The invention relates to laser stabilization and more particularly to a Pound-Drever-Hall (PHD) frequency stabilization system.
A compact laser source with low frequency fluctuations is an important component in many applications such as optical communication, spectroscopy, atomic clock, astronomy, and metrology. A key part of a semiconductor laser, directly affecting its stability, is the frequency selective component such as the resonator or the cavity. In semiconductor lasers, the fluctuations in the resonator are mainly caused by thermal variations of the cavity length and index of refraction as well as the elasto-optic effect. Laser stabilization using optical feedback, electrical feedback, and electrical feedforward techniques have been demonstrated. However, the most widely used method in laser stabilization is the Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) scheme, where the frequency of the laser is measured using an optical frequency reference and the error signal in the electrical domain is amplified, filtered, and fed back to the laser to suppress the laser frequency fluctuations. Bench-top PDH systems have been demonstrated where a high quality factor cavity or resonator in a carefully controlled environment is used to stabilize the laser frequency. Despite excellent stabilization performance, these bench-top systems are bulky, expensive, power hungry, and highly sensitive to environmental fluctuations.
There Standard complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) silicon-on-insulator (SOI) processes offer high optical confinement, high yield, scalability to mass production, and co-integration with standard electronic devices and circuits and therefore are a suitable platform for monolithic integration of electronic-photonic systems in the infrared regime.
Low noise stable lasers have far-reaching applications in spectroscopy, communication, metrology and basic science. The Pound-Drever-Hall laser stabilization technique is widely used to stabilize different types of lasers in these areas. Here, we report the demonstration of an integrated Pound-Drever-Hall system that can stabilize a low-cost laser chip to realize a compact inexpensive light source which can ultimately impact many fields of science and engineering. We present an integrated architecture utilizing an electronically reconfigurable Mach-Zehnder interferometer as the frequency reference to reduce the frequency noise of semiconductor lasers by more than 25 dB and the relative Allan deviation by more than 12 times at 200 μs averaging time. Compared to the bench-top implementations, the integrated Pound-Drever-Hall system has significantly lower power consumption, less sensitivity to the environmental fluctuations and occupies 2.38 mm2 area. The photonic and electronic devices are integrated on a standard 180 nm complementary metal-oxide semiconductor silicon-on-insulator process.
The present disclosure relates to an integrated PDH frequency stabilization system based on a novel architecture where an electronically reconfigurable Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) is used as the frequency reference. With a careful design of the on-chip optical delay line and the implemented electronically adjustable phase-control and loss-matching mechanisms in the MZI, a large extinction ratio and hence a high frequency selectivity is achieved while the entire integrated PDH system only occupies an area of 2.38 mm2. In comparison with the bench-top implementations, where a high quality factor resonator or cavity in a well-controlled environment is used, the small temperature gradient across the integrated PDH system significantly reduces the sensitivity to the environment fluctuations, which is a key advantage for an integrated PDH stabilization system. In addition, the use of a highly reconfigurable MZI instead of an integrated resonator greatly reduces the sensitivity to the process variations resulting in higher fabrication yield. Benefiting from the low noise design of the integrated electronic blocks and the high extinction ratio of the integrated reconfigurable MZI, the frequency noise of a commercially available distributed feedback (DFB) laser is reduced by more than 25 dB while no temperature control for the integrated PDH system is used. The stabilized DFB laser exhibits more than 12 times relative Allan deviation reduction at 200 μs averaging time. All passive and active photonic components are designed and co-integrated with electronic devices on the GlobalFoundries GF7RFSOI process, a standard 180 nm CMOS SOI technology, with no post-processing.
With streaming movies and UltraHD television taking more and more bandwidth, there is a race to deliver data into people's homes as quickly as possible. Light-based fiber optic connections promise far faster data rates than standard electricity-based coaxial cables, so making laser sources smaller, cheaper and more stable is a high priority for engineers.
Stability is particularly important because, rather than simply representing bits by whether the laser is on or off, information could also be encoded in the light wave's harder-to-control frequency or phase. Additional layers of data can multiply a laser's transfer speed, but mass-market lasers aren't stable enough to carry a signal through the noise in those properties.
