose registers available to any other instruction (reconfigurable or not).
At time=3, VP1 is executing stage #3. Stage #3 comprises step 622 of reading the registers from the register file as designated by the instruction decoded in the previous stage at time=2. At time=4, VP1 is executing stage #4 and at step 632 examines whether the decoder has determined that the instruction designates the use of the reconfigurable unit. If so, at step 634, the reconfigurable execution unit stage #1 is performed and the execution of VP1 proceeds to stage #2 at time=5. If the decoder does not designate the use of the reconfigurable execution unit, then at step 636 execution proceeds to stage #1 of a non-reconfigurable execution unit. If at step 638 the designated non-reconfigurable execution unit comprises only one stage of processing then VP1 proceeds to step 646 at time=5. If the designated non-reconfigurable execution unit has a second stage then VP1 proceeds to step 642 at time=5.
At time=5, VP1 executes stage 5. If VP1 is at step 648, then the second stage of the reconfigurable execution unit is performed and VP1 proceeds to step 658 at time=6. If VP1 is at step 646, then the results of the previously executed non-reconfigurable execution unit are forwarded and VP1 proceeds to step 656 at time=6. If VP1 is at step 642, then stage #2 of the designated non-reconfigurable execution unit is executed and VP1 proceeds to step 644. Step 644 proceeds to step 656 at time=6 if the designated execution unit has only two stages, but if it has more than 2 stages then VP1 proceeds to step 652 at time=6.
At time=6, VP1 executes stage 6. If VP1 is at step 658 then the third stage of the reconfigurable execution unit is performed and VP1 proceeds to step 668 at time=7. If VP1 is at step 656 then the results of the previously executed non-reconfigurable execution unit are forwarded and VP1 proceeds to step 665 at time=7. If VP1 is at step 652 then stage #3 of the designated non-reconfigurable execution unit is executed and VP1 proceeds to step 654. Step 654 proceeds to step 665 at time=7 if the designated execution unit has only 3 stages, but if it has more than 3 stages then VP1 proceeds to step 662 at time=7.
At time=7, VP1 executes stage 7. If VP1 is at step 668 then the fourth stage of the reconfigurable execution unit is performed and VP1 proceeds to step 676 at time=8. If VP1 is at step 665 then the results of the previously executed non-reconfigurable execution unit are forwarded and VP1 proceeds to step 674 at time=8. If VP1 is at step 662 then stage #4 of the designated non-reconfigurable execution unit is executed and VP1 proceeds to step 664. Step 664 proceeds to step 674 at time=8 if the designated execution unit has only 4 stages, but if it has more than 4 stages then VP1 proceeds to step 672 at time=8.
At time=8, VP1 executes stage 8. If VP1 is at step 676 then the fifth stage of the reconfigurable execution unit is performed and VP1 proceeds to step 674. At time=8, if VP1 is at step 672 then stage #5 of the designated non-reconfigurable execution unit is executed and VP1 proceeds to step 674.
All the previous steps lead to step 674, executed by VP1 at time=8. At step 674, if the instruction that had been previously decoded designates that the result is to be written to the program counter (or added to it) then this is done in order to affect the Fetch stage that will occur at time=9. From step 674 execution proceeds to step 680 at time=9, where the general purpose results are written back to the register file (this may alternatively be delayed an additional cycle, waiting for stage #2, or alternatively the writing process can be stretched across stage #1 and stage #2, e.g. if two results are being written back as in the case of the Long-Instruction-Word described below with respect to
At time t=9, VP1 resumes execution at the stage #1, where at step 602 a Fetch for new instruction is performed and the process of
While the above embodiment was described with five stages of execution, in alternate embodiments, a reconfigurable unit may have additional execution stages, for example between 6 and 13 stages. In this case the architecture can be modified (and additional resources such as program counter and register file capacity added) to accommodate more virtual processors. Thus, a system having 16 virtual processors may accommodate reconfigurable units with as many as 13 stages.
