Isolated antigen endo glyx-1

An antigen which is specific to vascular endothelium is described. Described is a cell surface antigen which consists of four subunits; of 190, 145, 125 and 110 kd as determined by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions as is a monoclonal antibody specific to this antigen. Uses, both diagnostic and therapeutic, are also described.

This invention relates to the study of the surface of vascular endothelial cells. More particularly, it relates to the characterization of a surface antigen specific to vascular endothelial cells, a monoclonal antibody which specifically binds to the antigen, and a hybridoma which produce the monoclonal antibody. The antigen, referred to hereafter as endoGlyx-1, is a cell surface glycoprotein consisting of four subunits. More details of the antigen are provided in the application which follows. Also described are various uses for the monoclonal antibody, such as diagnostic and therapeutic agents, as well as for the antigen itself, as, e.g., an immunogen.
Interest in surface antigens of vascular endothelial cells has come from several lines of research, including studies of lymphocyte homing, inflammation, blood clotting, and tumor metastasis. Exemplary of the vast body of literature in this area are Bevilacqua, Ann. Rev. Immunol. 11:767-804 (1993); Shimizu et al., Immunol. Today 13: 106-112 (1992); Zimmerman et al., Immunol. Today 13: 93-99 (1993); Butcher et al., Cell 67: 1033-1037 (1991); Schlingemann et al., Lab. Invest. 52: 71-76 (1985); Schlingemann et al., Am. J. Pathol. 138: 1335-1347 (1991); Picker et al., Ann. Rev. Immunol. 10: 561-591 (1992); Asborn, Cell 62: 3-6 (1990); Roth, Immunol. Today 13: 100-105 (1992); Weidner et al., New Eng. J. Med. 324: 1-8 (1991). Throughout these studies, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have proven to be valuable tools for dissecting the antigenic structure of endothelial cells in different organs, tissues or segments of the vascular system, and the endothelial responses to inflammation, tissue damage, and tumor growth. Furthermore, mAbs have been used in the biochemical and molecular genetic characterization of endothelial antigens and in the functional analyses of endothelial molecules in vitro and in vivo.
Several categories of endothelial antigens have been distinguished, based on their distribution patterns in normal and lesional blood vessels. These include (i) antigens with wide distribution in the vascular system, such as Factor VIII-related antigen (FVIIIRA), PAL-E, and CD13, as per Schlingemann et al., Lab Invest. 52: 71-76 (1985); Kuzu et al., J. Clin. Path. 45: 143-148 (1992); (ii) antigens restricted to vessels in specific organs or tissues, or to unique histologic types of vessels, as illustrated by vascular addressins and GlyCAM-1; and (iii) inducible antigens, such as E-selectin, VCAM-1, and ICAM-1, that are not present or expressed at low levels in normal endothelium but are up regulated in inflamed tissues in vivo and/or induced or cultured endothelial cells by proinflammatory cytokines, notably tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) (Pober et al., Lab. Invest. 64: 301-305 (1991); Kuzu et al., Lab. Invest. 69: 322-328 (1993)).
However, none of the previously identified endothelial antigens serves as a unique endothelial cell lineage marker; i.e., they are either not widely expressed in the vascular system (antigenic heterogeneity) or they are expressed on certain nonendothelial cells. Time and again, when mAbs with apparent specificity for endothelium were subjected to rigorous specificity analyses, including tests with panels of cultured cells that represent diverse cell lineages, and immunohistochemical analysis of fetal and adult normal tissues and lesional tissues, unexpected reactivities and nonendothelial cells were uncovered. Bevilacqua, supra; Shimizu et al., supra; Zimmerman et al., supra; Butcher et al., supra, Kuzu et al., supra; Ruiter et al., J. Invest. Dermatol. 93: 25-32 (1989); Gougos et al., Int. Immunol. 4: 83-92 (1992); Alles et al., J. Histochem. Cytochem. 34: 209-214 (1986). For example, FVIIIRA is present in megakaryocytes and platelets, and CD31, CD36, and CD34 are expressed by subsets of lymphocytes and myelomonocytic cells. Similarly, BW200 is expressed in mesothelium and glomerular epithelium, PAL-E is detected in the epidermis (Ruiter et al., supra); and endoglin is present in placental trophoblastic cells, hematopoietic precursors, and several other cell types (Gougos et al., supra).