In an embodiment, a silicon microchip is provided that reduces the noise of low-cost lasers, enabling them to use the laser's phase to transmit data. This microchip measures the noise in the laser's phase in the form of an electrical current, then suppresses the noise by injecting that current back to the laser in a feedback loop. This method, known as the Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) technique, is a mainstay of laser stabilization, but has thus far only been implemented as benchtop-sized systems. This chip enables information to be encoded in both intensity and phase of a low-cost laser, multiplying the data rate for the same available bandwidth. For example, compared to two-level intensity encoding, you can get four times the data rate if you encode information in eight phase points on top of two intensity levels.
In exemplary embodiments, a laser frequency control apparatus comprising: (a) a laser; (b) an oscillator configured to receive an output of the laser and to output a phase modulated signal; (c) an interferometer configured to receive the phase modulated signal and to provide an output signal; and (d) a mixer configured to mix at least a portion of the output signal of the interferometer with an output of the oscillator to generate a mixer output, wherein the mixer output is injected to a gain section of the laser.
The scope of the invention also includes a system including a processor that executes stored instructions for executing the steps of the method. The above and other characteristic features of the invention will be apparent from the following detailed description of the invention.
The present application is further understood when read in conjunction with the appended drawings. In the drawings:
Integrated PDH Principle of Operation
Design and Characterization of the Photonic Components
Several active and passive photonic components have been designed and characterized for implementation of the integrated PDH system on the GlobalFoundries GF7RFSOI CMOS process.
The Electronically Reconfigurable MZI
The PDH Open-Loop Readout Signal
To calculate the open-loop read-out signal at the output of the VtoI, the loop in
iout=KOE sin(ω0τ+ϕ), (1)
where ω0, τ and ϕ are the laser frequency, the delay difference between the arms of the reconfigurable MZI and the relative phase between the two arms, respectively. Also, the amplitude of the PDH read-out signal, KOE, depends on the optical and electrical settings and parameters and is defined in Supplementary Equation (11). The electronic current gain,
is defined as the ratio of the VtoI output current to the photodiode photo-current. This current gain can be adjusted between 52 dB to 112 dB. The measured performance of the photonic test structures were used to implement VerilogA models which together with the available scalable models of the electronic devices can be used for system simulations using Cadence tools27.
The PDH Closed-Loop Operation and Frequency Noise Reduction
Consider the case that the laser frequency is perturbed around its steady state. When this small perturbation is applied to the proposed PDH system, it causes the PDH read-out signal to deviate from its steady state. In this case, equation (1) is modified to
iout,ss+δiout=KOE×sin[(ω0,ss+δω)τ+ϕ], (2)
where ω0,ss, δω, iout,ss and δiout are the steady state laser frequency, the frequency perturbation, the steady state output current and the output current change due to frequency perturbation, respectively. Since perturbation is by definition small, sin(δω)≈δω and cos(δω)≈1 can be considered. Therefore, equation (2) is simplified to
δiout≈KOE cos(ω0,ssτ+ϕ)δωτ. (3)
Using equation (1) at steady state, equation (3) results in
is the PDH small signal frequency to output current conversion gain, and iout,ss<<KOE is assumed.
A semiconductor laser can be modelled as a current-controlled oscillator. In this case, the instantaneous frequency of the laser is written as
ω(t)=ω0+KLictrl(t)+ωn(t), (5)
where ω0, KL, ictrl(t) and ωn(t) are the lasing frequency, the laser gain, the control current injected to the gain section of the laser and the laser intrinsic frequency noise, respectively. By perturbing ictrl(t) around its steady state in equation (5), the laser small signal current to frequency conversion gain is calculated as
where δictrl and δω0 are the laser control current perturbation and the frequency change due to the current perturbation, respectively. Once the loop is closed, the VtoI output current, the read-out signal, is injected to the laser (as the laser control current).
where the loop gain is defined as KLoop=|τKOEKL|.
Note that according to Supplementary Equation (11), KOE and hence the loop gain depends on the electrical phase shift, θ, which can be adjusted electronically in the modulator driver circuit. Also, the gain of all electronic blocks can be set independently to adjust the loop gain.
Using open-loop simulations for Ai=112 dB, KLoop≈18.8 was estimated which corresponds to a 25.9 dB frequency noise suppression.
