Integrated circuit having on-chip capacitors for supplying power to portions of the circuit requiring high-transient peak power


  • Patent Grant
  • 6546538
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Friday, March 10, 2000
    24 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, April 8, 2003
    21 years ago
Provided is an integrated circuit (IC) device that includes a semiconductor substrate on which electronic components are formed and multiple metal layers on which wires are routed. Formed on the multiple metal layers is a capacitor that includes a first plate formed on a first metal layer and a second plate formed on a second metal layer that is adjacent to the first metal layer. An area in which the first plate and the second plate overlap has a width of at least twice the width of a typical wire on the IC device. Also provided is a technique for supplying power and ground to locations on an integrated circuit (IC) device that has multiple metal layers for routing wires and a substrate for forming electronic components. Initially, the technique identifies an overlap area where two of the multiple metal layers that are adjacent to each other have open space. A plate is then formed in the overlap area of each of the two metal layers so as to construct a capacitor. Then, one plate of the capacitor is connected to power, the other plate of the capacitor is connected to ground, and the plates of the capacitor are also connected to locations on the substrate of the IC device.


1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to an integrated circuit (IC) chip having on-chip capacitors formed in its metal layers, and particularly relates to using such capacitors in connection with routing power and ground to portions of the circuit that require high transient peak power.

2. Description of the Related Art

Today's IC chips require more power than in the past. At the same time, operating frequencies also have significantly increased, thus significantly shortening cycling times. As a result of these developments, it is often necessary to have available a power supply that is capable of delivering high peak power to different portions of the circuit. Unfortunately, the wire resistance between the power and ground input terminals of the IC, on the one hand, and the specific portion of the circuitry to which such power and ground is being delivered, on the other, often severely limits the peak power that can be delivered to that portion of the circuit.

One possible solution to this problem is to attempt to place those portions of the circuitry that require relatively high peak power close to the power and ground input terminals. In a standard IC, this requires placing those portions of the circuitry close to the periphery of the IC and, more specifically, close to the power and ground terminals on the periphery. Unfortunately, such space is limited. Thus, when there are many different portions of the circuitry that require high peak power, this solution often is unacceptable.

A related solution is to use a flip-chip IC package. In a flip-chip package, the input/output (I/O) terminals for the chip are located across the entire surface of the chip, rather than just at the periphery. As a result, by including multiple power and ground terminals dispersed across the surface of the IC, the routing distance between the power and ground input terminals and the desired portion of the circuitry often can be significantly shortened. Unfortunately, flip-chip fabrication usually is more expensive than standard chip fabrication. Therefore, this solution also has limited applicability.

Thus, what has been long needed is a technique for delivering high peak power to portions of a circuit where it is needed that can be implemented in a standard IC chip package.


The present invention addresses the foregoing need by utilizing unused portions of the chip's metal layers to form capacitors that can function as power cells.

Thus, in one aspect the invention is directed to supplying power and ground to locations on an integrated circuit (IC) device that has multiple metal layers for routing wires and a substrate for forming electronic components. Initially, the technique according to this aspect of the invention identifies an overlap area where two of the multiple metal layers that are adjacent to each other have open space. It is noted that this overlapping open space may have occurred by happenstance or may have been intentionally designed into the chip during the routing phase of the IC design so as to occur near a portion of the circuit that requires high peak power. A plate is then formed in the overlap area of each of the two metal layers so as to construct a capacitor. Generally, the plates of the capacitor are formed so as to occupy substantially all of the overlap area. Then, one plate of the capacitor is connected to power, the other plate of the capacitor is connected to ground, and the plates of the capacitor are also connected to locations on the substrate of the IC device.

By forming a capacitor in an IC's metal layers in the foregoing manner, the present invention often can supply more transient peak power to a portion of the circuit than would have been possible with conventional designs. Moreover, because it is common to have a significant amount of unused space in an IC's metal layers, such a capacitor often can be included at little additional cost. By including multiple such capacitors, the present invention often can fully accommodate the transient peak power requirements of each portion of the IC, again without significant additional cost.

In a further aspect, the invention is directed to an integrated circuit (IC) device that includes a semiconductor substrate on which electronic components are formed and multiple metal layers on which wires are routed. Formed on the multiple metal layers is a capacitor that includes a first plate formed on a first metal layer and a second plate formed on a second metal layer that is adjacent to the first metal layer. According to this aspect of the invention, an area in which the first plate and the second plate overlap has a width of at least twice the width of a typical wire on the IC device.

