Modern electronics components, such as microprocessors, FPGA (field programmable gate arrays), ASIC (application specific integrated circuits) and other such devices, often require many, for example, greater than 1000, input/output (I/O) electrical connections. These electrical components generally consist of a semiconductor die mounted to and electrically attached to a die substrate or equivalently an IC (integrated circuit) package substrate. In order to maintain a reasonably small package size for the component, the electrical contacts associated with each of these independent electrical connections must be closely spaced on the IC package. The contacts are often situated on a side of the IC substrate opposite the die and arranged in a square or rectangular grid. The pitch between adjacent contacts may be less than 1 mm and in some cases less than 0.5 mm.
Electrical systems often employ optical links to transport data between electrical processing elements. To improve the high bandwidth operation of these links it is desirable to place the optical-to-electrical (O/E) or electrical-to-optical (E/O) conversion components close to the electrical processing element to minimize the length of electrical transmission and maximize the length of optical transmission. These E/O and O/E components may likewise require small contact pitches between adjacent electrical contacts to minimize the overall package size.
Rather than permanently attaching an electrical, E/O, or O/E component to a main or host substrate or printed circuit board (PCB), using solder or some other means, it is often desirable to have a separable interconnection, so the component can be installed after other components are soldered to the main board or easily replaced if desired. This is particularly important for E/O and O/E components where optical fiber breakage issues and an inability to withstand solder reflow temperatures make permanently attaching the element undesirable. Alignment of the IC substrate to its mating interface must have a tolerance significantly less than the contact pitch, for example, less than 20% of the contact pitch, otherwise not all electrical connections will be made as desired. This is a challenge as the pitch size become smaller.
In order to obtain electrical contact at the separable interface one or both of the contacts on opposite sides of the interface typically elastically deform as the two sides of the separable interface are mated. A restoring force produced by the elastic deformation urges contacts on opposing sides of the separable interface together resulting in an electrical connection. In most prior art interconnection systems, a least one contact was formed by a metal finger that would bend during mating. The metal finger was formed by stamping a metal sheet or photolithographically defining the finger for smaller pitch applications. However, it is challenging to fabricate a large array of metal fingers that are small enough and have sufficient strength and compliance for current and future generations high density interconnects.
Additionally, at least some of the interconnections must be capable of transmitting high bandwidth data streams, such as signals have a data transfer rate in excess of 1 Gbps (Gigabits per second), with good signal integrity. Generally making the interconnection path length short and minimizing abrupt changes in the geometry of the signal transmission path facilitate high bandwidth operation.
There is a need for an interconnection system that can provide a separable electrical interface for an electrical, E/O, or O/E component having a dense array of electrical contacts.
In one example, a method of preparing a food product can include the steps of providing a mixture of batch food product, cooking the mixture of batch food product such that the food product defines a cooked batch food product, and cooling the cooked batch food product, such that the cooked batch food product defines a cooled food product. The method can further include, after the cooling step, the step of dosing the cooled food product with a cannabinoid.
With reference to
The mating substrate 24 can be connected to the main board 22 through an electrical interconnect member 40. The electrical interconnect member 40 can be configured as an anisotropically conductive compliant contact layer in some examples. In other examples the electrical interconnect member can be constructed in any manner desired having electrically conductive elements that are disposed between the main board 22 and the mating substrate 24 so as to place the main board 22 in electrical communication with the mating substrate 24 when the mating substrate 24 is mated with the main board 22. In one example, the electrically conductive elements can be configured as fuzz buttons, electrical conductors, or other suitable electrically conductive elements as desired. The electrical interconnect member 40 can be arranged as a layer that is oriented along the first and second transverse directions T1 and T2.
The mating substrate 24 may also be part of an optical-to-electrical conversion component, an electrical-to-optical conversion components or a combined optical-to-electrical and electrical-to-optical conversion component. Collectively a component that performs these conversion functions may be described as an optical module 27 that can send and/or receive optical signals from an optical fiber 31. A bottom surface of the optical module may have a mating substrate on its bottom surface. The optical module may have an optical fiber pigtail or it may be connectorized to accept an optical fiber connector. The mating substrate may be configured to mate with the top surface 32 of the IC package substrate 26. The IC package 28 may have one or more electrical components as described above, such as the IC die 36, mounted on the top surface 32 of the IC package substrate 26. In this example, the IC package substrate 26 may be described as the main board 22 or in other examples the mating substrate 24.