The measured heterodyne spectrum of the DFB laser before and after frequency noise reduction is shown in
We have calculated the approximate linewidth reduction of the DFB laser using the measured frequency noise spectra for free-running and closed-loop cases in
To measure the frequency stability of the PDH stabilized laser, two CMOS chips were used to perform Allan deviation measurements in the setup depicted in
Ideally, the integrated PDH system should be able to perform a large frequency noise reduction over a wide bandwidth. However, undesired effects such as noise of electronic and photonic devices and the laser frequency modulation (FM) response limit the PDH stabilization performance. As discussed in the Supplementary Note 7, while the system noise including the noise of electronic devices, the relative intensity noise of the laser and the photodiode shot noise are suppressed by the loop gain, the residual system noise is injected to the laser increasing its frequency noise. Therefore, reducing the system noise would improve the PDH stabilization performance. Another undesired effect is the FM response of the semiconductor laser which limits the frequency noise reduction bandwidth. The thermal and the charge carrier effects modulate the refractive index of the gain medium in opposite directions. As a result, an abrupt phase change occurs in the laser FM response (at about 0.9 MHz for the Alcatel 3CN00325CW DFB laser) that can cause loop instability for a large enough loop gain. This effectively limits the loop gain-bandwidth product. A lead-lag filter may be added to the PDH loop to improve the system phase margin allowing for a higher frequency noise reduction bandwidth at the same (or higher) loop gain.
In conclusion, we have demonstrated an integrated PDH system implemented on a 180 nm standard CMOS process with no post-processing. In the proposed architecture, an electronically reconfigurable MZI is introduced serving as the frequency reference making the reported PDH system less sensitive to fabrication process variations. The implemented PDH system was used to suppress the frequency noise of a commercially available semiconductor lasers by more than 25 dB, its FWHM linewidth by more than 13 times, and its relative Allan deviation by more than 12 times (at a 200 μs averaging time) while occupying a 2.38 mm2 area. The integrated PDH system can be used to significantly improve the noise performance and stability of a low-cost laser chip enabling realization of inexpensive highly stable compact light sources with many applications in science and engineering such as communication, sensing and metrology, to name a few.
CMOS Chip Implementation
The detailed block diagram of the CMOS chip is shown in
CMOS Electronic Block Characterization and Electrical and Optical Noise Sources.
The measured performance of the CMOS electronic blocks is summarized in Supplementary Note 6 and Supplementary Table 1. The noise sources and their effects are discussed in Supplementary Note 7. A list of all measurement equipment and components are provided in Supplementary Table 2.
Supplementary Examples and Notes:
Supplementary Table 1|the Performance of the On-Chip Core Electronic Blocks
The performance of electronic blocks are summarized in this table.
Supplementary Table 2|List of Equipment and Components Used in Different Experimental Setups
The list of all equipment and components used for characterizations and measurements is provided.
Supplementary Note 1: The PDH Read-Out Signal
The block diagram of the reported Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) system under the open-loop condition is shown in
Elaser(t)=√{square root over (P0)} cos(ω0t), (1)
where P0 and ω0 are the laser power and frequency, respectively. Also, assume the electrical oscillator output voltage can be written as
vosc(t)=ao sin(Ωt), (2)
where ao and Ω are the oscillation amplitude and frequency, respectively. The phase modulator (PM) driver increases the level of the oscillator output to v0 and introduces a phase shift, θ, between its input and output. In this case, the modulator driver output is written as
vPM,driver(t)=v0 sin(Ωt+θ). (3)
The modulation index can be defined as
where iπ is the current required to generates a π radians optical phase shift across the optical phase modulator and Zin,mod represents the input impedance of the phase modulator. In this case, the electric field at the output of the phase modulator is written as
Emod(t)=√{square root over (P0)} cos[ω0t+β sin(Ωt+θ)]. (5)
The modulated signal passes through the electronically reconfigurable Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI). The MZI output is photo-detected and the photo-current is written as
iPD(t)=¼RP0α{cos[ω0(t−τ)+β sin(Ω(t−τ)+θ)]+cos[ω0t+ϕ+β sin(Ωt+θ)]}2 (6)
where R, α, τ and ϕ are the photodiode responsivity, the total optical transmission, the delay difference between the two arms of the MZI and the relative phase between the two arms of the MZI, respectively. The photo-current can be simplified to
iPD(t)=¼RP0α{cos(ω0τ+ϕ)cos[Z cos(Ωt+ψ)]−sin(ω0τ+ϕ)sin[Z cos(Ωt+ψ)]}+DC terms, (7)
Using the Jacobi-Anger expansion1, the photo-current is written as