This configuration can permit capacitors of 10 femtofarads or more to be included within the IC, at little additional cost. By utilizing such capacitors as power cells (e.g., by connecting one plate to power and the other to ground and then connecting both to an area of the substrate where high transient peak power is required), this configuration can frequently deliver much higher transient peak power than conventional designs would permit.

The foregoing summary is intended merely to provide a brief description of the general nature of the invention. A more complete understanding of the invention can be obtained by referring to the claims and the following detailed description of the preferred embodiments in connection with the accompanying figures.


FIGS. 1A and 1B

are flow diagrams illustrating a portion of the design of an integrated circuit having on-chip capacitors according to representative embodiments of the invention.

FIG. 2

is a three-dimensional illustration of a portion of an integrated circuit having a power cell according to a representative embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 3

is a cross-sectional view of a portion of an integrated circuit having a power cell according to a representative embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 4

is a top view of a portion of an integrated circuit cell placement layout.

FIG. 5

is a top view of a portion of an integrated circuit layout after an initial routing has been completed.

FIG. 6

is a top view of a portion of an integrated circuit layout after modification of routing according to a representative embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 7

is a top view of a portion of an integrated circuit layout corresponding to

FIG. 6

with power cells formed in open areas of the routing space.


is an electrical schematic illustrating conventional routing of power and ground.


is an electrical schematic illustrating routing of power and ground according to the present invention.


illustrates the change in voltage across a cell during a period of transient peak power requirement when using conventional routing of power and ground.


illustrates the change in voltage across a cell during a period of transient peak power requirement when routing power and ground according to a representative embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 10

is a block diagram of a general purpose computer system, representing one suitable computer platform for implementing the methods of the present invention.


Generally speaking, the present invention utilizes the metal layers of an integrated circuit (IC) device for forming capacitors. Specifically, the plates of each capacitor are formed in open spaces (i.e., no routing) of adjacent metal layers. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, these capacitors are used as power cells and preferably are placed close to portions of the circuit that require high transient peak power.

Methods for Forming Capacitors


illustrates a flow diagram for explaining methods of forming on-chip capacitors according to certain representative embodiments of the invention. Briefly, according to


, a netlist is input; portions of the circuit requiring high transient peak power are identified; cell placement is performed; wire routing is performed; open areas on the metal layers are identified; a determination is made as to whether the routing is acceptable; if not, re-routing is performed, open areas are again identified, and another determination is made whether routing is acceptable; once routing is determined to be acceptable, plates are formed in open areas on the metal layers; and, finally, the plates are connected so that plates on adjacent metal layers form capacitors. Preferably, the capacitors are connected in parallel between power and ground on the one hand and a portion of the circuit requiring high transient peak power on the other. More preferably, the capacitors are formed as close as possible to the portions of the circuit requiring high transient peak power.

In more detail, in step


a netlist is input. Typically, the netlist will have been generated by the synthesis step of integrated circuit design. As is well understood in the art, synthesis generally involves the process of converting a behavioral level description of a circuit into a circuit schematic that specifies actual cells (e.g., gates and flip-flops) and electrical interconnections between those cells.

In step


, portions of the circuit requiring high transient peak power are identified. Typically, this step will be performed in connection with a simulation of the circuit specified by the input netlist. Circuit simulations based on an input netlist are well known in the art and are typically used to generate timing, power, drive strength and various other estimates for verifying the feasibility of the circuit. According to the preferred embodiment of the present invention, during such circuit simulation both steady state power requirements and transient peak power requirements are determined for each portion of the circuit. While both of these parameters will be used in designing the physical layout of the integrated circuit, the present invention is primarily directed to satisfying the transient peak power requirements and relies on other IC design techniques to satisfy the steady state power requirements.

Typically, the following factors will be taken into account in determining transient peak power requirements: number of gates to be supplied, the peak power and average power consumption for each gate, clock frequency, gate switching activity, area (floor plan), chip utilization, clock information (local clock buffer supply needs), and available power rails.

Due to the very nature of digital circuits, in which components typically switch on and off at discrete time intervals, the term “steady state power requirement” may be somewhat of a misnomer. However, that term should be understood to mean the amount of the power ordinarily required by the subject portion of the circuit (e.g., more than 50 percent, 70 percent or 90 percent of the time). As previously noted, the present invention mainly is directed to supplying the transient peak power requirements for portions of circuitry. If a peak power requirement instead is required over relatively longer periods of time, then that peak power requirement should be treated as a steady state power requirement and satisfied accordingly. In fact, by making available sufficiently high steady state power, the need to provide a separate transient peak power capability often can be obviated entirely. Although this is the approach taken in many conventional techniques, such a technique often will not make the most efficient use of the available resources.