One method of implementing high latency instructions, such as a 13-stage reconfigurable unit, may be to implement those stages in the reconfigurable execution unit. The reconfigurable execution unit which can be programmed with an arbitrary number of stages since the forwarding of results is performed internally to the reconfigurable execution unit. In this case, the results in stage #8 could be garbage since the reconfigurable execution unit will not have completed its task. However it is also possible to write the results to, for example, a non-modifiable register, such as register zero (which can be made to always hold the value zero), so that the results do not affect a register. If the trailing instruction(s) move the result from the 13th reconfigurable execution (8 additional stages beyond stage #5, which leaves the virtual processors in synch) unit onto steps 674 and 680 of
Referring now to
The reconfigurable logic cell 700 has four inputs 701, 702, 703, and 704, each of which are connected to the outputs 722, 723, 720, 721 of a reconfigurable router 715, respectively, in this illustrative embodiment. The inputs are single bits and are joined together in the Input Address 710, which creates a 4-bit index. A value will be fetched from the Configurable Data table 712 at the address indicated by the created index. The bit that is fetched is output via connection 709 to four output ports (each outputting the same bit, i.e. either all zero, or all one) 705, 706, 706, 708. These outputs connect to the inputs of a unit 715 via connections 718, 719, 716, 717 respectively.
The outputs of the reconfigurable logic cell 700 are received by inputs of connected reconfigurable routers 715 at one of the input ports 716, 717, 718, or 719. The reconfigurable router has four output ports 720, 721, 722 and 723. The output is generated in the configurable crossbar switch 724, which receives input from all four inputs 716, 717, 718 and 719 to the reconfigurable router 715. Each output can be connected to any of the inputs. In
The reconfigurable core 730 is blank and carries out no functions until it has been reconfigured. The reconfiguration data arrives via connection 742 to the reconfiguration memory 740. The origin of the connection 742 may be the memory bus of the local processing core, such that the local processing core can execute memory write operations to write a piece of data to memory. The memory bus intercepts the address, interprets it as an address which resides in the reconfiguration memory 740, and routes the data to the reconfigurable data connection 742. The initiate reconfiguration signal 744 is typically set to “off”, but results in the reconfiguration data held in reconfiguration memory 740 being inserted into the reconfigurable core 730 when set to “on”. This reprograms the configurable data tables 712 and configurable crossbar switches 724 of all the reconfigurable logic cells 700 and reconfigurable routers 715 via the reconfiguration connection 746. Other components, such as 16×16 multipliers or multi-kilobyte block rams may also reside and be configurable and routable within the reconfigurable core 730.
The number of stages implemented in the reconfigurable core is implied by the configuration. Therefore, before reconfiguration it is impossible to point at particular logic cells as holding data transitioning from one stage to another, or to know how many stages are in fact being implemented (although this example assumes 5 stages). The number of stages that are implemented must be a number that delivers results to the output bus in the final stage of execution. Thus it could implement 5, 13, or 21 stages, but not 4 or 6 stages. Stage counts of 4 and 6 are disallowed because the results would be out of phase with the virtual processor that issued the instruction to the reconfigurable core. If more than 5-stages are implemented in the reconfiguration of the reconfigurable core 730, then trailing instructions (subsequently fetched instructions that are fetched before the result from the previous instruction is ready) must connect the output of the reconfigurable core 761, 762, 763, . . . , 764, 765, 766 to the ALU output bus (see
The clock 748 is provided to the reconfigurable core 730 and can be routed to logic cells to enable their outputs to change only once the clock signal changes, thereby implementing a transition from a previous stage to a subsequent stage, enabling the implementation of stages inherent in the configuration.
It is noteworthy that the number of inputs 751-756 to the reconfigurable core 730 is shown to be 64 bits in the illustrative example however fewer, such as 32 bits, or more, such as 128 bits, could also be used. In addition, two sets of 64-bit inputs (each 64-bit input comprising two 32-bit inputs) can be used with a reconfigurable core 730 to implement reconfigurable execution units for multiple arithmetic logic units, as shown in
Row 4 shows the Load instruction, which can load data from memory, where the data is fetched from the memory at address held in a variable (a variable holding an address is called a “pointer”). The Store instruction is shown in row 5 and operates similar to the Load instruction except data from a variable is saved to memory at the address stored in a variable.
Row 6 shows a branch instruction, where the next step in the program will be at the designated label position unless a variable has a zero value. If the variable has the zero value then execution proceeds to the next instruction, as is the normal case for instructions like Add or Shift. Because the instruction conditionally jumps, it is called a conditional branch. Row 7 shows the “Set if greater than” instruction, which sets a third variable to 1 if a first variable is greater than a second variable, and otherwise sets the third variable to zero. This instruction is useful in preparing to perform a branch such as the instruction of row 6. Row 8 shows the Jump instruction, and is called an “unconditional branch” because the next instruction is at the designated label's position without regard to any variable values.