iPD(t)=½RP0α sin(ω0τ+ϕ)En=1∞{(−1)nJ2n−1(Z)cos[(2n−1)(Ωt+ψ)]}+DC terms+terms at 2nΩ, (9)
where J2n−1 (.) represent the Bessel functions of the first kind. The photo-current is converted to a voltage and amplified using a trans-impedance amplifier (TIA) and mixed with vosc(t). The mixer output is low-pass filtered (to remove higher order terms), amplified and converted to a current using a VtoI. In this case, the output current of the VtoI, the read-out signal, can be written as
iout(t)=KOE×sin(ω0τ+ϕ), (10)
where KOE is calculated as
In Supplementary Equation (11),
represents the total electrical current gain which is defined as the ratio of the VtoI output current to the photo-current. Also, GTIA, GMixer and GVtoI are the TIA trans-impedance gain, the mixer conversion gain and the VtoI trans-conductance gain, respectively. Note that since the on-chip delay τ is much smaller than Ω−1, in the derivation of Supplementary Equation (11), it is assumed that
Supplementary Note 2: Characterization of the Integrated Phase Modulator
The setup shown in Supplementary
where α and β represent the optical transmission (in one arm of the MZI) and the modulation index
respectively. Note that Zin represents the input impedance of the PIN structure. The photo-current in
where R represents the responsivity of the off-chip photodiode in the measurement setup. Using the Jacobi-Anger expansion, the AC component of the photo-current is written as
Therefore, at a given frequency, by fitting a Bessel function of the first kind to the measured AC component of the photo-current, the modulation index and hence iπ can be estimated.
We have repeated this measurement at different frequencies to plot
Supplementary Note 3: Characterization of the Integrated Electronically Reconfigurable Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
The measurement setup for the integrated reconfigurable MZI is depicted in
Supplementary Note 4: The Frequency Noise Discriminator
Supplementary Note 5: The CMOS Chip Details
The block diagram of the reported PDH chip is shown in
Supplementary Note 6: Characterization of the CMOS Electronic Blocks
All electronic blocks have been integrated on the GlobalFoundries GF7RFSOI process, a standard CMOS SOI technology, with no post-processing. The performance of the core electronic blocks (shown in
Supplementary Note 7: The Noise Sources
The key noise sources affecting the PDH stabilization performance are the relative intensity noise (RIN) of the laser, the photodiode shot noise and the noise of the electronic devices. The effect of each of these noise sources can be modelled as a current noise referred to the input of the TIA. Since these noise sources are independent, the total noise contribution can be written as the sum of these three current noises.
In presence of laser intensity noise, Supplementary Equation (1) describing the electric field of the laser output, can be modified to
Elaser(t)=√{square root over (P0+pn(t))} cos(ω0t), (15)
where P0, pn(t) and ω0, are the laser power, laser intensity noise and the lasing frequency, respectively. In this case and following the same steps taken in derivation of Supplementary Equation (7), the photodiode current can be calculated as
where iDC, α, R, τ and Ω are the DC component of the photo-current, the transmission of the optical path, the responsivity of the photodiode, the delay difference between the two arms of the reconfigurable MZI and the modulation frequency, respectively. Also, Z and ψ are defined in Supplementary Equation (8). Note that due to the amplitude limiting mechanism, the amplitude noise of the local oscillator is negligible4 and is ignored in this analysis. Assuming
Supplementary Equation (16) can be written as
Assuming pn(t) to be an additive mean-zero white Gaussian process, the power spectral density (PSD) of the laser intensity noise equivalent current, iRIN, can be written as3
represents the relative intensity noise of the laser. Therefore, using Supplementary Equation (18) and considering the shot noise of the photodiode, iPD,shot, Supplementary Equation (17) is modified to
The noise contribution of electronic devices can be modelled as a current noise referred to the output of the photodiode3. In this case, the total photocurrent including the effect of all aforementioned noise sources is written as
represents the total input referred current noise and in,electronics represents the noise of the electronic devices. Since the total current noise is a small signal, the linearized PDH system in
In this case, the total current noise referred to the output of the CMOS chip, in in
The control current injected to the laser in
δictrl=δiout+in. (22)
In this case, when the PDH loop is closed, the total laser frequency noise is written as
where KLoop=|Kωi AiKL|=|τKOEKL| is the PDH loop gain and ωn(t) represents the intrinsic frequency noise of the laser. Supplementary Equation (23) indicates that when the PDH stabilization loop is engaged, the contribution of the electro-optic noise (the noise of electronic devices, the photodiode shot noise and the relative intensity noise of the laser) to the laser frequency noise is suppressed by the loop gain.