On the other hand, by separately addressing the steady state and transient peak power requirements of each portion of circuitry, the present invention often can achieve significant efficiencies. Moreover, these efficiencies often can be obtained at little additional cost in the present invention because the capacitors for satisfying he transient peak power requirements can frequently be formed on otherwise unused portions of the metal layers.

In the current embodiment of the invention, identification of high transient peak power requirements is performed based on a simulation of an input netlist. However, it is noted that the step of identifying portions of the circuit requiring high transient peak power may instead be performed based on a simulation of a behavioral level description of the circuit (i.e., earlier in the design process) and/or after cell placement or routing (i.e., later in the design process). Such information may even be updated at each such step of the design process.

In step


, the cells identified in the netlist are placed on the surface of the integrated circuit. Numerous techniques exist for performing this step of integrated circuit design and, accordingly, this step is not described in significant detail here. However, it is noted that one concern in performing cell placement often is to place cells requiring high steady state power close to the IC's input terminals for power and ground. In this manner, power loss due routing often can be significantly reduced.

In step


, wire routing is performed. Specifically, the cells placed in step


now need to be interconnected according to the netlist specification input in step


. It is noted that an absolutely optimal routing solution generally will be NP-complete, meaning that such a solution will not be capable of determination in polynomial time. Accordingly, many techniques exist for identifying a near-optimal routing solution. These techniques are typically primarily heuristically based and, for example, often attempt to minimize total routing length, routing length on critical nets, and/or various other criteria.

In the preferred embodiment of the present invention, wire routing preferably also takes into account the portions of the circuit requiring high transient peak power identified in step


. Specifically, the routing process of the present invention preferably attempts to avoid routing (i.e., leave open spaces) on two adjacent metal layers in the spaces near such portions of the circuit so that capacitors can be placed in those spaces. This goal can be accomplished in a number of different ways.

For example, it is possible to specify a particular space near a (or each) portion of the circuit where high transient peak power is required and then simply ban routing within that space on two specified adjacent metal layers. Unfortunately, this technique may in many cases turn out to be too inflexible to accommodate the other goals of the routing process. Accordingly, another technique is to weight against routing in the vicinity of a (or each) portion of circuitry that requires high transient peak power. Specifically, it is common in routing techniques to employ cost functions that result in an overall penalty for any given routing configuration. In these techniques, the router attempts to find the routing configuration that results in the minimum or near minimum penalty. Accordingly, such techniques can be relatively easily modified to accommodate the present goal by simply introducing additional cost functions that weight against routing in the vicinity of portions of the circuit that require high transient peak power.

These additional cost functions may be implemented as penalties for routing on either of two specified adjacent metal layers. Alternatively, such additional cost functions may be specified in an attempt to create an overlapping open space on any two adjacent metal layers (“Overlap Area”) in the vicinity of the portion of the circuit requiring high transient peak power. In this latter case, for examples, the overall penalty may increase for routing in a particular open area of metal layer x or in the open area of a metal layer adjacent to metal layer x; however, no increase in penalty would be caused by routing in an open area of metal layer y if there were no open areas in any metal layer that is adjacent to metal layer y. In either case, it generally will be preferable to increase the penalty for routing through the middle of an Overlap Area as compared with routing along the edge of an Overlap Area (e.g., increase the cost for routing within an Overlap Area in proportion to the distance to the edge of the Overlap Area). The precise form of these additional cost functions generally will be determined empirically.

Also, it is possible to completely ignore the portions of the circuit that require high transient peak power in the initial pass of wire routing. In this case, as noted below, it is possible to simply implement capacitors in whatever overlapping areas in adjacent metal layers happen to exist after completion of routing. Alternatively, if the circuitry portions requiring high transient peak power are initially ignored in the first pass of routing, it is possible to simply attempt to open up such areas during routing modification in step


(described below).