A cell surface antigen specific to vascular endothelium, referred to as endoGlyx-1 hereafter, has now been identified. This molecule is a glycoprotein with four subunits, bound together by disulfide bonds. The molecule appears to have a molecular weight in excess of 500 kd on SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions. Its four subunits, under reducing conditions, appear to have molecular weights of about 190 kd, 140 kd, 125 kd, and 110 kd. The antigen is described herein, as is a monoclonal antibody which specifically binds to it. Also disclosed are various diagnostic and therapeutic uses for the monoclonal antibody and the antigen.

FIG. 1 presents a number of panels showing immunohistochemical staining and detection of endoGlyx-1 in normal and malignant tissues. In FIGS. 1A and C-M, the magnification is X25; in FIG. 1B it is 12.5. Specifically:
FIG. 1A: newborn umbilical cord vein (endoGlyx-1.sup.+);
FIG. 1B: normal adult breast (endoGlyx-1.sup.+ capillaries);
FIG. 1C: breast carcinoma (abundant endoGlyx-1.sup.+ capillaries surrounding a tumor cluster);
FIG. 1D: 16 week fetal kidney (endoGlyx-1.sup.+ endothelial cells);
FIG. 1E: 16 week fetal lung (endoGlyx-1.sup.+ endothelial cells);
FIG. 1F: fetal thymus (16 weeks), (endoGlyx-1.sup.+ endothelial cells);
FIG. 1G: Hemangioma with endoGlyx-1.sup.+ endothelial cells;
FIG. 1H: Hemangioma of 1G, stained with mAb PAL-E, showing only focal immunostaining;
FIG. 1J: Angiosarcoma with endoGlyx-1.sup.+ neoplastic cells;
FIG. 1K: Ovarian cancer with tumor cells in an endoGlyx-1.sup.+ blood vessel;
FIG. 1L: Osteoarthritis with endoGlyx-1.sup.+ endothelial cells, and endoGlyx-1.sup.+ inflammatory cells;
FIG. 1M: The osteoarthritis of 1L, stained with anti-.alpha.CD31, showing immunostaining of endothelial cells and infiltrating lymphocytes.
FIGS. 2A and 2B show the immunoprecipitation of endoGlyx-1 glycoproteins from NP40 extracts of [.sup.3 H] glucosamine (FIG. 2A), or Trans .sup.35 S (FIG. 2B) labelled HUVEC cultures. Lysates were tested with mAb H572 ("+"), or unrelated, negative control IgG1 ("-"). The immunoprecipitates were separated on 6% SDS-gels under reducing conditions, and were detected by fluorography.

Example 1
The first step of the study involved the preparation of monoclonal antibodies ("mAbs" hereafter), which bound, specifically, to endothelial cells.
BALB/C mice were immunized with cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells ("HUVEC" hereafter). These cells are described by Jaffe et al., J. Clin. Invest. 52: 2745-2753 (1973); Jaffe et al., J. Biol. Chem. 262: 8557-8565 (1987); both of which are incorporated by reference in their entirety. The mice were immunized with 10.sup.6 cells which had been suspended in 100 .mu.l of PBS. The first immunization was subcutaneous, followed by intraperitoneal immunization, also with 10.sup.6 cells. Two further immunizations were carried out, at four week intervals. Each immunization was performed subcutaneously, with 10.sup.6 cells in PBS. No adjuvant was used in any of the immunizations.
Spleens of the subject animals were removed, and separated into individual cells which were then fused to SP2/0 myeloma cells.