At step 98, the Next Iter step, P is incremented to point to the next value in the list (assuming 4-byte values) and the loop proceeds from step 99 to step 2 in order to restart. Eventually P will be greater than Last_P and execution will skip from step 4 to End at step 100, wherein S is saved to P (which would point to the data location just after the Last_P address) and execution ends.
Custom instruction 2, in row 2, is the Count Leading Ones instruction, and is identical to the count leading zeros instruction described in the previous two figures, except that leading ones are counted instead of zeros. This instruction is named “lones” as shown in row 2 column 2. The third instruction, in row 3, is the Count Leading Zeros instruction. This instruction is named “lzeros” as shown in row 3 column 2. This instruction is a custom instruction that counts leading zeros and is essentially able to replace steps 5 through 97 in the program of
If at step 1418 no entry exists in the library for the combination of custom instructions selected by the user, then the process proceeds to step 1422. In step 1422, the library is searched for the HDL of each custom instruction that has been selected. This is combined with the HDL written by the user, if any, in step 1416. Optionally, the HDL provided by the user can be uploaded into the database for other users to use or as backup for the HDL data. Next, the process proceeds to step 1424, where each custom instruction is assigned an instruction that is already understood by the decoder. Multiple instructions will be implemented in the decoder that lack hard core execution units so that they can be used with custom instructions. These decoder-implemented custom instructions have different features, for example an instruction named “custom_instruction_1” may allow two variables as input and one variable as output, and use output port X in the ALU 1530 to route results back to the registers 1522. Similarly, “Custom_instruction_2” might allow one variable input, and one immediate (constant) input, and write results to the program counter (or indirectly by outputting an offset to the program counter that will be added to the program counter). In an alternative embodiment, only one output port is provided to the reconfigurable execution unit 730, and the reconfigurable circuits must route the data internal to the reconfigurable execution unit 730 using a signal provided by the Control 1508 to the ALU 1530 and its reconfigurable execution unit 730 via the connection 1536 (See
Once a set of decodable custom instruction encodings and output ports have been assigned to the custom instructions' HDL codes, the process proceeds to step 1426. In step 1426 the HDL is compiled by the HDL compiler. At step 1428 it is determined whether the compiling was successful and if so, the process proceeds to step 1432 where the reconfiguration data is added to the program binary. Optionally, step 1432 also updates the library database with an entry for the selected combination of custom instructions, which allows future compilations using the same combination of custom instructions to skip steps 1422-1432. The process then proceeds to step 1434.
If it is determined at step 1428 that the compilation is not successful, the process proceeds to step 1430, where the errors are reported to the user. HDL compilation can produce many kinds of errors, some quite complicated, such as timing closure error messages. Another type of error occurs when more custom instructions have been selected than can be implemented with the given reconfigurable execution unit resources 730. Step 1430 then proceeds to step 1416 where the user can fix the HDL or select a different set of custom instructions and begin the process of arriving at reconfiguration data again for the selected set of custom instructions again.
In step 1434 the user finishes writing the program, optionally using the selected custom instructions, and optionally modifying existing code to use custom instructions in place of existing code sections. Next, the program is compiled in step 1436, and, if the option is available, the compiler is preferably informed about the custom instructions that are available so that the compiler may make substitutions on its own when it believes a custom instruction may improve performance while retaining the same program behavior. In step 1438 the compilation is examined for success and if successful, the process moves to step 1442. If the compilation was not successful, the errors are reported to the user at step 1440. The process of modifying the program for compilation is then restarted in step 1434.
In step 1442 the compiled object code is added to the program binary and the program binary is loaded in the ready-to-run database. Once the user initiates a program run the process proceeds from 1444 to 1446 where the program binary is fetched from the ready-to-run database. Next, hardware is recruited, reconfiguration data is loaded into reconfiguration memory 740 and reconfiguration is initiated. Once the reconfigurable execution units 730 have been reconfigured the process proceeds to step 1450.
In step 1450 the program binary is loaded into instruction memory 2140, data memory 2100, or into both memories, with execution starting in instruction memory. In an alternative embodiment, instruction cache is used in which case the instructions are loaded into data memory first and then will be cached to instruction cache. Finally, the program is run in step 1452.
Referring now to
It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that changes could be made to the embodiments described above without departing from the broad inventive concept thereof. It is understood, therefore, that this invention is not limited to the particular embodiments disclosed, but it is intended to cover modifications within the spirit and scope of the present invention as defined by the appended claims.
This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/528,079 filed Aug. 26, 2011, which is incorporated herein by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
61528079 | Aug 2011 | US |