In step


, open areas on the metal layers are identified, i.e., areas where no routing is present. In addition, this step attempts to identify overlapping open areas on adjacent metal layers (i.e., Overlap Areas). Such Overlap Areas are where capacitors can be formed. This step may be implemented, for example, by (1) finding, on each metal layer, each largest possible rectangle (or each largest possible rectangle that is larger than some predetermined size) that does not include any routing; and then (2) identifying the areas where those rectangles overlap on adjacent metal layers. Alternatively, rather than using simple rectangles, it is possible to use any other shapes, such as arbitrary polygons. Still further, it is possible to initially divide the area into non-overlapping rectangles, then identify rectangular areas of overlap for adjacent metal layers, and finally merge contiguous rectangles of overlapping areas to form polygonal areas of overlap.

In step


, a determination is made as to whether the routing that has been completed is acceptable. For example, one criterion for determining acceptability may be whether all cells required to be interconnected have in fact been appropriately interconnected. Another criterion may be whether signal delays are within specified margins. Another criterion may be whether steady state power supplied to each portion of the IC is sufficient to meet the steady state power requirement to meet that portion of the IC. Another criterion according to the preferred embodiment of the invention is whether the peak power that can be delivered to each portion of the circuit is sufficient to meet the transient peak power requirement of that portion.

In this regard, it can be assumed that capacitors will be formed in the Overlap Areas identified in step


. Assuming that such capacitors have been placed and appropriately connected, using known circuit analysis techniques a determination can be made as to whether the combination of the power/ground to each specified portion of the circuit, together with the capacitance provided by the anticipated capacitors (acting as power cells) will be sufficient to meet the transient peak power requirements of that portion of the circuit.

Preferably, each of the foregoing criteria is evaluated by simulating the response of the IC to a number of input test vectors and then analyzing the output vectors. If all criteria have been satisfied, then the routing is deemed to be acceptable and processing proceeds to step


. Otherwise, processing proceeds to step



In step


, the IC is re-routed in an attempt to correct the deficiencies identified in step


. This re-routing may take the form of simply modifying the existing routing in an attempt to correct specific problems. Alternatively, large portions or even all of the existing routing may be ripped up and re-routed from scratch. As an example of the former, assume that step


identified a failure to meet the transient peak power requirements of a certain portion of the circuit. In this case, it may be possible to shift a relatively small portion of the existing routing so as to enlarge (or create new) overlapping open areas on two adjacent metal layers, thereby providing space for forming a larger (or a new) power cell. If all problems identified in step


can be resolved in this manner, significant re-routing may not be required. Upon completion of step


, processing returns to step


in order to evaluate the effects of the changes made in this step



In step


, metal plates are formed on the IC's metal layers in the identified Overlap Areas of such metal layers, with each such plate preferably occupying all or substantially all of its corresponding Overlap Area. However, generally it will be preferable to simply place metal in all open areas of each metal layer.

In step


, pairs of overlapping metal plates formed in step


on adjacent metal layers are electrically connected into the circuit so as to form capacitors. In the preferred embodiment of the invention, these capacitors are intended for use as power cells to provide the transient peak power requirements for the different portions of the circuit. Thus, one plate of each capacitor generally will be connected to power and the other plate to ground. Then, the plates are also connected to a portion of the circuit that requires high transient peak power. Preferably, this portion of the circuit will be located as close to the capacitor as possible, with this goal having been facilitated by routing to create corresponding Overlap Areas in steps





It is noted that, in the event that in step


metal was simply deposited in all open areas of each metal layer, some portions of each plate for any given capacitor might not overlap the other plate of the capacitor. While these non-overlapping portions will be largely irrelevant to the capacitor, with substantially all of the capacitance being determined by the overlapping portions, they may help to satisfy fabrication constraints.

Also, connecting the plates in this step might require modifying the plates somewhat. For example, if a plate was formed too close to a wire to permit insertion of a via, the size of the plate may have to be reduced in the area where the via was required. Similarly, if it is desired to create a via from the top plate directly down to a connection pin, a small hole may have to be formed in the bottom plate to permit formation of such a via. In step


, the device is fabricated using the cell placement, wire routing and capacitor plate information developed above. Specifically, the preceding steps were directed toward design of the IC. In this step, the chip is actually fabricated based on this physical design information using any of the known fabrication techniques.


illustrates an alternative embodiment for forming capacitors on integrated circuits according to the present invention. Essentially, the method illustrated in


differs from that illustrated in


in that the method illustrated in


places capacitors primarily during the cell placement step of IC design, rather than during or after the routing step.

In more detail, in step


the netlist is input, as described in detail above.

In step


, portions of the circuit requiring high transient peak power are identified, as described in detail above. In addition, or alternatively, this step may identify any other portions of the circuit where a capacitor is required.