Following fusion and culturing, the culture supernatants from the hybridoma were tested for binding to a panel of cultured cell types. The panel consisted of HUVECs, EAhy 926 which is an HUVEC derived immortalized cell line (Edgell et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 80: 3734-3737 (1983)), fibroblasts, breast cancer cell line MCF-7, renal cancer cell line SK-RC-7, and melanoma cell line SK-MEL-28. The initial screening, described herein, was carried out using the mixed hemadsorption rosetting assay, as described by Rettig et al., J. Immunol. 183: 4884-4489 (1987), incorporated by reference herein. Any supernatants which showed selective reactivity with HUVEC were selected for further analysis. Fifteen hybrid cultures were identified in this fashion, and these hybridomas were subcloned, using standard limiting dilution methods.
The fifteen cloned hybridoma cells were then expanded in vitro, and the culture supernatants were tested for reactivity using a larger panel of cultured cell lines. Supernatant from one clone, i.e., H572, was found to contain a monoclonal antibody which bound exclusively with HUVECs. The mAb was unreactive with cultured fibroblast, sarcoma, neuroblastoma, melanoma, glioma and carcinoma cells. It was also unreactive with cells taken from peripheral blood and bone marrow, including lymphocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, megakaryotyces, platelets, and erythrocytes. Table 1 sets forth the results. The mAb, while reactive with HUVECs, was unreactive with cultured cells of mesenchymal, neuroectodermal, and epithelial derivation. "FACS" analysis of peripheral blood cells, and immunocytochemical analysis of nucleated bone cells showed that H572 is unreactive with normal lymphoid and hematopoietic cells. Again, the assay employed was that of Rettig et al., supra.
TABLE 1______________________________________Cell surface reactivity of mAb H572 with short-term culturesof normal human cells, established tumor cell lines, and normal,uncultured peripheral blood and bone marrow cells mAb H572Cell type Designation (titer.sup.-1)______________________________________Culturedcells:HUVEC 1,250-6,250(n = 12)Fibroblast GM05387, WI-38, Hs27, F135-35-18 --Sarcoma SW872, TE-85, SAOS-2 --Neuro- LA-N-1, SK-N-SH, SMS-MSN --blastomaMelanoma SK-MEL-13, SK-MEL-28, SK-MEL-31 --Glioma SK-MG-12, SK-MG-26, U251MG --Carcinoma MCF-7, MDA-MB468, SK-RC-28 -- HT-29, DLD-1, SK-OV-6 --Peripheral blood and bone marrow:Lymphocytes --Granulocytes --Monocytes --Megakaryocytes, platelets --Eythrocytes --______________________________________
Example 2
H572 was then tested for in vivo reactivity with tissues, in immuno-histochemical assays. Tissue samples were obtained either from autopsy or surgical specimens. These samples were embedded in OCT, frozen in isopentane which had been precooled with liquid nitrogen, and stored at C. The tissues were tested using the well known avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method, as described by Garin-Chesa et al., J. Histochem. Cytochem. 36: 383-389 (1988), the disclosure of which is incorporated by reference in its entirety, but is outlined herein. Briefly, five micron thick frozen sections were cut, mounted on poly-(L-lysine)-coated slides, air-dried, and fixed in acetone ( C., ten minutes). The sections were treated with 0.3% H.sub.2 O.sub.2 for three minutes to block endogenous peroxidase, followed by blocking with normal horse or goat serum for 30 minutes, at room temperature.
The slides were incubated at C., with mAbs (hybridoma culture supernatant, dilution of 1:2; or purified Ig, 5-20 .mu.g/ml), rabbit anti-FVIIIRA (diluted 1:120,000), or negative control antibodies, for 12-18 hours. Sections were washed, and incubated with biotinylated horse anti-mouse or goat anti-rabbit Ig, for 30 minutes at room temperature, followed by avidin-biotin horseradish peroxidase complex (1:100 dilution, at 1:1 ratio). Final reaction product was visualized with the chromogen 3,3'diaminobenzidine. Sections were then counterstained with hematoxylin. This extensive analysis included umbilical cord, skin, mammary gland, lung, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, liver, pancreas, thyroid gland, adrenal gland, kidney, urinary bladder, prostate, testis, ovary, fallopian tube, uterus, smooth and skeletal muscle, thymus, spleen, and lymph node tissues. The mAb was found to react exclusively with vascular endothelial cells. Exemplary of the staining pattern with normal cells are FIGS. 1A and 1B. EndoGlyx-1 expression was found in capillaries, veins, arterioles, and muscular arteries. Staining was consistent with uniform cell surface and cytoplastic distribution of the antigen, with some accentuation of the abluminal side of endothelial cells in some vessels, as per FIG. 1A.