The mating substrate 24 may also be part of a cable connector 21 suitable for transmitting high speed electrical signals, such as greater than 28 gigabits per second, and in some examples at least 56 gigabits per second. The cable connector 21 may have a mating substrate on its bottom surface. Contacts exposed on the mating substrate are permanently connected by solder or some other means to conductive wires in an electrical cable or flex circuit that terminates in the cable connector 21. The mating substrate 24 may be configured to mate with the top surface 32 of the IC package substrate 26. The IC package 28 may have one or more electrical components mounted on the top surface 32 of the IC package substrate. In this example, the IC package substrate 26 may be described as the main board. This embodiment is depicted in
Referring now to
The interconnection system 20 may include an interposer 46 that can be mounted to the main board 22, and a frame 44 mechanically coupled to the interposer 46 to define the socket 38. The frame can be mounted coupled to the main board 22 as desired. The main board 22, the frame 44, and the interposer 46 can combine to define a main board assembly 45. The mating substrate 24 can be mated to the main board assembly 45 at a separable interface so as to establish an electrical connection with the main board 22. The socket 38 may be electrically and mechanically permanently connected to the main board 22. The main board 22 may be a printed circuit board (PCB), a printed wiring assembly (PWA), an ASIC package substrate, or any substantially rigid, flat element having electrical contacts. The main board 22 may also be called a host substrate, mother board or other such term. Electrical connections between the socket 38 and the main board 22 may be formed by reflowing solder to provide an electrical connection between electrically conductive main board lands 47 on a top or first surface of the main board 22 and electrical interposer contacts 48 located at a bottom or second surface of the interposer 46. Solder balls 50 may be attached to the electrical interposer contacts 48, thereby forming a ball grid array (BGA). The solder balls 50 may be formed from SAC305 solder, which is a mixture of tin, gold, and copper although other types of solders may be used. By reflowing the solder balls 50, the interposer 46 may be permanently mounted to the main board 22. The solder reflow process tends to automatically align the main board lands 47 with the electrical interposer contacts 48, since when the solder 50 is liquid surface tension tends to minimize the surface area of the solder urging the main board lands 47 and electrical interposer contacts 48 into alignment with each other along the insertion direction.
A plurality of electrically conductive interposer lands 52 may be disposed at a top or first surface of the interposer 46 forming a land gird array (LGA). The top surface is opposite a bottom or second surface of the interposer 46. Some of the interposer lands 52, referred to as electrical lands 52a, serve an electrical function and some of the lands 52, referred to as mechanical lands 52b, serve only a mechanical alignment function. Thus, electrical signals do not travel through the mechanical lands 52b between the mating substrate 24 and the main board 24. In contrast, electrical signals travel through the electrical lands 52a as they are transmitted between the mating substrate 24 and the main board 22. The lands 52 may be arranged in a rectangular array. The electrical lands 52a may be positioned directly above the bottom electrical interposer contacts 48 and electrically connected to the electrical contacts 48 by an array of through vias 54. The mechanical lands 52b may be positioned outside along the perimeter of the array of electrical lands 52a. The electrical lands 52a and mechanical lands 52b may be formed during the same processing step to ensure accurate registration between the mechanical and electrical lands. If the lands 52 are formed through a photolithographic process, the alignment tolerance between the lands 52 may be on the order of ±5 microns. The electrical lands 52a may be arranged on a rectangular grid have a pitch in the range of approximately 0.2 to 0.8 mm in the two transverse directions. Smaller pitches are possible. The alignment accuracy of the mechanical and electrical lands may be less than 5%, 10% 20%, or 25% of the pitch between the electrical lands 52a. Each electrical land 52a may be a square or round metal pad having a side length or diameter approximately ½ of the pitch. The mechanical lands 52b may be the same size, smaller, or larger than the electrical lands 52a. The mechanical lands 52b are preferably round and may have a diameter in the range of 200 to 500 microns, but can have any suitable alternative shape as desired.
Each of the mechanical lands 52b may have a respective interposer alignment feature 56 attached to them. The interposer alignment feature 56 may be a small element, such as a sphere, cylinder, cube, pyramid, disk, etc., attached to the mechanical land using a solder reflow process or it may be simply a solder ball. For example, the interposer alignment feature may be a slumped solder ball that has been reflowed on the land or a gold-plated stainless-steel sphere or disk that has been bonded to the mechanical land by solder reflow. Advantageously the solder reflow process with cause the interposer alignment feature 56 to automatically align with the mechanical land 52b. The interposer 46 may have a square or rectangular shape, or any suitable alternative shape as desired. The alignment feature 56 can be a mechanical alignment feature, and is not electrically connected to either of the main board 22 and the mating substrate 24.