In step


, cells and capacitors are placed on the IC. The cell placement portion of this step is described in detail in connection with the discussion of step


above. Once the cells have been placed, the geographic areas on the chip requiring high transient peak power (or otherwise requiring a capacitor) can be identified based on the information obtained in step


. Capacitors are then placed in the IC's metal layers in or near those areas. Preferably, such capacitors are sized so as to accommodate the anticipated transient peak power of the nearby portions of the circuit.

In step


, wire routing is performed. This step can be performed using any known wire routing techniques. However, routing preferably is blocked in those areas of the metal layers in which capacitors have been specified in step



In step


, a determination is made as to whether the routing is acceptable, as described in detail above. If so, processing proceeds to step


, otherwise, processing proceeds to step



In step


, the routing is modified to correct any deficiencies discovered in step


. Optionally, such re-routing can include moving the capacitors placed in the IC's metal layers if necessary to satisfy the routing criteria. Preferably, such moving of the on-chip capacitors is limited to only slight movements. Upon completion of re-routing in step


, processing returns to step


to evaluate the new routing.

In step


, the capacitors in the IC's metal layers are connected into the circuit. As noted above, such capacitors preferably are used as power cells. Accordingly, one plate of each such power cell will be connected to ground and the other to power. This step is similar to step


described above.

In step


, the IC is fabricated using the design information specified in the preceding steps, as described in detail above.

Resulting Capacitor

FIG. 2

illustrates a portion of an IC


that includes a capacitor, such as may have been constructed according to the method described above and illustrated in FIG.


. As shown in

FIG. 2

, IC


includes a substrate


and four metal layers




. The first metal layer


is used for routing power and ground (the power grid), and the second through fourth metal layers




are used for routing signals between components. Specifically, the second metal layer


and the fourth metal layer


are used primarily for vertical wire segments, while the third metal layer


is used primarily for horizontal wire segments. Formed in the third and fourth metal layers




, respectively, is a capacitor that includes plates




. Plate


is connected using a via


to V




and plate


is connected using a via


to V




. In

FIG. 2

the via


from plate


to V




is formed so as to not intersect plate


. However, via


might instead pass through plate


by including a small hole in plate



FIG. 3

illustrates a cross-sectional view of the portion of the IC shown in FIG.


. Although not shown in

FIGS. 2 and 3

, plates




also are connected to one or more cells on substrate


using vias and/or wire segments.

Sample Integrated Circuit

An example of applying the method of


will now be discussed with reference to

FIGS. 4 through 7


FIG. 4

illustrates cell placement in a sample integrated circuit


. As shown in

FIG. 4

, IC


includes various cells


arranged in cell columns. Each cell


includes input/output (I/O) pins, such as pins




. Of these pins, it is assumed that pins




are power input pins and pins




are ground input pins requiring high transient peak power.

FIG. 5

illustrates the cell layout after an initial pass of routing has been


completed. Thus, in

FIG. 5

, wire segments, such as segments




connect the pins of the cells as specified by an input netlist. These wire segments include both horizontal segments, such as segments




, and vertical segments such as segments




. Although not shown in

FIG. 5

, it should be understood that the vertical segments typically will be routed on a different metal


layer than the horizontal segments. That is, each metal layer typically is designated as primarily or exclusively horizontal or primarily or exclusively vertical.

In the present example, it is assumed that the first metal layer consists primarily of vertical wire segments and the second metal layer consists primarily of horizontal wire segments. It is also assumed that the third metal layer is used exclusively for routing the power grid (i.e., including power and ground wires) and that no further metal layers are provided. In this example, the metal layers are numbered according to distance from the semiconductor substrate with the first metal layer being closest to the substrate.

In view of the foregoing assumptions, only two metal layers are provided for routing signals between the different cells, one for vertical wires and one for horizontal wires. Thus, each vertical wire shown in

FIG. 5

is routed on the first metal layer


and each horizontal wire shown in

FIG. 5

is routed in the second metal layer



In this case, it is relatively easy to find the open areas on each metal layer, as well as the places which those open areas overlap on adjacent metal layers. Because only two metal layers are used for signal routing, each Overlap Area can be determined to be a potential site for formation of a capacitor. For example, by simply expanding rectangles into such open areas, we can identify Overlap Areas such as areas




. As shown in

FIG. 3

, a small border is provided around each of areas




in order to allow for fabrication process tolerances.