Supplementary Note 8: Hybrid Integration of the Photodiode and the CMOS Chip
Despite successful monolithic integration of all active and passive photonic and electronic devices on the GF7RFSOI process, a wideband photodiode with high responsivity was not implemented as no material with efficient absorption coefficient in the 1550 nm range is available in this standard electronic process. Therefore, a photodiode chip is hybrid integrated (vertically) with the CMOS chip as depicted in
A Cosemi LX3050 InGaAs/InP PIN photodiode chip with a die area of 450 μm×450 μm and thickness of 152 μm was mounted on top of the CMOS chip. The active area of this vertically illuminated photodiode is about 800 μm2 (diameter of about 32 μm) which is more than 4 times larger than the grating coupler area (in
Most laser based communication systems use intensity modulation, which means encoding the information solely in the light wave's intensity. For simplicity's sake, a “1” is when the laser light is on and a “0” is when it is off. But lasers also have other properties: frequency, which is how fast the wave's up-and-down cycle is repeated, and phase, which is how far the start of each cycle is from a fixed reference point.
To transmit a single bit using only intensity modulation, the laser light just needs to be either on or off at preset intervals, each representing either 0 or 1. A laser capable of emitting four discrete phases, however, could transmit data twice as fast. Each of the phases would represent one of the four two-bit permutations at each interval, 00, 01, 10, or 11.
Combining more phase and intensity levels other than simply “on” and “off” could further multiply the data rate. Encoding information in four phase points and two intensity levels would allow for the eight three-bit permutations, tripling the data rate. Eight phases and two intensities would allow for the sixteen four-bit permutations, quadrupling it. Critically, this system only works if the laser can reliably emit with the correct phase in each interval. Lasers that are low-noise enough to do so are prohibitively expensive for consumer products, and mass-market lasers are typically too noisy to carry information using properties beyond simple on-or-off intensity.
This noise arises from the quality of a laser's cavity and the “gain medium” within it. Generally, lasers are produced by bouncing light back and forth in a cavity between two mirrors. Because light loses energy as it travels inside the cavity, a gain medium is placed in the light's path. In a process known as stimulated emission, after applying electric current to the laser's gain medium, photons are released that are lined up with the light passing through it, amplifying it into a laser beam.
During this amplification process, some photons are also generated at random, which in turn generate noise in the laser. High quality cavities can significantly reduce this so-called ‘spontaneous emission’noise resulting in a lower noise laser. However, cavities with a high quality factor are expensive and often bulky or complex to design. Putting them together is costly and time consuming, since the process must be extremely precise. The technology is there, but manufacturers only make a few hundred of them a year. They're just too complex and expensive to mass-produce.
Instead of using expensive lasers with a complex or bulky cavity, the researchers' PDH chip could be used in conjunction with lasers that have simpler, lower quality cavities. We measure the noise in the phase of the laser coming mainly from randomly generated photons in the laser cavity and feed it back as a current to the laser gain medium. This suppresses the noise in the phase of the laser.
The researchers are then able to tap off a “clean” laser after this feedback loop, replicating the performance of a much more expensive device using a chip that's about a square millimeter in size. Similar to CMOS electronic chips in your cell phone, these PDH chips can be mass-produced. You could make 100,000 of them for a few dollars each. Then each chip can be combined with a low-cost lower quality laser, the same kind that's currently being used in fiber optic internet. Adding in assembly, the total cost of manufacturing 100,000 integrated packaged lasers using this technology would probably be around a few tens of dollars per unit, compared to a few thousands of dollars for an equivalent low-noise, stable lasers available today.
The potential uses of such a laser are not limited to communications. Many pieces of scientific equipment also require lasers with high stability.
This technology can be implemented for different wavelengths enabling implementation of low-cost, portable spectrometers for medical diagnostics. Current systems often use a bulky and expensive laser. Cheap, low noise lasers could significantly decrease the lab process time by allowing many more spectrometers to run in parallel, and also would make spectrometers cheap enough to be available in all labs around the globe.
Those skilled in the art also will readily appreciate that many additional modifications are possible in the exemplary embodiment without materially departing from the novel teachings and advantages of the invention. Accordingly, any such modifications are intended to be included within the scope of this invention as defined by the following exemplary claims.
This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/614,344, filed Jan. 5, 2018, the entirety of which is incorporated by reference herein.
This invention was made with government support under Grant No. HR0011-15-C-0057 awarded by DARPA DODOS. The Government has certain rights in the invention.
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