Organ specific patterns of endoGlyx-1 expression were observed. In the liver, endothelial cells of vessels in portal spaces were positive, central veins were weakly positive, and sinusolds were negative. In the spleen, trabecular veins and arteries, and central arterioles of the white pulp were positive, but sinusoidal endothelial cells of highly vascularized red pulp of the spleen were negative. In lymph nodes, subcapsular sinus endothelial cells, afferent and efferent blood vessels showed immunoreactivity.
In lungs, all vessels showed expression, including alveolar capillaries.
In kidney tissues, endoGlyx-1 staining was seen in glomerular tufts, with variable staining intensity, and in peritubular capillaries, and larger arterial and venous vessels.
Example 3
Normal tissues of a 16 week old fetus were also available for the study, including skin,, connective tissue with primitive cartilage formation, thymus, spleen, pancreas, liver, stomach, ovary, lung, kidney, heart, cerebral cortex and cerebellum. The assay was the same as above. In each tissue, strong endoGlyx-1 immunostaining of the vascular endothelium was observed, with the exception of liver and splenic sinusoids. FIGS. 1D, 1E and 1F present the staining patterns observed in fetal, lung, fetal kidney, and fetal thymus. No other cell types present showed any endoGlyx-1 staining.
Example 4
The same assay was carried out in vascular neoplasms. Table 2 summarizes the results. Some hemangiomas and angiosarcomas retained expression of endocolyx (FIGS. 1G and 1J), while neoplastic cells of hemangiopericytomas were consistently endoGlyx-1 negative, which is in keeping with their derivation from pericytes rather than vascular endothelial cells. In contrast, nontransformed, capillary endothelial cells in the stroma of hemangiomas showed expected endoGlyx-1 staining.
Example 5
Extended analysis with mAb H572 of endoGlyx-1 expression in tumor blood vessels of over 100 neoplasms of diverse histological types, also summarized in Table 2, showed consistent antigen expression in stromal blood vessels of carcinomas, sarcomas, lymphoid, and neuroectodermal neoplasms. Exemplary are the staining patterns of FIGS. 1C and 1K, breast and ovarian cancer, respectively.
TABLE 2______________________________________Endoglyx-1 expression in human tumor tissues determinedby the avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method H572 immunoreactivity Tumor Stromal Tumor vascularTumor type N cells fibroblasts endothelium______________________________________Vascular tumorsHemangioma 3 + - NEAngiosarcoma 2 + - NEHemangiopericytoma 8 - - +(8/8)Other tumor typesCarcinomas 77 - - +(77/77)Sarcomas 15 - - +(15/15)Neuroectodermal 10 - - +(10/10)Lymphomas 10 - - +(10/10)______________________________________ + = Antigen positive - = Antigen negative NE = not evaluatable, because of prominent immunostaining of tumor cells
Example 6
A comparative study was then carried out, where normal and lesional tissue were tested, side by side, with (i) mAb H572, (ii) rabbit anti-FVIII related antigen .alpha.CD31; and (iii) mAb PAL-E. The purpose was to compare specificity and sensitivity of these reagents in immunohistochemical identification of vascular endothelial cells.