After the initial routing pass, the routing is evaluated to determine whether all criteria have been satisfied. In the present example, it is assumed that all pins have been appropriately connected and all timing constraints satisfied. However, it is assumed that only Overlap Areas




are available for supplying the transient peak power needs of pins




, and that only Overlap Area


is available for supplying the transient peak power needs of pins




. It is further assumed that the combination of capacitors placed at areas




would be insufficient to supply the required transient peak power to pins




, and that a capacitor placed at area


would be insufficient to supply the required transient peak power for pins




. In this case, routing preferably is adjusted so that the available Overlap Areas for each of these pin pairs is sufficiently large to accommodate a capacitor that can supply the requisite transient peak power.

By appropriately moving wires as shown in

FIG. 6

, larger Overlap Areas




are made available. It is noted that these enlarged areas have been obtained by simply re-routing a couple of wires. However, the effects of doing so may have altered the sizes of other available Overlap Areas and/or may have changed other timing or other requirements for the circuit. Accordingly, the circuit is re-evaluated in order to verify that all criteria are now satisfied. Once such verification has been made, plates can be formed in Overlap Areas




, as well as any other open areas in the metal layers. Thereafter, the capacitors can be connected to power and ground (such as shown in

FIGS. 2 and 3

) and to the designated portions of circuit requiring high transient peak power.

Thus, as shown in

FIG. 7

, the plate of capacitor


that connects to power is connected to pin


by utilizing a via directly from that plate to pin


. Similarly, the plate of capacitor


that connects to ground is directly connected to pin


, by simply dropping a via to pin


. Because one of such vias would have to pass through the lower plate of the capacitor, it generally will be necessary to form a small hole in the lower plate for this purpose. Alternatively, if other metal layers are available for routing wires, it may be possible to route a connection in another way to the appropriate power and ground input pin of the corresponding cell. However, such alternative technique generally will not be preferred, as it typically will increase the routing length from the capacitor to the portion of the circuit that requires the high transient peak power, thereby partially defeating the goal of placing the power cells as close as possible to such portions of the circuit.

In a similar manner, the plates of capacitor


are connected to power and ground and also to the corresponding input pins




. However, because capacitor


is not disposed directly above the corresponding input power pin


and ground pin


, wires are routed from the plates of capacitor


to those pins. In the present case, this can be accomplished with a horizontal wire segment from each plate to the corresponding pin, routed primarily on the second metal layer.

FIGS. 8A and 8B

illustrate electrical diagrams for the routing of power and ground to a portion of an IC in the conventional case and in the case according to the present invention, respectively. In

FIGS. 8A and 8B

, V



and V



supply power and ground to a load


which consists of one or more cells that comprise a portion of the circuit. Resistance


is due to the wire routing between V



and V



, on the one hand, and load


on the other. However, as shown in


, in parallel with load


is power cell


. Although shown as a single capacitor, power cell


may in fact consist of several capacitors connected in parallel. In any case, power cell


stores electrical power for use in supplying the transient peak power requirements of load



The effects of power cell


are observed with reference to

FIGS. 9A and 9B

. Specifically,


illustrates a plot of voltage across load


versus time in the conventional case. In


, time points




correspond to the beginning and the end, respectively, of a transient peak power demand by load


. During this time interval, the electrical current drawn by load


increases, resulting in an increased voltage drop across resistance


and a corresponding voltage decrease across load


. As a result, the power delivered to load


is not as large as it otherwise would be.

This situation is contrasted with the case where on-chip power cells are used according to the present invention. This case is illustrated in FIG.


B. As shown in


, the voltage across load


begins to drop at time point


even when using power cell


. However, when this occurs power cell


begins discharging, thereby supplying additional current for load


. As a result, the voltage drops more slowly in the case according to the present invention. Assuming that the capacitance of power cell


is significantly large and the time interval between time points




is sufficiently short, the voltage drop during that time interval will be acceptably small. In any case, it is apparent that the total power delivered to load


during the time interval between points




is significantly greater when using the power cell according to the present invention than is possible in the conventional case.

Design System Environment

Generally, the methods described herein with respect to IC design will be practiced with a general purpose computer, either with a single processor or multiple processors.

FIG. 10

is a block diagram of a general purpose computer system, representing one of many suitable computer platforms for implementing the methods described above.