The frame 44 may surround the interposer 46 on all sides of the interposer 46 in a plane that is defined by the first and second transverse directions T1 and T2. When the interposer 46 defines a square or rectangle in the plane that includes the first and second transverse directions T1 and T2, the frame 44 can surround all four sides of the interposer 46. The frame 44 has at least one frame alignment guide 58 such as a plurality of frame alignment guides 58 that register with mating interposer alignment features 56 so as to align the mating substrate 22 for mating with the main board assembly 45 along the insertion direction 42. The frame alignment guides 58 may define of an alignment hole 60 that extends at least into a bottom surface of the frame 44. Thus, the alignment hole 60 can have an opening at the bottom surface of the frame 44 so that the interposer alignment feature 56 fits inside the alignment hole 60. Interference between the interposer alignment feature 56 and one or more of the side walls that define the alignment hole 60 can substantially prevent movement of the frame 44 with respect to the interposer 46 in either or both of the first and second transverse directions T1 and T2. The frame 44 may have a plurality of alignment holes 60 arranged on a regular grid, such as a rectangular grid. When the frame 44 is aligned with the interposer 46, the alignment holes 60 may be situated above respective ones of the electrical interposer lands 52. The frame 44 can be fabricated from an electrically insulative material. The frame 44 may be formed from a liquid crystal polymer or any other suitable insulative material.
The main board assembly 45, and thus the separable interconnection system 20, can include the electrical interconnect member 40 that is configured to be placed in electrical communication with the interposer lands 52, and can further be placed in electrical communication with the mating substrate 24 when the mating substrate is mated with the main board assembly 45. The electrical interconnect member 40 can be received by the frame 44. In one example, the electrical interconnect member 40 can be an anisotropically conductive compliant contact layer. The anisotropically conductive compliant contact layer has a plurality of electrically conductive channels that extend between an upper and opposed lower surface of the anisotropically conductive compliant contact layer. At least one channel contacts every electrical land on the top or first surface of the interposer. The at least one channel extends to an opening in the frame. The anisotropically conductive compliant contact layer may be a PariPoser® conductive member available from Paricon Technologies of Taunton, MA. A PariPoser® consists of many small electrically conductive channels formed from a vertically extending column of conductive balls supported by an elastomeric matrix. As the PariPoser® is depressed the conductive column can deform in response to the applied force while maintaining a low impedance electrical path between the top and bottom balls of a column. Each column is electrically isolated from adjacent columns. The thickness of the anisotropically conductive compliant contact layer may be in the range of approximately 25 to 500 microns. The anisotropically conductive compliant contact layer may elastically deform by 10 to 150 microns in response to an applied compressive mating force applied to the interconnection region.
It is known to use a PariPoser® as an electrical interconnect between two planar substrates having arrays of electrical contacts. One advantage of using a PariPoser® is that it does not need to be precisely aligned between the planar substrates along the two transverse directions, since the spacing between the electrically conductive columns is less than the spacing between adjacent contacts. Independent of the exact position of the PariPoser® one or more conductive columns extend from the interposer electrical land to the opening.
The minimum amount of deformation of the anisotropically conductive compliant contact layer should be sufficient to compensate for non-planarity of any of the surfaces at the mating interface so that mechanical contact is made between the top of the anisotropically conductive compliant contact layer and all electrical contacts on the bottom of the mating substrate and between the bottom of the anisotropically conductive compliant contact layer and all electrical contacts on the top of the main board. The deformation should also be sufficient that the restoring elastic force at all contact areas is sufficient to establish a low resistance electrical path for all contacts across the mating interface. As such, more deformation and a thicker anisotropically conductive compliant contact layer may be used with larger mating substrates and less deformation and a thinner anisotropically conductive compliant contact layer may be used with smaller mating substrates. Mating substrates with an IC die may be an example of a large substrate, with package dimensions in the range of 100 mm in the two transverse directions. An example of a small mating substrates may be a mating substrate that is part of an optical module having a package dimension less than 20 mm in the two transverse directions.