The analysis confirmed the previous reports of variable expression of FVIII related antigen .alpha.CD31 in normal and tumor blood vessels (Kuzu et al., J. Clin. Path. 45: 143-148 (1992)). The comparison also found that the PAL-E antigen, .alpha.CD31 and endoGlyx-1 are expressed widely in vascular beds of human solid neoplasms. The comparison of .alpha.CD31 distribution and endoGlyx-1, represented by FIGS. 1L (endoGlyx-1) and 1M (.alpha.CD31), shows sharp divergence. The mAbs against .alpha.CD31 tested, i.e., SG134 (Goyert et al., in McMichael et al., ed. Leukocyte Typing III. White Cell Differentiation Antigen (Oxford University Press, (1988), at 1049), and EA 195, react with endothelial cells and subsets of peripheral blood leukocytes, nucleated bone marrow cells, cells on the red pulp of the spleen, and lymphoid cells present in tumor and inflammatory tissues.
While the PAL-E antigen resembles .alpha.CD31 and endoGlyx-1 in its widespread distribution on endothelial cells, it was expressed at very low levels or was undetectable in some muscular arteries and arterioles which showed strong .alpha.CD31 and endoGlyx-1 immunostaining. Also, in kidney tissue, the PAL-E antigen was present in peritubular capillaries but was absent from glomerular tufts and arterioles. Unlike .alpha.CD31 or endoGlyx-1, immunostaining of the PAL-E antigen was observed in basal keratinocytes of normal epidermis, as was reported by Ruiter et al., J. Invest. Dermatol 93: 25-32 (1989). These results differ from the report of Leenstra et al., Cancer 72(1): 3061-3067 (Nov. 15, 1993), wherein it was reported that the PAL-E antigen was found on tumor pillories, and not on normal brain capillary pillories. Endoglyx-1 was found on both types of cells, however, showing a distinct difference in distribution. Side by side analysis of several hemangiomas for endoGlyx-1 and expression of the PAL-E antigen identified some lesions uniformly positive for endoGlyx-1 expression but largely negative for the PAL-E antigen. In the latter cases, immunostaining was restricted to capillary endothelial cells in the hemangioma stroma, which will be seen by comparing FIGS. 1G and 1H.
Example 7
Radio-immunoprecipitation assays were carried out with mAb H572.
Cultures of HUVECs were radiolabelled with a mixture of [.sup.35 S]methionine and [.sup.35 S]-cysteine ( Ci/ml; 1Ci=37GB1), or [.sup.3 H]glucosamine ( Ci/ml), by culturing for 18-24 hours in the presence of these labels, following Rettig et al., Brain Res. 590: 219-228 (1992), the disclosure of which is incorporated by reference. The cells were extracted in lysis buffer [0.01M Tris.HCl/0.15M NaCl/0.01M MgCl.sub.2 /0.5% Nonidet P-40/aprotinin (20 .mu.g/ml)/2 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride], and then used for immunoprecipitation assays, following well known techniques, using either H572, or unrelated, negative control.
Any immunoprecipitates were then separated on 6% SDS-gels, under reducing conditions, and were detected by fluorography.
The results, presented in FIG. 2, show the mAb H572 precipitated several protein species. These migrated at Mr 190,000, 140,000, 125,000, and 110,000 on SDS-PAGE, using reducing conditions.
When the experiment was done using SDS-gels under non-reducing conditions, the immunoprecipitate barely entered the 7% SDS-running gel, thereby suggesting a molecular size of greater than 500,000 for a disulphide bonded complex.
Since the 190, 140 and 125 kd subunits--and--to a lesser extent, the 110 kd subunit are all seen after [.sup.3 H]glucosamine labelling, the subunits are glycoproteins.
The molecule will be referred to as "endoGlyx-1" hereafter.
Example 8
An experiment was carried out to determine if endoGlyx-1 expression is modulated by inflammatory cytokines. In metabolic labelling experiments using Trans .sup.35 S label, following example 7, supra, HUVECs which were cultured in the presence of TNF.alpha. (50 ng/ml), IL-1.beta. (2 ng/ml), or TGF-.beta.1 (2 ng/ml), did not show changes in abundance or subunit composition of the molecule.