FIG. 10

shows a general purpose computer system


in accordance with the present invention. As shown in

FIG. 10

, computer system


includes a central processing unit (CPU)


, read-only memory (ROM)


, random access memory (RAM)


, expansion RAM


, input/output (I/O) circuitry


, display assembly


, input device


, and expansion bus


. Computer system


may also optionally include a mass storage unit


such as a disk drive unit or nonvolatile memory such as flash memory and a real-time clock





is coupled to ROM


by a data bus


, control bus


, and address bus




contains the basic operating system for the computer system




is also connected to RAM


by busses




, and


. Expansion RAM


is optionally coupled to RAM


for use by CPU




is also coupled to the I/O circuitry


by data bus


, control bus


, and address bus


to permit data transfers with peripheral devices.

I/O circuitry


typically includes a number of latches, registers and direct memory access (DMA) controllers. The purpose of I/O circuitry


is to provide an interface between CPU


and such peripheral devices as display assembly


, input device


, and mass storage



Display assembly


of computer system


is an output device coupled to I/O circuitry


by a data bus


. Display assembly


receives data from I/O circuitry


via bus


and displays that data on a suitable screen.

The screen for display assembly


can be a device that uses a cathode-ray tube (CRT), liquid crystal display (LCD), or the like, of the types commercially available from a variety of manufacturers. Input device


can be a keyboard, a mouse, a stylus working in cooperation with a position-sensing display, or the like. The aforementioned input devices are available from a variety of vendors and are well known in the art.

Some type of mass storage


is generally considered desirable. However, mass storage


can be eliminated by providing a sufficient mount of RAM


and expansion RAM


to store user application programs and data. In that case, RAMs




can optionally be provided with a backup battery to prevent the loss of data even when computer system


is turned off. However, it is generally desirable to have some type of long term mass storage


such as a commercially available hard disk drive, nonvolatile memory such as flash memory, battery backed RAM, PC-data cards, or the like.

A removable storage read/write device


may be coupled to I/O circuitry


to read from and to write to a removable storage media


. Removable storage media


may represent, for example, a magnetic disk, a magnetic tape, an opto-magnetic disk, an optical disk, or the like. Instructions for implementing the inventive method may be provided, in one embodiment, to a network via such a removable storage media.

In operation, information is input into the computer system


by typing on a keyboard, manipulating a mouse or trackball, or “writing” on a tablet or on position-sensing screen of display assembly




then processes the data under control of an operating system and an application program, such as a program to perform the steps of the inventive method described above, stored in ROM


and/or RAM


. It is noted that such process steps may initially be stored in mass storage


, downloaded into RAM


and then executed out of RAM




then typically produces data which is output to the display assembly


to produce appropriate images on its screen.

Expansion bus


is coupled to data bus


, control bus


, and address bus


. Expansion bus


provides extra ports to couple devices such as network interface circuits, modems, display switches, microphones, speakers, etc. to CPU


. Network communication is accomplished through the network interface circuit and an appropriate network.

Suitable computers for use in implementing the present invention may be obtained from various vendors. Various computers, however, may be used depending upon the size and complexity of the tasks. Suitable computers include mainframe computers, multiprocessor computers, workstations or personal computers. In addition, although a general purpose computer system has been described above, a special-purpose computer may also be used.

It should be understood that the present invention also relates to machine readable media on which are stored program instructions for performing the methods of this invention. Such media include, by way of example, magnetic disks, magnetic tape, optically readable media such as CD ROMs, semiconductor memory such as PCMCIA cards, etc. In each case, the medium may take the form of a portable item such as a small disk, diskette, cassette, etc., or it may take the form of a relatively larger or immobile item such as a hard disk drive or RAM provided in a computer.


The present invention provides an integrated circuit having capacitors formed in the unused portions of its metal layers. Such capacitors preferably are used for satisfying the transient peak power demands of different portions of the IC. However, they may also be used for any other purpose in which a capacitance is desired. When used for satisfying transient peak power demands, such capacitors are preferably placed as close as possible to the areas of the IC that require such high transient peak power.

The sizes of the capacitors will vary depending upon how much of particular areas of the metal layers are needed for routing wires. However, the width of the plates of the capacitor (or the overlapping portion of the plates) may be at least 2, 3, 5, 10, or even more times the typical wire width used on the IC. As a result, the plates (or the overlapping portion thereof may be at least 10, 20, 40, 70, 100, or even greater square microns. Such dimensions can provide capacitors having capacitance values of at least 5, 10, 20 or even greater femtoFarads (10



The capacitors formed in this manner can be used flexibly to accommodate the requirements of the IC. For example, each capacitor may supply a single cell or a combination of cells; in particular, it may be desirable to connect a single capacitor to two or more cells having transient peak power requirements that occur at different times. Moreover, particularly where a single large area is not available, multiple such capacitors can be connected in parallel to meet the peak power demands of particular portions of circuitry. Also, a capacitors plates can be connected to each of power, ground and a cell's input pins using any desired combination of vias and wire segments.