The electrical interconnect member 40, and in particular the anisotropic conductive compliant contact is not limited to use of a PariPoser® member. For example, an array of compressible, electrically conductive columns may be formed by embedding separate tangled bundles of small diameter wire in an array of holes in an insulative matrix. Such an array of separate tangled bundle of small diameter wire is available Custom Interconnects, LLC, Centennial, CO (sold as Fuzz Button® technology) or Bel Group, Lombard, IL (sold as CIN::ASPE® technology). Conductive fibers can also be used, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 10,720,398, along with other approaches. U.S. Pat. No. 10,720,398 is hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth in its entirety herein.
The socket 38 can be configured to accept and receive the mating substrate 24 that is inserted into the socket 38 in the insertion direction. The mating substrate 24 may have a plurality of mating substrate lands 62 on its bottom or second surface, which forms a mating interface 33 of the mating substrate 24. All or most of the mating substrate lands 62 may have mating substrate alignment features 63 attached to them. The mating substrate alignment features 63 may be a small element, such as a sphere, cylinder, cube, pyramid, disk, or the like. In one example, the mating substrate alignment features 63 can be solder balls 64. As previously disclosed, the mating substrate 24 may be an IC (integrated circuit) package that has an IC die 36 mounted on top of an IC package substrate 26. The mating substrate 24 may also be a daughter card, part of an optical module, or part of a cable connector terminating a mating flex circuit or high speed electrical cables.
Thus, it should be appreciated that engagement of the interposer alignment features 56 and the frame alignment guides 58 can align the frame 44 with the interposer 46, and thus with the main board 22 to which the interposer 46 is mounted. Engagement of the mating substrate alignment members with the upper frame alignment members can align the mating substrate 22 with the frame 44. Because the frame 44 is aligned with the main board 22, the mating substrate 22 is similarly aligned with the main board 22.
The mating substrate 24, main board 22, and the electrical interconnect member 40 of
In contrast to the embodiment depicted in
The main board 22 may have electrically conductive lands 47 that can include electrical lands 47a, which serve an electrical function as described above with respect to the electrical lands 52a of
In one example, the main board alignment features 70 can be configured as solder balls 50 that do not transmit electrical signals during operation. The electrical interconnect member 40 can be disposed on the top surface of the main board 22 and is in electrical contact with the electrical main board lands 47a located on the top surface of the main board 22. The alignment sheet 66 is disposed above the electrical interconnect member 40. The alignment sheet 66 may have a thickness in the range of approximately 150 to 500 microns. The alignment sheet 66 can define a sheet alignment guide 67 that can include a plurality of sheet alignment members that can be configured as the holes 72. The holes 72 can be configured as through holes extend through the alignment sheet 66 along the insertion direction 42 as desired. The holes 72 can be aligned with the electrical lands 47a of the main board along the insertion direction 42. Registration between the holes and sheet alignment guides is tightly controlled. During operation, the main board alignment feature 70 can be received in respective bottom ends of respective ones of the holes 72. The solder balls 64 of the mating substrate 24 can be received in others of the holes 72. The others of the holes 72 can define a grid that is defined by the first and second transverse directions T1 and T2, and the ones of the holes can be disposed outside the grid.
This embodiment is similar to that described previously and depicted in
The frame 44 can be configured as the alignment sheet 66 of electrically insulating material. The alignment sheet 66, and thus the frame 44, can have at least one such as at least two sheet alignment guides 67 than can define holes 72. In
The frame 44 has a large hole 74 in a central portion of the frame 44. Around the periphery of the central opening are at least two mating substrate alignment guides 78. The mating substrate alignment guides 78 are a series of indentations 80 along at least one such as a pair such as all sides of the central hole 74. In other versions of this embodiment the mating substrate guide 78 may be a single indentation 80 on each side of the frame 44 rather than a row of indentations. Four mating substrate alignment guides 78 may also be used, one at or near the center of each side of the central hole 74. Rather than indentations, the mating substrate alignment guides 78 may be holes that extend at least into or through the frame 44. The mating substrate alignment guides 78 need not be present on all sides of the sheet but should be present on at least two opposing sides. The arrangement of the mating substrate guides 78 is not limited to any of the above examples. Registration between the mating substrate alignment guides 78 and sheet alignment guides 67 is tightly controlled.
As described above, the solder balls 64 can be arranged in a grid that is defined by the transverse directions T1 and T2. The solder balls 64 at the perimeter of the grid can contact an inner surface of the frame 44 that defines the central hole 74. The mating substrate alignment guides 78 can position the solder balls 64 at the perimeter of the grid in respective ones of the recesses 80 so that the mating substrate 24 is fixed at a predetermined desired position with respect to the frame 44 in the transverse directions T1 and T2.