The foregoing disclosure teaches a methodology for production of monoclonal antibodies such as H572, which specifically bind to an antigen characteristic of vascular endothelial cells. The antigen is a glycoprotein, with four subunits, having molecular weights of about 190 kd, 140 kd, 125 kd, and 110 kd as determined by SDS-PAGE, under reducing conditions. Under non-reducing conditions, the antigenic complex exhibits a molecular weight greater than about 500 kd, as determined by SDS-PAGE.
Monoclonal antibodies which specifically bind to vascular endothelial cell specific antigens, such as the endoGlyx-1 molecule discussed supra, and hybridomas which produce them, are also described. Exemplary of these monoclonal antibodies is H572. A hybridoma cell line which produces H572 has been deposited at the American Type Culture Collection, 12301 Parklawn Drive, Rockville Md., under Accession Number HB 11608, on Apr. 7, 1994, in accordance with the Budapest Treaty. This mAb is of the IgG1 subclass, although those of ordinary skill in the art will understand that the antibody class and subclass may differ in other mAbs which bind to the same target.
It is to be understood that "monoclonal antibody" as the term is used herein embraces not only the products of hybridomas, but also monoclonal antibodies produced via other well known methodologies. Such methodologies include, but are not limited to, e.g., the use of cells which have been "immortalized" by transfection with Epstein Barr Virus or other immortalizing agents. Also embraced are monoclonal antibodies produced via genetic engineering, such as by transformation of appropriate host prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells. Also covered are chimeric antibodies. These are well known in the art as antibodies which contain portions of antibodies from two or more species. For example, it is well known to produce chimerio antibodies which contain the CDR region of a murine monoclonal antibody, and the remaining portions of a human monoclonal antibody. Such chimeras are extremely useful, e.g., in a therapeutic context. It also embraces the well known binding fragments of antibodies, such as the Fab, F(ab).sub.2, Fv and other binding fragments. Also covered by the invention are oligomeric, and polymeric constructions, where a plurality of monoclonal antibodies of the recited specificity are complexed to each other.
The antibodies of the invention can clearly be used in diagnostic methods to identify the site of vascular endothelium or a vascular endothelium the cell, e.g., whereby the monoclonal antibody is contacted to a sample to be assayed, and its binding is monitored. Such binding can be determined using any of the standard immunoassay protocols known to the artisan, including, but not being limited to, radioimmunoassays, enzyme linked immunosorbent assays, sandwich assays, competitive assays, chromophoric assays and so forth. Many of these assays require the use of a detectable label which is attached to the antibody, and any of the labels known to the art, including radioactive, chromophoric, and fluorophoric substrates, enzymes, magnetic particles, and metallic particles may be used. In carrying out the assays, the sample of interest may be, e.g., a tissue sample or body fluid sample. Further, the specificity of the mAb permits the artisan to use it in vivo diagnosis. Among the varieties of in vivo diagnosis which can be used, radioimaging is particularly preferred.
Of particular value is the use of the mAbs of the invention in the identification of endothelial cell precursors, by using an mAb in a sample which is known to be free of endothelium cells. Binding of the antibody to target indicates the presence of an endothelial cell precursor. While the mAb can be used in any biological sample, such as tissue samples and body fluid samples, it is especially useful in the assaying of bone marrow and peripheral blood, where endothelial cell precursors may be found.
The ability of the monoclonal antibodies of the invention to target vascular endothelium makes them particularly useful in a therapeutic context.
Normal vascular endothelial cells do not generally proliferate in a healthy individual, in contrast to the proliferation observed in tumor associated vascular endothelium. By linking the monoclonal antibody of the invention to a cell proliferation-inhibiting agent, one can inhibit or retard tumor proliferation. The agent does not affect those endothelial cells which are not proliferating, so there is no problem with the complex of proliferation inhibitor/monoclonal antibody adversely affecting other cells. This therapy comprises administering an amount of the monoclonal antibodies of the invention sufficient to inhibit proliferation of the endothelial cells targeted, thereby preventing angiogenesis in lesional tissue, as well as sparing other proliferating cells, such as bone marrow, which do not express the targeted antigen, i.e., endoGlyx. In addition, the mAbs may be used in connection with liposomal delivery systems, where the liposome contains the inhibiting or other therapeutic agent, and the mAbs target these to the site of the vascular cells.