As noted above, “transient” and “peak” are relative terms, and it is possible to trade off between supplying increased steady state power for a portion of circuitry and increasing the capacitance of the power cell (capacitor) supplying that portion of circuitry. Providing capacitors according to the present invention often can provide much more design flexibility in this regard, while at the same time achieving increased efficiency by utilizing a presently unutilized resource, i.e., unused space on the metal layers.

Thus, although the present invention has been described in detail with regard to the exemplary embodiments and drawings thereof, it should be apparent to those skilled in the art that various adaptations and modifications of the present invention may be accomplished without departing from the spirit and the scope of the invention. Accordingly, the invention is not limited to the precise embodiments shown in the drawings and described in detail above. Rather, it is intended that all such variations not departing from the spirit of the invention be considered as within the scope thereof as limited solely by the claims appended hereto.

Also, several different embodiments of the present invention are described above, with each such embodiment described as including certain features. However, it is intended that the features described in connection with the discussion of any single embodiment are not limited to that embodiment, but may be included and/or arranged in various combinations in any of the other embodiments as well, as will be understood by those skilled in the art.

  • 1. A method for supplying power and ground to locations on an integrated circuit (IC) device that has plural metal layers for routing wires and a substrate for forming electronic components, said method comprising:(a) identifying portions of the circuit requiring high transient peak power; (b) routing wires on the plural metal layers to create an overlap area near an area of the IC device that requires high transient peak power; (c) identifying the overlap area where two of the plural metal layers that are adjacent to each other have open space; (d) forming a plate in the overlap area of each of said two metal layers so as to construct a capacitor; (e) connecting one plate of the capacitor to power and the other plate of the capacitor to ground; and (f) connecting the plates of the capacitor to locations on the substrate of the IC device that are near the area of the IC device that requires high transient peak power.
  • 2. A method according to claim 1, wherein the plates of the capacitor are formed so as to occupy substantially all of the overlap area.
  • 3. A method according to claim 1, wherein the plates of the capacitor have a width of at least twice the width of a typical wire on the IC device.
  • 4. A method according to claim 3, wherein the plates of the capacitor have a width of at least three times the width of a typical wire on the IC device.
  • 5. A method according to claim 3, wherein the plates of the capacitor have a width of at least five times the width of a typical wire on the IC device.
  • 6. A method according to claim 1, wherein plural overlap areas exist where two of the plural metal layers that are adjacent to each other have open space, and wherein a capacitor is constructed in each of said plural overlap areas.
  • 7. A method according to claim 1, wherein a capacitor is constructed in each area where two of the plural metal layers that are adjacent to each other have open space.
  • 8. A method according to claim 1, further comprising a step of routing wires on the plural metal layers, wherein routing is performed so as to attempt to create a new overlap area where two of the plural metal layers that are adjacent to each other have open space near each of plural areas of the IC device that requires high transient peak power.
  • 9. A method according to claim 8, wherein a capacitor is constructed in each new overlap area.
  • 10. A method according to claim 1, wherein the plates of the capacitor are formed so as to occupy substantially all of the overlap area.
  • 11. A method according to claim 1, wherein the capacitor has a capacitance of at least 5 femtofarads.
  • 12. A method according to claim 1, wherein an overlap area of the plates of the capacitor is at least 10 square microns.
  • 13. A computer-readable medium storing computer-executable process steps for supplying power and ground to locations on an integrated circuit (IC) device that has plural metal layers for routing wires and a substrate for forming electronic components, said process steps comprising steps to:(a) identify portions of the circuit requiring high transient peak power; (b) route wires on the plural metal layers to create an overlap area near an area of the IC device that requires high transient peak power; (c) identify an overlap area where two of the plural metal layers that are adjacent to each other have open space; (d) form a plate in the overlap area of each of said two metal layers so as to construct a capacitor; (e) connect one plate of the capacitor to power and the other plate of the capacitor to ground; and (f) connect the plates of the capacitor to locations on the substrate of the IC device that are near the area of the IC device that requires high transient peak power.
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