Referring now to
The fourth embodiment depicted in
As in the first embodiment, the frame 44 may have an alignment guide 58 configured as a through hole that extends through the frame 44. As shown in
In one example, the interposer alignment feature 56 and the mating substrate alignment feature 63 can be made of different materials, and can thus have different melting temperatures. Further, the solder balls 50 of the main board 22 can have a lower melting temperature than the interposer alignment features 56, such that the interposer alignment feature does not reflow during reflow of the solder balls 50 of the main board. Alternatively or additionally, the lands 52b can be made of a first material that the solder balls 56 will adhere to, and an anti-wicking second material that surrounds the first material, so that the solder of the solder ball 56 does not wick along the land 52b along the first and/or second transverse directions T1 and T2.
Much of the interconnect system 20 of
Thus, the first and second alignment guides 58a and 58b are configured to position the mating substrate 22 at a desired position relative to the interposer 46 with respect to the first and second transverse directions T1 and T2. Because the interposer 46 is electrically connected to the main board 22, the first and second alignment guides 58a and 58b therefore position the mating substrate 24 in a desired position relative to the main board 22 with respect to the first and second transverse directions T1 and T2. Thus, the mating substrate 24 can be placed in reliable electrical communication with the main substrate 22 through the electrical interconnect member 40 and the interposer 46. The first alignment guides 58a may be referred to as interposer alignment guides. The second alignment guides 58b may be referred to as mating substrate alignment guides. In
One advantage of the frame 44 of
The examples described herein may be used whenever a separable interface is desired between a mating substrate and main board. As described above both the mating substrate and main board can take many forms. Having a separable interface provides for easy replacement of the mating substrate with a new mating substrate, and whatever is attached to the mating substrate, should the need arise. The examples described herein also allow the mating substrate to be attached to the main board after all other components have been soldered to the main board to form the main board assembly 45. The mating substrate and any associated components thus are not subjected to solder reflow temperatures which may damage the mating substrate or any associated components.
In another application of the interconnection system, the mating substrate may be a bare semiconductor die. The die has a plurality of lands on its bottom surface. At least two of these lands have an alignment feature attached to them, preferably using a solder reflow process. The alignment features are configured to position the die in a socket when the die is mated to the socket. The socket may include a frame and an interposer. The interposer may include a redistribution layer that changes the contact pitch between a top and bottom side of the interposer. Contacts on the top side of the interposer, adjacent the die lands, may be more closely spaced than contacts on the bottom side. The socket is attached to a main board that may be part of a test apparatus configured to test the bare die. Because of the redistribution layer in the socket, lands on the main board may have a larger pitch than lands on the die. In this application the die would be mated to the main board for only a short period of time for diagnostic testing. Once the diagnostic testing has been completed the die may be unmated from the interconnection system and another die can be temporarily mated to the main board for testing.
The terms “upward,” “upper,” “up,” “above,” and derivatives thereof are used herein with reference to the upward direction. The terms “downward,” “lower,” “down,” “below,” and derivatives thereof are used herein with reference to the downward direction. Of course, it should be appreciated that the actual orientation of the optical interconnection system shown in
It should be appreciated that the illustrations and discussions of the embodiments shown in the figures are for exemplary purposes only and should not be construed limiting the disclosure. One skilled in the art will appreciate that the present disclosure contemplates various embodiments. For example, the invention is generally described in terms of using solder balls at one or more of the electrical interfaces; however, this is not a requirement. Other interconnection methods such as copper pillars, may be used in place of or in addition to solder balls. In some embodiments, the electrical interconnect member 40 is shown contacting a land on one side of the layer and a solder ball on the opposing side. The electrical interconnect member 40 may contact lands on both side, solder balls on both sides, or some attachment feature other than solder balls on one or both sides. While the electrical lands and mechanical lands were described as having distinct functions, an electrical land may serve a mechanical alignment function in addition to an electrical function and a mechanical land may serve an electrical function in addition to a mechanical alignment function. The arrangement of the various described alignment features may be rearranged as desired. For example,
This claims the benefit of U.S. Patent Application Ser. No. 63/168,030 filed Mar. 30, 2021, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth in its entirety herein.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/US2022/022686 | 3/30/2022 | WO |
Number | Date | Country | |
63168030 | Mar 2021 | US |