Such targeting can also be used in directed gene therapy. This approach, carried out in vitro, e.g., complexes the mAbs of the invention to a nucleic acid molecule which codes for a protein of interest, or a complex which contains the nucleic acid molecule. The nucleic acid molecule may be carried by a liposome or other agent. As the mAb is targeted to the endothelial cells, there is every reason to expect that the gene or nucleic acid molecule of interest will also "target" the endothelial cell.
The monoclonals, either alone or with the various materials described supra, may be formulated in various reagent formats. For example, the mAb can be combined with a pharmacologically acceptable carrier. When used in connection with the various materials disclosed herein, these can be attached to the mAb to form a conjugate, the conjugate then being combined with a pharmacologically acceptable carrier. It is also possible to prepare a kit type of reagent, wherein the mAb and the second substance are presented in separate portions, both of which are included in a container means. Such reagents are useful both therapeutically and diagnostically.
Also envisioned and within the scope of the invention is the isolation of both the coding region for endoGlyx-1 and the regulatory elements which control its expression. These elements are of particular interest, in view of endoGlyx-1's exclusive expression by vascular endothelial cells. It is expected that such regulatory elements may be operably linked to genes of interest and then transfected into endothelial cells. Such transfection will lead to expression of the protein of interest in endothelial cells only.
It has been mentioned, supra, that the mAbs of the invention are useful diagnostically, in that various labels may be attached to the mAb, with the labelled material then being used to target and/or identify endothelial cells. The ability to bind specifically to these cells also places the ability to isolate or to purify endothelial cells in the hands of the skilled artisan. The basic methodology essentially involves contacting the mAbs of the invention to a sample containing the target vascular endothelial cell. The mAb has been treated in some way which makes it removable from the sample. For example, the mAb can be conjugated to a solid phase, such as a column or a microbead. The mAb binds to the targeted cell, and the resulting complex is removed from the sample. The thus removed cells can be treated in various ways. Genes can be inserted, and the transformants cultured for transfer back into the subject. The removed cells can also be simply cultured without transformation, so as to provide adequate supplies of the cells if and when necessary.
The isolated glycoprotein endoGlyx-1 of the invention can be used as an immunogen, either alone or in combination with a suitable adjuvant. It can also be used in studies to determine its amino acid sequence, which in turns leads to the preparation of probes for isolating the nucleic acid molecule which codes for the protein of the antigen.
Other aspects of the invention will be clear to the skilled artisan and need not be repeated here.
The terms and expressions which have been employed are used as terms of description and not of limitation, and there is no intention in the use of such terms and expressions of excluding any equivalents of the features shown and described or portions thereof, it being recognized that various modifications are possible within the scope of the invention.
  • 1. An isolated, vascular endothelium-associated glycoprotein consisting of four subunits having apparent molecular weights of 190,000 daltons, 140,000 daltons, 125,000 daltons, and 110,000 daltons as determined by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions and an apparent molecular weight of 500,000 daltons as determined by SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions, said glycoprotein being that recognized by the monoclonal antibody H572 which is produced by the hybridoma deposited with the ATCC under accession number HB 11608.
  • 2. Immunogenic composition comprising the glycoprotein of claim 1 and an adjuvant.
Parent Case Info

This is a division application of application Ser. No. 08/243,288, filed May 17, 1994, now pending.

Government Interests

This application is based upon work supported, in part, by a grant from the National Cancer Institute (CA-57486). The U.S. government may have certain rights in the invention.

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5342757 Garin-Chesa et al. Aug 1994
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9411023 May 1994 WOX
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Divisions (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 243288 May 1994